(2011/02) Feb 2011

@Sovrana: How much does your master charge for calculating the date? And are you looking for him to calculate your bb's name too?

@Princess: Good Luck and jia you!! You can do it de. Do you feel anything after the first pill is inserted?

I'm going to watch All's Well Ends Well 2011 later. Hope All's Well Ends Well for all mummies in 2011!! ;)


Zanta, I will ask him to calculate my gal's name too. He has not told me how much yet. Once my gynae confirmed he's ok with 11 feb 12-1pm I will check with my master on how much he charged. He said he will give me a special rate. Hee.

If you are interested, I can pass you his contact and you can call him to check. Just tell him you are recommended by me. Last year I recommended him to my gf who renovated her house. She said his charge is reasonable.


I bought 2 Gina ford books. E one u mentioned n top tips on bb n toddlers. Total abt 50 fr kino. Hope I haf e discipline to read n cover e Impt topics bef I c section on fri!!!

Joy- its normal.. I use 24 diapers in 3 days also... Newborns like tat- wl settle soon

I also finding pet2 nb but i bought s before in ntuc downtown east

Reverie island- good luck on yr books

Zanta- good luck... I wish u can b like u wanted all natural but if have to c sect- dun feel bad - most important both u n gal are safe

Mummies- if u have the spare bottle glass covers frm the ones hospital give ..or sealing discs - can sell me? Lemme know ok??

Hi, I'm new to this trend. Just delivered thru induction on 28 Jan to a 3.88 baby boy. My EDD was supposed to be on 1 Feb. It was quite agonizing to wait for e dilation in e labour ward as I was having bad side effects from e epi (vomiting & vigorous shivering). Also, I had this 3rd degree tear & the nurses seemed inexperience to assist e gynae in sewing up e tear.

Can I check for those mummies who have delivered boys, when do u do e circumcision?

Would like to exchange two similac Mum $3 vouchers for some nipple cream ( sample size or actual size). Pls pm me if interested. Thks.

Hello everyone,

It seems donkey years since my last post in this thread but I have been reading [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Choc - please update my details,

My baby gal Ashley is born on 28 Jan 2011

As I read the thread, i really envy choc and Mami B that you guys can express so much milk. At day 10, I can only express about 40ml both breast in total each time. When i let baby suckle, she gets hungry easily and wants more, my CL keeps saying much give FM cos baby hungry will not want to sleep. Sian...

My plan for expressing:




During this period, my CL will use my EBM and top up with FM, she said at night must give FM.

During the day, I will let her suckle about every 3-4 hrs, now i will pump after she suckle. My CL will top up with about 40ml FM in one or two of such feeding and my baby drinks it all, so it proves her right that my milk is not enough and baby needs FM! sigh....

I just hope my ms will increase soon

@pinkyval - ya my hubby's sis is very nice de and i can say very lucky to have her as my sis. Well, most of the hospital allow bah...

@mamaying - my edd next sunday but i think my gynae has counted early coz my menses not irregular type but i hope my bb will pop out by then. Time flies hor, in a few wks time ur bb turn one mth liao and hw are u going to celebrate ur bb shower?

@zanta - the good thing in here is that we give each other support. As mentioned, i truly understand ur thots coz i may share the boat with u if my gynae said i not suit for natural...

@idaar - are u the one who asking for spare desitin rash cream in FB?

@Sovrana: Is your feng shui master good?

@Idaar: Thanks alot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If only I can have a smooth natural delivery like yours..

How are you doing with your confinement so far?

@pyng: Are you emotional ready if your gynae ask you to go for c-sect?

@Neon: Congratulations on your newborn..!! I still remember we used to have the same EDD but you'd already given birth. I was still wondering how are you. Did you go natural or? And how heavy is your bb when born? Do share your birth story with us.

@Julie: Congrats and welcome!! Your third degree tear sounds scary.. Did your gynae tell you how long will it take to fully heal? And is this your first born?

Hi feb mummies,

Ive the Gina ford book - the new contented little baby book that u were referring to.

Bought at $32.38 at TIMES bookstore.

Willing to let go at a 25% discount.

Pls PM me for further details!!


hi mummies, sorry to interrupt, I m from the july 2010 thread . I have the following to sell , please PM me if interested.

1) a BN Lansinoh HPA lanolin for breast feeding mothers. 2Oz. $13\ expiry sept 2011

2) Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags 25pcs. BPA free $8.50

I completed abt 20% of e book. Can't read too much, I m a slow reader n every time I read I feel zzz. Yawn. Going to zzz.

So far, I find gf book ok leh. Have not really started reading e methods n schedules. Will update what do i thi k as a 2nd x mum.

So far aft reading e first 20%, I reflected upon my ger first few months aft she was born n what I had done wrong n what I should do then. So it give me a better understanding of what I should do for e 2nd bb. Whether it will b successful depends a lot on many factors too. Perserverance, bb nature etc.

Hi Zanta, it's my 2nd baby. the doc said tt e tear has reached my rectum but he has sewn it up & it'll heal. It was scary at first & I dare not purge for many days fearing tt I may tear e wound. Guess e negative thing abt epi is tt sometimes u r not aware how hard u r pushing or how serious was yr tear. Then again, I hv a big baby.

@Julie: Was your first born also this big? Did you had an episiotomy for this 2nd bb? And may I know who is your gynae?

Good morning, just a quick update [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thks Zanta, moomoo, mrs ong n all other mummies for ur words of encouragement!

After 16 hours of 2 cycles of failed induction (Zanta: some discomfort as they inserted the pill in as far as possible n takes abt 2 hrs to dissolve, during which time I'm hooked up to the machine being monitored for contractions n fetal heartbeat), my gynae called off the natural delivery attempt at 4.15 pm n ask me to ready for c-sect immediately.

Baby Lucas was born via c-section at 4.59pm. It was one the most scary yet satisfying events in my life! Everything happened so quickly but is still so fresh in my mind. Will share full details when I get hold of a proper key oars rather than trying to type it all out on this iPhone ;) but suffice to say I have a whole new respect for mothers no matter which type of delivery method!

Baby Lucas weighed in at 3.385kg, length of 50 cm, born 6 feb 2011 at 4.59 pm. Let me figure out how to upload pic here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Zanta, n other expectant mummies - who is due next??? All the best coz u will dig deep to find the courage to deliver even if u're feeling really nervous leading up to it!!!

Ya... Must include this detail ... After 2 cycles of induction, I was dilated a total of ... 1 cm?!?! What the ...?! Felt so dejected at hearing that, after 16 hrs of no sleep, plenty of discomfort, increased contractions n all that uncertainty! Would've felt better if could've given birth naturally after all that waiting. Unfortunately, gynae could not even break my waters due to uncooperative cervix ;)

Happy week ahead, mummies n mummies- to-be!!!

@Princess31: Congrats on the arrival of bb Lucas!! Which way of c-sect did you went thru? And did you take any epidural when you were induced?


No. I didn't thought of natural delivery when my water bag burst and contraction started. I was only feeling nervous at that time. As mine was scheduled at 8am and the things happened at 4am plus, I was only worried that I need to give birth without my gynae around. Haha.

Kept telling my bb to wait for my gynae and e anathetist and kept praying

Oh ya, one thing about e injection of epi, it's not as horrible ad I thought Le. I only remember e doctor used a small needle to insert my hand, followed by inserting e drip. Then asked me to turn aside, used a small needle to insert my spine. Then later I started to feel numb on my lower part. Couldnt move my leg at all and started to feel sleepy. The insertion is not painful (like ant bites).

Princess - Congratulations! Must be agonizing to go through 16hrs but at least you have tried.. what is impt now is that Lucas is out and healthy :) Hope to see the pic here soon.

Jolin - it's encouraging to hear that epi is not too frightening... I am actually very scared.

Haizz... i couldnt sleep much at all last night, keep waking up almost every hour to wee wee.. and I am feeling the "pressure" nearing my v area too.. is this normal?

Princess, Congrats!! Newborn bb Lucus. Hope to see his pic soon.

Wow so many mommies have popped. Hehe.

Moomoo, don't worry. Past few days I can't sleep well too due to wake up to wee wee. Super tired but no choice. I will start wake up at 1+am, 3am n 5am to wee wee. So tired but no choice. N can't sleep well.

Princess31 - Congrats on the arrival of ur baby.. gd that u are sounding really upbeat after ur delivery! quite strange that ur induction process failed... but if it's of any consolation.. my entire process took more than 24hrs! Tablet was inserted on 24 Jan, 10am, checked into delivery ward ard 11am, very mild cramps from 6pm that evening, next morning doc came to burst water bag at 8am and insert drip.. then wait for dilation till 3pm. thought can pop liao.. but in the end baby face wrong direction so must wait for 3 more hrs.. so from end-to-end it's more than 30hrs of waiting!

Neongoby - Congrats and good to hear from u again, my fellow Dr Ho patient =) Noticed u delivered quite ahead of ur EDD.. did he induce u as well? Heard he's on leave this wk...

Joy - I think my baby also poop around the same frequency... frankly i've lost count cos he seems to keep pooping all the time! i was abit worried but figured that it may be better cos he's slightly jaundiced and apparently constant pooing and peeing can help get rid of the jaundice.. so i just tahan lah.. just that poor hubby and mum wash diaper till face turn green...

moomoo - Dun be too worried abt the epi... i had quite a pleasant experience with it too... quite painless and not much side effects except for some shivers here and there.. i think credit must go to the anasthetist.. he explained every step of the process so i know what to expect.. where will u be popping? i think this guy does Mt A and TMC.. his name is Dicky Tay.. maybe can ask for him?

wish child - same same :-(

kinder - i will be delivering at raffles, same as mamaying... Hopefully it will not be too unbearable..

Neongoby: You can try let baby suckle more often, like 2 hrly instead of 3-4 hrly to increase your MS.

If you keep topping up with FM, then your breast will not know they need to produce more milk..

Hi everyone,

Its great to be back to this thread again, though I have been a silent reader.

Yes, Dr Ho is away again. on my 38th week, gynae found out that my placenta is matured and traces of calcified substance, baby is not getting enough nutrients and heartbeat seems slow. A few days later i went back to see him, my cord is very near baby's neck, though not around. Gynae suggested not to take the risk and wanted to induce me immediately. I was admitted on 27 nite, induced, epi taken on 28, then baby's heartbeat continued to go down. Gynae was informed and he decided to go for emergency c-sect. I was rowed into the op theatre immediately and true enough, the cord was around baby's neck. I was so thankful of his quick and wise decision to save my daughter. Baby is very small, about 2.4kg. Because my milk has not come in, her wt went down to 2.2kg, no choice, succumbed to FM as her wt is my priority. Then, her bilirubin was high, have to stay an additional nite, i stayed too so that I could latched her on, couldn't bear to leave her in the hospital alone. Thank God, the next day her bilirubin came down and we were discharged on 1 Feb.

Now trying to establish my ms, hopefully it will come soon. Last nite, I didn't pump for 5 hrs, I manage to get about 60 ml in total from both breasts (a lot already considering!)

so this is my 'life story'...

Ah Ching - I am having a hard time trying to wake my baby up. I massage her hands, tickle her chin, stroke her cheek, talked to her. My CL doesn't swaddle her, said my Baby's hands and legs are so powerful that the diaper cloth that wrapped her also come off. CL said it's ok, no need to swaddle, I am upset.

Anyway, baby wakes up every 3-4 hrs so in between if i don't want to wait for her, i pump out the milk first cos I don't want my 'breasts to wait too long.

Kinderbueno - Dicky Tay also did my epi, he was really good! even the nurses said they specifically request for Dr Tay for epi, i felt so much relieved hearing that. True enough, his administration of epi is good, i think the drip for induction is more painful. Plus, Dicky Tay made an effort to explain to you step by step, as long as you follow what he tells you to do, you are in good hands!

wow.. neongoby.. it must have been quite an experience for u.. but thankfully all things turned out well.. Dr Ho is really good eh.. i guess we stuck with him despite some discomfort abt his style cos we know he will be experienced enuff to handle any emergencies that happen... did u hv a quick recovery from ur c-sec? I think my stiches healed pretty quickly, didn't even hv to take pain-killers.. so for that, i think it's well-worth the $$ that we paid Dr Ho!

abt feeding ur baby, yeah.. i guess at 2+ kg, the priority will be to let ur baby bulk up, so if need to supplement with FM, then go ahead ba.. hopefully ur supply can build up as u continue to pump.. hv u tried taking green papaya fish soup? i find that it helps with the supply..

abt the swaddle... my baby struggles alot when we pack his hands in too.. so i give up and just swaddle him by leaving the hands out, i.e. from chest down...

@kinderbueno: In the end you managed to give birth naturally or you c-sect?

@Neongoby: Glad that all's well for you and your girl.

zanta - I still managed natural birth but with vaccuum.. actually i freaked out cos i had been pushing for abt 15-20min liao.. the nurses were all very encouraging.. kept saying "good, good", so i tot i was progressing well.. but the moment the doc came in, he took one look and said he will "help" me.. freaked me out cos i tot that meant he was going to cut me up and I was so worried cos i already chalked up a huge bill staying overnite at the delivery ward and taking 3 doses of epidural... if c-sec sure add on to the costs... but luckily he meant just the vacuum.. but very strange.. the process of vacuuming hurt like crazy.. dunno why cos i'm sure the epidural was still running.. but those few minutes hurt more than the height of my contractions

@kinderbueno: I think maybe is because he cut your below bigger to allow the vacuum to go in? And wow.. How much was your total bill?

zanta - yah hor... u r right... i remember the doc or nurse mention that he would do the episiotomy... but shldn't the epidural been strong enuff to blank out the pain? cos i didn't really feel the pain from the contractions leh...

as for my total bill... i only got my interim one cos we arranged for express discharge... that came up to abt few thousands liao... cos we took a single rm and had to stay one more nite cos i delivered in evening and doc wanted me to stay one more day for observation, then baby had to do photo-therapy for one day, hv to pay for hubby's stay over the few nites also.. sigh.. lucky it was a very nice room... so we just take it as spending this yr's vacation budget on the hospital stay!

Kinderbueno, I can't find u at facebook. Maybe u can change ur privarcy settling so I can add u. =)

Zanta, have u went to see ur gynae n book the c sec date?

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt.

Juz helping a couple who want to hv a bb asap (as advised by a Master).

Anyone who will be holdng their 1mth baby shower soon ?

Who dun mind this couple to join in the baby shower & let the young couple mummy carry the bb for 15mins ?

A hongbao will be given during the bb shower.

If anyone willing to help, can PM me ?

Thks !

@kinderbueno: Haha.. Vacation. That's a way to console yourself too.

Hmm.. Not sure about epidural but my SIL didn't have epidural and she told me she heard the gynae cut 3 times so that the vacuum can go in. I think her pain threshold is very high coz she never told me it's very pain le.

@wish_child: I'll be admitting to TMC at 7pm today and my op will be at 9pm+. It's very rush bcoz this morning I went to see him and he arranged today for me as my hubby is not free tomorrow. I'm going to prepare myself now while still having mix feeling..

Mrs ong- yup its me babe wnting to get the extra desitin first as mine has nt reached yet..

Zanta- its yr 1st bb..... N every bb is different my dear.... Confinement ok.... Not really follwing rules of eating lah esp

Hey.... U will soon see yr baby ok..... Dun be stressed.... We will meet up soon again...

Neongbb.... Glad that all is safe n sound... U were at tmc??


Zanta jia you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u will see baby soon!

I went for my post natal check today and dr say all is well, no pain n stitches healing good. Baby also went to check for jaundice, down to acceptable level and his weight and gone up as well, now 13 days already gained 0.6kg le. All that regular latching n feeding is good tho I m tired.

Ah ching! Eager beavers called and said my girl can start in april! I am so excited and apprehensive at the same time. I guess I am more worried for and abt her than necessary... Good to start in april I can send n pick her before I start returning to work. Can I check with u roughly what time u send n pick ur boy? Thanks.

