(2011/03) Mar 2011

Limlim: peel the skin then put in porridge and boil together.. Then soft enough can give bb to eat too..

But some adults r sensitive to the skin of it, will itch..

Some won't..


Thks to mummies who gv feedback on Healthy Times cereal.. my post was far far away now. So busy with the handover, only got some time to check now.

And am reading on making babies porridge too.

Fel, silver fish need to cut head and tail and remove the centre bone??!?!

That's freakling me out, where got so much time?



Aiyah my gal everynight oredi eat our plain rice when we eat our dinner liao. Morning she wakie so early, i dump her to my maid n my maid feed her bread as well

If we r out n time to drink milk, i go buy some soft bread for her to eat. Lazy to bring out milk. I havent been bringing out chilled bm for long time liao

Tam jiak oso!!

Her meals can be porridge, sphagetti or mee suah. I havent start others. Just now just made my own sphagetti sauce so that can add abit into her sphagetti. Canned them lor

Fel: think u buy the wrong part of spare ribs.. The spare ribs that I bought doesn't hv fragments.. More meat then bone.

Spare ribs got many kinds too.

The the silverfish that I bought don't hv bones one.. It's small kind.

Please b careful on threadfin too lor.. Also got bones...

So far I cook no issue on that leh....

Pork loin taste not as nice as spare rib but well I think baby shouldn't know the difference bah

Actually porridge very easy to cook one.. It's actually based on mummy preference way of cooking..

Some prefer to use slow cooker, some prefer to use thermal or stove.. So it actually practice and practice...

Up to u all to add whatever too..

But to me, just don't confuse the baby la... Don't cook like 8-in 1 porridge lor... Omg

LS, sure! But are you able to make payment to Jen by today?

Also pm me yr contact, email, bb's name, DOB, gender, as well as no. of adults/tots going. Thanks!

sinmey, pixel,

for baby pasta, wat sauce do you all put?

I din managed to find any sauce for baby pasta at NTUC leh?

2ks, you start on porridge liao boh?

I feel that the pork loin not as sweet as spare rib. And because I use the slow cooker for porridge, the pork loin disintegrate after two hours and very hard to pick up the pieces cos the meat very tough for baby to chew.


nice to have a tam jiak bb ... My #1, really a picky eater, till now also dun eat bread, egg, any meat, tofu, vege ... even rice lor, nugget also dun wan.. only recently she is fine with rice but not too frequent. Everyday soup soup with noodle/macaroni .. sian... so now i try to boil the soup with rich ingredient & give her lo.

I feel so easy to bring Shay out than my girl.

Yahor, i can try mee suah too .. wat u made for spagetti sauce ? I just add some pumpkin/carrot puree in it nia leh .. haha..

sinmey - my C also tam jiak.. she also been eating our white rice when we eat dinner... wahh pasta nice! Btw how to handle corn to be cook in porrige? Buy those frozen corn then peel off the indivdual skin then mash then throw in to cook? You put alot of ingredient for Shay's porridge, I usually only put fish+1veg or pork+1veg... boring de haha... veg only use spinach/carrot/pumpkin...

pixel - our bb age can start to eat white bread already? My mum also say can eat but I nv try...

2Ks - 8 in 1 reminds me of 'ba bao zhou' haha... silverfish must soak first right becos salty??

milktea, i use puree leh ... i tried to use the soup from my girl's macaroni soup (only ikan bilis, vege, pork), take out some soup for Shay before i add fishball & soya sauce for her.


i dump 1/3 of the corn into the porridge just for the taste nia leh. I nvr take out the corn itself to feed him, lazy.

I dun like buy frozen corn or even peas leh, prefer fresh one.

No leh, usually is Fish+1root vege(potatoes/pumpkin/carrot)+1 green vege(broccoli/spinach). Pork is optional. Coz last week Shay's stomach kena virus leh .. Lao sai 8x everyday, so i nvr give fish, only pork+vege. No pumpkin/potatoes too scare cause stomach wind ..

Fel, So thankful that u could still pick the bone out of his mouth. Phew!

sinmey, I envy u, yr gal so love her didi, mine only knows how to snatch his toys, sometimes, hit him too. sigh!

Soup net, I'm keen too. Where to buy ah?

allets, swim wear with sleeves can get from robinson or mothercare, not thermal though.

Milk tea: stock bag can get from daiso..

I havent start on porridge lor..

Maybe end month or so.. I want him to stabilize his food intake first..

Actually frozen corns peas r in fact better.. Why? Cos after harvest, it's direct pack frozen... So the nutrients are contained infact

But for so called fresh vege, don't forget the shipping delivery take a few days to reach sg supermarkets or markets..

So called fresh vege from Malaysia perhaps it's already 1-2 days old vege

Logic bor?

Xfz: if u wanna give corn don't give the skin, same goes for peas..I buy my silverfish from Chong pang.

If u wanna used dried one also can. Buy those from Japan one. It's whitish instead of yellowish and must must soak with water then chopped finely add in porridge

sinmey - I see...

2Ks - You mean the silverfish you buy is fresh ones? Like that I must go mkt to take a look le...

Wanna ask, our bb shld not take in any fats i.e. cooking oil at this stage right? Cos I read the Annabel K website and some of her puree requires the sautee of onion and meat with oil before blending... thus I'm thinking whether is it gd for bb?? Any advice??

sinmey, ok noted.

I see you all so hardworking, and Annie's fb post, make me wana be more hardworking man.

2Ks, thks, maybe wkend go daiso see see, I wana buy what I need to buy and prep to war in my kitchen, maybe end of Nov too.

So for corns and peas, need to remove skin then steam and blend huh?

I've tried pea puree without removing the skin, still ok leh. Hmmm..

For silver fish I bought fresh ones but need to keep in freezer since I don't think can finish all.

So I need to soak in warmer to remove the salt then cut the head and tail off, remove center bone if any, then mince it.

Can also throw into blender rite?

Good, we are back to the porridge topic and we can learn more from each other.

I'm also very lazy for the porridge. I just use the normal rice we eat, didn't crush or grain them. Boil all the ingredients and put into Shuttle chef to let it slowly cook by itself, less than 2 hrs can eat le. For ingredients also very boring type, pork or fish + veggie (potatoes/carrots/pumpkin).

I think my boy is getting sianz of the porridge, he now only take about 3 tablespoon then start playing with the food. I'm looking around for more interesting recipes to cook, hopefully can get him to be interested again.

Milktea / Chen: Soup bag can get from daiso or ntuc.

XFZ: Olive oil can? Or else, use non-stick pan and skip the oil?


Logic, it's like the frozen cod/salmon that my sis ask me to buy lor ..

But ho, since young i saw the frozen in Msia market .. it's really CMI de .. Frozen food shipped to port is fine, the land transport is the one frighten me. How many Lorry is having the freezer service ? My hometown is 2-3 hrs from JB, by the time lorry deliver the food to supermarket dropping dunno how many points along the journey .. the frozen food also de froze liao. Somemore so many hands it transport b4 it reach consumers like us, means dunno how many times the food get de froze & refreeze again. Hence i dun trust frozen food in Msia. S'pore could be much much better, container reach S'pore straight transport to the Frozen warehouse. It's just my perception on frozen food la ..

Mummies using Shuttle Chef, when I'm boiling the contents over the fire, the contents will over-boil and spill out. My fire is already very small but it will still spill out. Is it normal?

And how to remove the dried up stains in the inner pot? It says cannot scrub, so how to remove the stains?

Finally logged in here .. J's down with flu n has been super cranky n attnetion seeking ! Only she naps than I got peace for a moment . Took urgent leave to look after her today .

Porridge - went to kidslink earlier n doc said J needs to take less of carrot/pumpkin/swEet potato cos her finger tips abit yellow Liao .. Need take more of greens . So will tell mil not to prepare any 'orangey' related food for her this week .. Ask u all ar, besides broccoli n spinach, what other greens can give ? Also, for corn, saw that frozen ones are better .. But usually all these in v big packet leh ... Any Idea where to get small small packet ? Also, if we just wan corn for taste in porridge, can I cut 1/3 n dump in together to cook with the rice grain? Or will it b better if I separately cook the corn as stock first ? Am also thinking what else I can out into her porridge .. Her diet like v boring . Pork +fish+ brocolli / spinach .. Wat other food besides carrot/pumpkin/sweet potato/corn can make the porridge sweet ?

Today lazy mum last min j nv go mil place no ingredients for her porridge.. Her lunch was plain porridge with brocolli puree .. I tasted it n it so yucky ..

Finally ordered my shuttle chef from RACH .. Happens that mil slow cooker gave way n hb said pass our new slow

cooker to her .. Than I suggested shuttle chef n to my surprise, hb nv said I waste money . Cos for j porridge journey, I spent quite alot Liao . Now she has 1 tiger food jar, I thermos food jar n 1 foogo ...

Oh..the silver fish is making me so confused ! I always thought Silver fish that we buy from markrt, soak Liao can just dump into porridge .. Didn't know still must cut the fishes up .. Like v Ma fan hor .. Actually wat is the purpose of removing the head, tail n bone ? I thought silver fish are the small small white fish n they are v soft ? They are smaller than Ikan bills de right ? If we soak them to remove salt, can we blend them ? Will it b easier ?

I think bb porridge journey is an exciting n challenging one !

Jojo - I'm not sure if olive oil is ok... so far my gal only had some oils from the ribs that I use to boil her stock but I also very skeptical I will trim all the fats away from the ribs then scope the top layer of the stock (where the oil are) and throw away... but welll maybe using the non stick frying pan w/o oil will be gd... perhaps shld try this out hehe =)


maybe potatoes, cauliflower, or apple. I like apple porridge, smell nice. For corn, i just cut 1/3 of the corn & throw to cook together. Lazy to cook the stock separately, unless u r making big pot to store for future use.

wah, u have so many food jar, are they small one to bring out like the foogo or big one to cook porridge ?

The silverfish aka ikan bilis, u can buy those already remove the fish head type. But i still soak & clean as there's small bone & the dirt leh. Oh ya, sometime i put a little dry scallop too.

Hmm, mash tofu, tomatoes (remove the skin & seeds), wat else ??

XFZ, i nvr use oil for bb food leh. Though sometime the pork rib do have a little fat attached to it.


Tofu do not contain egg(unless u buy those round packaging type de japanese egg tofu). I use those from market, though some said tofu might be a bit cooling for bb.

Actually for me, i just try to let him eat, so long he is ok with the taste and no sick no vomit no laosai can liao (hopefully last wk's laosai episode is not due to the food i gave .. haha, i nvr give new food leh)

Thanks everyone for the concern for Eden.. Thought to share so everyone can becareful.

Silverfish- I think the silver fish I bought is BIGGER version one.. Different from those smaller one that your bought ba.. Cos the head is big n sharp that it can cling on to my fingers. So I cut the head off.. Tail looks a bit disgusting to me do I cut off also.. Haha..

As for the bone.. It's really long n Eden choke on it. Before.. So I must debone it also..

Think I need to go and look for a smaller silver fish that doesn't require so much work..

Time to go wet market and supermarket to explore again!!!


Nice pic. Thats what i know about silverfish leh. I dont give yet. Not salty meh?


Can eat bread. Abit abit. Not too much

Breaf got eggs too rite

Pasta sauce

I bought a can of tomato puree. If u very onz, make ur own tomato puree lor. Boil ur normal soup stock, then add into the puree over med fire on a pan ....no need oil. I added mince meat inside, making it a bit more chunky. Then i cool the potion then jar them up

Just add half to 1 spoon of the sauce into the sphagetti with vege & another optional vege/meat can liao

Sphagetti can buy the heinz ones

tofu can give...but not those round type. that kinds contains egg

ST: that is yin yu aka silverfish, but i think yours is dried version. its abit salty...

and next time buy white colour type, japan one, its not so salty but its very exp...

i used unsalted butter instead of oil to cook stuff for kyler last time...

think olive oil also can...but use sooooo long if one bottle.

so i used unsalted butter, i cut into small cubes for use

2ks - where to get the white colour silverfish ? the market near my place is those dried goods de.. and the silverfish is placed in those plastic bag in gunny sack... never come across the white wan leh..

allets: its under dried one also..just white colour not yellow colour kind..

if u dunno u can go si ma lu...alot there..

i usually go there to get my stocks for soups like ming mu yu, yin yu, red dates, wolfberries...

i cannot tahan those ntuc type of wolfberries, so skinny and colour so dull..

ok.. shall make a trip to Si Ma lu.. where you usually get ? in the building next to OG or above the market ? so the silver fish should get the small one or the big ones that Fel mentioend better ?

allets: i usually go to my favourite stall leh...upstairs downstairs also can

if u dunno how to handle...think u just stick to your threadfin menu...less headache


the white ones, i think jurong markets sure got sell leh...u keep searching, should have everywhere, st 51 market dun have?

Hi Mummies, I hope u can take 1 min to help to vote for my lil boy in a Facebook contest. Pls kindly help to vote for my LIL MONSTER~

This contest will end at 5pm today so really really appreciate if you can take a min off ur busy schedule to help and vote for my lil darling. Thanks a lot for the kind help~ :D

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Pls kindly follow these 2 steps:





i think i wanna bang wall already...

both kids still sick..

kyler voice so hoarse...

then didi still coughing badly...

and today IFC called and said got one case of HFMD...

and next week hubby not around...

i think i wanna jump down liao...

sinmey: i think sg frozen products still can be trusted...

just like my hubby products, they use those cold trucks to deliver goods one...

2ks: what's your favorite store at si ma Lu? I always go Long Ma. How you boil the Ming mu yu? I tried to boil once, but the smell and taste not nice. A bit like the dried cuttlefish smell, I'm still stuck with a few pieces.

limlim: its upstairs, "lao ban niang", they very nice one...can buy small packet..even share or pack separately also can..

yr ming mu yu u put alot? i usually toast abit first then i dump in, usually about 3-4 pcs only..

its so expensive!


I bought the big one so I only put one piece. But I don't like the taste of the soup. I just boil with spareribs, what other things can be added to improve the taste? I scare make the stock Lucien don't like then have to throw the whole pot away.

