(2011/04) Apr 2011

Sookie for the papaya soup when after my CL cook the soup I saw the flesh is green. However I remembered when i drank from TMC's it was a bit orange.

Mrs Chua wow your hubby very good leh clear the ducts for you....

Piggy take care and hope you will get well soon and less pain for you hugs dear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sookie, e green papaya my CL says alot outside looks green but inside is orange. Need to go market buy and ask e fruit still owner or buy those tt they cut open de.. So you can see inside.


the 1 we drink in TMC is also orange flesh... My CL bought those green skin de... Sometimes orange flesh sometimes white flesh...

The massage lady massage for us said best white flesh... But I drink both version I also find help my milk supply wor... N taste not much diff...


Is Kait still active as usual? If yes, Try to sponge her frequently to bring down temp... I only bring Terry to doc when he hit 38.7C above after med... Coz he kena too many times viral infection!!!!!!!! Always take back only fever med.... Sian lor...

Sapphire, for hand and foot prints.. I buy those clay Tt's safe for bb from kiddy palace.. Some comes with frame too. Then do myself.

Vivi.. I told My hubby abt piggy's case & Wat Mdm Rokiah said abt the cutting case.. So he oso worried that my blocked ducts will end up like this so help me lo... 

Anyway, I heard from rach (mar'11 mummy) that though we ownself massage but we not as ruthless as guys cos their strength stronger. So if really wan the ducts to b clear, really hv to get a guy to help. In fact oso a gd time fOr me & hubby to b alone after our boy boy is out ah.. Hehe.. Furthermore must let them know Wat we facing den they understand Ma.. 

Congrats Sharlin.. Ur bb so cute & chubby.. Xin ku Le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take care & hv lots of rest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Congrats!!! ur bb really v big!


thanks.. hope the antibiotics work well i am sooo drain liao...

Mrs chua,

ya if it does not recover i definitely go see dr la.. jus tt if after eatin the medi work den i tink shd be ok bah....

Elmo & hippopolai,

Thanks! I gave med whole day today le.. Suddenly up de.. Now lowering very slowly le.. Hope no fever after a good sleep tonight.. Haiz.. If she dun go cc, both hubby & i die le..

Ya, she's still active & still drink, although feeds dropped from 200ml to 150ml.. But very fussy & hot.. Can whimper out of the blue de..

Now that she 37.5 range, need to monitor throughout the night? Or just measure tml? Should b ok right? Oh, i also put the forehead patch for her..

Hippopolai, huh... Really ah!? Jia lat.. *stressed* Gp even got give antibiotics.. I think ya, like wat u say infection liao.. Few days ah? If viral infection fever hit 39deg, still send to hospital ah? Or wait it out? Kait nvr kena b4 so we very lost on wat to do.. TIA wor!

Pearly, better to check her temp throughout e nite cos when they zz temp will get higher esp when e med effect finishes. And if fever comes back again. Feed e med on time. Can sponge her forehead if temp gets too high too. Tt time my boy fever 39.2 at nite when almost wanna bring to kkh.. But after sponging and med it went down so din bring.

Hello gals!

I've been Missing in Action as I found the first week rather stressful, with one new challenge after another. I'd forgotten how exhausting and emotionally-charged the first few weeks can be! You're fighting biological changes, bleeding, hormonal shifts, late nights, new stresses, sore nipples, etc - what a crazy combination of things to deal with! No wonder we are all so stressed out.

Anyway, I'm back. Baby's been on TBF, 100% latch-on since the very first day. Full latching is tough. Feeds can take up to one hour and latching is very painful on the nipples. Plus his latch is not always there; sometimes, he can take ages to latch on properly before he will suck. I remember one night feed when he wouldn't latch on even after one hour - we rushed to the LC the next morning, and my doula's been in to help a few times.

It's very tempting to pump and feed a bottle sometimes but I get a feeling that this baby is especially prone to nipple confusion, so I am cautious. Anyway, each day, besides 100% latching, I pump out about 80ml extra and store in the fridge just in case.

Anyway, just wanted to come in and say hi! My husband has made the placenta pills. Haven't taken any yet. Will reply to posts now!


ur dr got gave bullet??? usu fever above 39deg i will insert bullet it will help to bring down the fever... the fever medi is brufen?

Pearly, oh dear, hope your girl recovers soon. To me, 38 C, while worrying, is still in the Paracetemol-range, i.e. can just take infant panadol and monitor. Some PDs don't like to give too much panadol, but you must never let a child's temp get too high. Definitely at 39 C I would rush to a PD/hospital liao. Take care gal.

PiggyToh, I'm sorry I only saw your messages just now - my diagnosis would be mastitis, could be early-onset mastitis which I also kena with No 1. Must take antibiotics but continuing to BFeed won't hurt the baby. But of course you must do what you feel is best. If you want to switch to FM, that's perfectly understandable also. This breastfeeding thing is really tough, isn't it? Even for us second timers.


ya i tink so too will finish the medi hope no more.. n yes it is really tiring n tough for us esp with a toddler [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

will continue to pump till i really drain out shall see if i can manage after the CL left cross my fingers..

Gerry, wow, you're home already? Seemed like you just popped only [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Congratulations!! What do milk blisters look/ feel like? My nipples were so so sore and they started bleeding - was very miserable. Thankfully they seem to be toughening up a bit.

Gerry, what's your take on night feeding and intervals between feeds? Last night my boy took his feed at 11pm then slept through until 6:30am. I didn't set my alarm thinking he would surely wake me up in the middle of the night, but he didn't! ARGH. Am scared my supply will dip, but hopefully the pumping that I did in the morning will help prevent that? (The previous two nights, he slept from about 4:30-8am and 2:30-7:30am - both mornings, I had to wake him up) - Do you think I need to consciously schedule a feed at say 3 or 4am each night? Mt Alvernia LCs said, "let your bb wake you at night" but I don't think they expected him to sleep from midnight to 6:30am!!

Piggytoh, if you are prone to blocked ducts (which are the starting point for mastitis as that is an infection of a duct), it might help to latch bb on for a few days - apparently babies are better are clearing ducts than pumps? I remember that I used to press hard on any ducts or hard spots on my breast while No 1 was latched on; usually, by the end of the feed, the hard spot would have disappeared. Maybe you can try this method when you feel up to it? I'm sure the antibiotics will help, don't worry. Oh, when taking antibiotics, if you can add some probiotics to your supplements, that would help prevent bb from getting thrush etc. Take care gal.

Sharlin:: Congrats! What a huge baby! You did really well to carry that weight inside you while pregnant! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Chua: Sorry to hear you're having a rough time. Do you think you are suffering engorgement or a blocked duct? Sounds a bit like engorgement to me. Will bb latch on? If so that might be the best way forward until you can get the massage lady to come.

mum05 - hmm, I always thought that the usual colour progression is black -> brown -> yellow. Vaguely remember reading somewhere that where a breastfed baby's stools turn green it could suggest a foremilk-hindmilk imbalance, i.e. baby is getting too much foremilk. But I cannot remember the details. Google it and read more? How long does your bb stay on each breast?

Pink: The PD said my boy is the same, may not do well in aircon! How is little C's intake going? I really am curious to know how much my bb is drinking each feed but I have no way of finding out.

Sharlin: congrats!! Ur bb is big.. Heehee... u did a great job!!

Yolk sac: wow.. 80ml after latching on bb.. That's very good supply...

Pearly: hoped ur girl is okie nOw.. It must be tedious for u to look after 2 of them... Hugz hugz..

Tweety: Hah? Are you sure? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Anyway, that was after latching bb on but also after baby slept through from midnight to 6:30am. So no excuse lah. Basically it looks like he skipped a feed so maybe I'm producing 80ml each feed?

Elmo, kk.. She seems to be sleeping well but perspiring in air con leh! But it's not very cold de.. Just normal temp.. Scared she may overheat without aircon.. Dun dare try the sweat-it-out method..

So if she gets hotter, i give paracetemol after 4hr from last feed & sponge.. But i stick the fever patch liao so no need sponge right? Then if hit 39, go hospital.. Kk i will take note! Thx!

Piggy, wad's bullet? Gp gave paracetemol.. I just fed her b4 bedtime..

Yolksac, yup.. Gp gave paracetemol.. Kk if she feels hotter than now, i'll check her temp.. Hope it continues to go down.. But once hit 39, will definitely go hospital.. Thanks~

Seems like u're adjusting well! Not sure abt it being too young for baby but it's so nice to sleep through so early! I can't wait for my turn! xD

Tweety, thx for the hugz.. Much needed! xD I also hope she'll magically recover once she wakes up! Tml night hubby not ard le.. Stressed...

Pearly, hope it will be a good night for you and that you manage to keep the temp down; take care! I find the fever patches quite helpful.

Yolk sac: 80ml is after u latch on bb and bb drink till full wor..

Pearly: hugz.. Everything will be fine.. Dun be stressed.. Ur girl will be fine okie!!


For fevers, I would give panadol every 7 Hr.. No earlier.. After panadol, I will wait 30-60 mins before measuring temp to see whether meds have taken effect.. If fever still 38 and above, I will either insert bullet or give ibuprofen.. Depending on my girl's temperament.. Spoonging with room temp water.. If she only has fever with nothing else, it is most likely a viral fever and the fever will come and go for several days.. Watch your child's behavior, if she is still relatively active.. I think then the most impt thing is to keep the fever down.. Some viral fevers can also cause rash so do watch out for them.. If by day 3-4 fever doesn't go away, I would see dr..

Tweety, thanks for the encouragement! I only pump once a day in the morning as that is when ss is best. Then can use the EBM to supplement latching in the evening when ss dips. But I don't really dare give bb a bottle yet, scared of nipple confusion. Does Jerrell take bottles and boobs? Very good hor?

Yolk sac.. BB onli willing to latch on my right but not left.. This morn I tried to latch on right, at 1st he was still struggling but after awhile, he quietly suckle.. Den when I change to left, he struggling & crying for milk.. Will always spit out after 1-2 suck on the nipple.. I oso Duno y his action is like that.. 

As I do feel those needle poking effect, I think is blocked ducts ba.. After hubby press/massage hard hard, finally breast becone softer.. But jus now he massage the 2nd tine, he was wondering how come my right again seem to hv blocked ducts.. I oso duno how does it feel breast is full .. Btw, how does engorgement feels? 

Yolk sac,

Wow!! You are doing good!! Hmmzz.. At night, would just practice demand feeding.. ESP since your boy is of a good weight and full term.. Man!! I would say you are lucky to have such a long night!! =) if you are worried abt supply, then pump.. Don't wake him up..

Milk blisters look like a clear sac filled with milk.. For my case, colostrum.. So I would usually burst them like pimples..

Ya my gynae said since I am doing ok, migh as well go home. =) I am still latching like crazy as my milk hasn't kicked in yet.. Hopefully soon..


hope u r feelin better.

If u don wanna go down c LC can get them to come up to ur hse.

Mrs chua

my supply increase abit le n realise when I pump milk flow out much faster.

For me I filled a btl wif jux boiled water n wrap wif the diaper cloth n roll on my breast while pumpin can c milk flow non stop. N lump will disappear. But painful my whole breast turn red due to too hot.

I don think I wan spend another 70 to ask mdm rokiah to massage le very ex lei hehe but is gd la tis 2 days when I squeeze my nip milk shoot out n spray on my boy face c le so shocked

Today went out the whole day. Omg bringing a toddler n a bb out is so xin ku spent 1 hr pack bag for them I still brin my pump out lo in the end nv use cos latch my boy I spent most of my time in nursin rm.

Yolk sac: yup.. He's okie with bottles and nipples.. I usually bottle fed him cause I normally feel very heavy when the time's up.. So I'll pump out.. I'll latch him on whenever's possible too.. We Jia nai!!! =)

Piggy: hoped you're good now..

Sandy: Jia nai to your moo moo career.. I agreed lor.. That day I brought my boy to pd.. I spent quite some time to pack the bag... Some more u got 2 now.. Heehee


Do as what Gerry said... I also do the same as her! Bullet is given when bb fever shoot up above 38.5 C by Doc... Insert into their buttock to bring down fever de... U just monitor Kait's temp... If viral infection the temp normally up n down 1.... Jia you!!!!!


Yup... U can feed Lisa, sure u can do the same on Eva!!


Much better?


Jia You & Jia Nai! I so looking forward to bring my 2 kid out!!!!

Tweety/hippopolai/Shyann ,

thanks I am alot better at least no more fever[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning ladies


glad to noe tat u r feeling better


yst my mum went bk Indo for 2 days. last night K slept with me, to feed her chg diaper pump whole night almost nvr sleep. just finish boil my longan tea, raining day I thk gotta bath K later afternoon le

Hi all,i'm from the feb 2011 thread. i do have a medela swing single pump letting go at $200. (bought it at $299)

-electric/battery for daily use

-rarely used

-warranty is valid till feb 2012

anyone interested can email me: [email protected]

Good Morning Ladies,

Have been MIA for quite some time, now then got the time to come in here coz FINALLY on ML! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]and going to rest as much as I can before D-Day! Have been busy with clearing of my work last week so no time to come in.

Firstly, congrats to those mummies who have popped last week. Finally can hold your bunny in your hand.. Please rest well.

It looks like now the topic is on bf and bb stuff and it seems like at the moment i'm out of that topic... heehee! Nevertheless, i'll still pop in to have a read at the thread when i'm free

