(2011/04) Apr 2011

Finally home!! Super tired !!

My C almost didn't sleep or drink the whole day we were out..

Didnt get the chance to talk to some mummies.. Too rushed !! No time to eat lunch even ......

Will upload photos later

Btw my posb savings acct is 124-46301-7

Please transfer 10$ per pax if u are coming. Piggy, no delivery charge right ? ( tweety thanks for passing me the 10$)

My function room booking is from 10am onwards.. If any mummy is free u can come earlier too

Oh, n I'll start up a phone directory list later. Easier for us to exchange numbers n arrange for gatherings ?



dun be stress no gd jus change bobian 1 cos like u say all abt luck[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The meetup today was fun!!! Should do this more often!!

Pink: welcome welcome.. I should thank u for booking ur function room lor...

Serene: wah.. Another gathering at ur place? Heehee

It was nice meeting so many mummies today. Fun gathering and i think we were quite a sight!

Hippo, u sure u can stop gathering?? I think abit hard le. Heheh...

Sookie, maid is really by heng sui i think. And also have to close one eye n dun expect them to be 100% wat u wan. Mine also do alot mkstakes sometimes n forgetful. Takes a while to adjust. But now better ardy.

The butterfly pillow so cute! Tempted tempted....

Hi mummies,

Sorry to disturb your thread.

I have some items to let go.

1. Desitin Creamy 4oz (Blue packaging) (Expiry Jun 2012) - $8.50

2. Desitin Creamy 2oz (Blue packaging) (Expiry Jun 2012) - $5.50

3. California Baby Calendula Cream 4 oz (Expiry 2013) - $25

4. California Baby Calendula Cream 2 oz (Expiry 2013) - $15.50

Please PM me if you are interested.



the delivery charge all include alr.. they do not provide beverage but will provide dispenser i will go n buy syrup so tt day we jus add tap water will do[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Very nice meeting you guys!! Ya we were definitely a sight!! Haha!!


Will tt money to you tmrw.. Thanks for booking the function room.. =) what time is it ah?


oh no la cos i only ordered 30pax cos their portion big usu for 70 guests i only ordered 50 pax lo tt y if more pax quite worth it summore their food not bad n gave 1 more dish instead of beverage n provide dispenser :p


yeah will bring[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it 12.30pm but i tink a few may go early let #1 play water:p

btw.. don't say i kua zhang hor everybody..we were close to bao1-ing one restaurant already... hehee

next time we need to book private function room liao... :p

btw er... totoro and Unome.. not sure if I have you on Facebook? Not able to tag you... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] photo is up!!

today gathering is so fun... didn't have the chance to tok to other mummies at other tables.. but is a good opportunities to meet up with new mummies and babies...

looking forward to see more mummies and babies this sat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


trf $20 to u liao under my nick[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hahah half the restaurant nia la lol~

ya agree, sookie, getting a good maid is like a gamble. But whatever it is, at the same time we close one eye to what they do(we hv to do that, let go abit to maintain our sanity), we also have to watch out what they do, esp. if they look after our bbs.

I'm one whom never enj another's pressence in my home but gave way to parttime cleaners when I had #1. Then with #2 in my tummy, as we have to relocate plus I'm hands-on with kiddo, we got a maid(trsf-ed from my cleaner!). Initially very guai, but slowly slowly(only 3-4mths wif us now) true lazy/'geng' pattern all coming out lah, haiz...

All the time, I'd express BM, trsf to feeding bottle and leave it on the table(all done nicely hor) before I go to slp and when bb wakes up for milk, all she has to do is to warm it up a little(cos can be quite cold if left for few hrs on table at nite). She's always claimed that she did warm up but this morning, bb's tummy seemed bloated and after I bf her, she poo-ed few times! Seems like she's got alot of wind lor, my hub said "aiya, not their kids mah, surely they won't really bother". Nowadays I try to control my outings also, haiya, I'll chat wif u further on this topic ptely...

Nice meeting everyone today!

Guess I'm the most relax one since without bb. Now then finally on my way to fetch him!

Hiaz, pumped just now around 5pm and now feeling so full again. Hopefully, my milk still able to use after so long. Brought the fridge to go but it's whole day Liao so a bit pointless.


My FB under my girl's name :) I will go and tag later.


Haha!! Maybe next one, I can book my function room.. Take turns.. That is if you guys don't mind coming to the east.. I don't mind hosting.. =)


I was eye-ing on that butterfly pillow too :p and I am going to order that nursing poncho that Gin has... Hehehe


Hope your gathering will be before or after my France trip, not during... If not got to miss again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Opps wrong link. I was shopping for scarfs!! Amended ler u go see. Wah u wanna replace jhto as shopping queen?! Hahaha I was looking at the pillow too. Excuse to shop!!


U already got nursing poncho y are u buying again?! Hahahah!! Are u coming on Thursday? Or did u say got jab?!

Gin/ jtho/ unome: nice hor and I'm also tempted! Yes I think jtho passed the shopping bug to me!

Jtho: where are you ordering your nursing cover from?

Hi mummies, today's gathering was great,I'm quite overwhelmed by so many mummies & babies!

Pink, ur baby C is really very alert, big round eyes looking around at d surrounding! It's such a coincidence that we share d same name, hehe.

Cowgal,no problem!

My boy has been sleeping since noon, only make noise when he's hungry & then back to sleep. I hope he can continue to sleep well tonight and don't make too much noise coz I'm kinda tired.


My poncho very thick la and yours looks so soft n comfy...


I will go mothercare to take a look first tar, if have I will buy straightaway, if not then will order online...


It's not ANOTHER one, I have shawls, thick ponchos but dun have thin n comfy poncho... Hehehe


I'm flying off on 23 June and coming back SIN on 26 July

gin, where did u get ur nursing shawl from? i think it's nice too... lightweight and can cover ourselves up...

Wah piang eh my daughter is still chuckling loudly to herself lor. Eyes big big. Must be thinking of all the handsome boyfriends she has met today.

Ningyo: yah lor Jiahui and Jiahui we can be twins hor!! Are you on FB ah?


Just now I went to the harbourfront mothercare, and they say the nursing poncho is out of stock..


The nursing poncho that these ladies are talking about is the Mon Petit Jardin nursing poncho? They are selling at Pupsik Studio for $38. Cheap or not..


Okok, maybe after you come back I will try to arrange one and see whether other mummies want or not.. =)


Great! I will only go back to work on 10 August [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nice getting to know & chatting with all mummies today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can't wait for this sat meet up too..

Hippo.. Next time dun say too early ok? Hehe but too bad, I onli left this week for meet up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] back to work next week sob sob... Btw, how much for gong chai? Need pay u too..

SY.. I would wish to go ur house for the meet up but.. Going back work Le sad.. Next time ok?

Pink.. I left the banking token in my mum's place, can I pass u the $$$ to u on sat? Or tmr when I go out, I will go do the trf?

Avocado.. What yr account number? Have to pay u the lunch $$$.. But gt to do it next week Le.. Banking token nt with me..

Re: nursing cover

i brought mine at the last week motherhood fair at expo for S$38 (they said the cloth is limited edition)

This is the shop, "Oowaahh" i got it from. Their website: www.oowaahh.com

can go and have a look.


kindly PM me your account number so that i can tsf you the $$ for today's lunch


i think your C is enjoying her outing... just like her mummy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

will you be going to IMM on thurs?

mrs chua,

can one.. if work already we can still meet up, probably on weekend... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I was so depressed last night that I thought to give today's outing a miss.. But heng I didn't ah! Today's outing was fantastic! Except that it would be nicer if it was a bit longer.. xD I'm very amazed at all the mummies! Can't even tell who's first or second timers la! All so pro.. hehe.. Good job mummies! I was half expecting Thai Express to be filled with baby's crying! hehe.. =X

Ningyo, which one were u? =X I never noticed leh.. Too many mummies liao!

pink, just now u nvr tell me $10/pax for the gathering~ I could have passed u $30 mah.. But nvm la.. hehe.. If my acc empty, then i pass u cash on sat can?

Pai seh just now duno why my girl so cranky and antisocial.. How's your C after u left my place? Better? If so ah, maybe both girl's character clash! Haha.. So weird.. Kait usually like babies/kids de..

Mrs Chua,

Forgot to take GF book again! wahhahaahha.. I pass u on Sat la.. xD

It was so nice today la.. Can't wait for Sat!


wow...... north south east west central.. then think we need to start list down those places we still have not go...

maybe next time can try nex or city square... heehee


ya.. should have passed u the $$ juz now.. if you are going IMM on thurs, will pass to you, if not, then on sat can?

hope you gals enjoy the small catch up at Pearly's place..

it seems like no matter how much time we have, we will have never ending things to tok about... keke


Ya.. I absolutely agree! U going to IMM on Thurs also? I feel like going leh.. Hubby off can be my ahmad leh.. keke..

hahahaha, fung fung, we bring our babies on shopping malls learning journeys ?? wahahah

Pearly, don't worry about it! Normal for kids to be cranky once in awhile.. plus she got bitten in school today!! so poor thing. i'd be in a bad mood to if i were bitten. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

C ah, happy like a lark now. Smiling and chuckling loudly and refuse to sleep. SIGH. She drank 100ml of milk liao.

