(2011/03) Mar 2011

limlim: ming mu yu not much taste to me..

u try dont buy those big types..maybe more fishy smell...

another alternative in soups, u can try add nan xing bei xing..that one confirm no taste


Afternoon Mummies!!

Having headache now... think nv drink enuf water and not enuf rest over the weekend...

Rec my HCP yday... thinking to use it to stir fried the pork tonight hehe...

2Ks - Aiyo I feel you... I saw Kyler in sch today... the HFMD is directly in didi's IFC or CC?? Dun jump dun jump, pls take care of yourself...

What is ming mu yu?? I totally clueless on these chinese herb and dried foodstuffs... got dried scallops at hm but have not cook for bb... the dried scallops need to soak before cook or just wash and cook?

XFZ: must "open" the work before using ok, otherwise yr pork become chao tar.

is direct in didi IFC, his classmate got it...

i got a strong feeling that he might get it, cos now he is sick and immune system low...

sian to the max..

ming mu yu is put inside soup to boil one, its good for eyes..its dried product. those sell dried stuff one usually will sell

but its very exp

yes dried scallops must soak then cook.

unless u using those mini types, that one very easy to soften

2Ks - Ok noted... but still having headache now and haven wash HCP... think tonight just use my work save trouble hehe...

Aiyo direct IFC... siao liao... please let didi drink more water and 'sterilise' him once he's home... some more still got Kyler at hm... pray hard hard for you didi will be fine...

Thanks for sharing on the ming mu yu... got chance go those dried stuff shop then I go see... my mil buy for me the mini scallops, she say more easy to cook and not so 'fishy'...

ST - How to make silver fish powder?

Hi Mummies, for sharing.. I happened to take a photo of the big silverfish (fresh ones) I bought from ntuc. Think its the same one Fel used rite? Its quite huge, hence I also cut away the head and tail and debone. So far I experimented by chopping the silverfish till v fine, then throw it into the slow cooker with the cooked xin mi. But hor, I find it quite fishy smell.. compared to threadfin which is sweeter in taste.

I also saw ntuc selling the smaller ones (fresh too)... but no photos to show.. The size is the same as the dried ones.


PrestoRabb - Yes, this is the BIG silver fish that i use... Fishy... Nowadays i always add a piece of ginger in all his porridge...

Cos all the fish smells FISHY to me... Haha...

I guess it's just me....

Fel, nah, I like fishy stuff.. but I also find it v v fishy smell and yucky when I debone the slimy silver fish. Plus I didnt add ginger.. my poor baby, eating up the fishy porridge. Heh. Today I bought the dried small silverfish to try as well. Maybe like ST, will make some silverfish powder over the weekend ! Yipee !

HI LADIES!!!!....

hahahaha, Im a FTWM for 2 weeks liao.. been so damn busy! and once i reached hm n over weekends only wanna spend time with my boys..i jus speed read thru now since im free now aft clearing all my work. hehe..

2Ks: i seperated them into 2 different rooms, tts y didi is slping in the extra rm whereas the older one is still with us. cos the older one is like kyler, when coughing, will vomit. headache.

i will repeat myself to korkor, explaining to him he is very sick, cannot kiss didi cos if not didi will be sick, or if didi is sick i'll tell him not to kiss him cos didi will pass to him n he'll cough cough. he unds aft some time, thou sometimes he still does wanna go in, but we'll give him gentle reminder. but seriously speaking huh, still under one roof, somehow its still difficult to prevent speading of germs. even thou Jav sanitizes his hands b4 touching didi n all.. guess its quite unpreventable. jus gotta try to minimise the germs spreading bah.

hope Kyler n Kiefer get well soon. My boys r sick too, Jav alrdy 95% recovered frm the chi med. but didi is still as bad, im bringing him to a respitory specialist this sat.

Fel: i normally use minced meat or ba tou or yao rou part n cook, cos no bones, else u use those bags which can wrap the bones n cook, else quite risky, thou like 2Ks pointed out,the rest will not b as sweet as the bones, but i feel its a matter of getting used to it and children will not choose if frm the beginning, u dont gif them a choice to choose from. =)

silverfish: i bought the smaller ones cos easier to handle and cook n swallow i guess? lol..

ST: i tink better to give ikan bilis powder aft 1 YO.

xiaofeizhu, wash, bake n blend..haha..

Jojo, tofu can give. no matter wad food u try out jus rem the 3 days rule and look out for any allergies.

Javier started his new school on Mon. specially took 1 day off n acc him. He cried so badly and i feel hes so ke lian cos ive nvr seen him cried till like tt b4..felt so heartpain, in the end i acc him for half a day n sneaked out aft he warmed up n started playing w his frens. 2nd day, took 1/2 day cos I wasnt sure if hes able to cope, surprisingly, thou he said 'dowan' when i said byebye to him n cried a lil but the moment i closed the door n peeped at him outside, hes alrdy playing.. so today i jus dropped him off straight at sch door n went off,i told him "bye babobei.." he ans me "byeeeeeeeeeeee"(n the eeee at the back hes crying..) lol..but i jus left, called the sch upon reaching work, tchr says hes totally fine. hehe, at least took my mind off sth. phewww..

ps for the length post huh.. enjoy yr mid week everyone! =DD

ikan bilis powder abit salty so sprinkle with care. i gave to my #1 only after he turned 1yo

they dun need salt at this stage imho

2ks - I did scald/wash/soak it with hot water... but I only take out some silverfish I want and put the rest back in the fridge. Cos there is a sticker pasted by NTUC - it says something like must use up the fresh silverfish within 3 days and cannot frost it again.. cos it was defrost before.

Oh I get it 2Ks, u mean remove everything, bones/head/tail, then freeze it again and pack in small portions.. then when want to use, just take that portion out?


for those frozen and thawed food from NTUC, i will use the balance in adult's food. yeap those cannot be frozen and thawed again liao

I wonder is there frozen silverfish sold.. hmmm.. then I can thaw it as and when I want. I find the fresh silverfish much less salty than the dried ones (though soaked)

But now I love threadfin more.. seems that my baby likes it better !

lilprecious: long time no see! how is your new job? everyday very happy to go home after work to see yr kids rite...

busy but time just fies by isnt it?

ya lor...i dunno how to separate them la..

i guess its really very hard to do that la..

so i can only do my best to prevent..

prestorabb: yes...actually boil it cooked better..until the transparent become white in colour..

then pack into small pack and freeze it for use next time...

2ks: my ex colleague told me about the Ming mu yu otherwise I aso dunno about the existence . Today I just bought the small dry scallops to bring along traveling. The best I can do during traveling is dump the scallops with some wolf berries for his porridge and hope it will be sweet. And add some bottled purees that I can find and give him egg yolk or fish when we are eating. I also bought Pigeon veg stock ( powder form) , some wakadoo instant food, bovril. I know ang mo countries have lots a variety for bottled food but hor i very scare he don't like the taste then no back up plan. Actually my back up plan is cereals. Lolzzz

limlim, when is ur trip? dried scallops with wolf berries porridge....sure sweet....no worries.

My MIL gave me some dried oysters....can we use it to cook porridge for our babies?

Wah I only catch up with two pages coz long time no come here... U ladies are very good! All very good in cooking. I was very hardworking at puree stage and beginning of porridge stage...till my hubby took over when I was in the hospital...and he's now totally in charge of my boy's porridge liao...Muahahahhahaha *Evil Laugh*

Thanks for sharing so much ladies! I will share what I've read with my hubby so he can prepare better porridge! He finds cooking therapeutic but it is quite stressful for me...so good lah...

But but...I will not give up...I will still try to cook good porridge...will learn from all of u...kekeke

ST: the dried oysters the smell quite strong leh...

i wont add in till after 1 year old..

before 1, its very plain food..

if u want just add 1 pc ok..

pauline: its still not too late now la! when you see baby G finish up, its very happy one lor

mummies, i remembered you guys mentioned about this physiogel AI cream rite...

my sil was asking about it...

is it need prescription? otherwise where can buy it cheapest?

average how much per tube?

2Ks, yes ...need prescription. And I went to Pharmacy ... they do not carry this product. Only have physiogel cream ...The pharmacist told me can only get it from PD.


dried oysters - from MIL ....hmm...luckily i hv not cook it for my boy ....

Hi mummies,

last nite i hand itchy ...went to trim my son's hair...i was thiking...才几条毛...trim should be ok ....but now I am vvvvv regret le....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ...so ugly ...he looks so stupid now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

2k - No need prescription one...

Not cheap... $30++ per tube.. one small tube nia... If u want i can help u to get, i can get staff discount from SGH pharmacy...

But how to pass it to you or to her?

I work in SGH, live in punggol... By postage??

Let me know...

sorry, 2ks, what is sharkmeat in chinese call? i saw that in NTUC...issit the stingray u see in those chap chye png stalls?

sinmey: dried oysters no need to cook la..dump in soup/stock

fel: thanks..i check with my sil..she freaking stingy one...

dont wanna spend on son...

pixie: i dunno...i only know sharkfin melon..

got pic?

it looks like a steak of fish, my maid froze that liao...

got 'swirls" like a cod fish, but not white....

LOL...ok i go google

2Ks: ya.. busy lo, but on days like wed and fri sometimes will be not so busy but im not doing like total 100% full load work yet, jus coping with whatever i've learned for now. haha, ya, everyday rush home jus to see the boys, hug n kiss dem. 1st one normally i attack didi first. lol.. cos korkor slps with me n slps later not so bad. cos everytime when I reached home, didi alrdy prepping to slp. but i love it each time he sees me, his eyes n face brightens up, smiles and push himself forward n lean towards me to carry him.

physiogel used to sell in guardian off the shelves when i first bot it, but aft i bot like 2 tubes, they removed it alrdy, PDs sell normally.. else u can try guardian pharmacies. Its considered ex, cos its like abt 38 per tube i rem, i stocked up like 3-4 tubes one go. i jus started using my last tube, so i gotta go stock up more.


yea, i know. Jz dumb like dried scallop into the soup.

Jz that i worry the smell/taste would be too strong end up waste my effort to boil soup for her. So i nvr think of adding it lor .. maybe i should .. haa

actually cooking also very headache hor..

cook must think of what the kids eat..

i lagi headache, i want kyler to eat vege, but the father dont eat vege, so there is a limit of what vege i can cook..

and this kyler love soup...but cook soup cook until i sian...

sinmey: think 1-2 pc not much taste de in the soup

Morning, mimimo!

Yup, started shopping abit at Crabtree liao! Now stamina sucks big time, just walked around the new Scotts Sq and CK Tangs last evening after work, me and my ah lau oredi tired... Jialat..

Tat's a SUPERB place to shop!!

Coach, Kate spade, Gap, Armani, Calvin Klein, French Connection and the European brands!!!!!!

But u gotta strategise your route and time 1st. Last time, I dwelled too much time at one place, and missed out on many brands. KILL ME!!

2 things you may wanna consider:

(a) go to website 1st and download the discount coupons (think u may need to sign-up 1st; but it's FOC)

(b) Go to the head office (forgot its proper name) once u reach that place to collect your discount booklet. The discounts are different from (a). And can be used concurrently. I remembered I buy my Kate Spade bag super super super cheap!!!

But chanel empty empty... so dun raise your hopes. Ferragamo shoes sizes limited. Gucci pathetic. Forgot got tiffany outlet or not. And those branded heels from giuseppe zanotti etc etc!!!

*faint again!!!*

And also those abercrombie, polo ralph etc etc for men!

*faint 3rd time*


Neh.. no prob at all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This bring back fond memories. I still remembered me and my hubby split path in the evening to make full use of the last few precious hours.

I dashed into the Kate Spade shop, and did a wild crazed one-eye see all merchandize. Practically threw all the discount coupons and booklet to the cashier.... My hubby was shouting at the entrance to hurry. And we RAN all the way to catch the last bus. Wah lau eh... I neber ran so much ever since the 2.4 km during school time. But felt ever soo contented when hugging all the shopping tropies on the way back hotel. Hahaha!!

Sigh... Today no mood to work liao...

