(2011/03) Mar 2011

Cynthia, gogogo! Heee.. U can do it! =D all e best..

Belinda: for me, I drank plain water, only to quench abit thirst.. Each time I only take few mouthfuls, nt even half a cup.. Drank more soup n red dates water..

Belinda: cannot drink plain water... Wait got water retention hor...

Jaster: usually when I bath my son right... I leave his clothes on but i clean his head,mouth face first.. All the way I talking to him one.. Then I take off his clothes then I put his backside touch touch water first then I put him in.. So far ok for #1 la.. He loves bathing till now...

Annie!!! i'm so sorry that i actually missed your previous post!!! urgh...

do you feel that your breast is hot and there's redness to it? hard as in like very hard n no matter how hard you massage still hard? i suspected i got the infection cos of the redness of the breasts... anyway, if you can go to TMC parent craft centre... i went to KK a&E cos TMC was closed on sat already... @ kk they have lactation nurse on standby (i think) who can helped to massage ur breast... and clear the milk for u! at least u'll know how to clear the breast urself.. rite now... try opening the ducts before u pump or latch... pinch the aleora out and then towards the nipples... do that several times in diff positions... then massage ur breast... pump! when pumping massage (do c cup hold thumb and 4 fingers) ur breast again... but when you're squeezing the breast, in sync when ur nipple is being sucked in...

when i called my tmc 24 hours hotline.. they said GP doesn't know all these one leh.. meanwhile, if u're having fever pls take normal panadol... u can still breastfeed ur bb!

i'm sorry agian that i missed ur post and to be able to reply now... i pray that you'll get well soon and urs is not a infection or anything okie? hugs.. jia you...

mmm.. i didnt know cannot drink water. i drank alot of warm water during confinement, coz very heaty, keep coughing..

anyway its too late for me, already done my confinement. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah!!! I've been drinking water. No wonder I feel so zhang. Btw the red dates drink, is just dried longgan, red dates and wolfberries and boil right?

2ks: my baby also drinking 80ml like tat now, my neh neh cannot keep up leh! Somemore the pump can't pump everything out leh! I use my hand squeeze, I squeeze anoter 50ml out!! With....the pump only can pump 50ml to 60ml on avg every 3hrly. Very sad

Belinda: my red dates tea consist of nan zhao, bei qi, dang Shen (most important), red dates, wolfberries, longan

Can't drink water, u feel bloated right..

How long u pump? U try pumping longer.. 12 mins is definitely not enough.

Water bag burst. Dilated 4cm. No feeling now waiting regular contraction but e nurses seems v busy! Nobody come & drip me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Gynae say hopefully b4 midnight lo. Pray contractions faster come.

Lilprecious, I still can pump out milk, just that the output that I pump out from my right boob is so much lesser than left side but when I latch my boy he can draw out alot of milk n satisfied leh. I find that latching can reduce the engorgement better than pump.

Jaster, what do u mean by redness of breast? Whole breast or only certain part? I saw a little red at one side but after pump I will feel better. I dunno if my case is infection or matitis n if I need to go kk?? Maybe I just go normal GP Tmr n see how.. I dun dare anyhow take panadol leh. Safe for bf-ing?

wah my tea only longan n red dates...very simple. But my mother boil some herbal soup for me to drink alternate days...and papaya fish soup

Btw, I drank lots of water during confinement for my #1 and current....I finished my tea & soups very fast, nothing to drink = no bm output so I drink alot of water. Furthermore after a pumping session thirsty like hippo liao, buay lun lor...nowadays I think water I take in 1-2ltrs, not including the huge pot of tea, soups etc leh

I am thirsty hippo!!


ur pump should be able to get more output than hand squeeze leh...hand squeeze is last resort kind...u must fiddle n play ard with ur pump more

Aiyo... having pain on my lower tummy every 10-15mins interval. Is this contraction or BH?

Shd admit or still can wait till tmr morning & c how???

Annie: ya, if latching works for u, continue.. Hehe.. Most imptly is can clear the lumps n swelling of yr boobs. U take care ya! Hopefully it is nt any infection.. Do monitor.. =)

I just dropped my Medela freestyle pump machine n the screen cracked n cannot see the mins n battery indicator le, so sad n angry with myself for being so careless! Heartpain loh... Anybody knows if I can bring the pump to the Medela agent (service centre) in S'pore for repair if mine is imported set?

Pixie: yup my longan tea consist of all those.. My mil bought the herbs for me Ma.

That excludes the normal soups that I drink and milo la..

Starfruit - ya lar. everyday also say me bangala. During hot weather or middle of e day if he sit next to me, ESP my hair, he will say. Wah today's bangala v power. Yday I had lumps n no hands to press them during pump, ask him to help me press them, suddenly he stop. I thou he heartpain me pain. Actually is cos he buey lun my hair smell. Kokz... Lol

Annie - I think I saw someone mention use just boiled water put in glass btl, cover w towel n massage? It's really effective leh. Maybe u can try if it helps reduce ur engorgement or pain.

Jiayou Cynthia!!

Leon - I think u still can wait. E contraction pain is really v v v pain kind. U will know it when it's here. It's not like mensus pain. Start preparing n packing ur stuff n get ready ba. If too early admit waiting time might b bored.

2k - huh? Red date tea need so much stuff? Mine only dried longan n red date only. N I ask my mil to make it less sweet so won't feel so thirsty n heaty.

Sian today my mum come and nag and nag said I take not enough sesame oil, Dom la. Then said her friend daughter one day take one whole kampong chix la.. How to finish??

I finished a bottle of Dom already leh and 3 bottles of rice wine and 1 big bottle sesame oil already leh..

How much u guys take already huh

Won mummy: yes.. Bei qi can dun need. But dang Shen is the most important... nan zao also...

Red dates and longan actually no effect at all one lor..no benefits

Won_mummy-had the same sympton as #1, which I waited till clinic open @ 9 am next day & dilated 6 cm then. Afraid #2 will be faster... plan to go to bed now & c how it goes.

u r rite, I rather stay @ home than admit which is more stressful there!

Gathering on 14th or 15th April 2011, noon

venue: some mummies hse..w ordered food

Can we just haf a list of who's going so maybe we can decide where to haf the gathering? Pls include yr bb names if u r bringing bb along, so we can roughly judge hw many bbs n adults in total..n we can decide wad to order for food too.. =)


1.) Lil precious/Javier/Jayien

2.) Caecilia/Cayli

3.) Rach/Rayanne/Raylynn/Helper

4.) Annie/Javier

5.) sinmey/Shay (depends on location, ok for central/north)


7.)pixie/xandria (not the east pls coz I sry in west!)




the Medela service centre is at Toh Guan...

81 Toh Guan East

#03-01 Secom Centre

Singapore 608606

Tel: 65626298

Mon-Fri 9am to 5.30pm

Sat 9am to 12pm


Siao one day eat 1 chix, I will die

I everyday nag at my mom to cook lesser for me...sick of her dishes, Bo variety one leh!!

Always 1egg fried with ginger, 猪腰, fish or chix ...all cooked in 1 bowl with rice wine n sesame oil ...& a plate of vege

I see the kidney I wanna cry. I hate pork stuff!!

I finished a btl of sesame oil, no Dom, and finished ard 4bottles of rice wine. No vinegar thou


I always put my motor pump in a nice bag. So that if I want to bring frm room to room or bring to work just take the bag n go...I put in a small tote or hobo bag. Drop oso can protect. Then inside I will put a small pkt of wet wipes (to clean breasts), some pump parts to interchange, and a shawl if I need this outside

Hi sorry to interrupt I'm frm June 2011 , need sm advise, anyone called confinement catering? I'm thinking newbaby n natal essential n I'm staying in the west anyone have any review on them? Thks!


i wish for some action or signs, at least give me abit of 'hope' cos i wish to deliver asap..

so how u feeling now...izzit real contraction?

so excited for u!


so fast rite, hopefully our bb dun cross over to april -_-"


i understand how you feel, i also abit impatient but i tell myself to relax and satisfy as much food cravings as possible. my last one on the list - durian!!!

anyway, after cervix check i dun feel any lingering pain...

Spyria-been monitoring for 30mins liao, 10mins interval contraction for 15second(lower tummy to mei mei pain). Not sure when to admit now, midnite ortmr morning.

V stress ar... suppose to go to bed & not to think about it but it's better for me to monitor first!


seems very regular to me..my gynae advise to go down when contraction is 5mins interval. maybe u can used this as a guideline. or nt if u really kanot tahan the pain then u better go down asap.

perhaps u can take a shower and wash ur hair first? relax abit..


i have some nursing tops/bottoms for sale. From Mothersenvogue.


Organic Classical Top

size M - bust up to 38.5"

Retail Price: SGD 59.00

i have 1pc in pink and 1pc in black.

Selling at $40 each (wore ONCE only)

more info, check the link



Comfy Sateen Shorts (beige)

size M - hips up to 40.5"

Retail Price: SGD 45.90

Brandnew! washed but not worn.

Selling at $35


Free Postage

pls PM me if interested. Thanks


hmmm.. if yours after latching/pumping the redness goes away u should be alrite.. like what other mommies say, continue to monitor... if your breasts feel warm, pain when touched... then better see a dr bah... =) dun worry!

first thing after delivering i already took panadol and breast feed my boi lor.. i asked the lactation nurse yday again.. she said panadol NORMAL one is safe for breastfeeding.. dun go n take extra one ah cos got caffine in it...

i'm on antibiotics and also anti inflammatory pills... both safe for breast feeding too...

and to the rest of the mommies who have given me advices, thank you so much.. will try them tml! gambatte to me!!! another nite shift but dunno can tong or not... bb now already start to "eh eh" a bit liao... time for another feeding! urgh... praying that no milk puking for tonite!!!

2K> u have 6 items in ur longan drink? I have 8.


Red dates

Nan zao

Hei zao

Bei qi

Dang sheng


Dang GUI

And slices of ginger

So is actually 9....

My CL says my longan drink itself is very bu Liaoz.. Lol...

I drink abt 2 liters a day...

Plus my massive meals of lunch and dinner.. Sometimes still feel hungry after eating... Lol...

I have 1/2 kampung chicken a meal.. With my vege and soup...

So far finishing 2nd bottle of rice wine... 1.5bottles sesame oil... 1 bottle remy martell, 3/4 bottle vsop martel..

Still got 2 bottles DOM.. Dread it...

My boy is a milk monster today,don't know is it becuz after seeing PD or his weekly demand has increased! He just drank 90ml and latch for 10 min(yeah,finally manage to latch him after getting some tip from lactationc onsultant today). His previous feed was 2hr ago. Normally he drinks 80ml every 3hr. But I'm happy I manage to latch him la,now have to pump more diligently to up my supply. Oh ya,normally latch 10 min means drink how much??

Had a bad scare just now... After reeding abt Annies lost on engorgement, baby was crying and I went to feed her..

Touched my breast and boy, it was hard.. Was thinking RL will get a full full meal then.. She latched for 25min and KO...

I got up and feel my breasts.. Still hard!!!?!!?!!?

And it's like a mobile lump inside.. I push it, it'll move one...

Quickly called my ML cuz today was my last session and she was massaging it earlier and nothing wrong wat.. How come suddenly so hard... I pumped for 15min before calling her and not a single drop came out... I was also massaging and pressing hard on it...

ML says to massage and try to pump again later and see how... If tmr dun go away need to See doc...

I decided that Rayanne would be a better pump than Freestyle.. So I massage and told Rayanne.. U help mummy okie... I lie her down and latched her.. After 10-15min finally the lump disappeared... Phew.

The lump was so big and hard I tot is cancer or what man...

Even CL was shocked how come suddenly got lump...

Ml mentioned could be more milk coming in soon... That's a good news.. But I dun need sooo much...

Anyhow glad it's cleared...

RL slept from 9plus since I latched her till now... Hopefully she can sleep longer but wanna her to latch also leh...

Sigh... Better go sleep liaoz... Nite!!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah rach,u really very bu le. I only eat 1.5 bottle of rice wine and 1 bottle of sesame oil,main dish normally is fish soup,black beans soup,pork belly soup,different style of pork and vege fry with Ginger. You drink so much alcohol won't feel heaty meh?I starting to see my boy's face red red and some small rashes. I suspect cuz I eat too heaty stuff.

Wow.. Rach and 2K, your red dates tea so power one ah. Sigh, mine only longan, red dates and wolfberries. Meaning all in vain sia. My catering food from natals does not seem to have much alcohol and sesame oil, only lotsa vinegar pig trotters. And i myself still havent taken any DOM yet. Jialat, does not seem to take enuff tonics during this confinement... chiam sia.

jazz2 : ur edd n gynae r same like me. i will have appt with dr.ong on wed. but so far he never say wants to induce me. n i know that he's going overseas on thrs. also still deciding want to ask him to induce or not. when is ur next appt?

cynthia : jia you , jia you !!! have a smooth n fast delivery okay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

leon : maybe u really r having contractions, if its the same one like #1 see whether u can tahan the pain or not. if really cant tahan then just go to hospital. lots of people said that #2 will be faster than #1 . all the best

spyria : think mine will cross over to april de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so sad, no sign , nothing . just pain here n there plus a bit bh...

lilprecious : last week when i saw dr.ong, hb asked hm whether to induce my baby out if its passed the 40 weeks, n dr.ong gave me the look "u sure u want to induce??" makes me think not to induce. think he really pro natural, unless theres a special circumcision. like baby's too big or too long inside already. huhuhuhu looks like my baby will be an april baby

west mummy gathering : count me in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope i'll give birth soon n start my confinement so can join u all to meet up


Me just had bad engorgement on my left breast. had fever, chills and feeling cold despite putting on piles of blankets.

In the end, cannot tong and put cold cabbage, eased the pain imd and took panadol extra. Got hubby to massage the lumps, did hot compress, pump and threw away the milk. Feeling much much better now.

Jia you ok!

Zenia, thanks for the address!!

Pixie, too late now, my pump screen is gone... Now I have to time myself.. Sigh...

Jaster, my boy just merlion when I latch him.. Dunno what happen to him, so cranky n dun wanna sleep, my Hubby pacify him for 2 hrs until buay tong then wake me up to latch him. Then latch finish he puked n dirty all my clothes made me have to go wash up n change! Smelly loh! How's your boy vomit like? Is it like tou Hua kind? N smelly? Dunno is it normal.. Hubby suspects he diarrhoea coz he says he poo so many times but I see the poo is bf poo as per the bf-ing book I bought leh... He just fell asleep after we gave him pacifier. Gosh, my duty starts now... Every 2 hrs he sure cries for milk.. How I wish my boy can be like Rach's RL drinks n sleep long long...

Rach, u have a very good pump - RY!!

Mimimo, u also same experience? My mum also says may be my engorgement that cause me fever. I tried put cold compress then latch n pump. Also feeling better.. But still can feel a lump in it. Massage Liao also no use. Maybe ownself dunno how to. Really very tough for this moo moo career. At times really make me feel like giving up.


yeah!!! his puke also very smelly lah... actually i'm quite a bad mummy... his neck smell of the milk... then his nose smell bad cos of the mucus... his butt crack got yellow stain because i still haven't gotten a chance to really bathe him clean yet!!!

my boi can puke immediately (happened last nite!) or after a few hours also can puke some.. if it's few hours later de then it will become a bit like tao hua liao lor...

jia you jia you! tonite ur bb will slp well thru the nite okie? ehh... except for his expected feeding time! =)

ladies... if u all got lump must massage hor... n make sure u all massage till very hard kind.. like that then can soften it and let the back logged milk comes out... jia you!!! you all can do it de... ehhh.. seriously i think if having fever, doesn't harm to drink some plain water to make urself feel a bit better too...

i bathed and drink plain water cos i couldn't tahan lah!

okie.. i need to slp... waking up at 3am!!! urgh...

by the way mommies, when your baby slp do they make noises one ah? or slp thru? mine keep eh eh.. uh uh... stretch stetch in his slp!!!

Annie don't give up!!

You got use hot compress to dissolve the lump? Cold one stops milk while hot one can help to dissolve the lump or speed up milk flow...I massage oso no use, must use hot compress de...stubborn boobs needs stubborn measures!!

Somemore when u press, remember I said, ownself do very difficult coz ur arms attached to your armpit....so must ask ur hb or who to press hard hard..u know what I do? I ask hb last time to use the knuckle to knead into the lump. That's even worse than pressing hor, it may worked for you try it!!

Just finished pumping after 5hrs. This is my first 5hr interva!l I got 2x130ml, so scared supply drop coz I drag interval frm 4hrly to 5hrly

tmr bring bb go out heehee, Bo chup liao...

Annie- dun give up! When u are down, come forum cos there are lots of mummies here for u!

2ks/each- compare To u all, think my confinement food really minimal sia.. Firstly i dun like e taste of rice wine am asked my mum dun cook dishes with it.. Sesame oil, she oso hardly use leh.. Every time e dish is either pork with liver cooked in Ginger or steamed fish .. Tonic soup is also mayb once in 2 days.. As for dom or alcohol, never use to cook with dishes leh.. Maybe cause I told her i dun wan to affect my bf..

Now pumping.. Will drink Dom later before going bed.. Am a sotong mummy.. Mixed up my ger feeding time with my pumping time.. She due for feed at 1130 than I only realized when she started wailing at 1240..'

Jester & Annie - how much is ur Bb drinking now? Sounds like overfeed that's y keep vomit? Previously my mil keep saying Bb not full n we increased till 140ml every 3hrs. Bb seem won't stop n also always vomit. Now only giv 100ml, improve le. N if they vomit le wat did u do? Does Bb cont to sleep? I tried spoonfeed a bit of water to sort of clear their mouth n thoat, think they will feel more comfy. Good luck!!

Fatbonbon(tingting) waterbag burst, on e way to hosp le.... Another mummy popping tonight/tmr ......Jiayou!!

Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 10:18 pm:       

Gathering on 14th or 15th April 2011, noon

venue: some mummies hse..w ordered food

Can we just haf a list of who's going so maybe we can decide where to haf the gathering? Pls include yr bb names if u r bringing bb along, so we can roughly judge hw many bbs n adults in total..n we can decide wad to order for food too.. =)


1.) Lil precious/Javier/Jayien

2.) Caecilia/Cayli

3.) Rach/Rayanne/Raylynn/Helper

4.) Annie/Javier

5.) sinmey/Shay (depends on location, ok for central/north)


7.)pixie/xandria (not the east pls coz I sry in west!)

8.) shirley/jeannie


Bb Noelle has arrived! Natural w/o epi. 45mins labor & 2 pushes. Date: 22/3/2011. Timing 0000. Weigh 3005g. Really knOw how to chose time.

Will update story after feeling better. Running fever now, can't BF [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Story al v short n not exciting..

Cynthia: congrats!

Now is my turn waiting for delivery. Admitted to Mt A, now at delivery suite. Water bag burst 2 hours ago. Feeling the contractions now!!!

Thanks mummies!

Spyria, bb really know how to chose. Daddy saying no need buy cos sure can't buy in heehee.


Your turn!!!! Jia you. I at MT A too n in ward. But dunno what ward as when pushed in was very giddy n restless n shivering with high fever. Now alot better. Hope morning can start BF [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] let me know when you pop k. Pm u my mObile.

Congrats Cynthia.....

Won mummy, try using dry shampoo? It kinda works for me.. Have no oily hair lah.......

Another thing, how long do you pump for during the night?? I wake up every 3 hrly to pump... So far mange to pump out 100-120ml but fir 12 mins.. Should be fine right?? Still got lumps sia...


To mummies with engorgement, I've been having really bad ones since day 2 of delivery. Finally, I sought the help of a ML who can do clearing of blocked ducts yesterday. Immediately, my supply goes up from 50ml to 150ml as of now. This is the 1st time that I can feel my full & soft breasts although I still need 1 more session for my left breast (too jialat oredi...blocked ducts covered whole breast). But must be hardworking (I pump 3 hourly now or else they will be jialat again) & use lotsa hot compress. She uses hot stone btw. Jiayou okay? We can do it! =D

