(2011/02) Feb 2011

Mamaying: how come Dr Ang made u go here and there..

must be so exasperating, esp with the big belly and the worry on your mind.

ah ya, must scold him when u see him ok. he surely put u on CTG..


dadnmum: try eating more rice cos I heard it helps BB put on weight..

meantime, try not to exert yourself and 'tong' for another month or so.

anyway now got lotsa new year goodies to eat. Yum Yum


my sister say that I must still prepare for CNY altho I may be doing confinement..

and must give ANg Bao.

it is only we cannot bai tian gong..

but my MIL say totally cannot decorate or celebrate.


think I will still prepare the CNY things as I like CNY and want my son to get Ang Bao also..

hee hee

@MamaYing: You must be very mad now.. I thought we should always see our gynae in his clinic if it's open to check first unless is waterbag burst or got bleeding then go hospital straight. Maybe you can check with him in what circunstances should we head straight to the hospital when you see him.

@pyng: Actually, I don't mind spending my cny in hospital because my hubby don't go for visiting and I think he'll be glad to skip it this year. Haha.. And ya, I kept telling my bb to tolerate and wait for another 1mth more then come out when I kept having painless contractions last night.. I'm so scare I'll give birth earlier le..

@dadnmum: I remember my gynae told me on my last checkup at 34weeks that bb should be weighing around 1.5kg-2kg by then but end up my bb weighs 2.5kg. So I think your bb should be in the ideal weight now? If you are really concern, can try to eat durian to pump up bb's weight.

@Ah Ching: We might be able to meet up at Dr Ang's clinic but I never see you before, don't know how you look like. Btw, TMC don't provide towels for showering is it?

@Cnicole: Your elder boy is already discharged is it? How is your younger boy? And has your supply for BM kicks in? Must be hard on you to run here and there during confinement. Do take care..

Any mummies know what is "cho bi" (in hokkien)? Is it brown rice? My mum asked me to buy a packet, wash and dry them so that she can come and stir fry them with ginger for me to drink during my confinement. I can't imagine the taste of it now.. Yucks!!

@dadnmum - how to know if bb not developing well? Ur bb wt abt the same as mine and gynae din comment anything...my tummy also not very big but tat does not mean bb is small.

@Ah Ching - so u'll not celebrating cny coz confinement lady is considered 'dirty'? Thn must we hide ourselves in room when relatives come visit?

@zanta - yes cho bi is brown rice! did u hire CL? Drink tat for wat purpose huh coz i thought we can only drink red date longan or plain warm water.

Ah Ching : my friend loaned tmc's pump leh, but that was 2 yrs ago, Changed Liao?

Dadnmum: have regular small meals and more rest. Many pple say durian and beef helps. Carbo too

@pyng: Thanks for clarifying. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My mum will be helping me with my confinement and she said alternate this drink with the red date longan drink. She told me the purpose before but I forgot le.

@baywater: I think alot of us are experiencing the pain more intense now and it also caused me hard to get outta bed nowadays too.

Hi Mummies,

I have BN items to let go:

Pigeon baby lotion @ $10

Pigeon breastmilk storage bottles 3pcs/set (150ml/50z) @ $10

Pigeon baby cream @ $10

Avent pre-sterilised cups 240/8oz 10x refill cups w/o lid @ $12

Interested pls pm.

@dadnmum: how to know bb is not growing well? based on the weight? My bb around week 32+ also around 1.9kg, and my gynea say is within normal range.

@zantarina: yup, cho bi is brown rice. I never heard that we need drink cho bi during confinement, what is the purpose? I only know we need drink red date longan tea.

@grace - icic tks for sharing coz my SIL told me that eat more so that hv energy to push...guess such thing hard to predict.

@eviangal - tks for sharing. ya i will check with my gynae this fri...so far only mild cramp...hope will not turn intense (touchwood).

@bigflamingo - sometimes i will feel a short strong pressure at my pelvic V area.

Sometimes, my bb can be active or non active. When she not active, I'll tab my tummy and she will start moving but stopped again...any mummies experience that? Abit worried on her fetal movement esp when she not active, however she did move more than 10 times per day.

Hi Mummies,

I have one NEW (unused) Philips Avent Single Electric Breast Pump to let go.

All under original packings. Come in a bundle pack with Seal discs, breast shell and nipple protector.

Retail: S$ 239/-

Selling @ S$220/-

Self-Collect: Hougang or Sengkang MRT

PM me if interested.

Mrs Ong, Dont worry if baby move more than 10times a day. If u worry maybe u can take some sweet stuff or cold stuff. Most of the time our bb are sleeping. Not to worries. My girl nowadays dont kick much as i feel she have not enough space to kick. Most of the time she doing some stretch exercise and stretch herself.

Zanta, I cant imagine brown rice with ginger cooked it with water. The taste should be taste super wierd.

I also have pelvis pain it normal as our bb getting heavy. =)

@pyng: BB is sleeping inside us most of the time so sometimes when she's not moving much, i reckon she's sleeping soundly inside us bah. But sometimes I'll tap my belly or talk to her to make her move too.

@Grace: I forgot the purpose liao but my mum said alternate between this and red date longan tea. I will ask her again and update here.

Btw, which brand of brown rice is nice/good? I never cook brown rice before.

@Mrs Ong: at first I also think eat more then got more energy to push bb out. But we need always get prepare for the worst case, of course if can natural delivery is the best. But like what you say such thing hard to predict.

My bb also sometimes active sometimes not. I think should be OK as long as got more than 10 times per day.

Hi all

has been a long time since I posted.

Ladies. Jia you, we still hv 1 more mth to go. ;)

I consider fortunate as apart from being breathless, I spared from pain n swelling. Touch wood. Yoga really helps me big time in this 2 areas. It's help to stretch the pevis muscles n the inverting position (one of the post) helps on the swelling.


I've stand by Karihome milk for my little one. According to my sil goat's milk is one of the closest milk to bm. My 1st has been on full bm for 18 mths n goat's milk there after.

Hi all, thanks for all ur concern. Ny diarrhoea seem to have stopped tho I din take med. Yes I was very angry and upset and mad. I even thinking abt changing gynae. My mom said she wanna go to clinic n scold him cos made me run around with my big belly!

Mommies under dr ang, is there any conditions to our package? Like must we be delivered by him?

hi mummies, we are almost there.. those who are having discomforts, gambate~~~!!

anyway, im back from my 37 weeks scan.. appt is now once a week.. am still worried about baby's weight.. she is 3.3kg now.. my hubby and i are seriously considering inducing if weight nears 4kg.. am controlling diet now.. i hope baby comes out to see me soon.. full term liao loh!!


Dr Ang say once over 30 weeks which the baby can come out anything, under 3 condition to go straight to hospital.

1. Water burst

2. Bleeding

3. After 12am

I think if it's unwell or any other thing not so urgent, probably should just go to the clinic to see him. Go to hospital still need to pay extra money, go see him in the clinic is free le. Haha

MamaYing, dunno why Dr Ang asked you to go to the hospital. did you call him in the middle of the night, then you only went in the morning cos i think if you call him during the day he should had asked you to come to the clinic unless he hear wrongly la. Just not your day le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I called 8 plus in the morning then was directed to dr's hotline then they left msg for dr ang, then got call back by nurse to go hosp. So I went mt a thinking tt is where I wanna deliver, then reach mt a they ask me call dr ang. Then nurse at sun plaza say I should go tmc. I was upset I asked where dr is now. She say sun plaza. So I said I should go sun plaza see him right!?

So I go back semb sun plaza. All the way I was alone taking cab. My hubby is sick, he took med n was sleeping. Then on way back to sun plaza dr ang called. Tell me see gp. Then I told him I took charcoal pills he say sufficient no need see him. Then I ask to see him cos I wanna ensure baby is safe and not affected by the diarrhoea cos a week already... Then he said okok come see him

Go sun plaza register in the end very rush see him maybe for 1 min. He do ultrasound say baby fine which me n hubby nv see at all. Then he check dilation, think he is a rush I nv even cover with towel. Then :e say later nurse do ctg. Then he left clinic le. I can understand maybe he rushing to deliver baby or wat la. Maybe it"s my expectations, or I had a different gynae for first baby. It is so different. I am sure he is good but I am getting more n more uncomfortable, tt consultation is so rush esp when delivery is near and he seems so busy cos so many patients.

If I switch gynae now will there be any charges? My sis was asking if i have to deliver by dr ang cos I took his package if not I need to pay back or something?

mamaying: i understand how u feel.. dr ang is one of those popular gynaes where alot of people go to see him.. like my gynae also. at times i feel the same as u.. just few days ago i called my gynae's nurse to tell her i found traces of mucus plug and the nurses told me he will call me back, but he didnt. today went to see him he did not even check for anything, no VE or what, just the usual lie down, take ultrascan, and see me next week. after the checkup i told my hubby i am kind of diappointed. he should at least see if i dilated or not since i also mention i have been feeling more and more menses like cramps. but after i think about it for awhile, i just told myself forget it lah as long as he say baby is okay. i also dont want to waste time looking for another gynae which is no guarantee might be suitable for me.. if u really not comfortable maybe can consider switching asap.. like dr ang my gynae also charges $550 for antenatal pkg pretty cheap alr so i didnt want to set my expectations too high..

Fried rice water is very good for confinement. My mum will be cooking this for me as this is non-sweet. Don't worry about the taste as the rice is 'fried' in the wok without oil. so it just taste kinda like 'aum'. (porridge water)

u can use white rice too if u wan.

anyway, for brown rice, the best is xiangxiang brand. The packaging got an elephant outside. i eat this daily. it's organic. can get from supermarket or those neighbourhood provision shop.

Mama Ying, if u want to change gynae must be fast. But I feel since lot of patients under Dr Ang and lot of good comment shouldn't be a problem. Maybe he will be very good during help u delivery?

I also not so happy with my gynae even thought is near my area, lot ppls comment his skill are good and also a very good children doctor at Tamp. But if this time he delivery for me not good I will change other gynae for my next bb. =)

OFC, why the sign of delivery is after 12am? Why so wierd one?

Jooz, corgrats!! Ur baby girl already in full term. U can see her soon. Very excited for u. Hehe=)

@Visha: Thanks for the recommendation on brown rice brand. I think I'll get brown rice as requested by my mum bah. Any idea what is the purpose? My mum said she'll stir fry it with Ginger wor..

@OFB: Ya lor, that's what Dr Ang told me too so I was quite surprised when he asked MamaYing to go straight to the hospital. Actually Dr Ang told me if got constant contractions every 5min also need to go hospital.

@MamaYing: All along is the assistant helping you to pass message? I think maybe there's some communication breakdown in between? As for penalty, I'm not very sure about this but I know his price applies if you want him to assist you during labour time. But will it be too late to change a gynae now?

Actually 8 outta 10 times during my gynae visit, my hubby will nag/complain as he thinks that the clinic should at least give us a q number so that we know how long more to expect to wait. He really can't tahan to wait even though we have got an appt as he thinks it's a waste of time. And he also finds the clinic v cramp and not enough seats for us pregnant ladies to sit. But I always tells him since he wants a nearby gynae is like that de, don't expect much.

@Joodz: Did your gynae give you a guideline on how big is too big is a baby for natural birth? My hubby asked me this ques after my last gynae visit and I asked him why just now never ask the doctor as this ques never come across my mind b4. I shall remember to ask my gynae this ques on my next visit if he comment my bb is big again.

@wish_child: I think what OFB meant is that if the symtoms happen after 12am. Haha..

wish_child: haha me too i am very excited too.. techncally not 37 weeks yet lah. still got a couple more days but i just take it as 37 weeks lor. just now asked my gynae for induce he dont recommend as there is higher chance of ending in csect.. he is leaving option to us though.. caught in a dilemma now.. should i induce or not.. if dont induce baby might hit 4kg mark if i let things proceed naturally.. if induce i will choose one week from now when baby should be around 3.5kg.. but if end up csect pay double.. best case scenario is baby comes out to say hello within these few days.. save mummy the trouble of deciding.. haha.. crossing fingers and talking to baby everyday now..

Zanta, haha I thought bb will normally come out after 12am. Hehe.

Jooz, hmm I feel if ur bb end up in 4kg u also need to go c sect. Hmm I feel shoul let bb choose her time and date to come out.

I also want to induce my bb as she getting more heavy and my pelvis getting more and more painful. But my mom asked me not to induce my bb out. Last time my mom induce me out because I'm too heavy inside her. But she regreted to induce me as she said when Im a bb my stomach always got wind and keep crying all day long as not feeling comfortable. As for my Sis and bro don't have this problem as they not induce out. So my mom ask me to tahan no matter what don induce.

Hmm jooz don't worry u try to walk more often and dont take heavy meal. Take more meal but small portion will helps =)

Dont take any deep fry, oily food, durians, chocolates and maternity milk. Take more fruits when u will like to munch on something =)

Mama Ying... dun be angry..not good for ur bb n urself. Stay positive for ur bb's seek. I kind of understand the emotion u r going thru, cos I've went thru something slimiar for my first preg.

My gynea went on vacation on my due wk and I was only informed on my rountine wkly chkup and its not thru him nor his nurses but another mum.... and my due date is only 2 away. Just think how panick I am... the next visit was refer to his colleague who is so bz, n did not give me enough details how it wld be like to deliver by her. Its really piss me and my hubby off. Luckily for me, my girl was overdue for 2 wks, so he is still the one whom rec my girl.

MamaYing, personally, if u r still comfortable with ur gynea, try to stick to him for the last tri, as if u go to another gynea, he might not hv the prior knowledge of ur med/ preg history to help u later....

BB's weight, not to worry too much, idaar go thru normal delivery for all her preg and her first born is nearly 4kg.... my colleague's wife manage to deliver a 4kg bb naturally.. Let natural take its course and ur gynea will access wat type of treatment u will need ">

Inducing bb:

I'm sorry, but I'm 100% against this idea. Probably that y I stick to waiting for my first gal despite that she is overdue for 2wks LOL. I agree with wish_child, let the little one decide when he/she wants to come to this world. Of course, it will be a separate story if there is medical reasons.

I always hv this feeling that if I were to induce her out, wats if there's complications later?? how am I gg to face/ accept that. Luckily, i've waited then, she looks much stronger, healthier and of course bigger compare to her peer bbs :>

We have endured 35++ wks, waiting for another few wks should not be too challenging rite?? Jia You ladies, u can do it....

wish_child, hows r CNY baking coming??

Baywater, just started to prepare the ingredient for the cny cookies and wrap some kok zai(peanut puff). My mom n Sis asked me to do the rest of cny goodies 1weeks before cny to make sure the freshness.

How are u? Sorry that day never met u. Took too long to buy present. And we stay and disturb Cnicole for few hours keep on going chit chatting. Ur girl overdue for 2 weeks? Is ok for baby to overdue? I'm afraid if baby overdue will have any problem? Ur girl she come to this world when she 42weeks?

zanta: I cant remember if TMC provided towels.. but there other time I was using my own..

claire: abt loan of breast pump, I called the hospital admin to ask.. maybe when u are there the parentcraft will lend.

Thanks everyone, if i change gynae, he would be the dr who delivered my first baby. I do not know now. confused.. and that would mean I will deliver in Raffles, maybe more ex and definitely dr's fees is more.

mamaying: I am not sure whether change gynae now

got any penalties..

maybe u can ask Dr Ang..

even if there isnt any penalties, getting another new gynae to deliver maybe more expensive.

as far as I know Dr Ang charges the most reasonable rates..

which is why I stayed with him altho didnt have a good delivery experience with him the first time.

but if you're looking for good delivery experience then may need to change gynae..

cos on delivery day itself, Dr Ang maybe delivering for a few women at the same time.

i remembered he only came into the room, deliver my son and left the room.

saw him for less than 10 or 15 mins during the whole labour..

i also commented very early in the thread that he didnt give me time to push, and vacuum out my son, commenting that I am very lousy at pushing..

well first time what does he expect some more I on epi

Mamaying: i think still can change gynae for delivery ba.. Cos anyway if our gynae not around, another gynae will take over too..

Honestly, my first experience with Dr Ang was not very good too.. He came into the room in trialton attire. He jus finished a trialton. I was shocked. He told me he had a back up gynae in case he cant make it.. The pushing part was ok.. Compared to Ah Ching, I was luckier cos he did not need to rush for another delivery.. and even had time to chat whilst sewing with the nurses.. Sounded very relaxed..

Joodz: Wow.. Sounds like your big day is drawing near.. But I think even if babies are big.. still can go natural.. just more xin ku lorz..

Baywater: Wah.. You can still tahan the 2 weeks overdue period?? I am half hearted now.. wish bb come out yet dont want bb to come out yet.. Cos still got photoshoot to go, parents talk to go, dd's childcare to go, etc, etc.. so many undone stuff..

+ if bb overdue in my case now oso good.. my 2 days cny + 2 days wkend will not be wasted.. keke.. but the tot of waiting for bb to come at this stage is sianz....

yeah i think the prob with dr ang is he is so popular then he prob wun give u much time to push. and ah ching is right.. if tt day a few mothers due at the same time.. then how.. esp some Mt A some TMC. ok I am more determined to change gynae now. hahah.. I will continue to see dr ang next wed. then also find out if any charges if i change gynae. Cos now 35 weeks, the dr at raffkes will only see me week 37. but I will request to see him earlier in case i deliver earlier.. Thanks everyone for your input and advise, it really helps me to make the decision.

My hubby also commented that we dun mind paying more to have a peace of mind. personally i dun like to rush rush rush. and as much as i can i wold like to have normal birth without assistance... like my first baby

Thanks all :>

Eviangal, u can enjoy ur bb boy inside ur tummy for longer time. As this will be ur last bb. He haven come out now u still got time to do ur stuff and also can acc ur girl more. Once bb out most of ur attentation will on bb. =)

Mama Ying, is good u going back to ur previous gynae. As long as u feel comfortable it the most important. =)

Haha ... all so negative comments on Dr Ang.

I share some positives. I heard thru a friend who delivers by Dr Ang that he is very popular in TMC. The moment the nurse knows she is Dr Ang patient, she notice the difference immediately they treat her really well and maybe special privilege. Everyone seems to know Dr Ang really well, when i was at the tour the lady who brings us around also speaks good word on Dr Ang and joke he never give the hospital any photos. LOL maybe they treat your baby better if delivered by Dr Ang ... I always think that a doctor who is well liked will be most motivated to do a good job there. I guess that's why he always recommend TMC. Looks like his 2nd home.

I also know that Dr Ang is very skillful at helping you to save money. Like he will advise you to take 4rm if you book in late and switch to 1rm at next day after 12am and he is expert at knowing when you will be delivered and will only ask to push you to the delivery ward at the right time cos i think the hospital charges based on how long you spend at the delivery ward. (this not very sure).

In the end, i think there is always pros and cons with every gynae. People tends to remember the bad things more than the good things so they always share the bad things on the gynae. Haha. But i remember seeing a survey done recently on the most popular gynae in Singapore and Dr Ang comes in TOP. Forgot where i see liao. And he charges is very reasonable.

Of course we won't be happy if he had to rush here and there to deliver babies but i think it's all luck. We prefer to look at the positives and believe he won't be so busy on that day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I guess this is only the bad comments most common with Dr Ang.

Yes I agree with u ofb. I still think he is a good gynae. I admit I am fussy :p and yes everyone has good and bads. in fact i hear a lot more good than bad for him. Don't blame him. I just think it's cos I have higher expectations and perhaps tend to compare with my first gynae.

wish child: The 12am i think Dr Ang needs his beauty sleep also, therefore if after 12am he wants you to go straight to the hospital and if really urgent, then the nurse will wake him up. You see Dr Ang the dark ring like very deep liao. haha

And i think we won't have the problem of him going holiday. He just came back from 2weeks vacation in December. LOL

wish child... pei fu with ur tummy, u still hv the energy to bake the cookies. I baked some christmas cookies for my girl cc and its nearly kill my back LOL. But my girl enjoy stamping and deco it.. so still worthwhile.

I've being a little bz over the festive season and now trying to complete an assignment from my x boss... trying to earn extra bucks for CNY. :> need to finish the remaining 60% by next wk. Well at least, its helps to exercise my brain a little. HAHA

eviangal, my girl officially join our family on her 42 wks "> big, healthy and strong. Not too worry abt being overdue. As long as there is still water in the waterbag, and the gynea say is ok, let it be lor. "> My gynea is a firm believer of natural birth and doesn't suggest induce unless necessary. That the only pro which make me stick to him despite of that experience. He is patiant enough to wait 18hrs for me to push her out haha.

I remember, I was admitted to TMC at midnite, he came at abt 2-3am to c me, and abt 6am to burst my waterbag and 8am++ to c if I'm ready to deliver.

But my girl decided that she only want to come out 3 hrs later. He refuse to vacuum her out, and only sugguest that when he saw that I've no more strength to push...but we refuse that method and he respected the decision and cont guiding me.

Helping words for english educated. LOL

龙眼 - Longan

红枣 - Red dates

南枣 - South dates

杜仲 - Eucommia Bark

党参 - Codonoposis

淮山 - Chinese Yam

北芪 - Northeast Astragalus

黑豆 - Black beans

黑木耳 - Black Fungus

当归 - Angelica Roots

玉竹 - Polygonatum Officinate Roots


We didn't ask that question to Dr Ang too but he told us himself at our last appt. He say my wife not big size, best to deliver the baby between 2.5 - 3kg. He say if baby too big may be difficult to natural birth.


Hello mummies!

It's so exciting to read all ur updates, and it reminds me that our EDDs are approaching v quickly :p

I'm in the middle of washing the baby clothes and linens, and also trying to pack my hospital bag at the same time.

Just a quick update on my 36 week scan yesterday: baby's weight jumped from 1.8 kg at 32 weeks to 3 kg at 36 weeks!!! I was quite shocked by that, especially when the nurse weighed me and I lost 50g in the 4 weeks. How can??? So ... I blame all the bubble teas I've been having the past 4 weeks.

My gynae said baby's weight is good and in normal range so actually don't have to control my diet, just keep at what I've been doing. But with 4 more weeks to go, I really don't want such a big baby as it will make natural delivery more difficult.

On a good note, my placenta has moved up and is now 5.5 cm away from the cervix opening. According to my gynae, the "safe' zone is to be at least 5 cm away. hurrah! After 3 month's of non-movement, my placenta is finally cooperating [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also read that a few mummies here have experience "obedient" placentas which have moved too. But now, I need to psych myself into thinking of natural delivery again. At first, my heart was set on natural, until 5th month when gynae pointed out the low placenta issue, then I had to convince myself c-sect is not that bad an option. I sort of neglected practicing my relaxation techniques and muscle exercises too. Somemore, with the low placenta, I was advised by gynae to avoid lots of exercise and walking. Now I'm unfit for natural delivery! Have to get back into that mode of thinking!! Any other mummies experiencing such dilemmas??

So at this rate, gynae says there's a good chance of natural delivery, but I'll have to go for a 37 week scan to check again. And of course, if baby continues on growth spurt, then he may either have to come out earlier or perhaps c-sect is an option if he's too large for natural delivery... phew, so many factors to consider, and I don't think I have much control over any of them ....

Mummies - I hope all of you are in good spirits [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Anybody going on leave soon? I was secretly hoping next week could be my last week of work (if c-sect would be around 22 Jan), but now that natural looks more likely (sticking to original EDD of 5th Feb), then ML will start later (prob around 22 Jan) and I may be spending CNY in the hospital!! :p

Take care, all of u!! Joodzjoodz, are u the next to pop??

