(2011/02) Feb 2011

hi MTBs, I have Jan 2011 issue of Mother & Baby mag + Motherhood mag to sell.

M&B - $3 mailed

Motherhood - $2.50 mailed

pls PM me if u r keen =)


Mrs Ong,

Yes, i think that's part of the reason.

BB head is down but due to the left placenta is a bit low, gynae said bb head hard to engage in this way. Hence, need to monitor. If left placenta is still low and bb head not engaged, then may need to go for C-sec.


Congrats. Glad to hear that.

And i am surprised you can eat so little everyday. I also tried to control my diet as i don't want big bb, but i think i can't reach your stage to eat so little, will feel hungry super fast.

Ah_Ching: my girl is 2 years plus, not sure if we wanna enrol her there also cos quite a distance. My first skool (NTUC) is still most ideal cos walking distance from my home. maybe wait till april ba. What time u seeing Dr Ang? I am also seeing him on 12th 1020am. Perhaps we may meet there! I think Dr Ang is very busy so as of now we still see him once a month, if i am not wrong we should be seeing him weekly by maybe 36 weeks?

Charmaine: so exciting.. I also wish to see my baby's face... sometimes Dr Ang will do 3D scan but low resolution kind and depends on baby's position la...

I weighed myself yesterday gain about 9 kg liao up to now but can feel i am eating a lot... always hungry but hope baby won't be too big :> will only know on 12th Jan!

Swelling may be due to water retention, try not to drink too much water before sleeping. My feet swell only for a day during my first pregnancy... according to mom in law she says not to take cold drinks also but i do not know how true that is.

Jac, I have rashes on my tummy since second trimester. I asked some cream from my gynae. I try to keep myself cooling. If possible i will shower at least 3 times a day with cold water. Or else my rashes will come out a lot.

Charmaine, corgrats, ur placenta have move up. Jia you. We left another few more weeks to go. =)

Pinkyoshi, I can't find u at facebook. Maybe ur profile is private?

Jolin, noe my bb is around 33weeks+. but I already start drink coconut water around 28weeks. Haha I standby 2 coconut at fridge. Hehe will drink anytime if I want as nowaday I keep eat durians. Haha want to pump my bb to be big size.

Mama Ying, I drink a lot of water even before I sleep. Drink a lot of water will prevent water retention. I don't have any water retention. Hmm I drink only 1 glass of cold cranberry juice per day or cold milk. Hehe.

Oh yeah i think is if not enough water:

Common causes of increased swelling include:

Hot or humid conditions which can contribute to water retention. (Our Singapore weather)

Not drinking enough water, which can trigger the body to retain fluid.

Standing for long periods of time, which can cause the lower extremities to swell.

Over consumption of diuretic foods like caffeine.

High sodium intake from processed foods during the day.

Jac - where are your rashes? Tummy? I have eczema on the sole of my feet and suspect it's pregnancy triggered. I went GP 3 times and saw a specialist and none could give me a definite answer to the cause. Despite applying cream, i am still experiencing new ones popping up so i concluded it's hormonal :-(

Charmaine - good that your placenta has moved up. Am due to see my gynae this Friday and shall see if mine has moved up not..

Mamaying: You stay in Sembawang too? Me too, but I have enrolled my daughter in Starlearners since Nov. Even though a little further but got school bus to bring her to and fro so ok.. So far she seems to enjoy school though..

Any mummies given birth liaoz? Besides Cnicole and Pootz?

I still got 1 more week to my next apt. Next week then seeing Dr Ang.. Be around 37 weeks then.

Just went to booked my maternity photoshoot yest.. Going to JB to have it done.. Abit adventurous horz.. Going next Tues to take the shots.. Hopefully will turn out well ba.. Abit of shopping to do in the meantime for the shoot..

Any mummies taken your maternity photoshoot yet?

Hopefully baby stays in tummy till CNY eve.. Wonder if can make it as the first CNY bb or not...

eviangal: Yes I stay at wellington circle, beside wellington primary school. We did think abt star learners too, though i havent gone to take a look, i think it is a nice and friendly and happy place :> my hubby's cousin's kids are also there. Only problem is distance ba. If i continue to work after maternity leave and my mom in law takes care of baby then might be troublesome for her to pick my girl if we come back late from work. We always plan ahead :>

Thinking if wanna go for maternity shoot, not much time left liao heehee

About leg swelling:

try exercising your leg: (1) rotate your ankles clockwise then anticlockwise, (2) wiggle your toes, (3) flex your ankle up and down, (4) put your feet up.

I usually do (1) to (3) for 30 mins and the swelling is gone immediately.

@wish_child: sorry, I've changed my privacy setting now. Can you find me now?

@eviangal: wow, you still have energy to go JB? Have fun.. I will take my photoshoot at home, will ask my sister to help me take.

Does anyone have the list of what to pack for delivery at TMC?

Mamaying: Oh.. I know where it is.. Ya.. Wellington Circle abit far for you. I like Starlearners bcos its those Semi-D kind la.. More space to run around and stuff..

Pinkyoshi: Keke.. Ya.. 2nd and last child liaoz la.. So las min decide to go for maternity shoot. Initially thot of self take at home since we did the first one on our own too.. But since I am not going to be preggie again.. might as well..

@eviangal - which part of jb u book ur maternity shoot and izit cheap...have thot of taking but too lazy and also dunwan to spend.

@moomoo73: think double charge is depending on whether you have complication during natural delivery. If hospital already used additional medicines/equipments when u try natural delivery, for sure they will charge you for the cost. If bb still cannot come out and need emergency c-sect then of course c-sect charges will be imposed again. That's y some say go for c-sect directly to avoid double charges in case got complication during natural delivery.

@charmaine: glad that your placenta have moved up. Wah, you can eat so little everyday. My sugar level also a bit high at my last checkup, so gynea ask me to cut down carbo and sugar intake. Now I only take 3 meals with reduce rice portion.

Re: Baby weight

Just to share the info from my sister and frens, their baby gain 500g at the last 2 weeks of the prenancy. And they found it's hard to push if baby head is big, and some need to go for emergency c-sect.

Mrs Ong: Went to Sentosa JB to book. The one I went to is the cheapest in that area. I have the following:

Book Bound Album with 5R pictures (20 shots) - Full page picture (No design)

25 edited pictures returned in CDR

1 x 10" x 12" Picture in Frame

3 changes of makeup and hairstyle + Outfit changes

Chance to take a few shots with my husband and daughter in 1 change

Total Cost: RM399 (Around S$168)

Compared to some local photo studios offerings, I think quite ok since makeup and hairstyling is included. + they provide a book bound album. If willing to pay slightly more, the offer my mum took is better. Her album is nicer with photo designs + acrylic cover and the pictures are around 8R in size i think.

A better package includes:

Not sure is it 6R or 8R album with acrylic cover (25 poses in design)

6 changes of clothes, makeup and hairstyle

10x 12 Inch Photo Frame

30 Edited pictures in CDR

Cost: RM 688 (Around S$290)

eviangal.. where did u book ur photoshoot.. tried searching internet but not much info.

how much u paying n how many pic they giving u..

have check it out in Singapore.. dphotofolio.. their package is $450 with 20 pic given and all pic back in CD.. going to confirm with them this week.. but if JB price is good may consider..

btw is it still advisable for us to go JB..

cos we might pop anytime.. abit scare..

hee hee..

been going shoping for bb clothes last mth.. but scare to go again..

Grace, wow last week bb gain extra 500g very difficult to push it out. Like that I must pray hard my bb don't hit more than 3.5kg. Hmm but my bb 32weeks around 1.9kg. Hmm I hope I can natural birth than c sect.

Eviangal, the jb package is worth it. Include 3 types of hairdo and make up. Hmm pray hard ur bb will be out when everyone is counting down for cny time. By then u and ur bb will be in live program. =)


My rashes are all over my body, starting from armpit and legs, then went GP applied cream now getting better for armpit but the rashes spread to other parts of my body instead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Gynae advised me to go skin ctr but thinking it will be very ex so see how after I apply the cream.

Thanks mummies, didnt know my package so good.. keke.. hard to search for info online. Let me check the studio contact number n add n post it for u all later. Mayb u guys can try calling them to make apt.

Ya lorz.. i oso scared so nxt wk go in tak pic liaoz.. actually city sq oso alot of these studios. Jus nxt to the causeway...

In case bb pop b4 shoot, then wil bcum post maternity portfolio liaoz.. keke...

In my case, my parents driving me in..

Thanks mummies, didnt know my package so good.. keke.. hard to search for info online. Let me check the studio contact number n add n post it for u all later. Mwyb u guys can try calling them to make apt.

Ya lorz.. i oso scared so nxt wk go in tak pic liaoz.. actually city sq oso alot of these studios. Jus nxt to the causeway...

In case bb pop b4 shoot, then wil bcum post maternity portfolio liaoz.. keke...

In my case, my parents driving me in..

Dadnmum: have posted my package details in earlier post. Cheaper n more stuff than dphoto bt i dont have all images returned.

Mrs ong, I think bb at 36 shld b ard 2.7kgs ba.. Based on mummies here.. Me maybe holiday seasons too

Much cakes n ice creams n foods..

Slim, mine was 3 weeks like tat.. Maybe cny.. So he drag abit till 4 weeks lo..

Pinkyoshi, I know tmc do have nice confinement soups. But not sure about other hospitals eg kkh. Heard they dun follow strict Chinese confinement food.

Mrs Ong, ya lor my gynae still want me to avoid sweet stuff n control my diet. I told my gynae me legs swell so he checked by pressed my legs to see how's the water rentention and said it's not tat jialiat. My arms, legs, thighs, face seems to balloon and I always felt v thirsty. U feel v uneasy too.

Jolin, thanks. But I was hoping my bb to weight more coz my weight went up. I'm not working but I'm only sleeping 5hrs daily and I dun feel tired like prev. Duno izzit due to this tat's y no appetite. U are working so must eat more coz need lotsa energy.

Mamaying, ya exciting when see bb's face hor.. So heng today my bb's face facing upwards so it was a clear view. 9kg not much if u are eating normally. I eat so little yet still put on weight. My mum also told me to avoid drinking cold water at nite. I'm v thirsty at nite so I'm drinking 1L of water. Tried to cut down but after I pee, I'm so thirsty.

Wish_child, thanks, can't wait to be in feb hahaha... Me too. I'm always thirsty at nite.

Moomoo, thanks, hope yr placenta will moved up too! Usually it will moved up by last few weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eviangal, wow v adventurous to go jb to tk maternity shots! And yr package is cheap, even include 3 chgs of makeup n hairdo. Do post yr pics when it's done. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Grace, thanks. I need to do prick tests to test my sugar level so can't cheat my gynae therefore hv to control strictly. Yr info on bb weight is so reassuring. Hope my bb will gain 500gm during this last 4weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My 1st boy's head also v big and I can't push out so my gynae use vaccum to suck out. My boy's head is cone-shaped for few days haha...

Claire, I'm not sure if kkh got confinement but u can ask when u admit. Fish soup with green papaya is good for boosting milk supply. If u want easy to cook confinement soup, go to Chinese medical hall and tell the person, u want herbs for making confinement soup and they'll pack for u. Tell them to pack by per serving. Add the herbs with fish (i prefer fish coz good for wound recovery in initial stage) and boil for 1-2hrs.

Jacqueline... Seems like is hormonal changes that causes the rashes... I remembered my sil sister last year she got those red itchy spots all over her body and she tell me itchy like hell and normal gp dare not give her stronger medicine and her gynae say will go off after give birth

Tt time I ask her use dettol dilute with water and wipe to reduce the itch ... Not sure u dare to try?

Eviangal... Wow!!! The maternity shot package is cheap leh!!! Tempting!

Yawn I been on leave past few days settling my boy in his new playgroup... So lesser time online :p

charmaine: wonderful! glad to know tat.

jeanie: me same like u. am very attached to my gal, & my gal is super attached to me too. haiz.. wonder too how am I going to deliver peacefully.. still hv not settle who going to take care of my gal when i go labour... shld be my hubby but my hubby want to be with me when im in labour. while my stay in hosptal..my gal hav to zzz in hospital with me. my hubby cant handle her alone at nite. & my hubby sleep likke aaaaa log at nite one, not even my gal's crying can wake him up. only when i jerk him or i use my foot to kick him, then he will start to stir. imagined duno wat will happen to my poor gal if i left her with my hubby at nite...

wishchild : me too.. am now 32 weeks. still have 7 more weeks to go..

me getting breathless & tired easily too.. tummy getting heavier. almost every nite hav heartburn. either i hav sit up & zzzz or put higher pillow but both so not comfortable. & since nov 2010, my appetite has decrease. hav gain abt 5kg for this pregnancy.

Jac - are you working? if so, your company should have coverage for specialist treatment and the GP can refer you to the specialist.

Grace - thanks for sharing.. Hmm, let's hope i wont be one of the victims... *keep fingers crossed*


I daren't to drink coconut juice too early as i scare it will trigger contraction.

My gynae has been telling me that my bb is big since i entered 3rd tri, and i really hope to have my bb delivered on the EDD and not early.

So, i just try to avoid food / drink that is too liang or will trigger contractions [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] (But i am not sure if coconut will trigger contraction or not, just assume lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])


Thanks for sharing the exercise for swollen leg.


Try to have more rest. 5 hours daily sleep sounds too little rest time for me. I read from internet that as we are going to give birth soon, we must try to catch our rest as much as possible. Try to relax and rest more ya.

Hi mummies

finally i am alone at home.. hee hee

sent my boy to CC this morning and only picking him up at 3pm

mamaying: i'm seeing dr ang after i drop my boy at CC. expecting there to be long queue

starlearners is a very crowded, heard from one of the other school that there are more than 200 students there.

if u want to go NTUC better enrol. cos i'm sure there will be a long waiting list.

jac: regarding rashes.. i think there are some rashes triggered by pregnancy hormone.

my last thread someone was suffering from PUPP.. this really need specialist medicine.

btw: pregnancy related complications are not covered by company insurance/ medical.. unless specified in the company policy, FYI

Re: photoshoot

anybody look worse than before in the 3rd tri?

i'm getting very dry skin and dark patches on my face.

i really look very ugle as compared to my first pregnancy

charmaine: i also feel very thirsty and must take carbonated water to quench my thirst.

re: swelling

i think my feet is slightly swollen as I dont sit down and lie down enough.

but the swell will go off in the morning after a whole night of sleep.

i try to sleep through the night even if I havent shower or take dinner.

tried waking up halfway thru sleep to bathe or eat dinner end up insomia

i think sleep more important at this stage.

Darlest, wow ur this pregnancy only gained 5kg. So good!! I gained 20kg. Haiz very sad. I keep munching and eating. I told my hubby our next bb I don't wan gained so much.

Try to eat more beef to make ur bb strong and can gain some weight. For heartburn try drink a glass of warm honey before u sleep will help for heartburn. Don't not advise to drink a lot as honey is Liang. =)

Jolin, yap coconut water is very Liang. My mil said i only can drink once per week. Cannot consume more. Hmm but normally I try to balance it. Like I ate durian 1st then after that drink coconut water. As durian very heaty and coconut is cooling. If drink coconut water better eat the coconut meat. As coconut meat is a bit heath. So will balance too. =)

Charmaine, try to catch more rest and sleep. Once our bb is out u won't have enough rest and also u need to take care ur boy too. I cant sleep well at night but weird is I can sleep well in daytime haha. Wierd right.

choc: your boy waking up in the middle of the night to cry after starting playgroup?

my boy has been crying inconsolably for the last nights ard 2-3 am after he started CC on monday.

but he will have such episodes too before he started CC so I'm not so startled..

really so terrible feeling to leave him at the CC when I see him cry.

but hope he can adapt soon as I need to go back to work for 1 day on Friday

darlest: dont worry abt putting your gal with daddy.

dont think your hubby can sleep when u are in the hospital.

my hubby told me he is very stressed whenever he thinks that he needs to take care of my boy when I'm in the hospital..

i told him bring my son to hospital if he cant handle..

but i think they will manage when the time comes.

it is really no point for us to worry, as there's really nothing we can do abt it.

Have plans to leave my son at my mum's house with my brothers and sisters and her maid.

then my hubby will send him to CC during daytime and fetch him to hospital after his CC.

then night time hubby will take care of him.

that's the plan.

Hi mommies, for those of you who went for the maternity shoot? Care to share how much you paid and what is in your photography package? Thanks. I am looking for a simple one to take with my girl and hubby. :>

any of u reading the jan thread..

super exciting to read abt the birt stories.

read that TMC provided Kotex maternity loop pads.. and 1 jan mummy said that she used up the whole packet of 10 in 1 day..

ah yo..

Jolin, thanks, maybe i'm not working or i'm getting excited about delivery so can't sleep well. Coconut juice taken once a week shd be okie, not too liang [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ah Ching, me lor esp these 2 weeks, my face duno why covered with red patches but not itchy or anything.. 1st pg i also looked horried with oily face and big nose haha.. I'm craving for soft drinks and i think the last time i had was 3mths ago.. I'm opposite of you, my legs will swell if i sit down long but will subsides if i starting walking.. It's very normal now that your boy will hv nitemares/wake up crying at nite after he started cc. My boy also went thru this and he'll wake up almost every hr for the whole month! But once he's adapted or found new friends there, it'll gets better. Your new plan looks good. At least you can rest more during your confinement.

Wish_child, i put on weight even though not eating much.. sigh.. my hormones going haywire liao.. Put on 2kg in just 9days.. I tried to nap in the afternoon when my boy zzz but i can't. End up either teach my helper to cook or read a book.

wish child : for my 1st pregnancy, i also gain abt 5kg. thanxs wich child, will try the honey remedy tonite. =)

ah ching, it my hubby who keep telling me he cant handle my gal @ nite. he's the one who suggest tat he & my gal will zzz with me @ the hospital after i giv birth. im just worried during my labour time, my gal will keep crying for me... my hubby still duno how to feed & bath my gal yet..

haiz.. cny comming.. still hav lotsa thing have not done. need to do spring cleaning, buy cny clothing, cny cookies, etc etc.

Hi darlest and ah ching i also have the same worry. I hope i give birth in the day so tt my hubby can go home and read bedtime stories to her so that she sleeps well at night too. prob wun ask my hubby to stay over with me. lucky in the day my MIL can be with her.

I am quite lucky i think CNY i will be in confinement hee no need to bother about spring cleaning and wat not

charmaine: maybe your weight gain due to water retention.

i remembered i also put on a lot of weight 2 weeks before i delivered due to water retention..

maybe your big day is coming as you're also losing sleep ;p

darlest: not advisable to bring gal to labour ward.. .i think..

you dont want her to see u in pain delivering her sibling..

must leave with some frens or relatives at least for the delivery day.

i've been bringing my son conscientiously weekly to my mum's house the last few months

why dont u start now? do it daily

bring her to some place so that she can get use to a temp caregiver?

if u stay near yishun i can recommend my nanny to u..

mamaying: same as u, i think i'll be in confinement so I'm not bothering with the CNY things.

but now doing spring cleaning as nesting effect also.

Charmaine, hehe I think I lack of exetcis that why I gain so much. Haha my mom said my tummy very big is it because contain too much water. Haha I also don't know. Hmm but nowaday feeling very tired easily. Maybe tummy getting bigger.

Darlest, yap try it. Heartburn really very xin qu.

Ah Ching & mama Ying, so good no need do spring cleaning. I need to do some basic cleaning and do some cny goodies. Hope i have the stength to do it. As nowadays feel tired easily. Haiz I hope on second day of cny not much relative to visit or else Im sure very tired.


hi mummies.. anyone went Hospital tour at MT A or TMC.. any feedback for these two hospital..

till now gynae still haven ask which hosp i wanna go..and say is still early..

all mummies confirm your hospital already ?

