(2011/03) Mar 2011


yeah lor.. Jovan also started sucking on his fist liao... i actually gave him pacifier a few times to try out... but hor not sure if should let him use for long le?


i'm going back to work next week too! =( will feel sad but cant wait to have some of my ME time back!


2ks, ok I try dragging to 4 hours for a day. Hope ss won't decrease lo.

Chen, ya 8 times a day really v xiong. Barely have time to do other things. Wanna go out also stressed cos mostly will miss one pump lo. I'm now 1.5 months aft birth, is ss fixed le? Ya lo, I think tutu better than fist too. My girl first started on her fists too until mittens wet wet, so we rather give tutu. Also gotta train her, at first she keep spitting out the tutu too. But tutu also got own set of problems, when it drops out she will eh eh. Haiiii someone should invent a tutu holder!!

Tres/angelia, me also like u girls initially. First time I left my girl w mil for the day I also cry. Go back home see empty cot also cry, even though at night will see her already. Even miss her wailing lo. Dam emo tsk. But it will get better. The second time I was already thankful for their help cos I get to go salon and do my hair finally hee! U will slowly come to appreciate the "me" time, cheer up! :)

audrey> haha.. if only i can have me time..

even go facial and salon also bring them all along k... sigh..how to enjoy?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

btw, MUMMIES AT GAP SALES... you've been caught!!!


I've a spreeist from another thread.. told me....she went to sales and think she saw MARCH MUMMIES...

cuz using pupsik and so senang..haahahha...

handsfree to dig the clothes!!! lol.....

so we march mummies do have trademark yah...

Carrying babies in pupsik, MIM, bjorn, manduca, wearing Bravado Nursing Tanks, Glamourmom Nursing Tanks... or Bravado INSIDE! hahahahaha.... :p

Next will be seen all using Narfoye Parent Trays on their strollers issit?? hahahaha....

Parent Trays all here liaoz.... will pass u all at Pixie House on Friday okie... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And FTG.... if my dad sending me then i can bring all la.. else sooo many things so heavy!!! lol...


oklor ... i'm happy in some way .. kinda bored to stay home too ..

weather is hot & at least i got aircon here .. haha

i feel like a newbie leh .. clearing my email and updating the whole situation .. so much changes in just 3 mths ..


u got my FTG order ?

wah .. dunno Mar mummies got trademark .. haha

Jaster, ya lor, begin with a four day work wk. Next tues is PH.

audrey, if I drag my pump time, I can get abit more yield la. So I think it's ok to drop the pumps gradually. SS shld more or less be fixed liao ba. When I go back to work, I can only pump once, else boss keeps noticing that I've been MIA. haha.

My only worry on tutu is the weaning off part, I only use it for his night sleeps lor.


tt time I met pixiepixel at the clinic, was pupsiking my gal. She saw the pupsik n was tinking mayb it's a march mummy. Haha.. Which I did approach her to confirm aft tt. Cos all our lobangs frm u mah..

Btw, did u received my transfer for the sleep sheep? Cos u would usually send a confirmation email but last week I didn't receive.

Also, glad to know rayanne's better.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ooh .. when ? but yesterday nvr chk email .. haha ..

okok .. i chk now ..

got it liao ... pm u once $$ xfer...

L3x> Nv receive ur email leh.... Think ur email got prob ma?

2nd time Liao hor.... Must check ur sent box next time before logging off....

I'll always reply email if I see it...

Min will be... "noted thanks.."


So many emails cannot type 100 words yah...


WTS: One night stay at Marina Bay Sands Grand Room

Hotelclub/Zuji rates at SGD459 - 479

Letting go at SGD360!!! Expires Aug 2011. Free access to Skypark and swim in the world's highest infinity pool!

SMS me at 9005 8165

Oh no.. Den did u help me place order? My sent box always have. Tt's y can resend. Send from iPhone den hav this prob. From laptop dun hav. I resend let u see, but if too late for order let me know. I order frm local store den. Thx..

Hihi, anybody back from the Gap sales? Still got good stuff available for baby girl? Thinking of going down to have a look if still got good deals. Thanks.

Just came bk from gap .. Didn't join the rest for lunch coz I was out since my boy went CC

Nothing much Liao .. Now got stupid gap ladies. Initially was all kids / baby stuff .. Only bgt 1 miserable piece so sad

Rach u got so Many spies ah . Do u think it's only our march thread so crazy gather almost every other day ah

The rest not so crazy right .. Hahaaha

Better rest coz I am single handedly dealing with 2 kids after my boy is back from CC later .

Sinmey .. Happy first day at work .. I still thinking whether I should take only 3 months first then the remaining every fri

So tt still can go for gathering if not sure get gathering withdrawal syndrome lor

Back to home!! Wah!! The stupid hot sun is killing my head.... Some mummies still at paragon walk walk... I cannot tahan liao sia.. Go home and rest... My headache is back... Kao!!Hahah! Anyway manage to grab 7pieces from gap... =p

Thanks Jaime, if that's the case no point going liao. Was at Isetan Scott yesterday but did not know Baby Gap sale there. So sad.

I have decided to take 4 mths ML straight as it will be difficult for me to take leave after going back to work due to resources issues. Trying to enjoy my leave now and spend time with my two kids [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies, I’m from Dec10 thread. I have balance of Rustic Nirvana detox/massage sessions for the package I’ve signed and wish to let go. Bought at over $100 per session and now selling off at $100 nett per session.

Detox: http://www.rusticnirvana.com/index.php?p=/html_sg/body_detox

Post-Natal Body Massage:

Focusing on restoring a mother's body to its pre-pregnancy form, this therapy plays a vital

role in the restoration of abdominal wall muscle and the uterus to its normal state. It helps to

realign body weight to its original distribution and tone over-stretched areas, particularly skin

on the belly.

If you get at least 5 sessions, a cellulite scrub and herbal bath will be thrown in. If you are sharing with your friend, PM to discuss.

I have 14 sessions left. Please PM me for more details. Thank you!

Ladies gg for the yoga class:

The co ordinator has yet to get back after I told her we have 10 babies on fri. Cos she nid to find instructor also as the previous one cannot make it on the day

If worse to worse no yoga- then we have to cancel Liao

I will update u all in fb message too in case some mummies no time to see the long threads

Jaime> ya lo.. which mummies so siao on every week meet at least once..

my last time #1 thread also not so on lo.. hahaha..

imagine during confinement u all still say duno can manage or not.. dun wanna go out.. now all expert liaoz.. lol...

cuz we have experienced mummies like pixie and 2K... and a few more...and myself... whahahaha.... :p


me take 13 wks .. u r right ... cannot tahan to see the gathering so fun .. must go right ?

so, i'll be joining 'some' of the gathering ... by taking like half day to join u gals for lunch & shoppin g.. somemore with bb Shay (Evil mummy) .. haha


gathering at pixie house at jurong east on 13th may Friday, 11am

1. Allets

2. Won mummy

3. Jeslyn/Javier/Jayien

4. Annie/Javier

5. Rach/RY/RL/helper

6. Shirley/Jeannie

7. Chris/ Ethan

8. Jaster / Jovan

9. Jenni/ Vernice

10. may

11. 2ks

12. bubblypig

gathering at pixie house at jurong east on 13th may Friday, 11am

1. Allets

2. Won mummy

3. Jeslyn/Javier/Jayien

4. Annie/Javier

5. Rach/RY/RL/helper

6. Shirley/Jeannie

7. Chris/ Ethan

8. Jaster / Jovan

9. Jenni/ Vernice

10. may

11. 2ks

12. bubblypig

13. caecilia/cayli

Errr who here mentioned want to buy 2nd hand freestyle?

I can let go mine since not very used.. I full on latch n rarely pump... Planning to slowly stop bf so not using pump at all since last week.

I also havr a brand new unopened lasiloh milk storage bags to throw in. All bought from rach.

Plus a brand new mpj nursing cover in country rose n a pupsik nursing cover.

Contact me lo ;)

Gathering at pixie house at jurong east on 13th may Friday,

Time: 11am

1. Allets

2. Won mummy

3. Jeslyn/Javier/Jayien

4. Annie/Javier

5. Rach/RY/RL/helper

6. Shirley/Jeannie

7. Chris/ Ethan

8. Jaster / Jovan

9. Jenni/ Vernice

10. may

11. 2ks

12. bubblypig

13. caecilia/cayli

14. Felina / Eden

What's for lunch huh?

Hi mummies,

Am a silent reader looking to buy a second hand pump. Mine died on me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]



Planned to cook curry chix the last week but now no mood to do so liao, coz seeing d gathering at jaime hse, not alot of ppl eat d food, i dont want to be stuck with lots of leftovers.

Shld be ordering pizza...and lemme try to cook shepherd's pie on thur..if it turns out well, will cook a big batch on fri

I cooked once long time ago so must now re-try again...

So tired today.. After meeting e mummies for lunch at ion,

Brought my ger back to visit my colleagues n only managed to leave office at 6pm.. Than went toa payoh meet hb for dinner n bought shampoo.. Now on e way home n my breasts are so full! 10 hours no pump Liao.. Die, Later pump than pump again at 12 sure nothing de ..

Shirley- I now v gian e mothercare high chair i saw today at paragon mothetcare.. Told hb that now Onky $45 instead of $99 he also said can buy.. Will b going west coast mothercare tmr to get n hopefully still got stock..

pixie> if combine and share can reach u by Friday??

then we can collect together....

i dun mind a few packs..

maybe 4 packs + 1 free tea wipes...

Wah...having a maid is really a headache...she suddenly broke down and told me that she wanna go home...she told agent that we have been good to her but she don't know why she just don't feel okay here and has been crying every night...jialat leh..I just serve her macdonalds in her room lor..

Arrgh! Stress sia.. Was pumping half way n hb feeding my ger.. Than dunno why she merlioned out everything .. Floor kana, shirt all wet n when I went into e room milk was still oozing out from her mouth loh.. See liao so heart pain.. Than e daddy pants all kana n he even scolded his ger foul language! No choice got to stop my pump halfway n wipe down n changed my ger.. Dsddy can even ask me to clean e floor n he himself Went to bath.. N he commented that let his ger go hungry .. Biang! I hear Liao tears immediately auto rolled down sia.. Cos ger merlioned she already so Xin ku n e daddy commented n scolded her .. As I was wiping her, my heart so pain loh cos suddenly like she v ke lian cos of wat e daddy said .. I know he said that in a fit of anger lah.. But she is still a bb n she dunno anything ma.. So instead of scolding her, as her parents we should comfort her ma.. Than after i tell e daddy off, he thN approach bb n sayang her ..N this naked mummy than proceeded n continued her pumping!


my avent died on me before...if you use v long time, then yes it will die...

i think my #1 avent motor used by my elder sis x 2 kids, then my turn...so actually lifespan still not that bad mah


really? i tot u have LOTS of MP wipes to last for a year? still want to try a bundle of 4??

i just want 1 or 2 packs out of the 4 leh....

i dunno cheap or not? coz its $9 per packet if self collect, $10.50 for delivery....

MP during offer is $9 but 80 sheets, so actually sama sama price imho?

btw, the bp org is a mummy fren from my #1 thread

Allets, we mummies, are the only ones who can tolerate our babies no matter what they do. 90% of daddies will get impatient and would find it difficult not to raise their voice when irritated. I also cried the last time my baby got scolded and so ke lian... I find him so helpless..

