(2011/02) Feb 2011

Mrs Ong, it's like a little nub which is quite close to the vaginal area, but it should be in the area where the urination is. It's not painful though but I kept worrying that it might protude out even further. I had it during my last PG but this time round, it seems to be more prominent.

Oh, and I feel it when I normally stand up while showering. When lying down, it's not obvious via touch. What can it be? I didn't practice any kegel exercise because each time I do that, my stomach will harden and baby will give me a few kicks here and there.

Sigh .. I think I will just settle to buy a Coach bag rather than a Guuci or Prada. I thought since spending money to buy a hospital bag and later as a bag for work and weekends bag to contain all the baby barang barang, must get an exp. one and can use for a long long time. But I forget that if I am going to prepare the bag for the hospital admission, I think my hubby is going to kill me. Think Coach will be a safer bet. Cheaper and durable.

I better don't hesitate anymore if not, I will continue to have sleepless nights and constant worrying that I have yet to pack my bag.

Mrs Ong: Bought 2 packets of Huggies NB total 44 pcs + 1 packet of Goon NB 54 pcs. Hopefully, bb dont outgrow too fast. Both up to around 5kg ba..

The rest are small up to 7kg.. So far I used Huggies on B1 and its good. So can trust this brand.. Hopefully B2 wont have problems with this brand too..

@felpoo - hmm, i din experience it and do check with ur gynae in your next visit. Ya i also experience tummy hardening abit when doing pelvic exercise but i just do.

Forget to update on my calf cramp and my gynae commented that it normal for pregnant lady due to hormone, lack of calcium and poor blood circulation esp in air-con environment. So besides taking calcium, we should try to do leg/feet rotation and raised up & down etc.

Mrs Ong: I recently have calf cramps too.. been walking like i have a sprained ankle or something. I was told to drink 100plus.. isotonic drink.

Mrs Ong: I dont know how much I'll be paying..

but for last year, I was FBI member so I think I paid something like $900 1 time payment + $250+GST annually.

This time round will be slightly cheaper cos of the enourmous discount.

felpoo: i dont even own any gucci/coach/prada/.. not even the imitation lei..

hospital bag best is bring travel bags right?

cos remember the last time my travel bag (those used for short trip) was packed and I needed to bring extra bag.

Leg cramp

I also hv leg cramp... Calf. Once, I cramp when I was sleeping. Really scream. Ask hubby to help. Damn pain. So flex the heel n the pain went away. It's very bad...

Baby weight

I m quite relieved that at week 30,bb is 1.5kg coz I weigh only 2.5 kg heavier than pre preg. (lost 6kg first tri from vomiting.)

So now just be careful n wait for my c sec on 19 Jan. Booked room already.

Tummy pain

Last night, I hv tummy ache. Not sure is my diahorrea or it's contraction. Didn't feel like menses cramp. More like tummy pain.... Anyone hv this???

Naughty by nature

Mrs ong, I went for their free photoshoot once with my sis.at first they v nice to us. But after the shoot we didn't want to sign up, they started to verbally abuse us say we cheapo, only like free things. I ask the guy, who don't like free things? If u invite me again for free shoot, I will come again. Then I stood up n walked out. Very piss off with them.

Hi all,

I'm a Feb 2011 mum. My bb boy is expected to be due in early Feb. My gynae is at TMC.

Have been reading the threads occasionally but haven't got time to post.

Mrs Ong: think I read a few months ago that naughty by nature has closed down..

Pootz: take care! hope you are feeling better...

I did not go to the Babyfair too..just didnt want to squeeze with Sitex crowd.

Last 2 weeks were pretty stressed as I did not get a single item for the baby except clothes and the sterilizer set. But I manage to buy somemore stuff over last weekend and feeling better now after seeing the To-Do list completed 50%. hehee

Mrs Ong: Naughty by Nature is a horrible scam and has closed down.

The same mgmt behind Naughty closed down it after a lot of pple sign up packages with them and they set up a nail /wax salon called Wax in the city. had 3 outlets. in the end, it closed down too. i was one of the package holders that were left stranded. lucky thing was my package was left with $200 bucks only, compared to some others who had few thousands. OUCH! it was in the papers during that time.

Nowadays i don't dare to sign any package reckelssly. My previous facial package also had the same fate. (wellness village)

Ah Ching, the handbag I want to buy is quite big. I was thinking of rewarding myself after all, I haven't buy anything this year and I didn't even buy birthday present to reward myself. Travel bags, I don't have. Have very big luggage bag only. Don't know what has gotten over me. Have told myself don't spend unnecessary but just can't stop it.

felpoo: yes can understand the cant stop buying things syndrome!

I suffer from it occassionally when under stress [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mami B: wow still so slim at 30 weeks preggy!

regarding tummy pain, geri mentioned to me that could be due to IBS cos of the thing we ate.

i had chinese cabbage and also triggered the stomach pain last week.

@Ah Ching - do u know cordlife and stemcord the differences?? According to stemcord, the blood will split into 2 bags and stored in different labs and customer can terminate the plan on yearly basis. Stemcord is locally run by local medical doctors. Can you tell me more on cordlife as i curious to know...guess the fee is more or less the same.

@mami - me too my cramp on the calf part really killing me when i sleeping! So now trying to take in more milk or high calcium food. Do leg rotation etc. I also have tummy ache and it more on lower tummy on ovaries part, the pain like menses cramp...happened once or twice so far. If not menses cramp, should be diahorrea le.

@Claire - i heard too just want a double confirmed...stupid hubby got conned liao.

@gregda - tks for update and really make me think twice in taking up packages!

@mami b- how could u just gain so little wt?

Pootz, hope you are feeling better. Thank god u are discharged now. Was wondering how u hv been. Yr gynae advised full bedrest for 1 week only? How many weeks are u into now?

Baywater, mami_b, nice weight for yr bb. They are growing n absorbing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Added many mummies in facebook but couldn't match some with their nicks here with real names. Hope we'll hv another gathering after delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Ong: will update u on cordlife tomorrow cos I am not leaving office and going to fetch my son!

talk to u mummies tomorrow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi everyone!!

Has been a very bz n tiring weekend! 

On sat, went to parenthood fair, Sitex n attended nephew's birthday bbq in the evening.

Brought Teagan for his 1st zoo visit on sun morning cos we got free tix as it was Grandparents' day! 

Anyway, kinda disappointed w parenthood fair cos main aim was to get Babysafe n Mustela pdts but they were not there! Pls let me know if there's gd offers for these 2 brands! But still bot quite a bit at Parenthood fair but spent even more at Sitex fair!! Haha


Tks for e update on babymallonline spree!


Nappy liners r to 'catch' the poo n like Ah Ching says, makes washing easier to a certain extent. Can also use it to line diapers cos sometimes baby poo right after a diaper change so if got liner, then just throw the liner away n still can reuse the diaper but provided the poo poo is not those wet wet kind. 


Oh!! I was at Dr Ang's clinic ard 2.30!! Hope your princess will show u her pretty face...mine still not ready to show us n she now weighs 1.3kg. 

For my boy, during the day I use Huggies Dry (blue pack)...works up to less than $0.20/pc when on sale n don't leak so find that price still quite ok...

Mrs Ong,

Yes I get calf cramps too!! Sometimes it's so bad that the whole leg can't move at all n scream in pain!! Hubby will help to flex my feet towards the shin n that usually relieves the pain but till next day the muscles still will b sore. But I find that raising the legs n keeping the feet warm when sleeping helps to prevent it!

Packed my hospital bag and I believed mine has the least items as compared with previous lists provided by some mummies. This was wat I've packed for my 1st son.

For mummy-

1) sleep gown

2) disposable undies

3) sanitary pads

4) socks n sweater

Breastfeeding & baby

1) breastpads

2) nursing bra

3) set of clothes for bb

3) nipple shield and nipple cream


1) wallet n I/c

2) handphone

3) documents/receipts for claiming medisave

Pootz, DO take care n have more rest. Other 2month+ to go..

Zanta, Oh u going see ur beautiful bb girl face. Enjoy woh.

Geri, Thank u. I will go check out the price of the soap then get back to u. Thank u.. =)

eviangal, Hmm what about dryers diaper? I also thinking of using NTUC diaper for my bb. Hmm i thought newborn will poo poo every 2hrs after their feed?

Cnicole, will bring my marriage cert when I bring bb back for review on the 5th day and at the same time register for bb's birth cert. I register his birth cert later coz I'm getting his Chinese name thru a master with his birth timing and then getting it printed out in paper. Coz if u want yr bb's name in chinese character to show on the birth cert, either u can write manually on the cert or go home use printer print out, then the lady will stick on the birth cert for u. My friend wrote the Chinese name for her boy and regret coz her writing in Chinese is ugly.


Yah... I puke a lot in first tri plus didn't feel like eating. So lost 6kg from 51 to 45 kg. Now back to 53.5kg. So technically I put on 2.5kg. But I really put on 8.5kg lah!! Hahaha.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm just thankful baby is healthy weight.

7-8 weeks more to go!!!!

And our journeys are coming to the end. Light in the tunnel. Relief. For most of us. For me, it's freedom ironically cos I have been on bed rest for 30 weeks already. Everyday surf net, tv, games, books, growing cob webs.

I really need a makeover before I meet u guys. I look like shit now.. LOL!!!

Another kid?

Mil asked me to consider having another kid fast fast. I.e.third child. Can bring up the children together... I am thinking real hard cos I will be bed rest again for a year.... Faint.... She say it's only hardship for another ten months and then a lifetime of joy. I know it's true but it's really very 辛苦 (tough)!!! I also know hubby would like three kids lah... Very big decision for me to make.......sigh..

Charmaine, I totally agree with what you said. My girl's birth cert bears the chinese name written by my hubby and I screamed at him. He wrote the character one side using traditional and the other side using simplified. And his writing is very terrible.

Aiyoh, Mami B.. You poor little thing. First, it's your MS and the bed rest. These are still not that critical. But the idea of being pregnant and constant worrying about the health and well being of the baby in your stomach is a very stressful thing.

How old are you now, btw? If let's say that you are intending to get pregnant, just do it fast and get over it one whole shot.

Cnicole, alot of parents get You Long Zi and yeah, it's for baby name. You have to provide the 生辰八字 which is the day and time he's born. I think his charges is 100+. Contact I don't have.

But I know that alot of people will fax him the child's information once out. And if you have a few names that you like, you can also fax to him and let him choose the most ideal for your child.

My hubby's a christian thus he doesn't believe in having the child name being "calculated" by a master. Well, he thinks he's the master and thus he made his own "calculation" and decide a name for my girl. :p

Cnicole, help you google his contact... You can call and heck it out

Yiu Rong Zie will "calculate" your preferred name (the first one only and that's provided u have one in mind) FOC and charge $ 10 for every subsequent one. If the name you want all not good, he will providing 10 middle name and 10 last name. You can mix and match these 10 names so there is a combination of 100 names. For this, he will charge $100 for the service. You can opt for this directly as well.

He will need the date/time of birth of baby. I think the names of the parents as well.

Yiu Rong Zie geomancy

#01-43 Lorong 30

Feng Lai Mansion, Geylang Road

Tel 67435738/67490654

Mami_b, weight gain not impt as long as bb gaining weight. Good for u too coz it'll be easy to shake off these excess kgs after birth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I really very 佩服 u coz I'm oredi gg mad with just 3weeks of bedrest, not to mention yrs is 30 weeks. For having 3rd child, if there's someone who can look after yr kids and hubby can support financially, you can take yr time to consider. Will be another 10mths of worrying n no-freedom but it's really worth it like wat yr mil say - lifetime of joy

Felpoo, ya my friend also kinda pissed when she saw her handwriting but she say lucky never write wrongly otherwise got to cancel n write again.

I'm seeing Yiu Rong Zie too. Can only say he's v accurate in predicting my boy's character. Going to him again for my 2nd boy. If you want him to calculate a good date for c-sec, he charge $148.

Cnicole.. Thanks for the car seat yest.. N seriusky u can walk... Tummy nt big for a mummy w twins leh!! Kudos to you!! Thanks again

Mummies, I'm feeling so lethargic.. Went to doctor today and was given 2 days MC to rest.. My body is aching and fingers swelling.. Haiz.. Really wish Dec pass fast as I'm starting ML from mid Jan..

@Zanta: I have not decided yet as I want my hubby to try taking for me.. If his standard not bad, then I can save on the money.. If not, I'm enquiring on a few studios.. Will let you know when I get the details from them..

Hi Zanta,

We were at Dr Ang's clinic today too at around 3.30pm...seems like lesser crowd.

Sigh, our princess also shy to show her face today. Maybe will have chance to see next time.

Hi Cherry,

See you in 2 weeks then. I have nothing to say about Mrs Wong coz it is our 1st child so not really sure what to expect. Guess that is why we tot that it would be best to go for her class instead of those conducted by her nurses etc. Parking at AMK HUB though is such a chore coz the carpark is so packed.

Did you feel that she sounded kinda like a nursery teacher the 1st 5 mins when she was lecturing on the house rules.. LOL

idaarshad : no worries. I can still walk . i still drive around . didnt stop to look at your store as i was rushing off to fetch my hubby from work.

Hello mummies

Re: diapers

I suggest you dun buy too much now as you're not sure if the cutting will suits your baby.. Im a diaper freak! I've tried quite some brands and my verdict:

Drypers - tape is very noisy. Will startled my baby when changing in middle of the night. Cheap. Absorbency is ok.

Petpet - noisy tape. Cheap. The gel like absorbency will leak. Found the particles on the surface.

Goon - got urine indicator. Exp, not easy to find at major stores. Soft material. Slim design. Can ask for sample at their webby. Velcro tape.

Nepia - almost comparable as goon but cheaper. Can call

supplier for bulk purchase. Free delivery too.

Huggies - got it in the hospital. Velcro tape. Absorbency is not as good as mamypoko. Tried their pull up pants recently, cutting is bigger then mp.

Sealer - slim but not very soft. Absorbency like drypers. Cheap.

Fitti - leaks for my boy. Cheap if supplier got bulk promotions.

Mamypoko - swear by it till now. I use tape ones in the day and pants at night. Exp but it's the only one can stand his urine overnight. Comfy, soft and breathable.

Erm.. I'm using cloth ones too. Cost savings. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cnicole, need to book appt if u want him to choose date for c-sec. Must produce both parents' birth dates n times. For bb names, I rmb tat time for my boy, we called them up and give them my hubby surname, bb's birth date and time and bb gender. They told us to go down to the shop next day to get the name list.

Preciousbabi, I find doing stretching helps to ease my backache, esp the lower backache. U can try to see if it helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Rest well for the next 2 days

@mrs ong - naughty by nature closed down quite some time ago!


#mami b - you were on bed rest for 30 weeks?!? omg! i a few days cannot tahan liaoz! how did you do it?!

I really hope i'll be able to resume back to normal life after a week, though i've heard of pple on bed rest for the rest of the term.... dun dare to think abt it!

i find petpet and drypers noise too. I use them during the day and at nite i use drypantz. surprisingly, petpet still works too.

Is there any cheap diaper which has pampers kind of tapping?

I just bought NTUC diaper. will try tmr. find it so papery kind...

Morning all !

got the sudden urge to pick a date and go for C sec, to end this asap. LOL. the backaches, slpless nights, and gonna go for work is really torturing. & worse is having running nose, headaches but trying not to take any medication.. super slpy at work, cannot concentrate..


Morning mummies, last week someone mentioned Gina Ford book on baby sleep routine. Who was that? And I had checked the site for the books but do not know which one to get. Is it the

1. The Complete Sleep Guide for Contented Babies and Toddlers. OR

2. The New Contented Little Baby Book

Good Morning mummies!

It's been crazy mad in the office the past 2 weeks and I hardly had the time to come in to read the forum, much less post ... and it seems topics in the forum have been flying by fast and furious ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good to see everyone getting so excited about our impending deliveries! But also abit scary because there are so many things to prepare and so many decisions to be made before that.

Has anyone opted for 3D scan? I called the scan centre at TMC and realised it's not as expensive as I thought ... about $100. But the lady said most ladies opt to do it before 32 weeks as it can get pretty uncomfy lying there for 2 hrs ... yup! The scan takes much longer than usual ... I guess because they try to capture as clear shots as possible and it really depends how cooperative baby is on the day. I never thought of doing 3D scans until I saw my friend's ones and they are so clear and I thought would be quite a nice memento for scrapbooking and the like. Also a reward to myself for carrying baby these past 30 weeks and for the next 10 weeks to come :p

Also, has anyone signed up for the PruFirst Gift? I know this was a hot topic way, way back in our 1st/2nd trimesters but what can I say ... I'm slow to tackle such things :p Anyway, the cut-off is week 32 and I'm fast approaching that so just thought I'd see if anybody has any advice to share. At the moment, my hub and I are not leaning towards it ... we are more intersted in an education savings fund but this can only be settled once baby is born.

Regarding lunch outing, I work full-time on weekdays so a lunch meeting, especially in town area, is not possible for me. Still, I hope you gals have a great time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Would it be very crowded at Raffles City though during lunchtime? Why not meet slightly further out (e.g. City Sq, Novena area) and avoid the crowds? Otherwise, meet at a slightly odd time (either before 12 or after 1.30 pm?)? I presume most of those going are either taking the day off or are homemakers ... I haven't got much leave left (just 5 days for this year which I can carry over to next year) so I'm trying real hard not to touch my annual leave for the rest of the year. Already, if I do decide on a 3D scan, I'll have to take a half-day for that as they don't conduct such scans on a Sat (takes too much time).

Phew, that's quite abit! For those mummies experiencing pains, bleeding, personal problems etc ... please don't let such things get your mood down. Try and keep yourself happy even by doing the simplest things, whether it's reading a book, resting, watching your favorite dramas, or just talking to a friend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Mummies..

Yup can anyone comment on Felpoo qns on Gina Ford? I also need the title..thinking of getting the book after reading abt the raves..

Wenzi: Hang in there... most of us are left with 10 weeks or so right? I am in my 30th week today. now can countdown with 10 fingers! Like you, I also wish that baby can come out sooner.. cause the tummy is getting really heavy! But, my experienced mummy friend say just enjoy the pregnancy cause when the baby comes out, there will be new and greater challenges, especially first few months..the pumping, breastfeeding, night wakes etc...quite true also...

and during pregnancy, hormones may help our skin to glow and healthier hair. Most women experience some hair-loss after delivery, which is the reason why many cut their hair short.

my EDD is 8th Feb..and I do hope baby can come out after CNY...cause i want to eat those new year goodies..hahaha!

Mami B: you are so slim..good for you.. at least baby is growing well thats the good part...I have already put on 12kg! Hope i do not cross the 15kg mark.

Nowadays, the baby's kicks are feeling different from the 5th month kicks. Its more squashy feeling now..and can feel him poking here and there..and sometimes can see my tummy morph into different shapes..haha! anyone experienced this?

Outing: I will be giving it a miss as I am working. You ladies have fun!

@suki – take more calcium and do leg exercises! I got cramp again last night and maybe I should put on long pant and sock to bed as the cold will also cause cramp!

@mami b- as long as bb is healthy and normal wt size, really doesn’t matter how little or heavy we gained. Did not really follow all your post and how come u bed rest for so long?

@Jeanie – tks for your review on diaper – will try mamypoko. Cloth diaper must also sterilizer right? Which brand is good for cloth diaper?

@pootz – ya I know…SIGHS!

@felpoo – I borrowed Gina Ford book from KKH and read half way only. I found it pretty stress to stick to timing…Maybe other mummies who follow Gina Ford’s routine could highlight more in details & give me more insights.

@gredga – ya about 10 to 11 more weeks to go! Yes my bb moving more on tossing and stretching and kicks not so often. I hope she can learn to turn more so that her head can turn down when edd near.

Btw izit true that even with low placenta we can give birth naturally as long as bb not in breech position? Anyone can ask ur gynae on my behalf coz my gynae told me can...


Hi princess31,

I've signed up prufirst gift. both the one-time payment plan and also the monthly insurance plan.

the one-time payment plan is for the whole pregnancy. they will reimburse up to $5k for any complications like placenta previa, pre-eclampsia or if your baby is premature and needs to admit to ICU. this plan is $300 for one time payment.

As for the monthly insurance payment part, i bought the $100k protection plan. Its currently for my protection till i deliver. Once we deliver, they will terminate me and the plan will b under my baby. I bought this juz in case there's any complications when my little one is born. Cos if they are born with any illnesses or disease, no insurance co will take them up after that. so its sort of a backup for me.

Hope the above is useful to you.

Btw, there's kate spade sale up to today. I've juz bought a baby bag which i think its really worth it. Anyone who is interested can go n take a look.

