(2011/02) Feb 2011

Hi wish child,

Oh yes yes.. So sorry... I just realise only.. Heehee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi mums,

I stopped eating durian almost 15 years ago ..

My dad kept buying durians for a period and one fine day, I told him that I cant stomach the smell of durians in my mouth again ..

But I'm okie with people eating in front of me but I will not put it in my mouth ..

Hee hee ..

Kind of phobia since then ..

But my hubby loves durian so sometimes he will buy them from geylang to eat with my parents or in-laws coz he cant really eat them at home ..

Scared of him putting the leftover durians in the fridge then everything smells like durian ..

Hi mummies,

Yesterday I went for my 32 weeks check up. My bb gal is now 1.92kg. Is the weight at normal range?

Also did the glucose test, my blood sugar is at the border line level. Doctor ask me to control carbo and sugar intake. Cannot take bubble tea, ice cream, durian etc. like what mummies here eating, so sianz....

@joodzjoodz: wah, your bb so fast 2.9kg already. What weeks are you now? So good that u r going to start ur ML soon.

@mamaying: $100 for 2 durians? It's so expensive and the taste not nice somemore, sure very heart pain on the money spent.

@Darlest, @cartier_mummy: which brand of thermometer did you bought? How much does it cost? I only get the type that need to put under tongue, but don't think is suitable for baby lor.

Hi Grace,

Cant rem wat brand.. Check when i reach home.. I think i bought it during promo at $90+

Grace, I going for my 32weeks check up tomor. Hmm i remember my gynae told me past 3weeks ago my bb will be around 1.9kg when 32weeks scan. So is consider normal range dont worry. Somemore my doc said my bb is tall build so it ok because me and my hubby is tall. =) So dont worry ok..

i hope my bb will weight 2kg+ for tomorrow scan hehe..

Hi cartier , welcome!

my thermometer, i bought osim brand. in one of the shop in TMC. i bought ard less than 100hundred. cant rem the price coz fews year back. Braun also not bad. saw there is a sprees going on for the Braun themometer in the sprees section. shld go check it out.

im from KK TPS. as for the package (classic and premier), i have yet to choose. i will be going to See the gynae on the 11th Jan 2011. after that will go choose the package. after i find out, i will update u the different k. yes, i will take the single bedded one.

grace, ya, not suitable for infant. better get those digital ear themometer.

I have booked a bed at Mt Alvernia for 31 Jan.. Not sure if baby will come then, earlier or later.. Any mummies staying at Mt A during that period?

Unicorn, I'm a durian lover. Hehe but nowadays not durian season and very expensive for one good durian. Haha i still thought of buy some durian and try make durian puffs or cupcakes.. hehe

Hi mummies

Hope all have had a great Xmas!!

So happy to hear that Pootz has popped! Following on will be Cnicole & Fiona right? Getting more excited nearer to EDD.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Started to wash bb's clothes since on leave yesterday and today but it's raining every day.. So no choice but to wash and dry them in house with fan.. Haiz.. How nice if the weather now continues till Feb.. Hehe..

Joodz & Ah Ching: I'm also starting ML soon!! Going back to work tomorrow for 2.5 days this week and full 5 days next week and say bye bye for the next 4 months.. Can't wait!!

I was telling bb since Xmas is over, he can choose to come out anytime le.. Haha.. Waiting for the right time now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

now i am really craving for durian... hee but have been coughing... phlegm too. hope will go away soon. my fault keep eating sweet stuff...

Mama Ying I also have crave for durian now. Haha went Internet search for place to buy durian puff and crepe. Saw emicakes sell nice durian puff and crepe and ubi sell the cheapest and nice durian puff. Haha going buy it later =)

Drink more warm water to reduce phlegm.

Preciousbabi, wow soon u going for ML. U can have a lot of rest and time to slowly pack ur bb stuff. Wahaha I going wash my bb clothes maybe after countdown.

My Sis already very kan cheong keep ask me whethe I get ready for my girl to popped, pack hospital bag & wash bb clothes? Haha I pack hospital bag half way and haven wash bb clothes hehe.

I hope the weather will carry on like that until after every mommies confinement. Hehe this cooling weather is great and can save money for on air-con. Hehe

Unicorn, wow so fast the cot have arrival. Wow u Gould got lot of thing to pack and clean. Jia you and take ur time. Don't rush urself. Im too lazy and tired to do anything as tummy getting more n more heavy. Haha.

Oh mommies, I bought 2 packs of S size dryers diaper at fairprice on sat. Is on offer 2 for $30+ so just buy and stock up. Also bought a petpet diaper for $7+. Hope the diaper can last for at least 2 weeks for my bb. Haha

Hihi.. Hope all Mummies and the Daddies here enjoyed your Christmas and gatherings over the weekend. I had a family gathering at my place on sunday and as usual, everyone said my bump is very big and their hands kept coming to rub my bump to see if my girl kicks or not. Haha.. Hubby's SIL and my mum even lifted up my top while in the room to see my bump. So pai seh..

Then yesterday the hubby played MJ till near morning time and I accompanied him. So now no matter how much I slept, I still feel the tiredness in me. I even woke up with aching body everywhere.. I guess this will be the last time I'm sleeping so "early".

@wish_child: Sad to say my hubby actually do not really like to watch comedian shows like this so when he heard that it's very "bo liao", he rather not watch.. Hmph!!

@Mami B: I think your house sounds big wor.. With the big kitchen and big sofa..

@Ah Ching: If you think that it will be easier for you if your hubby is around, maybe you wanna discuss with Dr Ang to see if you can induce and give birth earlier?

Will stop here and catch up the posts later.. *Yawn*

dadnmum: haha i agree with u.. dont take ML too early if not nothing to do except waiting and not enough time for baby.. for me i mgiht pop mid jan as told to me by dr plus i need to move to IL's place so will take these 2 weeks to do so.. my hubby is not working for 2 weeks also.. will take these 2 weeks to go dating as much as we can.. haha..

grace: i am 35 weeks..

@Cartier Mummy: Hihi and welcome on board!! Your due date is very close to mine but I already gained 16kg, almost double of yours. I think I'm absorbing very well too. Haha.. Will need to work extra hard after I pop to go back to my pre-preg weight.

@Eviangal: Luckily your friend's bb only need to stay in ICU for 5 days only. If not her hospital bill will be sky high man.. Any idea how much does her hospital bill came up to?

Yesterday my hubby asked me if I will give birth anytime? And I replied him maybe because I heard so many cases of premature birth recently. Even my SIL gave birth to my niece at 36 weeks 4 years ago but luckily she's big enough so no need to stay in hospital for further observations.

@Joanne: I never saw red marks on my legs but lotsa thin red and purplish veins!! And they made my legs look like got blue-black. Haha..

hi mummies,

sorry to disturb. i'm from the december 2010 thread and have got 2 bottles of warming shampoo from Little Dreamers to let go at 15% off the retail price.

An excerpt from their website:

Warming Shampoo for Confinement

This warming shampoo was created for mothers who wished to wash their hair during the confinement month. Made with pure essential oils of Lemongrass, Ginger and White Camphor commonly used in Chinese Medicine tradition to warm the body, this wash will limit the exposure of 'wind'. Lemongrass, Ginger and Camphor are known for their relaxing & warming properties. This shampoo also contains pure Canadian Honey, Calendula Flowers and Shea Butter to further moisturize and soothe your hair. Enjoy! Note: To be used only after delivery and not during pregnancy.

4 oz / bottle

Retailing @ S$20.90

Selling @ S$17.70

Pls pm me if interested. Thanks.

Hi all, still at dr and confirm c sec on 30 dec. Before 11 am . Dr said ok to deliver . But I need to take 1 injection tonight and 1 more tomorrow morning to protect babies lungs .

Just had the injection it is stinging fire painful on my thigh now .

Gathering!!! Hello mommies Cnicole have confirm c sect on 30dec. So let meet out to see her and her handsome twins boys on 2nd or 3rd days. 2nd day is 31dec(Fri) and 3rd 1/1 day(sat). Mommies please tell me when u girl free on which day. Thank u =) Or we can visit her different day too.

==31/12/10( Fri )==

1) wish_child

==1/1/10( Sat )==

1) wish_child

Cnicole, Jia you. Another few days u can see ur bb twins. Hehe happy for u!!! After see ur bb boys u wil find everything is worth it =)

Gathering!!! Hello mommies Cnicole have confirm c sect on 30dec. So let meet out to see her and her handsome twins boys on 2nd or 3rd days. 2nd day is 31dec(Fri) and 3rd 1/1 day(sat). Mommies please tell me when u girl free on which day. Thank u =) Or we can visit her different day too.

==31/12/10( Fri )==

1) wish_child

2) Geri

3) Felpoo (after half day work)

==1/1/10( Sat )==

1) wish_child

2) Geri

Hi grace, I bought cadi scientific for $96 at kiddy palace. For ear and forehead.

Hi darlest, ok ok. I will be taking the single bed too. But dun know abt the classic and premier pkg. My next visit will be 13th.

Hi zantarina, let's work hard to shed off fats Aftr birth!

It seems tat alot of mummy here took ML early. How early do u gals take? 2 weeks?

Hi mummies, confirmed that I will be changing to kkh from tmc as advised by my doc. I'm already so familiar with tmc, but dunno anything abt kkh. Mummies at kkh, appreciate if u could share with me more on the faciltiEs there, the packages etc..? My visit to kkh to see dr John tee is next week.

C nicole, wow, ur delivery is bf by 2 wks. Will be 1 calendar yr older than our kids .. Hehe. Jiayou!

Posted on Tuesday, December 28, 2010 - 7:58 pm:       

Gathering!!! Hello mommies Cnicole have confirm c sect on 30dec. So let meet out to see her and her handsome twins boys on 2nd or 3rd days. 2nd day is 31dec(Fri) and 3rd 1/1 day(sat). Mommies please tell me when u girl free on which day. Thank u =) Or we can visit her different day too. Do free to add ur name in. =)

==31/12/10( Fri )==

1) wish_child

2) Geri

3) Felpoo( after half day work )

4) Natasha

==1/1/10( Sat )==

1) wish_child

2) Geri


Sorry to interrupt.

I have a Philips Avent SCD480 baby monitor for sale - 16 channels and up to 200m range. Good for single-level apartments. Bought only a few months ago and used for only a few nights. Condition 10/10. If you are interested, please PM me for price.


Hi mummies , im going kkh to book the ward and have my pre admission blood test and the 2nd painful injection to protect babies lungs. 34 weeks for twins are near full term but dr afraid that babies might still need nicu . So better to have injection .

Thanks wish child for organising the gathering to visit . I will be taking b1 4 bedder . Pls do not buy any gifts or food or drinks . My mum might be around and she will stuff me with alot of food. It just so happen that my MIL have some distant relative that just past away so she will not be at hospital .

The difference between premium and classic package is

for premium you destinated gynae will see u every day during your stay waiting for labour . For classic package , before delivery the ward doctor will see you then only if you are ready for delivery then your gynae will meet u in the op theatre . Price difference is a few hundred . I will take classic b1 4 bedder as I'm afraid if I take A class single bed if my babies need nicu They will be charge according to mummy's class type daily x2 for twins . So better to take b1 then save money for babies future expenses .

Hi cnicole,

All the best to your safe delivery! I used to have twins but... hmm... Anyway it doesn't matter now! Wish u a speedy recovery!

cnicole - good luck and hope to hear from you soon after Dec 30. Feel so excited for you.

Hey mummies, I couldn't remember if Desitin blue box better or the purple? Is it the blue one? Thanks in advance!

moomoo: Get the blue desitin.. it contains only 13% zinc oxide as compared to the purple one 40%

zinc oxide is to keep the skin dry.. so if no diaper rash just for preventive use the blue one.

morning mummies

i think I am experiencing braxton hicks... yeowch. like crampy stomachache.

thanks for the advice on UTI. dun think it's yeast cos usually that comes with white yeasty discharge but i dun have... anyway, it's better in the day and when I'm sitting down, as opposed to sleeping / trying to sleep. a bit of a sore, achy feeling also. will ask gynae tmw at my 32 week visit! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

WOW pootz delivered already?! when was she due huh? considered premature?

wish child

thanks for adding all of us to the FB grp! i can see it's very active! too bad I can't really see FB at work.

so sweet of you to organise a visit to Nicole. I won't be able to make it, but Jia You Nicole! You've done amazingly well to carry twins to this many weeks already. Usually twins come out much earlier and much lighter... so you are doing really well!! Looking forward to seeing photos of your two handsome shao ye...

Anyway mummies, ytd drove pass kovan.. Near the punggol nasi lemak there, got sell durian.. 3 for $20.. I dunno abt the quality...

Gathering!!! Hello mommies Cnicole have confirm c sect on 30dec. So let meet out to see her and her handsome twins boys on 2nd day. Latest information that Cnicole will be discharge on 3rd 1/1 day(sat). Thank u =) Do free to add ur name in. =)

==31/12/10( Fri )==

1) wish_child

2) Geri

3) Felpoo( after half day work )

4) Natasha

Trinket & ah ching, yap pootz have just popped her princess on Christmas eve. =)

Trinket, nvm we can organise another gathering again =)

Yap facebook will be more active. Haha maybe most of them login facebook most of the time. =)

Cnicole, Jia you. After the injection do rest well and prepare for ur twins boys. =) I see u on fri =) Don't foget SMS me ur ward number. Hehe can't wait to see ur boys =)

Cnicole: Very brave of you to withstand the pains from the injections. So your delivery date has been carried forward to 31 Dec now? Do post the pictures of your lovely twins after your have delivered ya..

We will catch up later after your confinement or after the rest of us have delivered.. kekee..

Wish Child: Very nice of you to organise the hospital visit for Cnicole.

Zanta: Not really sure abt my friend's hospital bill lei.. I guess almost $10k ba.. I had another fren who delivered via c-sect in TMC previously and stayed in a 1 bedded after delivery, her bill was around $10k too..

Ya.. alot of premature babies lately..

So nice of the mummies to be taking ML now.. I am working right till the end.. Taking only on 31 Jan.. EDD on 3 Feb.. Sighz.. still got a long way to go.. Only comfort is that I am clearing my leave on 1/2 days and 1 day once a week from Jan.. still.. dragging feet to work can be a chore..

Eviangal, Jia you. Going start jan soon. I can understand the tired feeling. Haha even I stay at Hm most of the time but still feel tired maybe I can't sleep well at night.

Nvm later u clear ur ML u can have more time with ur bb boy and ur girl =)

Cnicole, wow U popping on 30 Dec "> so soon.

I hope I can make it to join u ladies to visit Cnicole.... "> Let me work out the logistic as my gal will be with me for the whole day">

Wat time will u ladies be visiting??

==31/12/10( Fri )==

1) wish_child

2) Geri

3) Felpoo( after half day work )

4) Natasha

5) Baywater(tentatively)

think I missed out the posting these 2 days as I'm not at home... "> Out celebrating my bday with my family ">

H knows that I ks dare not travel, so he booked me into a hotel to relax "> chkg out later this afternoon

mmm talking abt ML, after resting so many days.. Really hope to start it right away.. Back super ache.. Nite can't slp well.. So can't wait to see my boy.. Btw, when is the safe period to pop?

==31/12/10( Fri )==

1) wish_child

2) Geri

3) Felpoo( after half day work )

4) Natasha

5) Baywater(tentatively)

6) Fiona (let me know the timing, hope i can join u all this time)


I'm also going to work till the end, if I can take it! Cos wanna spend more time with bb after she comes out.


happy birthday! so nice... go MBS or RWS? :p


probably depends on what your gynae says. no hard and fast date. usually 36 weeks is considered full term, but most ppl won't induce. let the bb decide when it's ready to pop.

hospital bill

my friend's wife had emergency c-section. bill came up to $9,900. OUCH. she also has an expensive gynae lah. every day he pop by for 5 mins charge $300 each day!!

Trinket, thanks neither MBS nor RWS... its swissotel... lot of food to eat.. tats more important for me now... too lazy to find food n I'm more picky when comes to food too ">

My mother came to sleep over for the first nite and my gal too... "> h only come over last nite ">

Hi Wish child,

I dont think I can join in for KK's gathering on 31st dec ..

Got office lunch and an early family dinner ..

Do take more photos and upload in FB ..


wow.. so romantic.. still going for dating... haha.. ya otherwise when bb pop out.. not so much private time liao..

my edd is after CNY.. got so many thing to clear + spring clearing.. dun know when to start washing bb thing..

cnicole (cnicole)..

ya .. jia you jia you .. the pain will be gone after seeing your boys in ur arm..

trinket (trinket)..

me too .. for the first time yesterday b4 i fall asleep.. making me more nervous now..

Unicorn, no Problem. See u on next gathering =)

Trinket, ur friend gynae charge very expensive. I will ask my girl grow up be a gynae haha can earn a lot. Haha

