(2011/03) Mar 2011

Poky, you r using single or double pump ?

2ks, yah, i meant the darker dots hehe. Then yr boots take only 15min really v efficient..


Oh no... I think my bb has juz discovered the law of gravity! Today whole day throw toys on the floor from either sofa or her 'throne' (ikea feeding chair), and stare at the toys lying there like very amused... I bcome like a puppy, everything also 'fetch' and pickup... Pengz...

mimimo24, ya. Try the larger size funnel size of medela at tmc parentcraft. But it dosent work for me. Output wthin the 1st 15min, stil the same. Worst! I dun get let down. So i feel dosent suit me. Avent can hv let down few times.

2ks, i really believe tat it bm tat y my gal seldom fall sick. N recover relatively faster when compared to peers. So tis round i stil insist. But not as hardworkin. Tis round, i only want enuf vol plus xtra alittle will do.

But most mommies hv own strength n weida la. U sacrifice ur time to cook balance n nutritious food for whole family. Pixie travel here n there time consuming. Some mummies keep gettin fever due to bm or blocked ducts even after along time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SN, i used single now again. Double dosent suit me. I hv to keep massagi to 'press' the milk ducts. Or to rub hard or 'scrape' at the npples to clear the top blockage. But most importantly, i prefer to have xtra hand to ensure tat i have a hand to adjust my nursin shawl whenever i need. I pump at open office area. Male colleagues jus seated bside n opp me. Cant afford to hv mishaps. :p 1hr is at least. Sometime over, depends on how engorged i am. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

2ks, is it? Will go NTUC 'gaigai' durin nxt grocery. Hopefully got tastin then c if mh gal want. :p but for now, she no appetite le. Eat v v little. 2 / 3 mouth stop. Then start coughin with phelgm like want to vomit. So we also dun force her to eat more. But keep askin her if hungry la.since fever no more le. Wait for her appetite to come back lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

poky, oh, so actually the same as me lar.... i thought 1 hr even after using double.... ya lo, i keep getting slight fever now and then leh.... so it's really due to blocked ducts? no wonder each time fever i will one side quite sore.

Good news for those usings pampers!!!

Cold storage having pampers promotion 2 x M68s or 2x L60s at $37.65

Cheapest I've ever seen... Time to stock up on L size diapers for me!!!

Today I went to bedok ntuc.. Mamy poko jumbo pack selling $20.50 till 30th aug... I don't think this apply to all outlets..

SN, u also hv to pump tat long? V time consumin hor? Previously is two hours with single. 1.5hr for double. Now lazy to build tat much supply. Enuf for her daily with a little surplus ok liao. So usually stop at 1hr or So. Which brand u usin? I Think my main prb is that nipple size too big n easily get clogged. Ya. I Think ur fever is due to engorged.

Poky, i use medela pisa. Double pump - 30 to 40min for 8 hrs lapse. 15-20min for 3-4hrs lapse. I used avent single pump b4 n it took double the time since 30min per side = 1hr for both.

URGENTLY REQUIRED! Hi Mums whose babies are O to 6 months old, you are urgently required for a short 15 mins survey on any brand of milk formula on 28th or 29th Aug. Token - $30 NTUC Voucher, Location - our office at 15 Beach Road, Beach Center (next to Raffles Hotel). Interested, kindly sms me your Name, Age and baby's month to 97640028. Thank! Sally

2Ks...i saw the handheld blender is selling @ $39

think I will go and buy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks !!!

SN, better go and see a lactation consultant....not very good sign to keep hving slight fever leh...

I am using Avent single....50mins to pump (25mins each side).

sn, st, yuan lai wo bu ji mo! Mayb there r even some more mommies having long pumpin time. Let jiayou, we r already half way the road at least liao! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

poky, I also need to pump for 30 minutes. If I drag for 8 hours or more, I try to pump even longer (like 40 minutes) to clear if I have time.

Poky: me too... I also believe that on bm the baby seldom fall sick and recover faster..

It's true for my case la.. Of cos sure will fall sick but recover faster only..

How long u intend to pump??

U make me think that my boobs very ting hua.. Works very hard and efficient.. Lol

Well, i think I m just blessed to hv enough milk and can bf so

long... Bf is a tough journey... It's not easy..

That why I read only 20% mummies managed to bf for at least 6 months..

Now ntuc brings in PI mamy poko stock man.. First time saw the medium size comes with extra 6 pc and selling $20.50

Super cheap..

Watson mamy poko 2 packs for $40. Also have free 6 pcs. But many places out of stock Liao. Managed to grab 2 packs. I got 6 packs sitting at home now. Haha..

2ks, I'm also sad tt I'm on partial formula milk now, abt 2 feeds a day. But my girl is 3 hrs latch kind, even at nite. So abt 8 feeding a day. So I'm still more on bm. This is my way of comforting myself as I can't total bf her for at least 6mths.

Lin: Me too....gotta supplement with FM but I try to give whatever I can give. But sometimes I very sian of pumping. I feel like stopping soon.

If I prepare porridge, can I use the Jap pearl rice? Cos it seems softer compare to jasmine rice. And porridge can use brown rice? baby can digest?

2k> so nice to know that I'm the 20% who bf at least 6mos.. Maybe 10% who bf 1yo... And maybe 5% at least 18mos??

Lol... I'm very lazy but I Nv find bf tough....only in the first weeks tough... Sore nipples... Contractions... Oh man!! The thought of it scares me.. X.X"""

I'm just very blessed also to be able to give my girls the best I can without much hassle... I'm so lazy I dun even bother to pump... Lol... Should just count my blessings rite?


At least we tried. Jus scared 1 day the milk stopped I also duno, or that I starved my girl as i latch all the time n can't gauge how much she drinks. Fm she always drink 100-120ml max only. See how it goes lor. Hope she will be a strong n healthy baby.

I hope to Bf for a year. In between got two work trips overseas. Hopefully can still maintain enuff milk for baby..

Very satisfying when baby has drank her fill. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I hope to Bf for a year. In between got two work trips overseas. Hopefully can still maintain enuff milk for baby..

Very satisfying when baby has drank her fill. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


We r all doing a very good job le... Nt easy to bf our precious bb to 6 mth even on partial. Give urself a pat on the back.

Me intend to bf till my boobs strike. Hopefully >1yo


Jap pearl rice cfm can. I used to cook for my girl n the porridge s yummy with the nicer texture lor..

I'll be using the same rice fr Shay soon. Another 2 mth maybe. Brown rice I not sure, nvr use leh


When u bf ry till 18m, is she on tbf or supp with fm?

Jz wonder how to make my boob wowk longer without strike..

Sinmey> I was preggy with RL when RY was 8mos old.. Was advised to stop bf by gynae but couldn't stop.. No breast she cry... So we 不忍心 she cry N continue to latch till she's 16mos... From 10mos to 15mos was trying to introduce FM.. she reject all... So it was solids (cereals, porridge, rice) and latch in between...until 16mos when I cold turkey her then I force FM on her.. Initially she also reject and rather sleep on empty stomach.. Until she realize mummy is serious and not giving in.. Then she took FM..

I Nv had to bring fm out until then...

After I popped... I comtinued to latch her back again (I stopped when she was 16mos cuz it's 23Jan this yr.. Wanna rest my breasts for RL.. scared no colostrum for her..and dunno how it'll work.. Can't latch both ma too tiring..)

So from April - July this yr she got to latch to sleep for nap and night.

And then her bf journey ended...

So it's tbf for 1yo and partial after that... Not because no ss but cuz wanted to wean her off and start FM.. cuz was preggy... This time round should be able to tbf until 1yo and then see how... Won't want to start fm cuz so exp...

Ry finish 1.8kg in 10days....>.<"""

Hi tikkles, I intend to bf till 1yo or more too. But not sure by then have to supplement. Cos now still on TBF.

Anyone knows the charges for seeing a lactation consultant at TMC? if I did not deliver there, can I still go to see one at that hospital?


All Watson. They will put the stock outside. But many places dun hav le. U can try ur luck. It's jumbo, so it's 66 + 6.

At least u guys put in effort and try la...

I heard some only bf one week then give up le..

Limlim: of cos can use jap pearl rice otherwise can use xin mi.. Brown rice I dun suggest cooking porridge leh unless u mix kind... Otherwise I think it b diff for bb to digest

I understand on the pumping.. I also very sian at times but I will hang on there...

Rach: yeah... Bf is not an easy journey... Need alot of hardwork...


Yes you can still head down to Tmc. Do call to make an appt first.

Me ah? I rem I said posted earlier that I'll go by small steps. First 6, 9, then 12 months. I'm hitting the 6 months soon, am really happy that I've come so far. Will continue to hang on and give my best to my baby boy. So to all mummies who are still bf, hang on too! You are not alone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm taking leave today, super long weekend! Going to leave baby with the nanny and go shopping, hee hee. Hope you ladies have a good day ahead!

salute to mummies who need to pump more than 30mins... keke, guess i should stop grumbling abt my pump time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i don mind bf-ing longer if i need not wash those super oily pump parts n bottles... but i'll still try to bf till bb is 1yr then see how... cos i realised sometimes bb will have tummyache when we give her cereal twice in a day or an increased amt a day. norm i will give 4 sharp sharp tsp, then there was once i increased to 7tsp then she had tummyache at night. another occassion i give her 4 sharp tsp in two occassions then she had tummyache at night too. i hope she's not those kind cannot take too much cereal bb, else gotta bf even longer :p

btw, mummies need ur advice. I realised tt my gal tend to grid her gums with the teat during feeding. this led her to drink her milk so slowly until i also feel pek chek. do u think changing to another brand teat help?

Zenia, try to buy Tollyjoy bottles & vege liquid cleanser...it is so much better than the pigeon one...pigeon one is very dilute ...like water....but Tollyjoy one those thick type ...like our normal concentrate dishwashing liquid....

I still have 2 bottles pigeon liquid cleanser...very regretted to stock it ....after i've tried Tollyjoy one ...should hv buy it earlier....

ST, i using pureen leh, my hb bought tons of those at home. i think he bought 10bottles one shot last mth... haha will take some time to finish using ba. I nv used pigeon one before but i have an unopened tollyjoy, shall try tt out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks!

St> puréen is neither conc nor diluted... Just nice for me.. I like... Think many mummies using also.. 2k, pixie, myself all using puréen all the while..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

URGENTLY REQUIRED 2 Mums whose babies are O to 12 months old for a short 15 mins survey on Abbott -Similac milk formula today, 29th Aug, anytime. Token - $30 NTUC Voucher, Location - our office at 15 Beach Road, Beach Center (next to Raffles Hotel). Interested, kindly sms me your Name, Age and baby's month to 97640028 ASAP. Thank! Sally

2ks: yup...New rice makes very nice porridge. But difficult to find. If you know where can buy those 1kg pkt, let me know. Thanks.

poky...a pat in the back..all mummy who tried to b/f n not give up so be given a good pat in the back...coz not easy lor..esp sometimes got external evil forces etc :p

finally i marched pass 6 months mark liao..

not giving up yet...still go supply..just stagnant..not more not less..

FM very expensive...esp recently like increase price..so pump pump pump...

my #1 was 11 months..so need to try for 1 yr to break last yr record lor..jia you mummies...

(i also love my avent single manual..only in office i use the double electric ameda )

the only thing is i cant travel without the baby coz i dont wanna pump n throw...very sinful lor..

i remember #1..i travel wihtout baby right away i stop pumping ..but think would not happen coz since then we say we never travel without the kids lor!!!

gg batam this thurs with big n small...

2ks, i tryin for 1yr at least. Got 3mths stock in freezer liao. So dong for at least another 3mths. Wil hit my target. But if after 3mths, stil hv, will continue until cant squeeze. Lol. Cos once bb start porridge, ard another mth or two, i will cook for my older one also. So duno if i can wake at 4plus to cook n pump b4 goin to work. If too tired, i think supply wil go down also ba? Cos i stil hv daily husework n night pump to do at night. So c how things go. :pya. My older gal recently got viral fever. Thurs evening started, fri vomit, sat no more fever liao. She took 2days to recover only. But now is diahrea la. They say is to purge the 'toxin' out? So i like to think it the partial bm tat is helpin her. When she wasnt on partial bm, she took 3-4days to recover from the virl fever. Then longer time to recover from the after effects also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]sher, ya. Can c tmc parentcraft even if ur gynea not fom there. Make a call to do bookin. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]rach, i think it lucky tat all was fine even though u bf when preggy again. I lost mine. But i cant b sure which was the cause, over tired, over stress, over emotional or not in time to stop bf? By the time i out of depression, i also didnt want to ponder on wat the reason. L3x, lim, at long got try ur best, dosent matter if it tbm or partial. Had a fren who was so stressed tat she had depression. Tat y i dun really 'force' the idea of tbm. Wat the pt of forcin urself til to the bringe n had depressing tots when u can enjoy the motherhood? If u can, congrats n good for u. If cant, juz give watever u can n enjoy ur bb growth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

st, pureen is like normal washin liquid. So i Think it belongs to 'concentrated' as it 'gooey' type. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Travel for short term still can pump ba ..

when i travel last mth, whrever i chk in hotel, i'll put the ebm in the fridge & tumpang the FTG ice panel in the hotel freezer. But i still throw few pack coz my FTG can brought back like 10+packs only i think .. It's very heartpain to see the precious ebm down to the sink. But stop bf is even more sinful to me. So i rather throw ... & come back still got supply ..


RY so big liao still can finish 1.8kg fm in 10 days (eye bling bling). Very siong ho ..

Lucky my girl cut down on fm liao. At home, she only take morning & nite nia.. or most 1 more feed b4 her afternoon nap.

Jaime. Thx for the 'pat'. SN Shld hv a bigger pat cos she even hv the fever. It totally depressin n taxin to the body n mind to get fever. N to hv it often. Omg. I hate the feverish feelin. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] me too. Dun wana travel without the kids. I waitin for bb to b 1yr old to travel. Or Mayb near if i cant wait!

Mimimo, i cant takd leave. No one to cover. Boo. But gona go city sq later @ lunch break to hv some retail therapy! Cos today not much ppl ard, so later pump during work, also ok. Lol

Poky> sorry to hear that... But... I dun think bf will cause it... Mmmm..... Till I see such articles... I didn't know it will... So never cross my mind... Just know it's very bad for my health... Cuz draining all my nutrients.... And gynae said foetus may be under nourished.....

Mmmmmmmm... Thats another doubt.. Cuz RL is 4.23kg at birth... Big doesn't mean healthy la... But.. Isn't small more frail? Aiyah.... Dunno and dun care la.... Anyone already done and she's already out... Keke...:p

Yah agree with u... If BF will cause mummy to be depressed then might be better off on FM...

but can't Stand those who never tried and give up... So wasted.... Sigh...

Anyway most of us are halfway thru!! Jiayou!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Mine is those can put 6 cans soft drink size.

My 10pkts are mix with those big & small .. jz lie flat in the FTG till full full.


ST, thanks for your concern...see how bah...lazy to see LC.... i realized that if i have cracked nipples, more likely to have fever...so i try to apply the lanolin cream... and my slight fever usually goes off by itself within 2-3hrs.... didn't really have to take medicine....

Poky, haha.....all of us who take more than 30min to pump, really deserve a pat on our backs haha....if only our breasts can be more efficient hor....just pump 15min and clear liao...but I'm not complaining lar...very happy to be blessed with a supply liao.....i think I'm the first one in my family to bf...my sis and sis in law all partial and gave up at 2nd month.

