(2011/03) Mar 2011

Milktea - i tried on the ready-to-drink pediasure. omg, can kena diabetics type. so sweet! i am asking school to dilute this .. give 150ml pediasure plus 60 ml milk . per bottle cost $2.75 .. expensive!


so Janelle is not the only one skinny..

mummies - any one know where i can get disney fabric?not the imitation kind.. want to make bedsheets for Janelle. but the BP a little ex for 1 set - $90 plus quilt cover. My mum knows an auntie who can make, but i need to get those nice fabrics.

Ask u all har, does your boy/girl suddenly like want to eat or drink milk alot?

Recently, my boy keep want to eat and eat. 5pm dinner and finish up a big bowl, 6pm want biscuit, 7pm want milk, 8pm want milk, 9pm want milk again. Wat lau!!!! I scare he eat till vomit. Tried to stop giving him but he kept screaming and crying.

Was wondering is he really hungry or is it something wrong with him that he dun know that he is full already.


maybe buy the small tin of Pediasure, it is confirm cheaper than the ready to drink one ..

I use only 2.5 scoops for 200ml. The instruction is 5 scoops le .. too sweet & 'gao' la .. diluted one is ncie to drink i think .. both my bb has no complain .. haha


yea, i like this new enhancement the most .. Dad get 1 wk of paternity .. also, can share 1 wk of the mummy's maternity with Dad ... but i won't get it anymore .. at least i got the extended 2 days childcare leave after my monsters turn 7 .. very far from now i know .. haha. So i should hope that the childcare leave increase to 10 days maybe ??


can la ... tell ur 3K to guai guai stay there till edd ..

Haha.. Yes.. I was sharing my hubby earlier than we should move forward our plan. No reply from him.extra $2k from govt n $3k from.company. why not?

sinmey - yes yes, more childcare leave increase pls and hopefully on wed when the govt discussed the issue on affordability childcare / infant care, there will be more good news!

i think now they are really desperate for ppl to have children cos the replacment ratio is very low. so since got good news, let's pray hard to have more good news from govt!!


My co give me 10 cc leave already..

cos got 2 kids mah..

the new measures not really beneficial to me..

cos my hubby self employed.. and extra $2000 cant last long..

Just very keen in the medisave and medishield.. and that they cover neonatal conditions...

if only when i had #1, they had this... cos now my #1 cant have medishield cos he was premature...


My hubby say they will sure give more..

Just wait for more by-elections..

i wanna work part time or SAHM..

see if they will give tax relief anot to SAHM...

my elder boy was on pediasure from 1 yr old till ard 2 plus..also never weight gain..some more so ex the powder..so inthe end now drink cheap cheap FM n fresh milk..

for the girl also underweight..dont bother to switch...drink 200ml every feed but dont gain weight wat can i do...active n healthy ok already..

think genetics also play a big part..my son's class mate..rounded n big size coz the parents also big size.hahaha

jaime, isit.. true also, Ethan must have gotten the skinny gene from Hubby coz I easily put on weight loh. Wish I had the skinny gene. Haha..

So for your dolly, what FM is she taking now?

Other than Pediasure I also considering Enfa just bcoz my close friends kids are on Enfa and they are the fleshy ones.

Sometimes I feel sad when my friends commented Ethan is becoming more and more skinny. But I noe they don't mean it lah and that Ethan is really the skinny among other kids. Haha..

ohya. guess what. My MIL even commented why I wana save $ choosing Nan (cheap FM) compared to others. Even thou I tried explaining to her PD reco Nan as a nearest to BM's FM.

Nvm her. Haha..

medisave 3k n increased cash only for those after mid to late aug. for may is only the paternity leave n shared 1wk ml. n the extension of medishield coverage... super sian, 2nd time missed! only entitle the paternity leave.. hubby ask me to kiap bb inside til late aug when my edd is 2 aug! GD condition alrdy goin to push forward at least 2wks early delivery! how to hold bb in another 1mth?!

ST - i bought some bottles one lastweek. so let her finish them than switch to powder form.

how long the kids will take to be immune to the school environment and less fallin sick ? Janelle woke up at 2+ last nite, cry and cry, and didnt have a good sleep (insisted i carry her at the sofa area ). than 5+ in the morning, fever again. haiz.. super zombified at work today!

milktea..nan cheap meh..my girl on nan gro 3 (the new nan pro 3) 900g also almost sgd 30 leh...dont find it cheap in fact i thnk got cheaper milk...

my son drink those dumex 3 in 1 ..those very very cheap..soon soon i will convert missy to cheap milk also..

hubby say why double standard..y the girl need to drink expensive FM..

for me i though she younger n tt time more dependent on milk..but now eat the same stuff as my boy..think milk also can be same liao..soon soon..

jaime, I think my MIL compared Nan to Enfa Similac bah. She asked me why I wana save this kindle $.

Then Hubby told her is PD said Nan good bcoz closest to BM.

Anything and everything we just tell her PD says. Hahaha..

jamie, milktea

goin to switch both my gals to nan 4 or mamil all in 1. only these two hv 1common tin that both gals can drink together. then i no need store 2 diffrent tins on my pathetic tiny tabletop!

PAP giving new benefits again.

those earning a monthly incoming of $7500 or less will enjoy an additional cc subsidy of $100 to $540 on top of the basic subsidy, depending on income

The additional cc subsidy is the best news to me so far. Good quality and affordable cc is the main concern faced by many of my peers as many of their parents cannot afford to stop working...hope to see more actions taken in this area.


i thought i heard from news they said the capped at 7500/household, means 2/3 of the family benefit leh ..

i'm just thinking, r u sure 2/3 of the family in S'porean earn less than 7500 a month ? How can the EC market with >1m units selling so well .. or youngster coupe earn less but their parents are super rich to buy the property for their children ?

2ks, tres, sinmey

chinese lian he zao bao got more details on the household income. those who burst 7.5k, but with more kids will b entitle also. provided the per head is less than 1875. i think. the eg quoted was a family with 3kids. imcome is $9k. per head wil b $1.8k. so entitle to $100 (same range as the 4.5k-7.k total income) subsidy. that table i only see in chinese version. ST dun hv at all.... but it did hv a small phrase that say family with more kids will hv. but not elaborated.

n to add on.... think tat hv to go apply thru duno wat agency... duno which agnecy chinese name is tat.... =p... hubby was sayin, then those with more kids hv to go n beg gov to get la? not auto de? but then, decription so little.. really not sure if need to apply to get approve or auto get??


yea, i think i saw that in news too ... those with more than 2 kids, & even have elder parent to take care de ... can 'appeal' to have subsidy too ...

ok, i better keep my finger cross that cc dun increase fee, at least for this year ..

Exactly.... Go thru agency to appeal, if can get then effort is ok, if still cannot, that's wasted efforts lor!

Think they should have subsidy across all income... 7500 per household not realistic lah... If both Hb n wife working, both w degree, sure exceed what !.!?!

But at least some subsidy for those ba! Those middle income will still be neglected lah

Wow, so long nv come in I read good news! CONGRATS 2Ks!!!!! You really super leh, got #3 liao.. and confirm a girl? Can close shop after this loh.. wah, you've been keeping well the secret huh? Due May so fast!! Finally your dream comes true. Gong xi gong xi....

How you plan to look after 3 kids with no help? I think 2 is max without help leh.

annie: haha...thanks...

yes #3 is confirmed a girl.

i already transferred kyler to MFS, same with kiefer. so meimei will join them too in september.

will be sending to IFC also lor...how to handle ah? i dunno leh...

u prob see a siao char bo around lor

wah then you must invest a double stroller liao.. if not how you going to send 3 kids to IFC/CC? The child care expenses for 3 won't kill? It's scary to me... luckily you know how to handle kids when they're sick, so can reduce the medical cost a bit.. Your chest freezer really utilize well. hahaha... Jia you ya!

JAJJ: i already have a double stroller ah...

i am using baby jogger same as angelina. that time my sil help me ship back from US so i save quite a bit.

my hub drives and i drive ah...so sending should be ok. furthermore its not very far from my house.

yes the childcare expenses will kill, but a maid doesnt solve the problem also...so just bite the bullet lot.

sinmey: bo lui change to 7 seater car la...

1 infront then 2 behind lor...then i have to slim down alot alot then can squeeze in...LOL

or mei mei no go out lor


Huh ? How to squeeze in between the 2 car seat ?

I tried to squeeze in and really cannot move de lo (buttock too big) .. So now the car only fit us and not any additional head count like my sis ...

Mei mei no go out means mummy/daddy also cannot go out ?

sinmey: lol..my hub back seat quite wide, so squeezing in shouldnt be a prob.

kiefer will take the booster by then, then a maxi cosi cabriofix lor. then i in between lor.

if need to fetch my mum, then the maxi cosi keep in the boot then carry the infant lor.

not like always la...just once in awhile shd be ok bah..

7 seaters without the boot also headache leh. the double stroller cannot go in lor..

so its neither here or there.

Suddenly I just wanna share that I'm really glad to know you all..was a first time mum back then and was clueless about everything. Thank goodness for the march 2011 mummies here that I have the courage to try natural birth w/o epi, successful breastfeeding and so much more. I sincerely feel that you ladies are v steady, super and superb man! From #1..to #2...to #3...really salute! Just wanna say a BIG thank you to all mummies here esp the old birds! U know who u r! =D

hey mummies,

anyone of you will be celebrating your todd's 2nd birthday in school ? what do we need to prpeapre ar other than the cake and goody bags. usually for goody bags, you give to the entire school or just their very own class ?

Pauline, I wanted to click "like" on your post above. I also felt our Mar 11 thread very special. Everyone is like really helpful and sincerely giving advices based on their experience.

Yesterday quarrelled with Hubby over making Ethan quit his tutu.

I been planning to make him quit once he stop crying when we send him to school.

So I already reduce giving it to him during afternoon nap.

Except my mil, she really likes tutu very very much.

So yesterday seeing how much Ethan cried, my hubbay cannot tahan and gave in.

I felt so upset.

Like I am the only one so cruel to make Ethan quit his tutu =(..


milktea - is like that de.. to make him quit totally, you must be hard-hearted and able to withstand his crying. just 1 week, and he will quit totally.. how about asking ethan to throw away tutu on his own ? or accidentally make the tutu disappear ?

i asked J to quit sucking her thumb(worst still, cannot throw away thumb), by applying ru yi you on her thumb. and put plaster when she sleeps.

