(2011/02) Feb 2011

Hi dadnmum i went to both tours with my hubby cos we wanted to compare. actually we sort of wanted to go to Mt A after going to the tour. Visited TMC as my sis and sis in law gave birth there in sept this year and didn;t like it. Maybe I will summarise it... We are looking for single bedder.

Mt A:

Good: Ample parking, friendly and caring staff, encourages breastfeeding, warm environment.

Not so good: my gynae told us he prefers TMC, saying the nurses there knows better how to help the mother with pushing. He says if is my first child he will ask me to go TMC. As it is my second and my first was quite smooth deliver he say Mt A should be ok.


Good: heard they have nice confinement soups. Experienced nurses/mid wives.

Not so good: Once we got there even to visit my sis and sis in laws, we hating the parking. We don't like that that hosp is very small and cramp. During the tour, it feels like TMC is pushing for us to get the higher graded rooms.

Price wise both no much difference i feel.


by the way i did not confirm any hospital. Told Dr Ang I would like to go to Mt A so he has prepared the admission letters etc. He says that even if last minute I want to go to TMC it is also possible.

halow!!! been reading but busy to post anything... new year gonna handle work and handover, preparing for house moving which is next week..feeling tired as well...

Mummies, pls dun attempt to bring ur kiddo to delivery! Seriously neither u or hubby have the time, eye or energy to look after the kiddo while waiting for u to pop. Kiddo will oso cause disturbance to u at this critical time. So by all means NO!

thks mamaying for your advise..

i went to TMC tour. but find that the Delivery suite very small.. n baby will be taken OUT of the room along the corridor for weighing...

wanted to book Mt A tour but fully booked till next too week..

I prefer Mt A then TMC but too bad my gynae only delivers at tmc.. Mt A has such spacious rooms!

Ah Ching, i certainly hope my D-day is coming hehe.. This morning my hubby told me he got feeling that i will be giving birth within these 2 weeks. But i think otherwise. Coz my mum told me before, for all her 3 births, all delivered at 39 or 40weeks. My 1st boy also delivered 2 days before edd.

Wish_child, after delivery can exercise all we want hahaha... I'm also missing a great "sweat-out" the refreshing feeling hehehe.. I'm now waddling le.. My inner thighs totally no strength le, to the extend that i need to hold on to something when i'm standing on one leg to wear shorts/pants. Anyone also like me?

Yeah MT A is definitely more spacious, the rooms, the corridors and the delivery suite.

I delivered at Raffles Hosp when my gynae moved during my last month for my first pregnancy. It is quite expensive to consult him now if not I would go there. Cos one thing i do not like about both TMC and Mt A is there is an observation room. Only when u r going to deliver then u go to delivery room. at Raffles Hosp u stay in the deliver suite right from the start.

I also agree with rachel, later the child traumatised also with what is going on.... and also I dont think the hosps allow children to enter.. usually only husbands.

Mama Ying, haha but my mom dont allow me keep bring bb out. Haha I don't know how old my bb is suitable to go out? I keep ask my mom she keep said don't everytime bring bb out. Haha.

Charmaine, hehe I also miss the sweat out feeling. I also need to hold on sometime or sit down to wear my pant. Wow really very painful when I try to lift up my leg while wearing my pant. Hmm feel tummy super big, round n heavy. My next bb i confirm don't wan gained so much like now.

Mamaying: The admission letter got different versions for both Mt A and Thomson? I better go and check mine. I wanted Mt A.. But seems like Dr Ang prefer Thomson.

He shared that he doesnt have parking lot in Mt A and missed a delivery once when he spent 1 hour looking for parking lot there.

Wanted Mt A cos for 1 bedded ward, Mt A is cheaper lei.. E.g. a Premium 1 bedded ward is the equivalent price of a normal 1 bedder ward in Thomson. + Mt A have a children's playgroup for my elder gal and got shuttle service for visitors..

Booked a bed there liaoz.. Hopefully baby come on my booked date ba..

Sore legs: Ya.. Me too.. Sometimes feel pain at the v area when moving around or when trying to wear clothes.. Baby getting very heavy now.. Walk also back ache.. Or sit too long than stand up also xin ku...

Surprisingly my weight remains at standstill now.. Think baby absorbing from current weight which is good.

Mamaying, my hubby himself is traumatised when i'm delivering my 1st boy when he saw my gynae performed the episiotomy, not to mention a child.

Wish_child, you too feeling the pain? I did ask my gynae how come only painful in the inner thighs when i'm standing on one leg. He say most probably bb is pressing on the joint nerves. Ya, me too, centre part of the body very heavy. Dun worry, next pregnancy won't gain so much coz got experience le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ah ching, rachel : no la, will not bring my gal to the delivery ward, my hubby will be outside somewhere in the hospital will im waiting to pop. but my hubby want to be with me when im going to deliver. but he cant coz he gotta look after my gal. but my gal & my hubby will be sleeping in the single bedded ward with me at nite after i deliver.

actually wanna ask my mum to help but recently my old dad is not well. my dad has been going to hopsital for test & checkup. the hospital found a 16CM tumor in his liver!!! hiaz. so now doing more test to see if the tumor is it cancerous. *choy* *touchwood*. and my poor dad is so weak doin so many test. & my poor mom also taking care of my sis's son too.. her hands is really full now... haiz.. praying for my dad for a fast fast recovery.

wish child : ya, heartburn is super xin ku! for my 1st pregnancy, i kanna the WORST heartburn. haiz.. now my 2nd pregnancy, having heartburn AGAIN. *faint*.. btw, i have added u in FB, u got receive?

mamaying : durin my 1st pregnancy, i give birth to my gal in TMC in year 2008, they didnt send me to the observation room leh... i was in the delivery room all the way & i have the whole delivery room to myself. now i have change to KK private suite, not sure is kk private suite the same as TMC or not.

@mamaying - i want to take maternity photoshoot but all very exp...if u dunmind hop over to jb, can try eviangal one...cheap leh.

@Ah Ching - no time to post as my temp staff is here and need to train him. Hopefully he is fast learner and can absorb within 2 wks.

@darlest - 5kg for both pregnancies!! Wow So envy, ur appetite all along no good? Is ur bb wt under normal range?

@charmaine - i feel abit xin gu when putting on bottom but still can put on without holding. Now squat also abit xin gu. Best to hold on if you feel unsteady.


did my spring cleaning last wkend and this sun will complete the rest. Clothing won't be buying coz tat period standby liao. Besides now tummy so big, wear also not nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Cny cookies, ordered online and will buy outside if yummy next wk, sure a lot cny goodies fair [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Carmaine, Wish_child: I also feel painful in the inner thighs especially on left leg. Also need to hold on something or sit down to wear my pants, if not will feel pain and hard to lift up my leg. Feel that my tummy getting heavier and heavier and my leg getting tired quickly when walking.

Darlest, u added me in facebook? What is ur fcebook name? I never saw it le. =)

Grace, charmaine & evaingal, yap yap I have the feeling as u all. When I sit too long and stand up my V part also feel very painful. When stand up also need to take sometime. When at night wanna wake up for pee super tired and need to pull myself up and seat up for a while before I stand up and walk to toilet.

Today I walked a lot at shopping centre until my right side of waist feel painful. Wow super tired and sleepy. I still got 7more weeks to go. Don't know whether I can tahan until 7weeks or not. Haiz lot of my relative saw me said I look so fat and bloated. Haiz so sad don't feel like meet relative during cny. Hope my girl girl will be out at second day morning of cny. Hehe

@Eviangal: The package which you signed up is really worth it!! I signed up with a local studio which cost around the same price as yours but it doesn't include makeup and hairdo and alot of other things. How long is the duration for the package you signed up?

Will you be bringing your own clothes to change or they will provide all attires? Or do you intend to go nude?

@Charmaine: So happy for you that your placenta had moved up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My feet started to swell badly few days ago like pigs' trotters already.. And hubby had been laughing at the sight of it.. Sign.. Will need to check with my gynae on my next visit.

@Ah Ching, @MamaYing: ^5!! My next gynae appointment is also on 12/01/11 but at 12pm. I guess mine checkup is every 2 weeks for now as my bb is on the slightly bigger side? BB at 34 weeks is 2.5kg and Dr Ang commented I should control my diet already.. But it's hard.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I had been craving for bubble tea these few days and just now I finally went to buy a cup and finished it within 20min.. Haha..

Wish_child I mean now u can try out ur stroller [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] buy ur cny goods and put inside heehee. Baby try not to go out too much cos they r young and vulnerable to germs. First month I brought her to muy mom's house la, dun go to crowded places should be ok. And just tt need to pack enough diapers etc.

Darlest- both my sis n sis in law were in observation rooms until going to deliver I think... Tmc.

Eviangal- I think is just the cover letter or the letter head different but since dr ang can go both I guess it is ok, all this admin is probably secondary.

Hmmm if he is going to deliver a baby I am sure the hosp would make some arrangements for his car to be parked... Man this is no good!

Mrs ong- hee we don't wanna travel so far so I guess we will spend the money but I think my budget cap at 250? Just want something simple.

Zantarina: then we prob see u there on the 12th [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and 20min? Now u make me wanna drink koi milk tea haha and I think I finish one shot maybe less than 10min![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]))

Sigh.. For pain.. is all over the whole body.. From neck to toe... Sit, stand, walk, sleep also not shiok.. Seem like everyone is having the same feeling for these week.. Thot m the only one feeling weak..

Btw when then gynae will issue the letter for admission?

hi mummies: my son is asleep again. CC really tires the children. good for me.

i'm aching so badly now.

after all the shifting of the big boxes of items 2days ago. today i cleaned my bedroom.

shifted out the bed to vacuum and climbed on chair to wipe the wardrobe and windows.

wow my room really very dirty with a lot of white dusts.

moved my son's toyogo drawers to living room and wipe wipe wipe

then shifted the new mei mei drawers in and moved back his drawers.

mopped the floor at least 3 times and with dettol

and washed clothes.

and vacuumed the floor

all within 3 hours..

now i am really aching

paiseh so long winded but feel so much accomplishment

then after doing all these

i walked to CC to fetch my son and halfway i got a horrifying feeling.

i felt a tug at below my belly near the V-area.

it was similar to the feeling when my waterbag burst the last time

at first i panicked. cos i needed to go fetch my son and not even 36 weeks... also havent pack my hospital bag.

so i took a tentative step and the tugging feeling again.

i stood at the roadside for 5 mins not daring to move.

so scary..

then i slowly walked all the way to the CC and fetch my son.

wow.. then after that I just sit down and rested the evening.

i think i better pack my hospital bag soon

will too much work cause us to have premature labour?

cos i have been bending and cleaning vigorously the last few days..

i was also tempted to fix up my son's toddler bed but worried hubby will scold me if anything happen.

opened the box kiddy palace sent to me today.

now i got my steam steriliser and warmer.

so happy.

will fix it up in another weeks' time after I clean the kitchen.

need to rearrange my kitchen also otherwise no place for the steriliser

today I order the tingkat from Mom's Cooking.

review: very good. the meat and fish and vege dish is very yummy soup is ok but a little salty.

until now I can still wear my bottoms without holding to anything.

but a little difficult.

no painful feeling in the inner thigh.

just the outter thighs as I have been doing a lot of housework.

my body feels like I have just completed a triathalon.

Re: TMC and Mt A.

I didnt go to Mt A to compare.. as I asked Dr Ang and he told me he prefers TMC.

anyway he'll be there most of the time.

if I go Mt A and he is delivering in TMC then how to rush down to MT A for me..

I was in the observation room throughout the night from 9 pm to morning 7 am then sent to delivery ward.

hubby cant keep u company in observation room btw.

but not enough delivery wards so i stranded in observation room.

moomoo.. yeah.. i super peng san liao.

but thinking if sleep too early will wake up middle of the night

so i logged in and post lor.

Claire: now I see dr lawrence ang and plan to deliver in mt a. 1st preg was dr jazlan from kkh but the last month he went to raffles hosp so I followed him.

wow went to pack my hospital bag and it's done

but afraid that I may miss out anything. so better check with mummies here.


clothes - 2 sets T-shirt n shorts for wearing in hospital, going home clothes



breast pads and nipple cream

toiletries n towel

admission letter

handphone charger

cordlife box

sweater and socks and mp3 and bottle of water for during labour

waterproof pads in case water bag burst before reach hospital

extra diapers for my son when he visits me

extra plastic bags for dirty clothes

tissue paper/ wet wipes

things to bring when leaving for hospital





Did I miss out anything? cos it seems very little as compared to the first time I gave birth.

this time everything fit into a sports bag

the last time I brought a travelling bag

Zanta & mama Ying, u both really make me feel like drink bubble tea. Haha today I went to mos burger feel like drink their milk tea but I control myself cannot drink as my weight getting more n more heavy and lot ppls said I very fat. As sad some more my bb getting more heavy and my pelvis very pain.

Mama Ying, haha no need test my stroller as I going make all the cny cookies by myself haha. Hmm but hope I can finish do all different types of cookies. U going bring ur baby boy to ur mom place during cny? My mom place sure pack with ppls during cny. Haha if my bb born before cny I'm sure my room will be like showroom. Lot of ppls will go in see my bb. Haha hope nobody will carry my bb as some my friends very rough and don't know how to handle bb even thought they love bb.

Ah Ching, ur hospital bag u never miss out anything. Don't forget get ur hubby photocopy IC. =)

Ah change don't do so much housework and don't climb up and down. As our bump getting more and more big very easy to lost out balance. Doing lot of exercise is good as easy to delivery but can't overdo it. If u feel like water bag burst the best is sit or lie down immediently. If we stand up water bag water will flow out very fast. Try don't overwork urself and rest more. Don't do anymore thing.

Mrs ong : for the 1st tri, have very bad MS. eat wat puke wat. only for 2nd tri, i started to eat alots & hungry easily. only starting nov 2010, i feel my appetite has decrease, not as much as before. my gynae comment my baby weight is normal, not too big, not too small.

ah ching, i love mom's cooking tingkat too! & healthy too coz they dun use MSG.

@MamaYing: I drank slowly to enjoy the taste. Hehe.. And I drank half cup, then decided to finish the pearls first, then finish the remaining drink. Haha.. Till now, I still haven't get to try Koi bubble tea.. That day after the gathering I went to bugis to walk walk and I never realise that there is a booth outside Iluma. Only after we drove outta the carpark then I saw the booth, if not I will go buy a cup to try.

Maybe if I were to reach Dr Ang's clinic earlier, I will be able to see you because my appt is at 12pm. Will your girl be tagging along?

@wish_child: Nowadays I really got no self control over foods liao. The thought of 1 mth cannot eat this, cannot eat that, made me wanna eat all I can now as I'm only left with about 5 weeks..

What drinks did you ordered to go with your Mos burger in the end? Can't be plain water bah?? And how much weight did you put on till date? Today I went to take my weight and I put on another kg which made it a total of 17kg liao.. Faint..

@Ah Ching: I did went to read Jan'11 MTB thread as I wanna know if there is any 2011 1st baby or not and indeed there is 1. That bb was born on 01/01/11, 0000hrs le. So zhun lor!! I wonder if there is any free gifts of ang bao given or not. And I also wonder if there will be any 2011 1st rabbit bb from our thread or not. Hehe..

What time is your appt on 12/01/11?

Btw, will wearing shorts in hospital made us feel cold?

RE: Pressure at pelvic area

I also felt it more frequently and more intense now. Sometimes when I turn and toss while sleeping also can feel it and it really made me can't sleep well. Sometimes I really hope I can faster give birth because of all the pains though I will surely miss my bb's movements

while inside me. But I told bb to persevere till CNY period because I want her to be a rabbit bb..

I have been having diarrhoea for a week now. Was recovering then more frequent last night and today. Wondering if I should go to doc. Anyone like me?

Wish_child: think whole cny period I will be in confinement so will not be going anywhere any dun think have visitors other than my friends cos confinement period we r deemed to be dirty, esp elders who pray (I think tian gong), they will not enter my house. Think my mom in law also not visitng others cos she is helping me with confinement.

Zantarina: yes would wanna bring my girl to see didi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pray tian gong, i heard my mum says its on the 9th day, after tat, they can come visit you already.. so bb can collect angbao ! heehee

my edd is cny eve, i keep thinking will we b so lucky to hv a 1st baby of the year not. LOL..

hear say got free milk powder , diapers etc..

@darlest - as long as ur bb wt is normal, dun worry and so good as u dun hv to diet after giving birth...hee

@ah ching - can wear homewear at hospital huh thot only their gown or ur own gown? after birth, we cannot shower right and we can only touch warm water for cleaning right?? Marriage cert also need to bring. How abt ur newborn bb clothes?? Make up stuff if u want to look good...hee

For mine, I did not include nipple cream maybe i should bring, i also need to bring medisave stemcord form. Spectacle and other things which could help me to kill time & destress. Maybe energy bars or snack in case hungry. There could be a few other things which have not come to my mind yet...hee

@zanta - yes i saw news that those mummies who gave birth on 1 Jan 2011 rec'd angbao! If u want, u pray hard that ur bb born on the dot of chu yi then sure got big angbao for u lol [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ya i also hope my bb is a rabbit gal and hope she come out after cny coz thinking that spending cny in hospital very sian leh.

@mamaying - i having stomach pain (like diarrhoea) but output not diarrhoea type. I also encountered mild menses pain and my hubby told me it's contraction!

mamaying: i see.

ah ching: wow.. that's a lot of chores u did.. do rest more...

re maternity bag,

do we need to bring breast pump too? nursing pad? think tmc provide newborn bb clothes so may not need to bring..

marriage cert is for registering of baby's birth cert right.. ? that can be done within 14 days after birth..

Going to mt a now. Dr advised to go hosp after I left msg for him tt I am 35 weeks and has diarrhoea for a week. Hope all is fine. My sis has a friend who had bad diarrhoea then went hosp and her water bag was drying up! Scary. Baby is active now so I think should be ok.

To all, if u are unwell always check with dr! Take vcare!

@Mrs Ong: Learnt from Mrs Wong TMC childcare class that we are not encouraged to eat any food while waiting for dilating and delivering. The reason is in case we need go for emergency c-sect, our stomach have to be empty to prevent reflux into lung during operation. Even water also cannot drink too much. So think we will be hungry if delivery time is long.

Mamaying: Keep us posted after you have seen the doc.

Mrs Ong: Perhaps you would like to check with your gynae. During my last pregnancy, I had menstrual like cramps first. But the cramps got more and more intensive overtime (and it turned into contractions). Contraction pain occurs in such a way that it stretches alongside your abdominal.. Feels like a long pull.. and it comes in intervals..

Ah Ching: luckily you mentioned to pack things for the elder child.. Reminds me I need to do so too.. Almost forgot about that part..

Dr ask to go hosp. So I went to mt a in case deliver I wanna deliver there. Then called sun plaza clinic ask wat to do next Nurse say I should go to thomson!!! Then I asked her where is dr, she say sun plaza. Then say I better go to sun plaza see dr... Now I am in cab half way there. Dr called me say the charcoal pills I have is all tt I need! Then I ask to see him to ensure baby is ok. Then he say yes just see him.

So angry, ding dong here n there. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] yishun to mt a then back to sembawang...

Mama Ying: Aiyoh.. Tot u going to deliver liaoz.. How come so funny?? Ding Dong here and there? I used to have diarrohea but I went to GP. And was told its gastric reasons partly due to the baby..

sorry to interrupt..

But if you would like to buy personalized nice photo frames for your new born bb, do visit http://fluffyheartz.blogspot.com

There are also personalized greeting cards for purchase too![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Eviangal: I dun think going to deliver just tt diarrhoea for a week still not recover better to ensure baby is ok. Just very angry and upset made to go hosp then back to sun plaza. Then waste so much time still have no answer if baby is safe. On phone dr just say my med is enough. Wait n wait n rush n still no answers. Waiting to see dr.

Went to see dr today as my stomach have been hardening on off so frequent these week.. Dr say that bb not growing well and ask me to eat more junk food.. M week 32+ now bb wt at 1.9kg.. When ppl say my stomach still so small I dun really care but now with Dr advise I feel so scare.. And he advise me not to walk too much if not I may give birth earlier... Pray hard BB will only come out near to EDD.. And gain wt for these two week...

hi all ,

Just want to share that the birth cert are done for Vernon and Verrick. it $18 with free lamination at ICA. It was done in 30 min when we went yesterday around 3pm. the chinese characters are printed on birth certs . be careful when selecting the correct characters for traditional chinese and simplified chinese characters.

make more copies of the birth cert and your nric . for CDA account , we need to mail out the green form to MCYS first before going to OCBC or Standard chartered.

Going KKH to seee my little boy soon. feeding big bro now first .

zanta: appt on 12 jan is 10.30, but I may be early or late depending on what time I send my boy to CC.

last time I stayed in TMC also wear shorts.. got blanket so I think it is ok..

I am not sure if self employed can claim paternity leave.

but u can google MCYS website or MOM website bah

Mrs Ong: For TMC got no hospital gown. so need to prepare our own clothes.

Anyway, after delivery I'm definitely going to bathe. cos got lotsa blood and this and that.

anyway I wont be doing traditional confinement, as I'll still be doing housework, look after the children incl bathing for them..

marriage cert no need to bring unless u intend to make birth cert for your bb in hospital..

and I dont wear make up even since I had my first BB.. cos I scared they touch my face and eat the make up when they put their hands in their mouth..

i also dont use perfume anymore.. cos breastfeeding ma


claire: u need to bring your own breast pump if u intend to pump in hospital.

checked with TMC that they dont loan..

anyway, I think still need to sterilise and things like that like very troublesome.. so I'm going to skip it..

pump when discharge.. meantime latch BB lor..

