(2011/04) Apr 2011


ya if u got no prob it serve as extras protection but if gt prob it will help to stable ur pregnancy usu if no prob gynae wun gave la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Yah, feel super uncomfortable with all the gassy feeling. Sometimes I wonder if i shd just induce the puking, dunno if after puking will feel better...


can i check is no appetite a part of symptoms?i vomit wat i have right after dinner yesterday.today brush teeth,gt wanna vomit feeling.menses usually regular,but no sign yet(yeah),lower adomen has pull pull feeling,even now...any advise when shld i test with pregnancy kit?


aiyo pls dun induce it v harmful to body my last round I only feel puky no output thruout only puke 3 time but it bad enough for me.. Btw if u like me gt v bloated stomach fun drink milk will cause More gas..


no appetite is norm part of MS seems like ur symptom is rather obvious maybe u can try testing? Now u DPO wat?

bibi: It's normal to lose your appetite if you're suffering from morning sickness. Sounds like you can go ahead and do a test! Use first morning pee if you can - it has the strongest concentration of HCG hormone.

adel: I can't really help as not had MS for any of my pregnancies - but I think piggytoh is right. Doubt you will actually feel better after puking - the problem is the hormone makes you feel nauseaus (sp?) so you will just keep feeling that way even if you vomit. Whereas if you had food poisoning, getting rid of the toxins by vomitting would help. But this is a different situation. Try sipping water and munching on dry crackers? That works for some pple I know.

Re Dr Paul Tseng, he's great! I contemplated using him for No 1 but he was away around my EDD. Did you have a natural birth? I heard that he lets you deliver in any old position you like, cool guy.

Rene/Cowgal: My understanding is you only need progesterone supplements if you have a luteal defect or if your body fails to produce enough progesterone on its own (some signs of this would include spotting). There is a down-side to progesterone, not so much because it harms the bb, but because it makes a lot of mums feel ill - worsens MS and preg symptoms like headaches. One mum I know felt so tired and dizzy all the time while she was on progesterone. So only take it if you need it.

pinkyraindrops: If you haven't had any complications thus far, I don't think you need any progesterone. But can go for scan to give you some peace of mind once you've settled on a gynae? Now that my scan is tomorrow, I realise that it's really too early to scan! Haha! Prob can't see anything tomorrow. But the thought of waiting until next Thurs....is not acceptable to me right now, haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bibi: depends on when you ovulated, not so much on your LMP. if you don't know exactly when you ovulated, take the average of your cycles and use that to calculate your end of cycle date, i.e. LMP + 30 days (if your average cycle is 30 days). Then subtract 14 days from your end of cycle date and take that as your ovulation date. Difference between today and ovulation date = x number of days. You are currently xDPO.

Hope that makes sense!


Aiyoh, no wonder after breakfast I feel worse. I drink similac mum every day.... then how? No cure ah? Now I drinking warm water...


that means your mensus supposed to come these few days? Should be ard 14 DPO bah... Think u can test liao with a test kit...

adel: The milk is only a problem if you find it makes you more gassy/nauseated (which is quite common). If you are ok with it, just continue. There is a "cure" for MS - a type of medicine that is used to relieve MS symptoms. Forgot the name. But it's Cat C (safest is Cat A, dangerous for pregnancy is Cat D), so doctors only give it if your MS is really bad, like vomitting non-stop, completely dehydrated, bb not getting nutrients, etc.


Sigh, this time round the naseau is so early. My last pregnancy, it lasted will Week 15! Sianz.

Re Dr Paul: Yeah he's great! Pro natural birth so I told him dun force me to take epidural or any form of pain killer. I will tell the nurse if I want. Coz i heard of some horror stories where the nurses "force" you or "scare" you into taking pain killers. Than I din wanna be strapped down to the bed coz i wanted to walk ard as pain relief, --> also can.

Basically, he lets you do what you wants la, but in an emergency, he will take over. =) I had natural birth, tahan for 5 hrs w/o epi then gave up... haha... but my baby was facing upwards so Dr Paul had to use a vacuum to turn the head downwards...


I afraid no cure haha I stop drinkin milk be4 I pass trim 1 for my #1 I try to drink similac mum on n off nv fail to make me feel v bloated so I jus make sure i took my calcium w/o fail:p


like wat picotin say depend on ur cycle n when u O if ur cycle is a regular 28 days u will o on day14.

thankx picotin,adel,piggytoh...

based on the caculations n all,indeed around 14DPO...can test le ah?so nervous lo!!!


thank u for answering my enquires.more to come hehe!

enjoy the joy n process,all MTBs!!!

adel: well they say every preg is different so maybe this time, early onset of MS means it will go away earlier! how is dr paul's stitching (I presume you had an episiotomy because you mention the vacuum)? his waiting time is quite long right? I remember his clinic was so crowded and he is very popular with expat ladies


remember to update us after u tested ah lotsa bbdust for u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think i had quite a number of stitches coz definitely will tear with the vacuum. But coz i was on epidural, couldn't feel the stitching. But the wound healed ok, no infection or anything.

Yah his waiting time is quite long, the clinic is quite crowded coz the other 2 docs are also very popular. I usually take the 1st appt in the morning or 1st one after lunch.... waits ard 45min... if u lucky, 30 min can see him liao... dun go on sat, super duper crowded.. i always go on weekdays...


jus see my gynae he say the waterbag look gd but no heartbeat yet going to rtn in 10 days time argh another waiting game[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

thanks for the info adel, glad you healed well. my friend (with another gynae) not so lucky, I think he stiched her too tightly or something, she was in a lot of pain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

piggytoh: managed to see the yolk sac? I think if you didn't see then I got no chance tomorrow since you are more advanced than me! why must wait 10 days? I thought you got appt scheduled for this sat? cannot go a bit sooner? i know the wait is painful!!

Picotin ,

no leh cannot see sac yolk[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but he assure me not an empty sac. Maybe no sac yolk so he find dis sat may not see heartbeat another 10 days better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


today I am ard 5 wk 4 day[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] thot at least can see the sac yolk cos previously by 6 wk can see the heartbeat Liao..

piggytoh: don't worry, I'm sure you're fine. But can I ask, if he cannot see yolk sac, how does he know for sure not empty sac? Because too early to see yolk sac?

Picotin ,

oh I din ask but he say the size of the waterbag is of the rite size so I guess if it empty the wAterbag prob wun grow...

Piggytoh, oh I see. Well keep positive! Just got to keep occupied for the next ten days. You seeing gynae on Sat 14th? By then can surely see lots as you will be almost or at seven weeks!

Told hub that you couldn't see yolk sac so we also won't get to see tomorrow but he says we must still go, let gynae decide whthr to scan or not.


ya go cos ther r chances I ovulate 1-2 days late[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but I tinkin of going back to my previous gynae this sat for scan haha cos nex sat I not free den wkday nite my hb can't join me cos my son slept early... Shall discuss with him tonight:p

Piggytoh, thanks, & don worry, maybe still early.... keep us up to date once u did ur scan this sat ar~

bibiliciouslovebaby: waiting for your good news~~~

i book my appointment with gynae @kk on the 20 aug, by the time should be 8 week?

i thinking should i go see doctor earlier?

u all seem like going to the gynae 5 week plus?

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Actually most of us are going to see doc at 5 week plus coz we too excited la... if you really want to hear heart beat, think best is after week 6 .... =) So if you dun mind going for 2 appts about 2-3 weeks apart, u can also book an appt early... =)

I also feel excited.

and also worried too,

wanna know did b.b grow well,

but sis advice mi go on the 8th week,

still thinking should i go earlier......


which gynae u go?


My gynae is Dr Paul Tseng from TLC gynaecology practice. The clinic is in TMC, but he does deliveries in MAH and TMC.

For peace of mind, go earlier also can, just treat it as paying more for peace of mind =)


usu KK the appt r not so close...cos they dun have package for pte gynae usu we go like once a mth but KK usu longer..after 6 wk is gd enough no need wait till 8wk too long at least for me:p but if u prefer KK can consider John Tee quite gd i heard.. my gynae for #1 is Dr Clifton Chan he deliver at all pte hospital tis time round tryin Dr Wong Mun Tat .. my actual appt is actually wk 6 but then got spottin so go today to check...


lol who cares most impt u feel ok :p


ya la go ahead n book[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

adel: gratz.... at least feel better ar, i also & more jia lat,keep eating and eating cannot hungry... eating anything & everything -_-' which i usually don.. think i gonna turn out becoming a fat pig soon.

piggytoh: now im thinking should i go for which.


eat while u can at certain stage we may lost appetite n not eatin much 1:p usu once we 6wk MS wil kick in...

Adel - haha, yes, thank you for giving us the "peace of mind" justification for our early appts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] What are Want Want crackers?

Piggytoh - When do you think you might have ovulated? I think mine was on 13 Jul, one day after you, right? We are one day apart! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i tink ovulate between 10/11 Jul so we r 2-3days apart bah... but only estimate la cos i remember have O pain n EWCM ard this 2 days... my HB say we proceed to see my previous gynae this sat lol~ hopefully can see heartbeat!!

hi all,when did u all decided to test wif a test kit?which dpo?

btw,wats EWCM?

i wondering if i shld test so fast,later false de,will be disappointed! ;|


i tested on DPo13 u alr DPO14 the result shd be out... EWCM=egg white cervical mucus.. usu when u O u will produce egg white like mucus..

piggytoh: yay, so fun that you'll get another scan this weekend! sorry may have missed you telling us earlier, but you are changing gynaes for this pregnancy? got former gynae and current one? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have been doing some reading to get ready for my scan tomorrow. Yolk sacs must be visible once the gestational sac is >10mm. Failure to identify a yolk sac after gestational sac is 12mm or more is usually indicative of a failed pregnancy. Failure to see fetal pole when sac is > 16-18mm is usually indicative of a failed pregnancy, Fetal heartbeat must be discernable once fetal pole is > 5mm. So those are the numbers to look out for.


ya ya thot of tryin another gynae this time round cos location better n heard he is gd as well... but if i goin back to my previous gynae this sat most prob i will jus stick to him... yuo i also read tt by 5.5wk shd be able to see sac yolk.. but usu if failed pregnancy usu be4 6wk u will experience m/c liao so cross my finger this sat can see everything...

Yes, it makes sense sometimes to stick to the tried and tested. With my m/c, I did not bleed on my own. Body happily carrying the "pregnancy", sac growing bigger every day - if I had not gone for a scan, I would have not known - finally took meds at Week 7.5 to induce bleeding. Just checked my old scan records - the sac was almost 20mm and no yolk sac, no embryo! So it's not true that the body will experience m/c before Wk 6.


ya not every case like tt .. Tt y I say usually.. Cos our body will sort of discharge the unhealthy egg but of cos the r other possibilities like urs..

Hi Piggytoh, yeah and the main dividing line is not really Week 6 or any particular week, but when we see the fetal heartbeat - that's when the risk of m/c falls significantly.


not necessary wor anyway jus hope ours will be smooth delivery[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


this morning hear fr news Wang Wang biscuit may contain some bateria leh u better stop eating first wor..


I still dunno what this Wang Wang biscuit is! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Adel: Try Meiji Plain crackers? They come wrapped in packs of seven, very simple and with a tiny hint of salt to help keep nausea at bay. Can buy them at Taka - only $1.40 for six packs of 7.

