(2011/03) Mar 2011

BB rabbit, I know they are well protected inside us but as what allets say, our babies will protest when we sleep on the side where their heads are leh. Then kinda weird. I have to change side to stop his protest! haha...I think he doesn't have ample space when I sleep on the side where he is.

Audrey, me too! My bb moves alot when I am sitting in office, I also have the same thinking as u - if I "compressed" him, so I tend to straighten my body abit to lessen his fierce punches n kicks! hahaha... It's normal. I also tried to sleep on my left first then will wake up sleeping on my back, but it's fine de. Don't worry. My belly button like out of shape now! Haven't really pop out but is going to I believe. Coz now is almost level with my surface of tummy. And my belly button has widen so much.


Audrey & Annie : hahaha ! same same !!! When i'm sitting ~ i always feel the kicks kicks ~ Super power ! In office, than work half way, bb will kickkick ~ hahahaha ! and when you lie flat, you will also feel kick kick ~ Do you ?

wow BB rabit, your push presents really coming in ah! 2.55 Chanel in beige, do you need to get get my SIL to check in out in Milan for you?

Airmez: Birken bag, I also tot of it, but how to carry with coming bb?

what do you all think of the YSL Muse bag? I kinda like it but I'm just afraid it will be too heavy coz it's big and leather lah!

Allets is right: those with in law woes... chill chill... there is nothing you can do coz you all are already giving in to them. Just have to 'act' lor, dun like must also 'act' to like too. Always remember, NEVER let the situation mulitpy till your Husband have to side either 1... if it happens, the situation will be worse from then on!!!

chen, welcome back..did u shop alot?

i use to like to buy branded bags..but since my boy is born..i cut down on the splurging liao coz there is some one more importatn that myself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..but instead splurge on the little one..

so those who are MTB , splurge as much now..later when baby come out..mayeb u think differently liao like me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angelia, yes, I also feel the strong kick kick when I lie down flat. That is why I think looks like the bb has not much room to move around, that is why we feel the obvious and stronger kicks leh.

Wow, BB rabbit, I also wish to have a chanel 2.55. Wanted to get that b4 I am pregnant but now cannot already coz bb is my additional cost now. *sob sob*

airmez, Audrey, me enjoyed the time off from work and my gal. haha. But Spain nothing much lei, sightseeing gets boring along the days. Shopping's all about winter also. The long plane ride was really a torture, esp with my bump.

Audrey, yeah, thought u mentioned yrs was boy boy. Oh dear, I'm starting to worry if my gynae will make mistake abt mine. She told me mine's a boy. How did u realised it was a gal? during detail scan?

Angelia, Audrey & Annie : haha, my bb sometimes kick real hard, then I will tell her "mummy is working but guai ok" then the frequency become less frequent until I get home and sitting in front the TV, ahhaha~

Pixel/ Angelina tan

Hub told me to give in since she is old Liao ANd honestly I really in dilemma.. Cos I know when I start to talk again, my emo will come...;(

U see her SMS .. How will u all reply like that???

亲爱的希望我们之间须要时间多了解,最近我们有共同的话题很高兴与你聊天,很高兴我知道你会是好老婆好妈妈好媳妇,可能我不了解你,你有身孕,心情有起有落我了解,希望我们解开之间的误会,我会反省自己,如果你不想参与美术工作仿我无所谓,只是希望你能帮我 paperwork

Chen, so good that you can still go Spain at least to breathe a different air. My hubby doesn't allow me to fly loh.

Tres, I also will like that. I cannot talk to him at work as my colleague is sitting very near me. so I will press my tummy to respond to his kick (like telling him don't disturb mummy now) then he will kick lesser. Hahaha... At night he wanna punch and kick how much I let him be. hahaha...

Tres: can carry the birkin when coming to work loh, after maternity leave. kekeke.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Annie, ask to fly after u pop... it's getting difficult now, we're stepping into the 3rd trim or are we in already? haha.

Linda, at least yr MIL bothers to mend something, she could have just left everything as it is... Sounds like a nice gesture.

Jaime: this is what my frens are telling me too!

hahah, so those with #1, should spend like no tomorrow 1st... coz we will never have the 'heart' to spend when bb is born!

btw: working mummies, will you all be taking the full 16 weeks of maternity?

Chen, not so fast lah! We're near the end of 2nd trimester but not yet 3rd trimester! I think after I pop also difficult to go holiday coz bb still small and I need to bf.... We already plan to go holiday together with our little one in 2012 March, during both our birthdays loh, more meaningful. So next year is no holiday plan for me unless is biz then is different thing. Anyway, next weekend I am going KL for a biz trip, taking coach. Will go there try to shop shop abit.

Chen / Annie

I keep thinking she is really good in playing mind games!

If I dun pick her phone, I believe she will go further than this which I will play the bad guy which I dun wan at all ;(

But this is the real situation n very scare she will call

Me now waiting to see dr Adrian for my 6 months checkup...

Tdy appointment is really late ;(

tres, I will be taking the full 4 months of ML coz I want to spend more time with my bb and I have too many leaves to be cleared next year, so I don't need to save my ML and create more headache in clearing my leaves later. My company doesn't allow us to carry forward our leaves, tat y.

Annie Lim (nikiko) : i also have the feeling like bb got not much space to move that why we can really feel the kicks lo ~ hahahah ! When i see my scan, i was like asking my gynae ~ is baby enough space to move anot ~ ahhaha ! cause the waterbag look very small to me ~ =P

Tres: Mmm.... i hope i will not lose my own identity even after having children. we ladies have a tendency to please and take care of others, always forget abt ownself. I saw a few examples whereby the ladies give their all to their hubbies and kids. at the end of day, saw their agony when their hubby cheat or kids side with their boy/girlfren. Really bang wall man, give me cold sweat sia...

As for maternity leave, will prob take 3 months, and work 3-4 days a week for the last 4 weeks of maternity. havent seriously thought abt it.

Jaime, me didn't shop much lei. Winter clothes everywhere. We spent bulk on food, every eatery is so ex. Yeah, me too, dun really splurge on branded bags after popping, even rejected husband's idea of LV as gift, but will still ask for something more budget. haha. My gal's education fees began early, need to be thrift. sobs!

hmm.. how to deal with this kind of MIL? Very irritating leh.. I can understand your frustration, Linda. But if I were you, I really will ignore her and even if she goes complaint to my hb I will not care coz I will tell my hb very frankly about how I feel and I am really not in a mood to argue or further upset my mood and affect my bb. Use bb as your powerful excuse! hahaha... Said you believe to let time ease the awkward situation? If I've such MIL I really will quarrel with her! I hardly talk to my MIL or have any contact with my PIL. My hb knows I don't really like them ba. But luckily they will not disturb me too. But my MIL will be looking after my bb after I finish my ML, really worry we will have conflicts later on.

Linda : wah ! you MIL abit act act hao ren like that leh ~ Sorry to say so arr ~ But she abit weird lo ~ hmmm ~ i think ignore first ? or just tell her to give you sometime ? =/ She abit scary leh ~ >,<'''

hi Linda,

from the sms, think ur mil already realised she in the wrong and willing to change.. so i thought maybe a sms from you of similar context might help to ease the situation? something along the line about "希望我们解开之间的误会"..

i agree with Annie ! USE BABY AS YOUR POWER EXCUSE !!!! Tell your hb, if your mil continue to be like that, will really affect your emotional ~ And scares him by telling him, you will be going down with depression if she continue ~

For those who went babymoon, i m getting these 2 gift 'cos i nv get babymoon and also for all the pain/injections i went thru during IVF, all the bedrest, and even watching my diet before IVF for mths. Me also thinking of a PUSH/PLUSH pressie for myself for job well done, for gg thru the process which i tot i will never make it. But will onli buy in Feb, to be on the safe side. Even my DH also v patang, he is keeping the watch and will keep the bag until Feb end

Tres- Yes, watch came in last sat. Bag shld be in by end of dec or even earlier. dun need to trouble yr sil. My cousin is a pilot, can check for us easily.

Annie- Me think really long liao. Now got seduce by a ring from tiffany. But dun think will pay 900 over buck for a silver ring. Maybe get it in US when i go over.

Angelia, you so cute! So how did your gynae replys to your question? hahaha... Next week I'm gonna ask my gynae if I will squash my bb if I sleep on the left side coz he always kick in protest!

AirMez, I also think we have to strike a balance in life. Must try not to be over focus on hb/bb, we need to pamper ourselves too, otherwise we will be very chi kui. haha... But it may be hard to say as I haven't reach the stage myself, so not sure if I will change too.

Chen: you are such a nice lao po!!

AirMez: I also hope I won;t lose my identity after we give birth! I have witness a good fren, she was so devoted to her bb(s) and she lost herself and love to /from husband in the end and now she is struggling to cope with her young growing family, eventhought she is not divorce but she does live like 1 lor! Really sad!

I will always remember this!!!!!

Annie : My gynae just say ~ Wouldn lah ~ the baby got space to move de ~ than he still end with a " HAHA " LOL ~ BTH ! But than really mah ~ If you see the scan, you will somehow feel that your waterbag space is like too small for your bb de ~ LOL ~ imagine when bb grow more bigger ~ aiyoh ! Lagi no space lo ~ LOL ! =X


i honestly think your MIL sounds sincere. if shes not the double face kind of woman, then i would think this lady is very good leh.

maybe we dunno your story enough to judge. but from any bystander, it seems like she is trying hard. i wont be sad or emo over her sms

Linda - Good idea, why not you try allets way to play back the mind game and act nice back by giving a sweet short sms to see if you could ease the situation. Try being hypocrite to her if she hypocrites to u. If she comes and show pattern again then you ignore her and complaint to your hb, telling him you already try to give in too but she still like tat. Then use the baby power to say not that you wanna be rude, but you just don't want this unnecessary misunderstanding/argument to affect your mood/emotion now as you want to have a happy pregnancy which is very important to both you and bb. ;)

tres..me took full 16 months last time...this time will be the same as well..some even take the 6 days child care leave as well...means lengthen by another week n any AL also..

but i save child care leave n annual leave for raining days..

after #1 is born, when i think of 2-3k for 1 bag..then i think with the same amt can buy how much diapers, milk powder etc...

the only things i splurge on myself still is my facial, hair, nail but the frequency i go is so much lesser than before lor..so i guess its not that much liao compare to before

chen, u think like me..but if hubby buy..i dont care...just dont take it out from my piggy bank !!! i think crave for omega constellation but not from my pocket though

Airmez/Annie/Tres- I also hope i can strike a balance in life with a baby. My BFF tell me tt she will remind me to pamper n treat myself nice nice. We've seen a close gf, who was so devoted to her onli boy n DH, ended up cheated by her DH.

Chen- u so guai. If me, i think at least 1-2. My crazy GF bgt like 10 bags during her recent europe trip! Faint lor.

linda - i think thats e prob when MIL r either not educated or too educated. sounds like ur MIL v outspoken. not sure is it we get more emo n sensative now? ignore her sms, calls, etc ba if it makes u feel better

stretchmark - i found some around my belly button!! gosh. but my skin v sensitive leh. sometimes i apply cream, sometimes i dont cos will have little rash. tried few creams le. even e mild ones....haiz...

bb kicking - realise i will feel it during middle of day at work, or around 9+pm when m reading e bb book. maybe cos i put book on my stomach, she dont like. haha.....but kicking feeling not as strong as u all leh....sometimes ask hubby to feel, he cant feel all e kicks.

All mummies- is really irriating for my mil to bug me n i already told my hub that she is not anyone to control my life be it I wan to go back to work or I want to stay home to look after my 2 kids.... She can't plan just becos she want someone to do her stuffs n takeover.....

I really feel that she is either not remorseful or watever.

Cos she dun have to copy the SMS to my hub aso rite???

It really seem like I m the bad guy

If I dun answer her phone;(

But I dun have the feel .... Honestly

So these days I have been prasticing wat shld I say? How do I end the call?? Will it start over again??? All the blah blah

Annie- sure got conflicts one if mil is taking care .. Cos we have diff views..

Till now- my mil alway blame me for not starting my eldest boy Chinese earlier- now that his result not band 1- which meant 90 and above!

Siao lor- to me

Every child is unique he may not be very strong in this, but he is very pro active in other ...

Then she will go n blah blah

Say this round I cannot call my baby girl Clara!

BB Rabit: i was initially attracted by a tiffany necklace. But hubby thought not worth to pay S$700 for a silver necklace. Went to New York, not much cheaper too, think only less by S$150 (now US rate lower, maybe worth). in the end, got a similar necklace from Ralph Lauren for US$70. haha... very happy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chen, I think I went to southern hemisphere the right time then…coz now its mostly summer clothing being sold…so lots to buy… so long the price is right!!

If gynae told me wrong on gender..i am gg to sue her for the damage in shoppping I did in OZ n throw the clothes at her!!!

won_mummy : LOL ~ know what ? i ask my hb to feel ~ cause i have a active kicks ~ than he will like " Eeeeeeeeeeeeeew, Dear the feeling very eeeeew leh ~ " >,<''' but he still enjoying touching ~ and even put his face near the place, where my bb kick ~ LOL ! siao ting dong de ! hahahah ! =P

Annie- KL by coach...what if need to pee pee. Me pee so often now. My close gf wedding in KL in early dec, thinking of how to go up.

Linda- IGNORE. My mil also love to ACT. Me just feel like slapping her at her face. Until now, SIL FB still indicate tt i m rude 'cos i reject her mum's LOVE food ( water melon n starfruit).

Linda : to me, if she just only sent you the msg, you still can act back nice to her ~ but than i really don't know why she must copy to your hb too ~ Really damn fake lo ~ She make it sounds like she is the one giving in now ~ Gain pitiness ~ TSK ! abit irritating lo ~ =/

Chen: me kowtou... no splurging.. really have strong self-discipline. Me at least a few bags bah... cos last time, i wasnt the type that very decisive when come to purchases. Now really kicked myself for not buying the Chanel bags then, when it was soo much cheaper than now.

tres, bb rabit n jaime, cos i got greater plan ahead, wana be a SAHM. haha. Help to save more, higher chance of realising the dream. Say only la, still think rather handicap to not have my own income, though I really wana spend more time with the kiddos.

Hi ALL!!

Feel better starting this week with Wed holiday in mind... gg dating with hubby on Wed...

My bb gal also like to kick me when I'm at work or sitting in front of the tv... whenever she kick me too hard I will just sayang my tummy then she will quieten down.... but I'm truly enjoying her 'kicking boxing' bond with me...

Tried asking hubby for the push gift over the weekend and was kind of rejected cos he say diamond only can see cannot eat no use... he say he is thinking of getting a weekend car for convenience with bb ard... so well my push gift will likely turn into a weekend car if our finances work out ok... but I still envy all you mummies who have gotten your push gifts!!

Even thou this is only my number 1 but I already have the mentality to spend most of my money on her instead haha... mummy's love!!

As for Mother/MIL issues... I'm blessed with a caring mum and doting MIL... thou I dun stay with my PIL but I will go back for dinners during weekdays... MIL will cook tonics occasionally for me and buy me black chix wih herbs to bring to my mum place to cook and buy me bb clothings, nappy etc... so I must really give thanks and count my blessings...

angelia - n my silly hb, i say he must sing a song to bb every night. else bb dont recognise his voice....now he every night say e same sentence " bernice, wo shi daddy" faintz....n talk thru my belly button. machiam e speaker/mic.....but when ask bb to kick daddy, she dont leh....not listening to our command yet.

bb rabit - y like that? but watermelon is not suitable for us mah. unless they offered birds nest n u reject, then u r wrong. they r offering u something u not suppose to eat.

tres - i m taking full 16 wks also. wanna spend longer time w my bb. n worry if din complete, back to work le hard to clear. can use e time to do BF as long as possible also.

Sigh;( is really hard to entertain this woman

I feel likebetter dun talk too much but she will sure complain again to my hub;(

Then my hub will be sandwich!

Which I nvr like it;(

Even my son dislike why she treat me like that n since then, when the phone ring, my son will pick up,

But he already told me saying : mummy, if popo call, I will tell her not to disturb u as u r sleeping ;))

Linda, I told my hb b4, if I have big conflicts with my MIL about her taking my bb, I will be very straight forward and suggest to her that she goes back to work and I shall put my bb in child care. I control my life and my bb, not her.

BB rabbit, the coach I taking has toilet on it and a lounge too. The coach will only have max 15 passengers on it I think. This is the coach company which my colleague chosen - "Aeroline" You may wanna check about this coach if you really plan to go KL by coach. I think it is a higher end coach.

chen, support u in ur greater plans!!..for me i not ready to be a SAHM, but if the toil of taking care of 2 is heavy, i might quit for a while to spend some time wiht them till #2 turns 18 months

bb rabit

my mil also cooked all the weird stuff. her daughter also preggy now, so her dinner feeds 2 preggy ladies.

last wed she cooked sotong (seafood) and fruits as pineapple!

i think she is the modern kind of mil, everything in moderation. so i oso dun take it offensively

Linda: your son also knows... & best of all, he sides you! IN a sense, you are the winner liao. Just continue to do what you are doing, as long as your son & hub is by your side... YOU ARE SUPERIOR liao!

Pls ladies!! not worth buying those branded jewellery, i work in a jewellery line before, pls dun be 'gong gong' and pay like $10K for a tiffany dia ring (sorry to the tiffany lovers) out there!

Xiafeizhu: hahah, my hub told me that he will be buy me a car for my push present BUT i told him off saying that a car is for the convenience for me NOT a present lor!!!


haha.. talking abt 胎教, hb insisted i read a fairy tale to bb every nite.. even my softtoy eyeore gets to sit on my lap to listen to story telling.. haha.. think we siao..

hb will contribute his part by massaging on my tummy and breast.. but every nite, he repeats the same sentence "baby, daddy massage for you k. after massage you go sleep k.. no more playing. than tomorrow go work with mummy k".. aks him to say something else, lazy bum dun want to think.. heehee..

