(2011/03) Mar 2011

Angelia: conflicts sure hv de..jus tat I more of bo chap.. 1 ear in 1 ear out lor.. hubby always say his mum is old so mus understd..


han : My hb also say the say thing leh ~ but than hor ~ i already tried very hard to bo chap liao ~ But still she will !#$%@##^@$%#$ all the way ~ Hais !! Now i only can hope that my flat come faster ~ so that i can live in peace ~ =/

angelia - me! n i think i m stuck for at least 5 more yrs. been having prob getting new flats. since before wedding been trying till now.....just close 2 eyes n 2 ears lor. whenever i buey tahan i will complain to my hubby. thats e only solution to destress myself.

i think its bo bian de. diff living lifestyle, diff thinking n we simply cant change them. else become de zhui them. life will be even more tough. when she say anything i dont agree, i just smile n keep quiet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gd mrn ladies!!!! Another short wk this wk! Picking up my maid tonite with little expectation.

HAHAHA, i got my plush gift liao, more of push gift now. Gotten myself a limited edition Tag with black diamond ( was smitted by it,inital choice was a rolex/ cartier) and will be getting another chanel or miumiu bag.

Angelia- MIL are best to be kept out of mind, out of sight. I dun stay wid my mil and sil, but they love to BUG/CALL us. Now tt u got no choice but to stay wif u, just 1 ear in, 1 ear out. Stay cool for your little one

BB Rabit: The watch sound fabulous!! so wat model of chanel/miu miu bag are u lemming? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Won mummy : wow !! 5years?!? Gosh!!! I think i will ki siao lo... I also whine to hb at times... But sometime i still choose to keep in me, cause hb also working hard already... The more i whine, i scare the more later become he cannot take it.... Hahaha! You all really steady leh... Can 1ear in 1ear out... I really got to mo lian this lo... =\

Bb rabbit : ya, best is to keep it out of my

Sight... Arrrggghhh! Damn irritating... This morning kenna say by her again.. Sibei sian... And i seriously hate it, whereby she will just open up our room door... Damn irritating... Told her before but still the same... Sigh !!!!!

Morning mummies!!

yes, a short week for me too! work 2 days only!!

for my push gift, hb say he will get a bigger ring to replace my existing proposal ring (but dunno how big is big lah) .. other than that, nothing else liao ba..but the ring will be delayed until he changes to another job.. for now, dun dare to ask much from him cos he also dun earn alot..

angelia - ya. bo bian. haiz. long story. jia you!! endure ba

push gift - so envy...i tried asking my hubby few times. but he keep quiet. he say he was the best push gift for me le....gosh.....dont think i will have any. cos we saving all our $ for bb's stuff. no more gift or clothing, etc for mummy n daddy.

morning mommies,

my bro's gf going to US soon, i'm thinkin of asking her to help me buy Medela Freestyle. Is it worth buying there? heard the power adaptor is for US only right? where can buy the converter ah? pls helpz me first time mom, quite blurrr...thanks

bb rabit : envy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

those with #1, u all can eat buffet with #1 in tow ah...kow tow man ..

won_mummy : hais ! Enduring lo ~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] damn miserable lo ~ Hb always give me the support ~ but than sometime, i feel very emotional ~ When i think of mil, i will feel like tearing lo ~ My own mother also never soooo kua zhang like her lo ~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Angelia : lock ur door when ur inside, n the best advice is really 1 ear in n 1 ear out. Anyway u can still have whatever u want just not having it right in front of ur mil, sure csn one de

Bb rabit : envy !!! The watch sounds fab !!!, congrats for u

Won_mummy : same here , no push gift for me. But at least I got to choose the hospital n can booked family suit for my delivery room

Rach : eh paiseh my moms sending Josh the shoes as a present. So I don't need to order anymore. Next time okay

angelina : i did !!! but than she will knock knock and knock ~ knock till very hard type ~ my god !!! i tell you, imagine i work at 9.30am right ~ than by 8.45am, i have to leave house mah ~ Than she will knock on my door at 6.45am ! GOSH !!! i don't know for what f lo ~ >,<''' than when i open up the door right, she will ask, why lock the door ? don't lock lah ~ Later she wanna come in, cannot come in ~ -.-''' wo de tian arrr !!!!!!!!!

morning mummies!


we all will have our fair share of MIL, SIL, BIL, PIL problems. it will be never ending. some get it little, some get it extreme

but hor, our lives so bz liao, still need to waste our precious energy being unhappy/angry etc over these matters, then we'll be wasting lots of our lives being angry/unhappy...imagine the % of your daily life - how many % is being happy; how many % is being unhappy?

i know alot of us are stuck in a rut with out PIL. but this is life and these are challenges that comes with marriage....

cheer up!

my mom is super difficult to be with (chased by knives, hacked, beaten, scolded with vulgarities etc)....but im still surviving isnt it?

im sure there are more worse cases than you (mil cheated children off $$, gambling problems, police cases etc).....so cheer up yah

not trying to be negative here but only my 2cents. ignore if you dont like it :)

1 ear in 1 ear out is really the best...for now. when we have more energy then tackle these issues slowly. there's no perfect life

angelia - list you some kua zhang things my MIL say n do...maybe can make u feel better/happier? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1) when my SIL give birth thru c-ser, she don't allow her to BF bb, not a single drop. cos she say she on medication. cannot.

2) during SIL confinement, she made her wrap like a 'mummy'...best of all, must use cotton wool to stuck into her ears to prevent wind. cannot shower, etc

3) when there r fruits in e fridge, she dont allow me to eat nor touch. she say put in fridge le, its cold, cannot eat....bad for me n baby.

4) our toilet is shared by 4 adults. BIL, SIL, hubby n me, while master bedroom is her own use. there was once BIL stay inside super long, till hubby n i fell asleep while waiting. next day when i try to complain, (actually is to tell her how squeezy n inconvenient we r now). her respond is, nvm lar. if too tired n din sweat, no need to shower de...pengz

Morning all, me n Josh r down with flu now. Since Friday til today still sick. Haizzzz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

angelina, get well soon. thur - today my son also sick, chest infection. heng now better liao, only left cough and runny nose...



Dun sound any privacy for me;)

Last week I have a bad conflict w my mil who is not staying w me and most of them here become my listening ear and I feel bit morelight hearted abit till she started on Friday again

This round she called up my hub and cries!

Imagine Cos of her I cried too many times yet my hub can only chided her yet nvr cry w me;(

This fri my hub cried but of course he is not siding any one ... Except he did remind her consistently that she cannot alway so demanding. N aggressive...

She told hub she has not sleep well for 2 days cos of our incidents! In my heart, as u all remember, after the round, I started to puke, stomach pain n I can't sleep well thinking of her sarcastic words in my mind

Story nvr end cos she sent me message in Chinese n even copied my hub?!!!!!

Pixel - get him to drink more water. This month n dec is a cold month and children n adult tend to get a lot of virus lor;)

Take care! Wed coming- another holiday break

I got the watch 'cos even the diamond also got cer, black diamond somemore. And i walk the whole of orchard to search for the #. "cos it is limited edition, 250 pieces. I am determine to find a nice number. Plsu the price is not tt exp, abt 3.8k after 20% dist.

won-mummy- tell yr DH, it is the tot tt count. Even if it is just a small gift.

Angelia- wait til u read abt my MIL. Will type in ltr when my boss go for mtg. She is the WORSE u can find. I not onli got to deal wif MIL, also SIL. Best measure- out of sight, out of mind, 1 ear in, 1 ear out. Deal with a FAKE smile

Airmez- 2.55 in beige for chanel. Now i also like a necklace from Tiffany. Damm sinful

Angelina- Take care!! Drink more water. And get yr DH to help u out wif ur boy

awww linda, do cheer up. dont let these negative ppl affect our mood.

remember, you control your mind/brain. how you want to think and feel, you can control it. if you let it run wild with your mil sarcastic words, of coz will affect ur body. now u got #2 leh...must be strong for your children, no matter how adverse the situation is...

sometimes, my mom can call me or my hb up and cry...say my dad no use lar. then started to air the dirty laundry in public liao. say how he ill treated her. act all pity, then get angry, then scolded us as well, say we no use...then hurl vulgarities etc

sian hor? but i oredi used to it leh heehee coz i will not let these negative stuff affect me. i know i must stay strong for my family.

i always pity these ppl. they are so sad in their life...with no happiness...

老人家 very childish one de....let them be bah

pixiepixel : true lah ~ alot more worst than us ~ hais ~ so now i only can diam diam first lo ~ but i'm those will choose quiet type de ~ only whine to friends or hb, i told my mother about all this ~ and she told me not to keep everything inside ~ If not she scare i got depression ~ That's why i whine abit here ~ 1ear in out is still the best solution bah ~ :D

won_mummy : wah !!! Your MIL power leh ~ can fight with my mil liao ~ =X LOL ! old pp arr !! hmmm, think we don't whine liao bah ~ scare later old liao , be like them, than die ~ LOL ! =X

Ting ting- my Sis went back on fri noon n will be back again in dec but I not sure which date. Anyway I SMS her to ask for me and she replied that her secretary in Sg is flying oversea w her and is now 7 mths!

Which meant can still travel??!!'

And her secretary got letter frm doc

老人家 very childish one de....let them be bah <-- pixiepixel , i agree !!!! but than again ~ they are more like children too ~ attention seeker !! =/


if you can confide in ur mom, then good for you. i also everytime nag to my mom about my mil...

my mom is super difficult to be with but apart from her nasty temper, she is a VERY VERY good mother (when she is not having her tantrums), and love us until 出油 kind...no matter what, whenever i sad, i will still tok to my mom

u could say i have a love-hate relationship with her...

most impt, whine liao then forget about it please. no use to let it run and mull over it over n over again in your mind. can go crazy one neh hor

we all are mummies/mummies to be, no matter what, must stay strong (emotionally and physically) strong for our kids!

bb rabbit : okokayy ~ Later you type out than i read ~ jialat leh ~ yuan lai almost all of us have this problems ~ i also don't really like my SIL de ~ but i just hack care ~ cause to me, she is nothing ~ LOL ~ she use to do alot of childish things like, say me in her FB blah blah ~ Tsktsk ! i know she is writing about me, but i just don't care lo ~ =P


yup, u ever realised - our age growth is like a curve? first we started as babies, feeble and childish...then going to adult...strong and all....then finally downward curve, back to feeble n childish

thats the cycle of life...haha...whenever i face mother or mil prob, i am sad. coz the more childish they are it means they getting older...sooner or later, no chance to see them, fight with them, be angry with them liao...coz they dying eventually

then i will trrrrrrryyy to treat them nicer hurhur

BB rabit: Beige 2.55 is nice! i'm searching high and low for a nice-color birkin (actually still contemplating to get a birkin/kelly), but very difficult, no stock everywhere! So thought of getting a chanel jumbo, but kept hearing abt the slip in their quality and jumbo now double flap liao (troublesome) leh. sibei headache...

pixiepixel : wah ~ you really big hearted leh ~ i must learn from you manz ! Have this kinda of thinking ~ Than perhaps , i will feel better ~ :D

Pixel- wahhh I really peifu u for being strong !

Honestly mil told hub she will call n talk to me again these few days- to me I really dun feel like talking to her.. But wat to do when she call??

If i dun pick she will resume I purposely n xiao xin nian

mornin mummies!!

angelia: sorry, dozed off soon aft reply last nite..

won_mummy: i agree wif u..most of d time i m lit tat.. or mayb i hv master d skill of treating her invisible..


i will still dun pick :)

dont pick lar. u know u will be affected by her again, why make yourself sad/unhappy again? just dun pick lor...she confront u then u say no hear fone ring etc lor

bb rabit, airmez

wah...2.55 and birkins etc all out of my league. i wonder when my hb can earn this much to get me such stuff sobzzz :p

Hello mummies,

Anybody feeling your arms/hands aching (sour sour)? Don't know why this morning wake up I feel my right arm aching loh...

Any anybody notice if your bb will kick you if you sleep on certain side? Like my bb's head is at my left hand side of my tummy, so when I sleep on my left, I will notice my bb will punch and kick me, think I probably have squeeze him or make him little space that's why he punches n kicks in respond. So after I tried to sleep on my right side my bb stop the kicking. haha... Don't know is it I crushed him. lol...

pixie: dun say tat ah. diff pple have diff priorities & preferences. Btw, my stretch marks start to appear liao... on my nei, and hips... sibei sad and sianz.. it seems i place my bets wrong! apply alot on tummy, but not side hips. me show ah lau loh, he gulped, and meekly went to get the stretchmark cream and pass to me. Wah kaos...

Pixie- Ya, i agree with the way u describe them, they are v childish. Easier to live with our own mum, love hate r/s, Argue n fight today, tom we forget abt it. Even my bro's wife, she is nice to my mum, at times, she will still ask me to convey the msg to my mum. They stay together, no issue getting along. After after, we are our mum's own ger, easier for us.

Yest i almost broke down in tear, looking at my own granny (93, bed-ridden, stroke patient). She was crying in pain as the current maid is v rough with her. Her bed-sore just got worse. I ask myself, if my mil is in this condition, will i ever care for her...i've no answer for tt now.

Airmex- WOW, birken..i will not pay for it leh, too exp. Get jewellery, better investment, i feel.

the beige one i like also out of stock, me waiting for DH's cousin to check out in Europe for me. TT one not urgent, compared to my watch as at the wkend.

BB rabit: sigh... maybe u're rite. My head says jewellery (seldom wear) and watch, but my heart says bag loh. hahahaha!! so much for emo woman. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Annie- me experience hand/palm numbess, and also swollen. Gynae said for my case, it is due to water rentention. I also notice tt it come n go. Try to sleep on your left, it helps. I dun think we will ":squash" our little one in bed, they are well protected inside [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Airmex- Think of it this way, next time can hand me down to your kid.

Pixie- Ya, like wat Airmex said, differ pple differ priority. For Airmez na me, our 1st kid, maybe when 2nd kid, we dun bear to spend on ourselves anymore. Even now, i can feel it, i always tell my DH, the joint account $$ is for my ger. If it goes down, i feel sad.

han : it's okayy ~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i also kenna scold by my hb yesterday ~ LOL! come in here talk till don't wanna sleep ! HAHAHAHA !

Annie : Yess ~ your hand will numb sometime ~ and baby kicking is good ~ I've a very active baby ~ i can feel the kicking always ~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Linda : i will have the same answer with Pixie ~ don't pick up ~ She will affect your emotional de ~


for my #1, i 笨笨 apply on tummy, forgot about side tummy+ hips...in the end, all the railway tracks appeared there...sobz

now, i apply there + tummy

nei nei i cant be bothered liao. no 1 will see except hb. if hb complain, then dun touch lor~~ see who can LUN longer? LOL

my bb dont like me to sleep face up!

bb rabit

no matter how bad our mil is, when they old n sick, we sure feel pity. and all the hatred thrown out of window? or still feel hurt by their words? i oso dunno....but i tell myself i GAINED 1 extra set of parents (my PIL). no matter how bad they treat us, i have my responsibilities when they are old.

some ppl want to have papa mama oso dun have the chance, while we get an extra set when we get married. this is considered good fortune liao lor. yah lah, they always very bad to us, but what to do? they r my hb's parents leh, still need to respect. just FAKE smile like u said lor...

treat them nice/ok/passable now, rather than live with regrets when they passed away later

i always ask my hb "how do you feel if i treat ur mom like this?" when he show attitude to my mom coz my mom said some ridiculous things to us when we visit...

imagine we dun like our mil so much and our hb is stuck in between. how will he feel? how will I feel if he complain everyday about my own dearest mom?

limlim we got same taste, i m eyeing the same bag as u! The bow so pretty ya!! Which colour u got? i like the one in black hehe. Ya so much difference between SG and US price rite... Wow 25% discount is a good deal! I missed it... any idea when's the next sale? And how much was your shipping costs?

lilprecious, starfruit, tres, mimimo, haha thanks for making me feel better. Cos i was quite anti-Chloe/Khloe at first, feel a bit common leh. Will discuss more with hb first. :) Haiii, baby names really headache hor, i think chinese name will be even tougher tsk!

Angelia, ya i m quite sure my hb likes C too, but he keeps denying he does haha! Then he still keep suggesting names like Clarice, Candice, Charlize errrrrrrrr. And he very cheeky tried to name the folder we keep our bb pics as "Chloe Lau" TSK. I stared at him so hard then he changed to "Baby Lau" HAHA.


for all the in-laws woes, dun take it too heart k..sayang k.. not let this unnecessary nonsense affect you and ur bb..most impt, we must be happy and pretty mummies!!

attribute all these woes to our elderly going through menopause, thus hormonal changes. dun think too much and it will soon b over..

annie - yes, my ger will protest if i happen to sleep on the side she is at..

for medela freestyle pump, can i check if across US all selling at similar pricing? ie. US$299? cos my hb's aunt coming back from Oregon for xmas and thought of asking her to get for me.. anyone got any idea?


then u suggest..."how about khlarice, kandice, kharlize?" then see his reaction...muahahah...make him admit he likes C lar...

Annie, i noticed my girl girl tends to kick more when i am sitting compared to when i m standing. I also wonder issit cos i "compressed" her when i m sitting haha.. As for sleeping position, usually i m too tired to notice oops. I still try my best to sleep on my left (since everyone says it's good), but many times i will wake up in the morning on my back errr. Anyone knows if this is bad for bb hur?

Pixie, haha good idea!! I will try it tonight. :)

Oh do u ladies notice your belly button sticking out more? Mine does sometimes, and it's very sensitive to the touch, strange!

Chen, WELCOME BACK!! How's Spain? Have a good trip?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Limlim/ Audrey- Me also like the same KS diaper bag. Think ned to order soon. Understand from 2 KS spree-oragniser tt KS US mite not ship/accept SG CC/IP address as they wann us to frequent KS SINGAPORE. Damm KK.

Pixie- I know. PIL is also our parent. Just tt now i care for my granny, dng so much, which i doubt i will hand on personally in the future. Touchwood, if need arise, I will get a maid to care for her. Trust me it is alot of work, physically and emotionally caring for a sick & elderly at hme. At times, i just walk away in tear feeling helpess, 'cos i do not know wat to do anymore. but i tell myself, if i dun care for her, who will. She did so much for us since i was young. And tt she is in pain now. But if the one in the bed is my MIL, i really really dun know wat my reaction will. Can i personally change her diaper, clean her, shower her..i just hope tt she will be healthy and not suffer like how my granny suffer.

Chen, yaya she's a cute lil girl girl hehe. My silly gynae told me boy at 3rd month lor. But boy or girl we also don't mind la, just a bit pissed with gynae initially cos she very un-pro about the gender leh, not sure then don't tell us la since we also never ask... Anyway water under the bridge liao hehe. U know your bb gender yet? Oh yes, how was Spain?? I m so envious!!!

