(2011/02) Feb 2011

trinket, Yap be a gynae very pai miah. But u will be the 1st person to hold and help the newborn bb to see this world. Hehe that how i feel. I feel it very nice and sweet thing. Hehe.

Too bad i never continue be a doctor assistant anymore or else will change my path study nursing than engineering. After i got pregnancy then understand how the patient feel when waited for the gynae for so long and always pull a long face hahaha and scolded us.. Hahaha..

Hello mommies for the gathering we will depend on how many peoples are going to visit cnicole. As the ward cant hold so many ppls. If the group of us is more than 10 ppls we will separates 2 group to see cnicole. Once everybody is confirm then i will arrange a time.

After visit cnicole we can have a lunch at delifrance at KK hospital or we can have a lunch at novena square or bugis as there have a free shuttle bus service at kk to go this two places. =)

i managed to use my phone to go into the FB group... realised there are quite a few vivians/viviens... which one is eviangal ah?

cannot see the doc with the names and nicks... think from phone can only see wall posts and "info" sections.

yah pootz posted that she delivered at 31 weeks!! whoa...

i am due 19 feb and haven't packed my hospital bag yet!

hi ladies,

long time din log in and chit chat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can I join for the feb group for fb? Pls add me @ [email protected]. Thanks a lot!

wish_child, so nice of you to organise the gathering. but i am not able to attend. so sorry. hope to join you all in future.

trinket, my EDD is 18 feb and i haven't packed my hospital bag as well. Saw the post that pootz delivered liao. I start to kan cheong now.

cnicole, jiayou! take good care and rest well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so happy for you to have twins!!

eviangal, you are not alone, i also need to work until the last day before I pop. last pregnancy, i took ML early and rest at home. but it's quite bored at home and waiting and waiting. after gave birth i only manage to rest for 1 1/2 months need to go back to work again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My EDD 5Feb and me too still not yet start packing my hosp bag.

Any idea what to pack?

Trinket, Wish Child, SL: Ya.. Work till last day... so that can spend more time with baby la.. If take leave now also dono wat to do since my elder in cc...

Baywater: Tats so nice of your hubby to book a nice hotel room for you to enjoy your bday in.. Thats very, thoughtful..

Trinket: Your fren's gynae bill really very xiong lei.. Somemore $300 per day for a 5 min gynae visit.. aiyoh...

FYI, v teo is me.. kekee..

Cartier Mummy, this is the list i copy from one of the mommy blog few months ago. Share with you here.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope it is useful to you!

Things to Pack for Hospital Stay

For baby

1 set of clothes for baby to wear home (The clothes should ideally be easy for a newborn to wear, e.g. wrap arounds or front button clothes)

1 pair of mittens and booties

1 pc of swaddle / receiving blanket (the hospital may provide this, so check with your hospital first)

For nursing baby

Nursing Bras

Breast Pads

Nipple Creams

For Mummy

Disposable panties

Maternity pads

Open button dressing gown (easier for breastfeeding)

Going home clothes

Sweater and long bottoms



Basic toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, face towel, facial foam, comb)

Basic makeup (e.g. powder)

To record those important moments!

Camera / video camera


Charger for handphone and camera

Important Documents / Information

Husband and your identification cards

Marriage certification (if you are registering for your baby’s birth at the hospital^)

Doctor admission letter

Documents to claim from medisave *

Cord Blood Kit (if you are going to donate your baby’s cord blood)

Phone numbers of confinement nanny, massage lady, etc

Hi Shannen,

TQ TQ! Oh wow! Tats alot to pack!

Anybody know how much to store the cordblood? I heard there is a annual storage fee?

Oh I packed disposal undies, nursing bra, breast n santitary pad, baby go home clothes set, receiving towel, doc letter, camera, Ic, credit card, tooth brush n paste.. Is it all?

Cartier mummy, there are 2 company to store the cordblood. cordlife and stemcord. yes, there's annual storage fee. but if u hv referral will be cheaper. you can approach the salesman for more details. my last pregnancy i store the cordblood with stemcord. this time, i still thinking is it neccessary to store for 2nd cordblood or not.

Trinket, u have the same edd date as mine. Haha mine also 19feb. Eviangal in facebook name call Vivian Teo.

Oh my 32weeks bb weight 1.9kg. Doc said bb is above average. Hehe. Next appointment is 2weeks once. =) Just asked my gyna my pelvis bone getting more and more painful he sai it normal as BB weight getting more heavy. Haha I gained 3kg. Haiz hmm but bb are healthy and head down le. But position still not fixed yet. My gynae said will be fix position around 37weeks.

Hi Shannen,

Is there any difference w cordlife and stemcord? How do i get this referral?

If im not wrong, i think store 1 is enuff... ??

Hi wish child,

I think at 32 wks weighing 1.9kg shld be normal bah. Mine at 33wks weigh 2.3 - 2.4kg nei.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] gyne say normal lei...

By the way, do i need to remove nail polish b4 i admit to the hosp? Many ppl told me to stop pedicure from now on till after birth

wish child

congrats! that's a good weight for bb... wah so fast you see gynae then report to us already.

position still not fixed... but less and less space to turn around right? 36 weeks is considered full term, and some ppl deliver then, so I suppose might not be till bb fixed position then we deliver!

SLim, Never it ok we meet again on next gathering. =)

Slim & wenzi, Added u both at facebook le.

Cartier, Oh my gynae said my bb bigger than average. I hope my bb can gain even more weight. Haha want her be chubby chubby.

Trinket, haha. But i feel she already head down and fixed position as i always feel her kick above my belly. Haha.

My gynae asked me whether i having lot of white discharge. I said yes and sometime will feel itchy. So he given me some pills to insert into the virgina. He said better kill all the germs before it affect the bb. =)

Hi wish child,

Yah.. easier to carry too.. Really ar? So did yur gyne ask u to cut dwn on food?

Hi mummies,

I have the following preloved items for sale as I am relocating soon. Pls PM me for more details, thanks!

1. Philips Avent DECT Baby Monitor - Used only for a few times (sound only, no image)

2. Baby Plus - Used for 6 mths, in very new condition, comes with unused carrying pouch.

Am throwing in 4 energizer rechargeable batteries and charger worth about $30.

Prenatal education system that uses 16 different sounds resembling mummy's heartbeat, baby starts differentiating sounds in womb.



Oh do u mean that bb head dwn position doesn't mean fixed position liao?

At 30weeks, my gyne told me bb getting ready le.. head dwn liao.. so i thought its alr fixed??? BB will shift position again?

just came back from NTUC..

mummies the cotton balls (100) going at $1.85 for 2 packs. quickly go grab it!!

i also bought laurier superguar as f not on promo.

got the 2 pack 34cm, 2 pack 24 cm

2 pack sofy long pantiliner for light flow

n 1 pack kotex maternity

total abt $30.. saw the look of the cashier.. ha ha

also got sofy night 28 cm from col storage which having promo.

i think i've bought most of the things, now just got to put in hospital bag.

cartier mummy: some mummies i know go get their manicure before going hospital as they want to look nice ;)

so guess not necc to remove your nail polish.

n baby position not fix at 34 weeks.. usually after 36 weeks or when they get engage.. that means hea go into the pelvis liao.

stemcor n corlife 2 companies..

baby only 1 cor so u choose one of them.

the cost is $250 annual fee + GST (same for both)

the first payment is abt $1600 + GST

now going cc to pay $$ for my son to start cc next week.

i expect I'll be popping nearer to 5/2/11, so got 1 month for him to cope with cc..

hope i'll pop on 3/2/11!!! then go on newspaper. yippeee

Cartier, Hmm doc never asked me to control my diet. Haha think he already give up le. Hahaha as i gained really a lot on second trimester and he also cannot ask me to go on diet and slim down. haha.

About the bb head down i'm not so sure. As i asked my gynae just now whether bb already fix on this position and wont turn & move anymore? He said now bb stil have space to turn so the position not fixed yet. Waited around 37weeks bb position will fixed. By that time bb have no more space to toss and turn in our womb. =)

Wenzi, No problem =)

Ah ching, Wow cotton balls 2 pack for $1.85 what a steal. Hmm 2 weeks ago i bought $1.20 for 1 pack cotton ball. Haiya i should wait for the promotion.

removal of nail polish:

hihi, u will need to remove before the operation. if not, the nurses will remove for you too.

reason being: just in case should anything goes wrong (touchwood), the nails will change colour and they need clear nails to observe any signs.

@trinket, @SLim: my EDD on 17 feb, I haven't packed my hospital bag as well. Saw the post that pootz delivered at 31 week, I think we better hurry up to pack the hospital bag.

@Ah Ching: wah, the cotton balls promo really a good deal. How many packs do we need to stock up? Do we need to buy those sterilized cotton balls as well?

RE: Baby Position

Heard that baby's position will not fix until 36 or 37 weeks. They can still turn around right now. The head will go into pelvis after 36 weeks, by then only their position is fixed.

Ah ching, I bought a roll of cotton wool too. But that one must roll myself and also bought 2 big packet facial cotton wool. hehe i think should be enough for the time being.

Oh giant sell 1 pack cotton ball(100pcs) for 91cents. But compare the quality i bought at fairprice. Fairprice cotton balls is more good. =)


i think 4 packs for a start. I don't think they need to be steralised ones. the last time i bought annaku brand which was on sale at Taka baby fair... this time, haven't bought yet! NTUC here i come - thanks for sharing Ah Ching!

Hi wish_child,

Pls help send my regards to c_nicole. I will not be able to go to the hosp [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks and take care all...

the cotton balls are NTUC house brand or...? i oso wanna go get!

I'm ok to join on friday to visit. Let me know what time and how to meet ya...

==31/12/10( Fri )==

1) wish_child

2) Geri

3) Felpoo( after half day work )

4) Natasha

5) Baywater(tentatively)

6) Fiona (let me know the timing, hope i can join u all this time)

7) Rachel

Live report: Massive warm gushing bleeding right now. 34 weeks 6 days. Counting hardening of tummy. Gd thing we have the hospital bag list. Running through with Hubby now while I lie in bed.

Doing what doc say. Count the contraction. If it start increasing plus bleeding don't stop, call him again. Likely early delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gushing bleeding? means waterbag broke ya...

better pack and ready to go... can reach at 12midnite to avoid extra day charge...hee...

breathe and stay cool

re: ntuc cotton balls.

yes, they are fairprice bran.. last time when i use, i will tear it into 2 to clear baby's butt.

i have bought 4 packs.

Grace: still must buy the sterile cotton balls to clean baby's cor stump, eyes for the 1st 2-3 weeks.

i bought abt 3 packs of 20 balls one (so abt 60 balls)

mami B, I'm so excite for you!!

it's so exhilarating to know that we're all popping..

give me the motivation to start packing my things liao!

Wish, me also buy cotton roll to roll cuz cheaper. But I ask hubby to do this job! He's been doing it for a year.. Now quite skillful.. Lol!!

Cnicole, tomorrow is d day!! I'm excited for you! Can start to moo moo Liao.. Wish you have a smooth delivery!

Mami b, keep up updated!! :D

Seems like more n more mummies popping.

Mami B, do take care ya....

Ah Ching, where to get the sterile cotton balls? Which brand u bought?


Jeanie, wow ur hubby so good help u roll the cotton wool into ball. Haha I think I'm the one to do it lor.

Mama Ying, sure no problem I will sent ur regards to Nicole. =)

