(2011/04) Apr 2011

Morning Mummies.. Leg cramp disturbed my slp ytd night argh! 

Bloom ps.. I'm interested.. If u all going, do let me know ok? 

Elmo & Tweety.. I oso got 0% make up skills knowledge... My make up is onli lip gloss lols 

Austin.. Huh! 1mth b4 delivery ah.. Like v late leh... I thinking of going for hospital tour, a need to go ma? As hospital tour is on fri, need take leave which from Jan to Mar, is my peak period @ work so v hard to take leave de.. 

Piggy.. Ur bloom ps lobang really a great deal.. Hubby & me oso interested & like wat u say, we onli need dome pics for safekeeping. 

Tweety.. Ur gain really too little as compared to us.. Envy u ah.. 

Mrs Chua,

ya but now i check ard no promo leh.. so still holding back dunno wan to take this time round anot... Hope Anne can gave us special price la i dun mind a shorter duration haha...

actually for me i am more willing to pay for PS when bb is out keke..

G'morning ladies,


Ya might be a yeast infection. Sometimes, because we preggies, hormone levels all change, so might have yeast infection easily..

Recently, just did another vaginal swap and found out I have Group B Strep again!! Arghzzz... So irritating!! Now have to take antibiotics.. I think nearer to due date must check again.. =(


Wah 30 stithes on the forehead.. Sounds serious.. Hopefully the scar wouldn't be too obvious..


ya lo.. she bang her head heng it infront cos if bang her head behind maybe be more serious... i haven go n visit her totally no time but she told me quite obvious but can use fringe to cover up la.... but afterall she is a gal so afterall not so nice mah but most imptly not life threatening la...


yaya i tokin abt the banana.. oh u tokin abt another thing huh? pai sei...


piggy, when do i need to get the rice wine? I anything as long as b4 pop can le. :p I tot BH=false contraction? U take care of urself too.. dun fall sick!

tweety, when bb out u'll know. Haha. I also seldom take care.. too lazy n tired.

Mrs chua, my makeup = cover all the flaws n pimples.. that's all. hahahaha

Gerry, how come u need to do so many swaps? I also got strep b last preg.. dunno when gynae wanna test me. Last time was quite near delivery date.

My tummy feels weird weird de.. like cramps or hardening.. v scared i'll pop too early leh! Or maybe it's cos i too long din poo??

gotta wait till next Wed appt then can check with gynae.

Morning gers !

Me too interested to take Preg photos, seeing as I'm having twins. Its unlikely I will have the 3rd one so this would be the only time I'm sporting a preg belly...

Recently I became Spring card member so they have 10% off a photo package (can't recall the name now) wondering if i should go with that ... cos I haven't enquired with them if make up is incld


I recently had a lot more discharge and they look thicker so I went to see my gynae.. She told me it was a yeast infection but she also decided to do a swap and detected Group B strep lor.. Like as if cannot get rid of it!! Sighzz..

Maybe it is just the tummy stretching.. Sometimes I also feel like this too.. Ya maybe never poo for long.. If I 2 days never poo, will feel like this.. Damn sad.. I am that sort who has to poo everyday one.. Now my constipation be quite bad!!


ya I agree.. more important she is ok.. Can always use creams to lighten the scar.. If she is really bothered by it..

Mrs Chua, Elmo,

All my makeup skill learnt from youtube!! Haha!! =)


but false contraction does not mean will pop early right??? actually i din even notice if i have BH.. or rather i cant be bother [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

actually for makeup i jus use BB cream as base tt all din even put any foundation or concealer etc cos i no gd scare use those powder or liquid foundation will look uneven haha..

gerry, I think i 2-3 days no poor liao.. maybe tt's y.

piggy, i also dunno. Last time dun rem i had BH or so much cramps. now preg still can use bb cream anot.. I seldom use after preg le.


Ya most likely poo.. I always feel bloated and heavy if no poo for 2-3 days.. Sighz..

Piggy, Elmo,

Actually they say BH is to prep the uterus for the real deal..Sort of like practice contractions and nothing too serious.. Last pregnancy, I had BH like non-stop for 2 days in my ~35 weeks.. Got very worried so got admitted and checked but turn out to be false alarm!! So Paiseh!!

I still put on my usual moisturizer, sunblock and a bit of foundation leh through my pregnancies.. If got functions, I will definitely put on light make-up if not I will look like a ghost!! Haha!!


y cannot put BB cream? from wat i know no whitenin products will do esp SK 2 n those v strong product...


ya i only put on makeup for function... norm day i jus put sun blk too lazy to put moisturiser also haha... too tired to bother if my face sux...

morning mummies!

was on leave yesterday, so didn't come in to say hello [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

today my lil one has been kicking non-stop since this morning... he's making it quite impossible for me to work... seems like he doesn't like me to sit down at my desk... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


for me hor i dun remember experiencing any BH n contraction when i had #1 leh i heard some wun feel it 1 wor.. so was quite surpurise when my gynae told me alr dilate 2 cm at wk 37 keke... i really dunno how to differentiate BH also keke..

Mrs Chua

I not gg for the hospital tour, find it not point esp it is so overcrowded...I asked the TPS at KKH about the maternity package during my 27 week, they said that it is too early to book anything now and usually they only offer the booking one mth before the EDD. The interesting thing is that TPS told me that they are not sure about the procedures or maternity booking or package as it is done my the admission office.


For me cannot skip moisturizer as I have very sensitive skin so it will get super dry and itchy.. But I guess sunblock also can be quite moisturizing.. =)

Hehe!! Some women 2cm dilated already screaming for epidural.. I had quite a bit of BH after 30+weeks the last time.. Can really see the stomach bunch up and super hard one.. Can be a little uncomfortable..

ladies, too long din come in..too busy..no time to read thru all posts.


my #1 is May 2009.

I had a gd time with Delivery suite staff.

It was not packed tat time.

actually i wanna to switch gynae to TMC.

but end up i didnt becos TMC only got 10 Delivery suite and not all with toilet attached.

but KKH got 30 or 32 delivery suite..every room with toilet attached and infant weighing machine attached.

to me delivery suite is much impt than normal ward. cos there is a place that we going to give birth.

i dun wan to wait at TMC waiting area when i am in pain. furthermore bb need to bring out to weigh the weight.

so dun worry too much.. and i also din go for hospital tour tat time.

that's y i stick bk to KKH but another gynae.


hahah i lazy plus i dun like to apply too many things find v thick n sticky wor.. moisturiser only at nite so 1 time i only apply 1 type haha... ya my friend dilate 3-4cm also no feelin lo...


maybe all busy.. me lotsa things to clear but v tired to do sigh..

gd morning mummies...

it's been awhile.how's everyone doing?

finally had some time to login.

u ladies toking abt PS?i'm also keen leh...who got lobang?


cannot use SK2 ah..oops..i haf been using it leh..but i dun apply everyday wor..as n when when i rem..haha..


ya SK2 got some ingredient cannot use on preg wor... tt y when preg mus be careful on the product u use...

oh Anne n her HB r PG so we r checkin with her wat is the rate she can offer us[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggy, yup... super sian... I actually apply leave for tml le, still thinking to cancel and come back to work or not.. wht happen to ur sis?? is she better le?? past few days bit busy no time to log in..


ya lor... so sian... hungry somemore but got to endure till lunchtime cos meeting hubby for lunch...

even more sian when got to think of what to eat and must control [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


my sis kena car accident lo...

i tink ok la jus tt kena 30+ stitches on the forehead..


me too my son havin runnin nose again whole nite cant breath well n the medi given by PD almost finish liao still like tt headache... dunno wat else to gave liao..

cowgal: u're right, for TMC have to bring out of the room to weigh the infant. That's why they make sure the daddy follows throughout, scarly accuse them of switching then jia lat!

andrea: your house opened on 12th Feb right?? thinking wanna ask Adeline and the rest to join also?? since they also staying west side ma... =P

piggy: oh dear... speedy recovery to her....

jtho: i'm super super no mood for work... looking forward to CNY leaves.. heeeheee...

HAHAHAHA.... nobody got mood to work! All waiting for CNY liao!

For the 1st time mommies like myself, this will be our last 'childless' CNY! Next yr onwards, ALOT busier lo... but of cos very happy la!


oops..then i beta stop..

oh..cool..keep me posted..we can get grp discount is it..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah..ur sis accident ah..hope she get well soon hor..cny coming...

me also super sianz at work..last fri took mc to rest at home..really cannot take it..all the way pia from xmas until now...can't wait for cny..den after preparing for bb's arrival liao..

eh,when do u ladies intend to take ML huh..2 weeks b4 EDD?


ya she v sway..

summore face kena... but most imptly is fine n alive keke...

for me i intend to work till i pop la...



piggy, she feel better thts good.. Be more careful in the future..

tweety, ok can... but I dun have her number.. How's she le? at which month thread? hehe.


KKH is big but sometimes overcrowded, my average appointment or scan waiting time is at least 30mins as there are really so many patients even at nights...hopefully by the time I deliver, there will be enough delivery suites, ya I agree the delivery suites r more important than the wards... It is a nightmare to be pushed to a corner to wait for your turn to deliver when the delivery suites are full...my colleague and relative have witness it before but they still feel that KKH is the best hospital and recommend me to there for my first delivery


haha..u r sooooo right.

but it's funny..dunno y i feel excited abt cny this time round leh..

it's been quite awhile i had tat much excitement liao...


doc nvr advise u to rest at home prior meh?cos u dunno when u might pop?i was thinking tat also...but dunno how to agar wor..1st one mah..dun wan to meeting halfway den need to go hospital..


rest at home?? unless u got some condition or complication if not if u still fit to work y not?? actually depend on ur work nature also... if ur job got many hand over den u need to plan well lo.. but if gave u more obvious sign like engage or water bag burst den easier to gauge lo..

piggy: welcome... =)

andrea: I met her for dinner the other day ma... then she say very long never see u le... still trying... =P

kailee: i will take ML from 1st April.. but i hoped my boy come out on 1st april too.. heehee...

Hello me back now was busy just now...

Piggy I think have to monitor lor on and off I have this itchy feeling and it goes off like that.... This itchy thing is spoiling my mood suddenly...

Kai Lee I am excited about this CNY because it means it will be nearer to date that we will pop that is all...

Kai lee,

For my previous pregnancy, I worked till friday and was intending to go back to work on monday but went into labour on sunday night.. My #1 came out 1 week earlier than expected.. But like what piggy said, depends on your job.. If you need to do a lot of transfer, then have to plan when you want to start ML.. For me, I more or less planned with co-workers 2+weeks before EDD and while waiting for dilation in the hospital, I was busy emailing everyone where I left off at work!! Hehe!! That's why epidural is useful!!=)


If it is really bothering you, maybe you should just see your gynae.. At least, they will know what how to treat you.. If it is just a yeast infection, they will just give you a tablet to insert inside.. If it is UTI, better see a dr as an untreated UTI may affect your kidneys..

Piggy: wah u reali scare mi leh, my heart sank a bit when u say we nt suppose 2 tak Del Monte brand, coz i buy tt brand of cranberri 2 drk 4 my bladder infection, hoping it will go away..

So u toking abt e big n long n green banana.. ya tt they say bb will kena fits if we eat tt.. actuali quite nice leh Del Monte Cranberri juice, taste like ribena veri nice..yum yum..

Vivi: Ya actuali cny in spore nothing interesting n no atmosphere de, veri sian, onli loking 4ward 2 e dae bunny bb pop oso..

piggy, cos dunno wat ingredients in the bb cream mah. I know cant use those products for acne. But i stil use foundation, concealer, etc lah. :p

Kailee, i intend to work till i pop! save ML for bb lah.

Lunch time now, come in to take a peep...

Tweety & Piggy.. ok, let wait for Austin to come back with a quote...hopefully we can go for PS together.. definitely will be fun hehe

Austin.. by my next check up, I will be in my 35 week le.. so if dun book, I think I really have no place to stay in when I deliver... hehe as for hospital tour, think I will check with hubby again to see if he really interested to go.. if he ok den we go...

elmo.. at least u still know to cover ur flaws etc, unlike me.. duno anything... even worse haha

Gerry.. youtube become ur teacher in make up, nt bad ah, nt like me, so lazy & stupid, know nuts abt make up..

cow_gal.. that time I went to KKH labour ward, find their labour ward very spacious and not very crowded.. furthermore the place seem cosy to me.. so guess shld be a nice place to deliver?? hehe

Vivi.. I oso find my discharge alot so started to use panty liner.. jus wan to make sure is clean.. if u worried abt it, go see gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies.. I oso no mood to work but bi bian, still got to work cos is my super peak period now, other than normal work still got alot of ad-hoc job.. so sianz!!!! I oso hoping to work till I pop but now starting to feel so tired, wondering if I shld take a break after my peak period to rest b4 baby comes out... if nt, I dun think I got the energy to take care of baby...


i find Bb cream n foundation no diff wor hahah..

anyway u can always check with the sales gal if it safe for preggie???

Little Twin star,

hahah me blur la din read probably:p

Mrs Chua,

It Anne whose HB is PG not austin wor..


tweety, i also starting ML on 1st Apr! Dilemma leh, I also like 1st Apr but also April Fools' Day & hoping to get a short break.... =)

