(2011/03) Mar 2011

Chen, M... with or without being preg, i'm sleepy at All times... wahaha... i thk zhou1 gong1 wants mi to b his daughter... :p

spyria... thk depends on gynae... mine is joycelyn... e nurse told only got package tat starts at week 20... n its $738 (before gst)! ex leh..... u may wanna call e clinic to double check... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Mummies, can I ask you all something?

I realise I don't have MS when I eat junk food like macdonalds and pizza hut. I am starting to drink chilled apple juice! Oh no. I didn't even drink cold water before preggie! I am getting bad. My MS comes immediately when I eat boring food like green leafy vegetable and food from veg stall.

OH NO! I seem to have the wrong craving leh but it helps to curb my MS. How how? Dilemma dilemma.


oh, the other half u packed to office is already cold so will cause indigestion.

For me, i cant take cold food... the feeling in e stomache like a lot of air, very uncomfortable

Any mummy tired ways like squezzing fresh lemon juice into water, chill a bit and drink?

im sick of drinking water/milo/ribena etc.

lai- try not to drink too much v cold water.

M- yes me too..i sure take nap after my lunch..haiz.

Goin to see my bb this sat..yippee..wat a long wait..phew. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My friend is expecting her first kid and she hasn't put on any weight and she's already 6 months! The baby is fine and healthy, good weight and all. I do hate her. I mean she was 71kg/ bout 165cm but she's not fat, just plump so she looks better pregnant [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I wanna be like her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes.. a few of us from ACJ clinic and i'm one of them, my gynae is Adrian Tan... I juz did my check up this Monday and i did ask nurse, nurse told me, they actually have package starting now, but most of the mummies will only sign up after 5th mth (after the detail scan)... so.. i think i will sign up with them after i have my detail scan!


i found that i love to eat fast food too... b4 i pregnant, i eat junk food once a mth the most.. but now, seems every week i crave for junk food but hubby control me la!! and i realised i LOVE to drink Ice Lemon Tea! hahaha!!!!


oic!! im used to eating cold food. errrr actually, i mean, i dont mind eating cold food. my stomach has always been ok with this. but if i find it super unappetizing, i will just pop the container inside the microwave in the office pantry lah...

at home i dont have microwave. i just eat as "it is" ie cold. i dont mind

im seeing my baby tomorrow, yippee!! hb is not free to take leave, so i would be alone. would you mummies mind if your hb is not with you during checkups?

sinful cravings:

i like instant noodles. but must be tom yum flavour. i eat the cup noodles once a week...sinful right? but it seemed to cub my ms. everytime i eat something spicy like that my stomach will not churn so much leh....

I always been alone for my early few gynae visits. Cos hubby is either on biz trips, or the gynae visit is on weekdays (he cant make it). And it's so hard to make appt on sat... my oscar scan also did it alone. Dun think too much abt it, and start to feel sorry for urself -- gotta stay happy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i m having the sleepless symptons as some of u have mentioned.

Have been waking up at 1am plus to pee and then very difficult to get back to sleep. then pee again at 4plus.....


im fine with it actually. heehee. coz i can do my own stuff. my hb always dont like me to do this lar, do that lar

we got clashing personalities LOL


Finally my gals are back to school. My resting period can start. Sometime love them in school as I can do & rest in peace. BUT when sudden lost of their noises... felt e whole house so funny.

Went for my 9weeks check. Still gotta visit gynae every 2 weeks due to spotting. Will arrange oscar scan 2 weeks later I see him.

BB ok.. now at 2.32 cm. But still funny is my EDD pushed to 1st week April. Nah, just ignore it.



Guess beginning & last tri we will all be facing this. Sometime is emotional or having 2 & more kids. I try to cat nap if possible. Sleep too much may end up cannot sleep at night.

THose mummies working, try rest more during weekend. Weekdays night end your day earlier & believe your DH will understand how tiring going through.

Mummies working, try not to keep siting on e computer desk. Every 1-2hr, give yourselves little stretch or little walk. Especially later stage, will tends to get leg cramp. DO some leg exercise.

Very simple. Just stretch your leg straight & your feet just face up. (like we having cramp, we get someone push our foots straight). THis helps to relax too.


Maybe you can try to reduce your water intake? Or sip water even you feel thristy during e night? Clear your bladder before sleep. Move yourselves forward when clearing bladder. It helps to push all out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hey Ladies,

It is good to have sinful craving I think, I dun have any craving, not even fast food, actually the thought of food makes my puke, I dun even like to lunch time or dinner time, worse I have to snack in between else I will vomit...does any one of you ladies experience the same thing? MUST EAT ELSE WILL VOMIT....


cannot colours coz of ammonia (may be harmful to baby)

you just have to find a dye that contains no ammonia can liao

eg, just like ppl say oh preggy cannot eat cheese.

actually only blue cheese cannot eat lah...

Hi ladies,I just did my oscar scan today at 12 wks 6 days. But the doctor say can't c gender leh... A bit disappoonted. But so many of u can c gender alr ..

Hey May,

I know how it feels like to eat to prevent vomit. I also like that... in the end, look so bloated... then i complained this bb always hungry... then last wkend, i vomited throughout... think bb angry with me...

Anyway hate MS! Until now i still going through the daily routine~

Hi mummies,

It's so nice to know what you are craving for. I feel hungry and wanna eat but always dunno what to eat! You know, it's like having craving but dunno crave for what? Haha... my HB says that i tekkan him since he does not know how to satisfy my hungry/craving. Anyone like that?

For my #1, there was no change in my appetite while this time, it's so weird. I'm fussy about food yet dunno fuss about what. Sigh...


I'm also a March 2011 mummy. Expecting my #2 now...Home: Kallang EDD: 18 March 2011 Gynae: Dr Heng TL Hospital: East shore BB:#2

Hi May/Jazz2

Same as u, I'm very sleep deprived too...

Cannot sleep well everynight..once i wake up in the middle of the night, difficult to go back to sleep... still have to endure through work everyday..very low morale sometimes...

Thought of taking no pay leave, but can't. Cos no one to cover my work...

I'm extremely tired everyday...after work I look forward to going home and play with my 15mth old son, but I have no strength to play with him sometimes...

I have no appetite but I need to eat, otherwise I will get very bloated with stomach wind and feels like puking...

Regarding colouring, I have asked my gynae, she says dont use ammonia and dont touch the roots/scalp. I intend to do a colour treatment (without ammonia) when 2nd trimester ends.

Hey Musicalbox..low morale not strong of word to describe me - depressed is more like it(hahah)..and then I tot 12 weeks liao MS will be over, who knows....ITS BACK....and when I MS, I always feel very xin ku...Sigh

Pixie, I also have craving for instant cup noodles and mac coke!!! But so far I haven't touch these two.. I only ate Koka instant noodles, no MSG and the taste not fantastic. Coke, only sip, don't dare to drink the whole cup...

Last night till this morning my lower tummy got cramps, but not continous... Still, it's uncomfortable and I'm feeling very tired today. Legs also feel weak. Btw, I am in 13 weeks+.


drink mug rootbeer lor, no caffeine

btw, whenever i sneeze, i will have a sharp "stitch" like pain at lower right of my tummy

geesh, tmr must ask gynae ok or not

Hi Poky and Chen,

Thanks for the info!

Cos i jus visited ACJ yesterday and am at 10weeks++. Was planning to take up the package and was told that it will only be available at week 20.

If theres a package at week 12, think i will go for that. Will sign with them when i go for my oscar 3 weeks later.

To all mommies, FYI

Doc strongly encourage me to drink those powdered milk formula meant for mum-to-be.

As much as i detest milk, my hubby 'forced' me to take it still. haiz.

I tried Enfamama CHOCOLATE flavour and surprising, it taste like milkshake leh! hahha

strongly recommend!

Hi Spyria!

Doc encourage u to take powdered milk ah? Mind if i check with u whether u're very slim? Cos my fren's gynae dun really encourage her to take powdered milk, cos he said nowadays our diet oredi very rich. And my fren bochap, still go ahead and take, she put on 20+kg!!!!! O-M-G....


who is your gynae?? As i told you this morning, i think their earlier pacakge will onli start at week 14 (if we are having the same gynae)..

Just finished one steaming hot bowl of fragrant fiish beehoon soup. Soup very naturally sweet and thick! Shiok!! Last night, my mum bot 5 boxes of durian... and i happily just whacked lah. Now enjoying a nice cold cup of Koi bubble milk tea.. *contented burp*.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pixie, mug rootbeer no caffeine? That's great! Next time I can drink that more comfortably. hehe.. Everytime I feel like drinking coke/pesi/root beer I will be very guilty.


no leh, im not the skinny type. normal built only. cos doc said powdered milk is very nutricious, good for mommy n bb. oh no, i dun want to put on weight!


mine is dr. jocelyne wong. urs is dr. adrian tan rite (saw from the table), both from ACJ.

hmm...they got diff package?

wah, AirMez, first you are very obedient to have fish soup for lunch, second, really envy you that you can stand the smell of durian, and third, the bubble tea....really make me drool...

I had laksa and then after a few mouth, dun why dun like the taste so I just ate the noodle without the prawns and fishcakes...

Spyria - let me check when I get to see Dr 2 wks+ later.. Im seeing the same Dr as u =P Still cannot PM u lei.. sob sob.

Hey Spyria, I tried Simulac Mum during my first prenancy, HATED the taste, but still drink though after that will vomit out...thinking of trying AnMum, see how la, if the MS still dun go away, I think vitamins also dun want to take. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yes.. i think they all have diff packages wor!!! haha! i thought our gynae will be the same, tt why i told u Adrian Tan usually advise his mummies to sign up package with him after 20th weeks, after we have the detail scan..

Moshi...busy day....feeling so emotional. One of my kaki at office really pissed me off. She said me in toilet and say, wow now u v free hor, come to toilet also walk so slow, last time u v fast one...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Damm it, i got to walk slowly and best part is she know i get spotting and and off.

M- During wk 5-9, I used to nap after a quick lunch. But now, I cannot sleep at all. Smetimes after a long day, I feel so tired, but just could not sleep at all.

LaiLai- I do not have MS. BUT I always have wrong craving, esp for fast food, maggi mee and soft drinks, which I dun really take before pregnancy. Now I m trying to control my intake of junk food.

Airmez- U tempting me with KOI bubble tea…No tea for me for now, I reaslised whenever I take tea, be it milk tea, bubble tea or green tea, my cramp n spotting will cone

Spyria- Are u on the smaller build type? My gynae as well as my sil gynae dun recommend powder milk daily, too fattening, once 2-3 cup per week They said the weight gained will be harder to lose and also we are all eating well. Unless we got v bad MS/poor appetite and not eating well So now I take ½ cup of low fat milk and protein powder 2 X per day. Maternal milk is v fattening, I gained 2kg in less than 2 week before when I took it during IVF, once per day somemore.

May- Laska!!!! Yummy....i have been craving for that for the longest time....I even sms my DH, give me laska if not i starve myself...But i know i will not get to eat that. Cos my fav is katong laska and DH is working late this wk. Any kind soul can tell me if there is any nice laska near AMK, Yishun which i can go eat secretly???


yeah, we update each other k, the consulation cost per visit really very 'chor'! my next visit is 3 weeks later for oscar. i try to PM u k.


i hate milk too! dats y hv to take the chocolate flavour enfamama. really quite bearable..


maybe maybe..think i will call up ACJ and clarify again. Anything news will update!

BB rabbit,

okie okie, thks for the advice. im normal built. i think i will cut down to once a day and see how cos i really dun wan to put on unneccesary weight. i ordy gain 2kg. =(

Another note on durians for all, my guy fren told me his wife took alot of durians during pregnancy. both of his kids broke the hospital weight record cos his babies all come out enormous size..

Yishun has nice laksa at Blk 928...near Bus interchange...

I have been coughing non-stop...went to see GP...but i dun feel comfortable to drink the cough syrup..even though doctor said it is safe to drink...

MS - on and off ...i try to talk to the BB and tell the BB that we need to eat ..so that mummy will have energy...and BB will grow up fast fast...and i find it works~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My mum told me that if doctor says BB is underweight then eat some durians...BB can grow very fast...put on weight...

Told my mum that I want to drink coconut juice (my favourite) ....but still have to wait...

ST- Tks. I shall hunt for it after work tonite, hack care abt my DH. Since he is also working late. Do take care. If u got concern abt the medication, can call gynae and ask. Best med is to drink lot of water and rest at home.

The reason why some packages begin at week 20 is becos after OSCAR and detail scan, if everything's fine, then we can be assured to sign the package. If 'touch wood', there's some unpleasant results, there is no refund of the amount paid.

Which is why I didn't sign up at week 12, cos my NT scan wasn't quite good... I'll being doing my blood test next visit, then if all is well, I'll get the package.

Spyria - Sure, can PM me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My OSCAR is 2wks+... can't wait.. neck long long liao. Sob Sob.. must wait till then can break news to people. Then after Oscar, still got detailed scan.. aiyo.. so many hurdles.

Oh yes, btw, the packages does it include scans ?


me also wait till neck long long..

not doing oscars...but my next visit is next week...yippee..

finally can see baby again...

feel odd odd this time, cos pregnant like not pregnant like that...totally no feeling

