(2011/03) Mar 2011

Yean, I only have lg, dub hav parklon to compare with. But frm wat I heard parklon firmness not as good as lg if compared with same thickness. A 12mm parklon may still feel the floor when u step on it while my 15mm lg really feels thick. Have homogenous tiles at home, so Thot of having thicker mats to protect my gal as she still can fall back n ht her head while sitting.


I dunno how to PM the HPC recipes :p...

Can mummies give me ur email (in forum or PM me)...I will fwd it to you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my bb started with high fever on mon, then poo v frequently watery stools and damn cranky the next few days!! plus cough n runny nose i tink she may hv got it from jiejie... i went to c doc but the med like no effect (xcept for fever).. then 2 days ago i realized... her 2 pearlies finally finally sprouted shyly ... hahaha... its not v obvious though, but when u feel them, u noe its the edge of teeth...bottom centre two, hehe...


thicker doesnt mean its good too la..to me.

cos sometimes the baby will not fall inside the mat too...

and if lets say the diff is higher, wont it be more painful? and cos its thicker, so it wont align with the floor alot, and might results in tripping too???

parklon - cheap and value for money, good as a "rough mat" or 2nd mat

softer but not as firm

i have the dwinguler - colours more vibrant, more firm, but abit harder to me la...but more solid..

so it actually depends on yr own budget, your preferred thickness, design, size...

Sorry mummies, I'm abt to start porridge for my girl. What should I buy first or prepare? Wat kind of rice? Wat stock should I start with? N Wat ingredient can I put in? Can use slow cooker to cook?

Use the new crop rice for porridge, it will become mushy faster, don't need to boil and boil. As for stock, you can refer to the previous post by Pixiel and LinLee, they gave a good list of stocks to prepare.


like wat 2Ks advice, its depends on your budget. Dwinguler more ex, parkon cheaper.

I only got 1 mat, babycare, so can't really tell the diff, and when he hit his head on the mat, doesn't cry so ok lah.

Playmat: For mi, I think the dimension of the mat is more impt, the bigger the better. I'm using Parklon's large size, but bb will always crawl out of the mat. Whenever he got a knock, it always happen outside the mat, that's why I wish I had a much bigger mat for him to play on.

ST: Received the recipes. Thanks a lot!!

Joc: Rice can use new crop rice like what limlim says. Stock you can use ABC soup, pork rib soup, ikan bilis soup, etc. For ingredients you can add potatoes, pumpkin, carrot, threadfin, lean meat, cod fish, silverfish, spinach, etc..

Yes, u can use slow cooker to cook but waste electricity la.

Afternoon Mummies!

I'm feeling so tired... attended prayer session 'gong tek' (hokkien) for my hub's grandfather on sat n sun then need to send and fetch my gal to and from my mum hse cos not bring her to the prayer session then hub fell sick, doc suspect food poisoning... aiyo I'm Miss Panda now =(

Sinmey - hehe cooking is fun... hopefully I don't get 3 min with the HCP....

2Ks - I see... the seller I bought fr very fast, 5 days they already deliver to me but I'm not hm so nv receive.. the deliveryman say will call and deliver to me again within these 2-3 days...

LimLim & JoJo, where can I get new crop rice? Fr Ntuc?

For those ingredients, i separate cook then put in when porridge is ready or throw in cook tgt with the rice? do I need to purée first? Threadfin, how do I ensure no bones ah?

Sorry, first time mum, blur blur + I dun really cook.

ST: i do notice that new crop rice the texture is different leh..

actually new crop rice why is it good, cos its the 1st round harvested rice...whereas the normal rice is maybe few times harvest...thats why its so rare and more exp..

very hardworking....i used to grind for kyler..but for kiefer, i am freakinggggggg lazy can..

ST - How you grind the rice?

2Ks - This mornign when I send my gal to IFC, I saw Joanne scolding one boy (but not Kyler)... wah first time I see her so fierce....

XFZ: if u r using normal rice, u got to wash the rice then sun it dry..

but sun hor...i find dirty cos the dust flying ma..

so what i did is, i fry low fire until dry...

but some jap rice, is no rinse type..so can direct pour and grind..

u must make sure yr blender is powerful enough..

cos some blender are very prone to overheating too.

really? some boys i think quite naughty...

kyler also naughty at times la..

but he always the losing one cos he is the smallest in class

2Ks - Wahh alot of work hor.. think I just soak and crush the rice can le hehe...

Think that boy was running ard the class...

I wanna ask, for white sesame seeds, after I buy from supermarket, I must fry or toast it in oven before use? Or can use just like that and sprinkle on my dish?

XFZ: its alot of work lor..

i do it for brown rice mix, then i add in some si shen powder too..

white sesame seeds - yes, must toast abit before adding in...

fry also can...use yr happycall also can..

u buy from supermarket very big packet leh...use very long

limlim: $17+ for 2kg!....OMG...

jap rice super ex lor.

i ever bought $20 rice lor..from japan one..

he better clear his bowl lor

u going to cook when travelling ah...

i am plain lazy...i prob give him those instant type..

Instant one aso exp. The wakadoo instant food $7+ for 1 box (inside have 2 portions), the portion is too small, Lucien can eat the whole box lor. And today I gave him the Heinz jar food ( cheesy sphagetti bolognaise) he eat but I think he don't like it.

Must stand by some rice, at least I can make porridge anytime. Then just buy puree and add inside the plain porridge for some taste. $17 + is the cheapest , I saw there's a 1kg pkt selling for 20+ but the packet comes with ziploc packaging so more convenient. I cannot stand the thought of having Lucien eat mash potato and cereals everyday. Lolzz.

limlim: i dont think i can cook...too many things for me to manage...

need to manage the 2 boys, my pump, their food...

end up i super busy...

so i rather pay for convenience la...

i give in between cereals lor or white rice...

2Ks - Yup I buy from NTUC... nvm la slowly use lor hehe... ok will try HCP to fry it when I get my hands on it... maybe this weekend then I try to cook the EYS si shen brown rice for my gal.... for this, if I dont cook using tap water, can I use stocks? Now I'm in love with pork ribs+yellowonions+carrot stock =)

Tamp is raining, my hub say SBW also raining... sianz... terrible weather to pick children from sch...

limilim - Wah the rice exp leh... your bb so xin fu...

XFZ: of cos can...use stock to cook the eys brown rice taste even nicer...

i love to use spare rib in the porridge, also smell very nice one..

so i pack one pc one pc in plastic bags for easy usage..

sesame seeds seldom use leh..i think one yr i also cannot finish the packet..

only use abit for the bulgogi pork and then the fried you tiao with paste...

what other things can use

XFZ ...i use blender to grind ...but sometimes lazy ...jus crush it ...heehee...

I am going to cook fish porridge for my boy this week...He has been vegetarian for so long liao ...:p

I have two tins of S26 Promil Gold Stage 2 - 900g (exp 21/01/13) going for $50 for both. (or $30 for 1 tin). Meet up / self collect ard hougang/serangoon gardens. can email me at [email protected] if u r interested. =)

Hi, may I know wats the purpose of giving Si Sen powder or brown rice? Can juz give normal brown rice? For start, shd I start with giving my girl white or brown rice?

2ks: I bought a piece of fresh sanyao that day. How to process it before putting it in porridge ? Boil together with porridge?

Hello everyone..

Wanna share something with all mummies...

Last saturday i cooked porridge for Eden... As usual, i parboil the one piece pork ribs then add into the porridge, always making sure there is no broken bones or lose "pieces" dangling away...

My hubby then feed eden.. After feeding and while carrying him, he kept making the want to vomit sound... But nothing came out.. so we just ignore lor... Then he went to sleep and we went out... He woke up and while in the lift, he make the vomiting sound again... i started getting worried, look into his mouth and...

TO MY HORROR., there is a piece of BONE FRAGMENT inside...his mouth for like past TWO HOURS.... I quickly dig it out from his mouth... i felt so bad after that... all these while the bone was inside his mouth and i think he was trying to swallow but couldn't cos it's sharp and might be painful for him... so he just made the vomiting sound... really feel so guilty that he suffered and he actually SLEPT with the BONE in his mouth... OMG!!!!

Really freak me out!!!

So mummies who are cooking porridge with spare ribs, please be careful... When feed baby also, make sure no bones in the porridge... I also don't know how my husband fed baby porridge... Lucky we dig it out... If not also don't know what will happen...

Morning Mummies!!

2Ks - If I nv cook stock I will also throw in a pc of spare rib... really make the porridge smell great!

Tonight will rec my HCP, ask the delivery man send to my MIL hse cos tonight gg there then pick it up otherwise nobody at hm to rec it...

ST - I too lazy, soak and crush easier hehe..

fel - ok noted on the bone fragments... Hope Eden's throat is ok now...

Was feeding my gal steamed apple and pear puree last... I scoop and put the spoon near my mouth to blow cos abit hot and she scream and cry thinking I'm eating her food ||| after I tell her mummy is not eating your food then she quiet down omg...

hello mummies!

long time no post, been bz working everyday till late; yest till 10.30pm yawnzzzzz


on no! sometimes the bone so small, really cannot see de hor? dont blame yourself, you did check anyway....


just got a 2nd hand from wts last weekend, $150 for a LG prime. good deal or not ah? anyway my current parklon, my son go n dig holes liao...so hafta buy new one


next time you can buy 肉头 pork loin ....no bone & fat ....it is very juicy and sweet when u use it to cook the porridge...

肉头 huh.. Previously I went market ask for 汤骷 then the butcher told me for soup should use this this this.. So I just buy lo. Forgot the name also...

For those who give silverfish hor. I cut off

The tail n the head.. Then also must remove the long long bone sia.. What a tedious task..

The head part is so sharp.. The tail doesn't look like can eat.. Then Eden choke on the bone sia..

Fel: Oh dear..hope Eden is fine. Dun blame urself. Last time I also use spare rib but my mum say cannot use cos will have bone fragments. I told her I got wash carefully and parboil it, but she say there could still be bone fragments during the cooking process. So I never use spare rib for his porridge, use 腰肉 or 肉头 instead.

Yean: I got my playmat from baby fair.

Fel: Silverfish is really very troublesome, have to carefully pick out. I wanted to give silverfish but think of the process I give up le. I was thinking if we can put the silverfish into those soup bag so we can remove the bag easier? I haven't not try this yet though.


yupz, it's juz a piece of meat....i usually buy $2 pork loin for 2 portion of porridge...you tell the butcher...he will know ...

i parboil it and put it inside the porridge...


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i can feel your OMG ... Dun blame urself ok ? Eden is smart to try taking it out by himself ..

I usually buy the soft bone rib ... or the lean meat, parboiled and throw in the porridge.

I realized mummies here is very ON leh .. I nvr grind/crush the rice de. Wkend morning, wake up, jz wash 2 handful of rice (1 handful is 1 bowl) and put the hot boiling water to cook in slow cooker. Dump the lean meat chunk & the finely chopped carrot/pumpkin/potatoes/Corn (usually 2 type of these). Put on High & boiled for 2 hrs. Change to Auto. Dump the chopped Broccoli/Spinach(Yin Cai) and the Threadfin/Cod fish in ... Boil for 15mins and TaaDaa ... Here the mushy porridge for Shay le ..

I think 3 hrs is good enough to make the mushy porridge le .. & i nvr use new rice too .. I use the Japanese rice or the normal rice that we eat .. at the beginning, i still use the spoon to mash a bit b4 i feed and Shay is ok with it.

Last wkend, i fed Shay b4 head down to kopitiam downstair for dinner. Shay is staring at our food lor. I gave him the puff he still act like we torture & dun give him food. So i gave him my rice. Walao, he like it lor.. cannot tahan. Btw, i gave him plain bread too and he loves it ... I'm cooking bb pasta for him tonite .. Haiz, this boy loves to eat .. just like the mummy .. Tam Jiak

