(2011/03) Mar 2011

Audrey, if u drag pumping time, the yield does not increase proportionately. I sorta experimented liao. 2hrs-80ml, 3hrs-110ml, 5 hrs- 150ml etc... So if u multiply, you still get more in a day by pumping 2hrly. But, 3hrly is more optimum since u only lose out on a few mls compared to 2hrly, n u have more time.


Shirley/poky/angelia- me not so gian e sales but I dun mind meeting u all for lunch after ur cheong-ing since I also need to settle meal on my own everyday de.. Wat time u all eating?

Pixie- u going? By train or cab? Wan share cab down?

Seems like many many of us need to settle our own lunch everyday hor...

I'm so lazy to cook... Cook also soup or porridge nia... Easy to cook and clean up....


Happy mother's day!! Enjoy the day ya!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Matched gal, ur area must be waving blue flags throughout the neighbourhood heehee! So happy! I watched till 3am.... Extremely zombified now...zzzzzzzzz

happie mothers' dae to everyone!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sn: mi also watched till 3am! i got TPL for mi area... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I also cook my own lunch n I always cook soup, porridge or maggi mee!! Haha... I am lousy at cooking!

Lin, I also interested in Robinson sales! Need to buy many things for my new house. Let me know if u know when's the sales then we go together?

I also gain to go orchard with u all again although I am not interested to dig anymore. Can shop other stuff but this coming week got 2 appts Liao leh.. But feel like joining u all for lunch.. BUT BUT... J haven't poo for 4 days le, scary Tmr is the massive poo day! Haha...

SN, I also watched until 3.30am loh! So exciting but disappointed in the potong Pasir result... I find that particular result abit suspicious coz not say many voters why count until so late then announce n the gap difference is so small! Saw potting Pasir residents shouting mr. Chiam at the background of the news reporter but mediacorp also dun dare to show much. Divert attention to the success of WP! ............


I dun think i will go to gap sales lah....really overspent recently liao...n i have many appts for this week, so maybe monday stay at home to zzzzzz to 补身体first

I watched halfway dozed off....

What was the winning margin for Nee Soon anyone knows?? Lol...

I saw all except missed my own area....lol....

Share with u all something....

U all know RY vomited last nite rite... At 2.30am she woke up, down 120ml... And all came out again within 5min...

Bathed her again for the 6/7th time... Then I latched her...

She fell asleep... This morning I think 5-6am she woke up I latched her again...

Both times she didn't vomit anymore...

So... I think BM is a very good "medicine" also... Because of the antibodies it contains and which cannot be duplicated anywhere....

Imagine if I didn't have any BM at all... I dunno when she will stop vomitting...

This morning 8plus she down 60ml FM... and then another 30ml... Cuz GP says give in smaller portions... Not too much one shot... Usually she drinks 150ml/180ml...

So... Dun underestimate the power of our BM okie...

Whatever u can, persevere... Because our BM is the best gift we can give to our babies... Non-duplicable anywhere else..

It's the best immunity we can give for our children...

I never regret BF RY for 16mos.. And still latching her once in a while nowadays...

HAPPY MOTHER's DAY TO ALL!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jiayou!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

See rach, that is why you are my idol....

Happy mother's day to all mummies

I like to check with those mummies (fel, won mummy)

How have your bottle operation been? Mine is a total failure, after every failed attempt I will always give in, then alert my hb, he was like she is only 2 months, wait till last week before I go back to work then total bottle feed, I was like ....sigh

Man.... What am I going to do....



fang fang - Last few days i've been giving him using MEDELA bottle and teat... OMG... What a failure... Always 50ml/120ml only... Waste so much of my milk...

So this morning i tried using my Tommee Tippee, put in 70mls nia, don't wanna waste... He finished up everything... Suck the teat till don't wanna let go...

So i think he like TT bottle... Going to try again tonight...

I've the TT bottle since birth la, but a bit lazy to use it, cos mine got the valve thing, so many things to wash.. Sian...But if he like TT bottle, then i die lor...

Feel like buying NUK bottle to try also lei...

I need SLIM bottles to fit into my FTG when he goes IFC...

anybody got BN NUK Bottle to let go???

Straylamb, join online petition on FB to remove TPL!!!! i cant imagine paying taxes for her 15k salary!

Annie, yah potong pasir sooooo sad sobz. Poor mr Chiam... Wah lao only 100 over votes difference leh...

Weather so hot until i am feeling an oncoming fever.... Supply also dropped!!! Then breasts feeling swollen near armpit... Is it an infection? I tried to massage halfway thru the pumping... Got slight improvement... Dunno is it cos last night too long didnt pump... Too tired...

Drinking koi now..... Hubby went to buy... Hopefully koi makes me feel better!

fel i got 1...my colleague gave it to me, she say unused...it seems "old" but then again its been wrapped in plastic so maybe the plastic is "old"....but not the bottle

u wan i can give u lah

Rach: meet us soon la! hehe.. for lunch.. maybe can go somewhere cheaper?keke..

Poky: no lo.. my hb rather tk care of big den small..hahaha.. but theres this time he looks aft both n i went mani n pedi myself.. wakaka.. so he will still do it if needed la.. but, nvm la.. don wanna tortue him.. i still need him for my #3! ahahahaha

Angelia: don bluff lo.. u also keep asking her to go..hahahahahah.. oieeee, den all girls tmr, im e only w boy.. sobbbb...

Annie: come come la.. join in the fun! hehe, wahh, so tt day u bot linen when i find u at e cashier isit.. i saw like a huge amt! hahahaa..=XX



Venue: ??? (im an orchard idiot..soooo, maybe Cae can suggest! hehehe)

1. Jes/Jayien

2. Angelia/Cherelle

3. Cae/Cayli

4. Shirley/Jeannie

5. Poky

6. Allets

anymore ppl wanna join??annie?pixie?

dose gg GAP sales we arrange btw ourselves?

Pixie - okay,, thanks,,

anyway next fri gg your house.. i wanna get more milk bag..

HAPPY MUMMIES DAY to all the beautiful n wonderful mummies!!!! =D may all of us be as pretty as ever n be the best role model for our beloved children! =)

2ks, ya I know now cannot reduce pump times cos ss still low. Just wondering when can I do it, cannot be go back work still pump 8x rite, where got so much time... Now I already find it hard to cope already. Everyday so sleep deprived cos of night pumps even though Chloe sleeps through the night.

SN, thanks for sharing your experiment. Think our yield roughly same now. Are u still pumping 3-hourly? So xiong lo, how do u find time to care for your bb? Mine seems like always clash lo, 3 hours always come round so fast, wanna nap also hard. Hmm is it engorgement that u r experiencing since u nv pump last night? Maybe can try hot compress again plus massage and see if it gets better.

Mommies who cook your own meals, I'm so impressed! I barely have time to pump plus care for my girl. Dunno how u girls do it man! Salute! Can anyone share your daily schedule w me? I feel kinda haywire now, wanna join u girls for outings/shopping also find it hard cos scared last min my girl will fuss or what. ):


Here like veri quiet leh, duno y they never come around... Probably they still sleeping after celebrations :p

But i sorta predicted the results, keke... Cos yesterday on my way walking 15 min to thhe polling station, i heard many aunties and uncles talking teochew... Me stay on the boundary between aljunied and hougang... Left and right also heard same thing, hahahahaha...

Sn- yes, fever can still latch.. Antibodies for ur bb which is even better!

Rach- RY feeling better? Join us tmr lah.. Chit chat Can help u make ur mood better instead of staying at hm..

Mummies going orchard - mEet whwre?

Audrey, yah our yield abt the same. Actually, during the day, i sometimes pump 2hrly, then at night i only wake up once to pump, n interval is like 4-5hrs. I try to latch once or twice so i have some time spent with bb. But really no time to nap loh. Last night i hastily pumped 10min at 1130 (cos dun wan to miss any election results), then pumped at 3am after results ended, also hastily pumped 15min cos too tired liao. Didnt pump till 8am... Maybe i didnt empty my breast tts y engorged.

Matched gal, hahahah i thought sure v exciting today at yr area... I too much into election fever until real fever now. Just took 2 panadols...

Any mummies feeding enfalac a+? Wanna share order with me? Cheaper than retail, PM for details, can order enfapro also.

Pandahut: can email me ur number again, wanna tell u abt NAN milk's prices etc!

Any mummies wanna buy FM, PM me, I got bulk purchase lobang, but got min purchase la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lilprecious : hahaha!! Tonight must take money from hb to go shop tomorrow liao.. Lol! Eh! How you know i physco her go huh? Lol !!

Any mummies taking domperidone? The brand u all bought is Motilium? It says on the box not to b used during lactation leh ? Safe to b used ?


Still can, I latch tthru out my fever n infection n even whEn on antibiotics.


How u do it? I'm so stressed trying to take care Bb. My no.1 super neglected. I dun even dare join outings with my 2 boys. 1 maybe I can handle.


Dunno if my helper not efficient with the 2 of us still I find I have not enough time for me. She always busy w housework n I'm left w the boys then elder one already put in front of tv.

Sometimes no time to pump or helper no time to cook. How to better plan her time?

Happy mothers day!

I'm spending the day at mums. So as to cope w 2 kids. Helper on off day. No present from hubby for me. Hubby stayed at home I think to have peace n quiet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I feel sad that with so many help I still can't cope. Btw hubby dun help at all but usually get in the way.

Angelia , lilpfecious , cae n rach

R ur Bb on any schedule or u just go out as n when u like? the babies can adjust rite? Cuz if follow Gina ford I find very restrictive n I can't go out.

When u take Bb out for whole day can they nap n when home can sleep at nite?

butter: usually i will try to feed her first then i go out, but nowadays i abit more heck care la, will just go out as and when.

i'm not strict with my baby, will feed her as and when she's crying for milk. more like feed on demand.

so far so good. just that she's more awake and cranky during day time recently.

lilprecious i plan to reach at 10amm at isetan n chiong fast fast n leave

but i need to go viist my fren at east shore hospital after dropping my son at CC...so maybe wil not reach at 10..

if join u all for lunch. i wont drive coz parking wil kill me liao..coz i plan to drive...chiong n go off fast fast...

cae u know park wher in orchard the parking rate more decent?

my hubby left for his overseas trip oredi early this morning ...now oredi 12 hours on my own with 2 kids....cant forever stay at home

think i need to find adults to talk to on a daily basis...cant stay at home the whole time..

weekday is easier for me coz boy goes to CC full day...



Venue: lunch at ION or Paragon or tcc at isetan scotts

1. Jes/Jayien

2. Angelia/Cherelle

3. Cae/Cayli

4. Shirley/Jeannie

5. Poky

6. Allets

7. pixie/xandria

ORCHARD LUNCH - i think ION nearer for those shopping at GAP.


Venue: lunch at ION or Paragon or tcc at isetan scotts

1. Jes/Jayien

2. Angelia/Cherelle

3. Cae/Cayli

4. Shirley/Jeannie

5. Poky

6. Allets

7. pixie/xandria


cineleisure is the cheapest, according to my fren who drives to orchard frequently...i think next is taka....but im not sure if its still as cheap as before?

Butter8, when i bring bb out for like half a day or so, at night all of us suffer, cos he cannot sleep n end up v fussy n cranky.... So now we r scared liao!!!! Just bring out for walks downstairs or go church short while or dinner. Dun dare bring him for shopping


i think im in the sama sama situation (eg 2 kids + maid) as you but im not sure why it seems like your maid is always bz with housework?

your #1 in kindergarten rite? is he home in daytime?

my #1 is in cc so daytime im most free. come evenings i have to look after 2 like u...

i make it as such that my maid cooks lunch, but not dinner, so that she wont spend the next 1 or 2hrs wiping my oily kitchen. i tingkat my dinner. in this way, she is free to assist me whenever i need her help

lunch is simple affair so no need to wipe down

she wakes up at 6am, and between 6am-7am, she will wipe the bb/playroom, then everyone wakes up at 7am, i send #1 to school, she helps me look after #2

then we take turns to look after bb...she clears housework as per my given schedule...then cook lunch, after lunch she is relatively free...

then 3-4pm she starts to prepare for dinner (she makes soup + 1 dish to supplement tingkat)

i pump at 4, then fetch my son at 5pm

my son is back home at 5pm, by then tingkat arrives...

i help my son with dinner while i gobble down mine, bb put in rocker...i rock with my legs if need be [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

then if need to feed bb during my dinner, helper will feed bb, then her turn to eat...after that she cut fruits, wash up everything, wash #1 school uniforms, #2 clothes n soiled linens...

after dinner, #1 either play with toys or watch tv....i admit sometimes im not free, so i plonk him infront of tv too...

i try to put my bb to sleep, between 7-730pm. if she cannot KO by then, i will ask helper to look after her while i put my son to sleep at 8.30

then i pump once more (helper will look after bb at this time), then i put bb to sleep at 9+ or 10pm (latest), while my maid goes for her shower

then everyone in the household sleep lor. after 10pm, its my own free time to do what i want, yippee


Hope I remember correctly... Or née soon, pap ~58% vs wp ~ 42%... Watch till 2+am .. Then bb woke up for milk at 4am n my girl as usual woke me up at 8am... Damn sleepy

Jaster, Motilium is one brand of Domperidone. I know the box may say not to use during lactation, but it is actually a well-known galactagogue (but more people use to treat vomiting). My lactation consultant said it's safer than Fenugreek.

Butter8 : as for me, i usually feed my baby before i go out... Than when i'm out.. I feed on demand lo... But usually if i pupsilk my girl.. She will pass her feeding time. So she cry for

Milk than i give.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My boy in 3 Hr kindy n is back for lunch. My hubby the big baby sleeps in master room till noon so maid can't go n clean till later.

Maid prepares mainly only simple lunch for my boy n dinner for us. Lunch usually I buy back or go out.


Same here currently my boy on demand too. So tired from nite feeds. Kudos to those who pump still at nite!


At least ur gal like pupsik. My boy dun last 20 mins in there. N dun like pram either so I dunno how to go out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lilprecious, I wish to join Tmr lunch but I need to wait for my istean delivery at home Tmr from 2-5pm, so time is too rush. Ya, I bought a full set of linen, including quilt cover plus mattress protector that's why so ex. Hehe.. You all enjoy the lunch Tmr, I shall see u all on thurs/fri. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angelia: hahaa.. i see u tmr! ehh, u called me jus nw? i was napping..=Pp..hehehe..

Butter: i can bring both out.. like to Jaime hse.. but, i haf to really try my best to control my temper else i might jus get angry w my Jav n smack him sometimes.. haha, esp when he goes out n refuses to sit in stroller or starts throwing tantrums i gotta handle him here n dere lo.. but normally, i bring a box of snacks n so he can sit in stroller n eat so he stays in it.. else i haf headache..

normally i feed Jay b4 i go out.. but if really cant meet w the time, i wld feed him in car on the way, or reach the plc den feed.. but mostly i dont really care la, jus go out whenever n being enuf feeds out lo.. Jay will slp in pram or bjorn.. but he'll b awake at certain times even when out..like 6-8pm.. den when he reaches hm, i'll bathe him, so he feels comfy n make milk for him, n he'll slp at his normal time of 9 plus to 10 plus pm.. =)

i dont haf much help frm hb too, normally even if hes at hm, im still e one who handles both my boys, bathe, eat, drink milk, slp.. the most he helps me to play w #1 sometimes..i guess tts jus guys bah, sometimes asking them to help might as well we jus do it ourselves.. =P but seriously, my ss drop alot too..no time to pump lo like wad u said..i can be home whole day n time jus passes so quickly with handling both n housework.sighhh

Jaime: y u need to rush back? yr boy whole day in CC right? join us for lunch la! hahaha..=Ppp

Annie: i see.. haha, no wonder i saw the cashier telling u the amt.. i was like...!!! hahahaha

kk, den see u on fri!

Butter8: my lil one dislikes pupsik too..tts y i went to buy a bjorn n he loves it.. everytime in it jus ZZzzzzz... tot u haf bjorn right? maybe try using? =D

