(2011/04) Apr 2011


u know tt rice cracker the brand is Wang Wang [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i have menses this morning.i dunno if its menses or its ???cos i did read a article that say if'Many women can bleed while they are pregnant, but typically the bleeding will be shorter or lighter than a normal period.'

lets see hw!!

bib: could be implantation bleeding possibly, just monitor and see how heavy the flow is. how many weeks are you now?

piggytoh: haha, no leh, I'm so blur. Will look out for it in the supermarkets.

Have you girls heard of Dr Lisa Chin or Dr Chua Yang?


Keep us updated! Hope you get a BFP and it's implantation bleeding and not AF!


hmm nv heard of be4 wor..


usu implantation occurs on Dpo 10 n it spotting not bleeding... Urs is bleedin or spotting?

Morning all,

The Wang Wang biscuit got prob? Oh no.. i just ate 3 packets this morning....


I dunno how to describe the biscuit lei, its the salty ones with 2 pieces in each packet... My last pregnancy i eat the Meiji so much, until now still got phobia la...


Monitor the bleeding hor, if get worse, have to go see doc liao... sometimes it's just coz the egg implant in the womb so got some spotting.

Hi gals,

Which newspaper has the article about the biscuit? Now i getting panicky..


Nope, never heard of these 2 docs also...

Just got back from the gynae! It's going well. I have a sac and a yolk sac! Gynae put me down as Wk 5 Day 1 based on LMP and said it was really encouraging to see the yolk sac. I'm back in two weeks' time for dating scan.

Adel: oh I see - haha, I thought the salt would help a bit.

pinkyraindrops: I think I have heard of Dr Chua Yang, but no feedback on Dr Chua that I can remember, sorry.

Congrats picotin,

good to know tt you can see yolk sac.. i'm due for my check tml.


dun worry, diff bb grow at diff speed =)


now i scared liao. Dun dare to eat the wang wang already. Today is bad day, totally no appetite to eat anything. I ordered noodles for lunch, but end up can't eat. Then i bought bread and instant soup, will try later to see if can eat...

I really hate this MS.....

wang wang biscuit : cant remember is xin ming or wan bao...last nite or the nite before..

Bibi: i am in my 4wks...only faint line...hopefully AF dun report.


btw, any gynae to recommend at sgh or mt a?


can't help worryin ESP the yolk sac shd appear by now..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cow gal,

There r many gynae dun have clinic at mtA but deliver at MTA so chose 1 u comfortable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I oso hate MS... totally make me dun feel like eating anything at all.. everyday is getting worse.. HELP!!!

ytd morning at least still can eat some porridge for breakfast, chicken burger from BK for lunch but den come to dinner, onli eat some yong tau foo with no noodles..

today even worse... bought bread to eat but onli ate 3 mouthfuls, now still lying on my table.. haizz.. lunch oso no appetite but bo bian got to force myself to eat some so bought yong tau foo again noodles..

to curb MS, I bought the Haitai Saltine Cracker to eat but dun seem much help leh.. each pack got 6 pieces but I onli at the most eat 2 pieces, the rest will throw.. so wasteful.. omg... how long more is this gonna last?? realli tired leh..

Hi Mummies! Went for gynae check up early this week which i should be in week 5. Can only see the sac.. no yolk sac.. doc say still early so going back to see him in another 2 weeks time..

Kinda worried coz for my 1st child, i was able to see the yolk sac in week 5 leh.. hmmm

Piggytoh, lets me positive and pray that all goes well. You should be able to see it this sat.. I will need to wait till the week after next before able to know the status... everyday seems to past so slowly.. hahaha.. no mood to work leh... :p


welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] actually the gynae u went told me my waterbag look fine jus like wat it shd look in text bk for wk5 but still worried cos yesterday suppose to be more than 5.5 wk n he told me return in 10 days time I can't wait la so goin back to my previous gynae this sat which is suppose to be 6 wk like wat u say v sian no mood to work at all n time is sooo slow..

Hi Piggytoh, thanks for the welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeah, my gynae also says all looks normal.. but still he says must see bb then of coz better lah. I also thought im abt 5+ week during the time I see him.. but there could be chances that I ovulate late etc..

Really cant wait to go for the next check up!!

dear all mummies, im feeling so lousy since yest...dunno y maybe becos pre-natal depression? Quarrelled wif my hubby yest over my #1, my #1 keep on falling sick...dunno y...take so much medication yet still no improvement...now im at my wits wat to do wif him. decide to bring him try TCM tis afternoon.

he's in infant care but cos he been falling sick on and off for the past 2 mths, i did not bring him to sch for the past 2 days..i realli grateful to my mum tat she took leave to take care of him. her health is not gd yet she's so willing to do so much for my son. i dunno y my MIL is so biased. she doesnt seem to show concern over my son even though we lived together. every nite i go hm, i realli hate the feeling and will feel so upset...

me and my hubby quarrelled over whether to withdraw my son from the IFC and to find a nanny for him. But somehow deep in my heart, i realli dun wish to get a nanny for him. i scare the nanny will not take good care of him. My hubby quarrelled wif me that im being stubborn and always want my way. But i juz want the best for my son. He told him to inform the sch to withdraw now. I told him we cant do that now cos we cant guarranted that we are able to find a good nanny within 1 mth. wat if we cant find? thr's no a 'backup' caregiver by then. I told him that we sld get a nanny 1st, cfm everything is ok and then withdraw him. But he doesnt seem to get my point. He told me tis way we are gg to waste another mths of sch fees. He threatened me that if i insists my way, he's not gg to contribute anymore to our son's acct. I realli veri upset...how can he use this to threaten me? Now im preggy wif #2, he juz wan another kid yet he doesnt do any planning.

Now 1 child, he alr like tat...next time 2nd one comes along how?

Hi Shyanne,

Congrats and welcome! =)

Mrs Chua,

I totally understand how u feel. I also had very bad MS for #1, it lasted from week 7 - week 15... just keep puking and feel so lethargic and sian. Now i still experimenting what food will not trigger the nausea. Seems that salty food does the trick. You slowly try to experiment also =) Now i taking instant soup, coz din eat lunch and no appetite. Hopefully the soup stays down.


How old is your #1? Think coz he in IFC so more prone to sickness. And perhaps coz your body now adjusting to the pregnancy hormones so mood may not be so good sometimes.

You tried to talk nicely to your hubby? Maybe your hubby is also very stressed about your #1 being sick and your new pregnancy, so he not in good mood also. If he is usually not like this, then this is probably just a once-off event.

Sometimes guys also dunno how to cope with their emotions. What's most impt is you be strong, for your #1 and #2. The family still needs you to be rational and to take care....

If you need to vent, can always vent here... we're all here to listen =)


ya Lo tt y I rather spend anot 100+ to see my previous gynae this sat cos even I O late at most 1-2 I am still in my 5wk... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope the 2 of us can see everything on our nex appt..


I tink ur HB also stress up cos he was sandwich between u n his mum? Cheer up I believe things will turn out fine maybe ur HB also jus stress over his work etc so he dun mean wat he say..


My #1 is coming 12mths this weekend. Maybe his immune system is realli weak tat's y so prone to falling sick. Juz the whole of last week, he's ok aft stopping him frm school for 2 weeks. I took a week leave and my mum took a week leave to help out. For the past 2 nites, he's onli having fever past midnight. Daytime he's ok, no fever, onli cough and flu. But dunno y wen midnight, he will tend to hv high fever. I had stop bringing him to the PD, gonna try TCM today. Hopefully he's ok...realli veri stressed.

I tried to tell my hubby the reasons of y am i doin this, but he juz appear negative. He always tink tat im not capable of making good decisions wen he's the one who is so much worse than anyone. He is super fickle minded and action without tinkin of the consequenses. Wen things happen, he will cum and tell me he regret. Im so sick of hearing tis all the time.If i were to listen to him for this, i can tell u loh...end of the day, my son is gonna left wif no caregiver to take care of him. And tis will force my mum to take more leave to take care of my #1 which is not a long term solution.


i realli dislike his mum...she appear so biased between my son and my BIL's son (we are staying together wif his BIL, SIL and son) Juz last sun, my BIL's son got fever, she so kancheong and went to boil 'ling yang' for him. My son alr fever 2 nites but she dun bother to do anything. My mum wakes up early in the morning everyday juz to cook porridge for my son to bring to IFC, she dun even bother to do anything for him and yet can comment so much. Wenever we cum hm, she dun even bother to carry my son or play wif him. She's too occupied wif my BIL's son. It's onli my hubby carry my son to her then she bo bian and carry him for awhile. but tell u lo...15mins lata my son is back to us again.

i realli hate her!!


well we can't change a man ... Since he is so fickle minded y not make the decision for him? Tell him wat u wan full stop?

ya i make the decision for him, then he can cum quarrelled wif me say everything i muz hv my say. he cant comment or give opinions. since tis way, he's gg to stop contributing to anything pertaining to our son's stuffs.


ya can understd my mil is nice but I still opt to stay on our own cos stayin together sure got conflict n things u dun like.. I dun care if my mil dun dote on my son cos he still got me cheerupn stay happi k dun tink so much..

our flat is coming next year prob ard Jun/Jul. but i realli dun understand my hubby. he told me he dun wish to shift out and want to rent out the whole unit. He told me since our kids are still small his mum can sometimes help us out...pls lo...since wen his mum help us to look aft our son...maybe onli once in a blue moon?

Im realli pissed. I told him no matter wat, i will WAN to move out. It's not as if we are so poor that we cant afford a hse ourselves. Imagine a household wif 3 families staying under 1 roof...I told him that he can dun move out by all means. i will still continue to move wif my son.

Hi Jeslyn, I know its stressful when it comes to mil issue, hubby not supportive, children is unwell etc.. but dun let it affect your mood too much since how u r preg with 2nd 1.. take care and cheer up k

Ur mum is working full time? Or maybe u can talk nicely to ur hubby in getting your mil to help out while she can?

I cant comment much as I am not in your shoe. But I also always quarrel with by husband with comes to my child and mil issue... can be v.stressful to both parties. But just try to talk things out and compromise. I am sure there will always be a way out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi shyanne,

ya now trying to tink positively...but sometimes it's hard to control my emotions.

my mum is wkin full time. she needs to wk cos she still hv to support our family. My mil is unable to help as she is wkin too. I dun tink she wld be so great to sacrifice by not wkin for a week or 2 to look aft my son.

sometimes i realli tot of aborting cos i realli cant cope wif so much stress now


since stayin with mil make u so unhappy it a gd choice to move out but try to talk nicely to ur HB afterall he been stayin with his parent since birth so can't bear to leave them?watever it is dun let all this affect u..

Jeslyn: close 1 eye, and don stres urself too much... sometime older ppl really hard to understand, but for now, mroe important for ur baby and u. so don stress urself so much....

shyanne - welcome! I have to wait another two weeks - even longer than you 10 days. so sianzzz to wait, right?

piggytoh - don't worry, my gynae did say it felt a bit early to see a yolk sac, but he was happy to see mine. at first I thought I saw a shadow but after I looked again, you can really see the ring of white like you see on ultrasound scans online. maybe you did have a yolk sac but the gynae just missed it - very possible since they are so small right now, plus it may depend on quality of scanning machines etc. Maybe also if you specifically asked him, 'do I have a yolk sac?" he would have said, yes? Not sure what your conversation with him was like. Plus it also depends on what size your sac was - remember my post yesterday? Only a problem if your sac is more than 12mm and no yolk sac. Yours was probably smaller right?

Hang tight. I'm sure more will be seen this Sat - def will have yolk sac, and maybe even a fetal pole? Wouldn't that be cool!

Jeslyn, sorry to hear you are having a rough time - try to stay calm and be positive, that's the best thing you can do right now.

It looks much clearer on the actual printout of the scan and on the screen, but here's a scanned copy of the scan printout. The yolk sac is that small white ring.



dr wong din measure the water bag so I dunno how big but seem like slightly bigger than urs.. Ya.hope sat can see more...


it a blessin to have BB I am sure u can overcome watever problem u r facin now..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggytoh: yeah my gest sac was quite small, about 9mm, I think. I think i read somewhere that from Wk4, it grows 1mm per day, so if you are say 4 days ahead of me, it would be roughly 13mm (assuming both of us are on the average line).

Sigh, think we're all gan cheong mummies here. Cos I've irregular menses I also nt too sure what wk am I in... Gynae roughly put me at 5 wks but 3 wks after conception.

Gynae didn't point out what gestational sac or yolk sac to me leh...

Going back on 19 Aug. By then if correct shld b 7 wks/ 5 wks. Hopefully will see heartbeat then I can breathe a sigh of relief.

By the way, my gynae was saying... pls don't read so much nonsense online & over-analyse everything. Most pregnancies turn out normal and if it isn't, worrying's not gonna change anything. I guess he's right so let's learn to CHILL!

Oh ya, my gynae also said.. "Read those pregnancy guidebooks with a HUGE pinch of salt. Many of the authors aren't gynaecologists. Some of the books and the information inside are extremely outdated. Most books are UK or American based and the Asian female body is generally rather different so since info inside are already approximates, if you take into consideration the diff btw Ang Mo & Asian women, it differs even more! Reading such materials will only make you worried unnecessarily. Online material even worse, much of the information are provided anonymously or by a non-professional who does not have to take responsibility for errors."


if cal. Like tt I am abt 12mm yesterday.. Hmm...


ur gynae maybe rite but sumtime we jus can't help worrying ya... I definitely know wat meant to be urs is urs but like me I been thru a long period of ttc I definitely hope this will be another smooth pregnancy..

So my personal thinking? Read what makes you feel assured and happy! Cos being positive very often makes a big difference to a growing bb in us!

Heed your gynae's advice. If he/she didn't highlight any issue, just CHILL & TRY TO THINK POSITIVE!!!

piggytoh: I TTC for more than 1 yr too. Plus hubby is only son & already nearing 40 so I also gan cheong. But what to do, it's true that worrying won't help. And when u're worried or down, your body releases negative energies & chemicals which isn't good for your bb.... JIA YOU JIA YOU! Hope we all deliver healthy bb!


hee ya I totally agree with u jus tt some time it is easier said than done:p yeah let us have a smooth pregnancy!!

Rene: Sounds like you have a paternalistic/interventionist gynae - works for some women, but I prefer a different kind. The basic philosophy of some gynaes is - don't read too much, don't ask too much, don't listen to contrary advice in books (because they relate to Caucasian populations) - "Just Trust Me".

So far, most of the internet sites (the medical ones, and the textbook studies/ academic articles, not the forums) have been reasonably accurate when I asked my gynae to clarify.

Must of course learn to differentiate between the nonsense that's out there (and you're right, there's a lot of nonsense out there) and the good stuff.

My gynae loves to discuss studies and research, even with us non-medically-trained ones. We discuss the latest studies, the pros and cons, the different theories, then he lets me make a decision. That has always been the case - since first preg, to m/c until now.

But I know that doesn't work for everyone. To each her own.

It may seem like over-analyzing and you are probably right. But when you've had a M/C in the past, you sometimes cannot help it. While you know that worry is not going to help matters, you want to be prepared - so that you ask the right questions, you are armed with the relevant info if the need arises. Because with a M/C you lose hope and you lose control. If reading up and knowing what the science is about helps us cope a bit better, I see no harm.

Congrats piggytoh on yr #2.

Nt sure whether will b joining this thread yet, cos I had spotting on Tues in morning then no more, now waiting for AF which could b due anytime nw till next tuesday as my AF range fr 29 - 33.

Hopefully it's false alarm. Cos not ready for #3 as my #2 is super hyper @ 13MO.

However wish all a pleasant 9mths ahead.



time flies... i remember we were still ttc-ing tt time n now our bbs alr hit 1YO:p

my #1 also v active hope he will behave better when #2 r born..

It would be gd if u can join us but i hope the best turn out for u la...:p



Thanks so much for posting the pic! So exciting for us first time mommies to see! ^^

Special thanks to Andrea for the links! :D

