(2011/04) Apr 2011


welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] best is after 6 wk den go n see gynae unless got spottin or other discomfort.. My son jus pass 12 mth now started to walk too but still not v stable[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi all. I just tested +ve on Sat. Shd be Ard 5wks now. This is my #2. haven't go see gynae yet.

have you all got any symptoms already? I got not much. Just sore boobs.

thanks piggytoh!

elmo, i dun hev any symptoms oso.juz a missed period. n my son is very clingy.haha.

congrats n welcome 2 d club andrea.



ya quite a # of #2 bb here.. for #1 i use Clarins Oil highly recommemded by friends but dunno izzit my tummy shrink too fast so my stretch mark alot[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] tt day passby john little n they havin sales so i bott another brand Elancyl looks v popular as well..

initially my only symptom is only nausea when brushin teeth n bloatedness but now the nausea got worse but no output so v often no appetite sigh...


heng my bb not v clingy but v tiring to look after him on my own esp now more tired.. so now my HB do all the house chore n bath for him..

Piggytoh.. But i saw e elancyl bottle say use after 3Mths. I wanna use earlier leh. Dunno safe anot? How much is e clarins brand? Got write stretch mark cream? I cant find in watson. Where got sell? Last time i only use palmers. No stretch marks. Dunno wanna use back e same anot cos i know some ppl got itch after using. But last time i use ok.


oh i din know for 3mth onwards i tink tt only a guideline bah when i buy the sales din mentioned also.. anyway i am still usin the leftover clarins oil from my 1st pregnancy.. yes the palmers i hear alot of -ve feedback n i dun like the smell so i din use:p i tink SM also depend on individual skill also bah.. for the clarins many places selling like john little but i buy from chinatown cos alt cheaper the oil is call Body Treatment oil(Huile "tonic") http://sg.clarins.com/beauty-product/body/pregnancy/tone/tonic-body-treatment-oil/C020101003/

piggytoh and Blumuffins, thanks for ur welcome..

My son is 15 months. Born April 2009. Yesterday, I told him he going to be kor kor le, he shake his hand and walk off!! I try to play with him, he dun care abt me!!

I use Palmers stretchmark cream for #1, was left with lots n lots of stretchmark. Mayb will try other brand.

Hello all!

Looks like many new additions to this thread =)

I used palmers for my #1, then developed very bad rash and itch. So I switched to Elancyl... still got stretchmarks... then my gynae say actually is genetic. No pt using cream coz depends on the individual skin. Some skin just more prone to stretchmarks...I havent started using yet. Think will only start after 3 mths...

Today is a bad day... hubby supposed to travel for this week, but just this morning his boss ask him to extend 1 more week! I seriously dunno how i'm gonna cope with 1 young one and 1 in tummy. My #1 is 20 mths liao, weighs > 12kg. When i carry him, can feel tummy strain... So fed up... Sorry gals, just need outlet to vent...

Morning ladies,

Hope eveyone is having a good day so far.

congrats to Elmo, Andrea, Blumuffins!

Piggytoh - so nice to hear a heartbeat. I always found it comforting whenever I heard it during my 1st pregancy scans. Can't wait for my next appt but still a week+ away.


I can understd I remember when I preg with#1 my hb posted over sea for 10 mths since I 6 mth preg till my BB 7 mth old n I stay alone n handle my boi alone n now my hb told me he might need to go oversea for 5 mth again I also at loss dunno. How to cope with 1 toddler n 1 inside tummy.. Sigh~


I told my boi but he no diff maybe he is alr a gor gor to my sil gal but when I ask him wher is BB he will look at my tummy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I havent tell him yet. Tot of telling him when my tummy is bigger, at least he can visualise... Yah old ppl say pregnant dun carry, but i have no choice. When my hubby travel, i'm alone. Definitely will have times when i need to carry...

adelchia, can understand your frustrations wen hubby is not ard to help out. My #1 juz turn 1yr old last week...but i still continue carry my boi cos he always wan to be carried all the time. sometimes i will juz complain to my hubby then he will help out abit. haiz...

rapple, thanks for te welcome.

Piggytoh, he is very good and clever!

adelchia & jeslyn, no ppl to help u? #1 can wlk already? Mine I remember when he knows how to walk, he was very happy.. Now he is running around. I suspect my boy is those who wants freedom.


yes it v assuring when we hear the heartbeat[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my nex appt is tml but not to see BB but for injection cos I still havin spotting sigh it damn painful[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I told my hb Now I can't carry my boi ESP I got spottin so he jus try carry him whenever needed but I tink HB can't be with us ard the clock so unavoidable we still have to carry them ESP bathin etc..

Hello everyone ,I'm cherry yap here.

This is my second preg.

My first child is one 2 months now.

Having mixed feelings now .

My edd is early April (according to my gynae)

Hope you all don't mind .


Cherry, Hello!! Ur #1 is only 2 months?? Is a blessing from God.. No mixed feelings k... dun think so much.. if u r bf, u need to stop le.


haha I tink the Kid nowaday r all v clever[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but my #1 is quite a easy BB he sleep thru after 1 mth n he is fast n gd drinker hope my #2 is like him but of cos all BB wi have fussin moment:p

Cherry ,

welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u mean ur #1 is 14mth or 2 mth?

congrats cherry!

andrea & piggytoh,

im looking aft my boi most of the times in the evening aft wk. sometimes hubby will help to carry him lo...my boi still needs to hold onto something to walk so hv to follow him everywhr lo...kinda tiring [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


wow...ur boi so gd...sleep thr aft 1 mth! my boi till now still needs to wake up once every night for his night feed! but i can consider myself lucky too...he sleep early every night at ard 8plus...

My hb is also 1 kind de. He won't help unless I tell him specifically what to do. Lately my 29mo DD has been sick..so kinda clingy and wants me to carry especially when she wakes up at night crying. My hb dint even bother to help..instead moved to the study to sleep...was so mad with him. Mayb tats the cause for my spotting. Luckily DD now better..n at least she understands that I can't carry her as often.

Hi Cherry..welcome and congrats!


yes I understd my boi now start to walk w/o suppport but not v stable yet so gotta follow him too.. Ya my boi start to sleep from 9pm to 4am n drag longer n longer..

Ur boi still wake up for nite feed? Do u know by 6 mth they shd not wake up for nite feed? I gt friend they dun bother to train n now their children 3 Yo still wake up for nite feed wor it alr become a habit not to scare u but happen to few of my friends n nex time ur BB cone out will be more taxin on u...


My #1 can walk, but sometimes like carrying into the car seat and in the car park, no choice have to carry. Then if he sleeps in the car, I'll have to carry him back home... No choice la. At least when hubby is at home, I'll rest and let him do everything...


You have spotting? U ok? Better rest.. I now thinking if i should get MC to rest at home also.. haha


Congrats and welcome!


ya spottin for the last 2 wk on n off I wish I can take mc but I can't still under probation now struggle to go to work daily sigh.. Now the thot of havin another jab sian half..


some man r Like tt but nvm since he need constant reminder u jus keep remindin n askin him to help[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so many mummies are in their 2nd pregnancy. I am in my 1st pregnancy. I saw all of you posting about stretch mark cream? Is it we have to start applying now? I started to put on weight. *SAD*. Is it normal to gain weight at this time?


ya lo...my boi still waits up for his night feeds. cos i tink he drinks his milk at ard 8plus every nite...im dunno how to wean him off night feeds leh...somemore he drink his milk so early every nite.


can 1 it whether u wan to wean him off anot but mus tahan him cryin.. FYI my BOi sleep ard 7.30 den i dream feed him his last feed at 9pm den he sleep till 6+ in the morning ... so ur boi last feed at 8pm not consider v early leh.. according to PD by 6mth they shd have store enough energy from day meal to allow them to sleep thru w/o food for 12hrs[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sian my spotting got worse got a big patch of dark red blood sigh...

Jenn/Ting ting,

actually now can start to use stretch mark cream alr we r suppose to use be4 our tummy start to stretch mah..

Hi mummies,

I think normal moisturizer works as well as those stretch mark cream. As long as keep the skin around the tummy and thighs moisturise, hopefully those stretch marks won't come.

But I think genes play a part too. I'm lucky I don't have stretch marks and my mum also didn't get any when she was carrying me.

Anyway, those stretch marks will fade after birth too.

Hi piggytoh,

oh dear! Think u better call up ur gynae! Probably u may need some bed rest.


I call my gynae liao he say it norm during early preg n after my progesterone jab.. Goin to see him tml ..Ya I tink I need ample rest but I sti under probation not so nice to take so much leave..

Hi Mummies,

Can I join too : ) This is my 3rd preggie, I have 2 girl 4yrs & 2yrs. My pregnany now should be coming 8wk. Last check coming 7week bb only measure 2mm.

I have spotting on & off since wk 5. Gynae put me on hospitalisation leave for 3week.

Piggytoh ,better to rest, company cant fault u on MC. If probation, just go on NPL. Health is more important.

Hi piggytoh,

me also under probation and I'm barely with this Coy for 2mths and I'm pregnant! Don't even know how to annouce the news to my boss.......

It seems abit unethical to hide but.....sighz.

Can't wait for gynae visit tmr to see how many weeks am I.

Hi girls..

Hope everyone is having a nice Monday without the Monday blues...

I think I have to stop reading the forum.. I'm worrying myself sick in this period of waiting.. Know that it's perfectly normal not to hear any heartbeat since it's only 5 weeks plus but I can't help feeling stressed and upset.. Doesn't help that I keep reading about others having blighted ovum and m/cs.. I think I'm going crazy soon


welcome wow ur gynae so strict ah ya intend to see gynae tml n get some mc to rest..


me too I still got 3 wk be4 confirm now dunno how sigh n now can't help worryin cos my MS seems to gone...

Andrea, Dr KT Tan from KKH.

Pinkraindrop, dont read too much about the negative write up, filter out. WK5 cannot c heatbeat der. I went to check on W6 day 6 , doctor also cant confirm the HB. Now waiting patiently for my next week scan.

Ningyo, 2mth plus, dont announce till yr 3rd mth confirmation..heehee. Just tell her is an accident..hee

Piggytoh, When I ask my gynae is spotting norm, her reply is to some is normal, to others is not. So to take the best precaution, is to rest. Do your best for your little one. Own health is more impt then anything.

Not to scare your hor, I had a miscarriage, no pain , only slight brown discharge on & off..when I go for my 10wk scan, got a shock that the HB is gone. So now, I am very careful.

Piggy good good..can go for scan tomm again..heehee.. She not strict just careful, a very good gynae..hahaha

wow, just 1 morning and so many new MTBs...

went to see my gynae this morning, he didn't do any test for me cos he said i tested 3 times myself, so won't go wrong... no scan also cos he said still very early... but started giving me the progesterone jabs... twice a week, every monday and wednesday. he will see me again in 2 weeks time...

this is also my #2, i have a 17 mths boy

Thanks piggytoh & ningyo.

Ting, this is my 1st preggy too. I have put on almost 3 kg, I think it's a bit too much, gynae asked me to cut down on carbo.


even no spottin the heartbeat can jus stop anytime[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sigh.. now i tink i got no choice but to tell my boss abt my preg... n i can really feel no MS anymore... cross my finger everything is fine[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my #1 i also have spottin... on n off.. sian dunno y alway kena spottin..


ya, no spotting heartbeat also can stop... for me, b4 my #1, i had 1 pregnancy but detected no heartbeat at wk 6, confirmed at wk 7, then got to go for ops to terminate the pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but since then, i've been looking positively cos if it's meant to be yours, it'll be yours... if from beginning already have problem, then let it be... dun take it too hard

no MS can also have a successful pregnancy... 1 of my friend was so lucky, no MS at all throughout her pregnancy and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes i know but not easy to take it easy... oh cos last wk my MS make me v sick den today like suddenly gone so kinda worried cos i heard if MS suddenly gone could me bb no more also..anyway will jus wait n see if really bad news cant be help also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Piggytoh..crossing my fingers for u that everything is ok. better rest more & take care.

For those mummies who are jittery (including myself), must think positive.

