(2011/02) Feb 2011

sovrana, ah ching - tks for explaining abt the pee-ing during epidural... urggh.. hope i dun hv to pee into the tube leh.. sigh.. the indiginities we hv to go thru to have a baby!

Ah Ching - try not to get too down okie? today i also went thru a bout of unhappiness today... lost the sarong battle with my in-laws.. already told them we weren't in favour but they went out to buy one yesterday.. was so upset lor... while i can come round to the idea of baby sleeping in sarong, i couldn't stomach how they just brushed my views aside like that.. sigh.. poor hubby stuck in between very difficult, so for the sake of family harmony.. i just hv to suck it in and take it though i'm still very very unhappy.. sigh.. sometimes really very scared i hv no say over how my kid will be brought up...


Ah Ching, are you alright? I can understand your plight. Recently my hb also not doing his share well, keep forgetting to clear up properly after bathing with my no1 cuz he keep thinking of changing car. After work, he keep holding on to his phone to see cars which makes my blood boil. Worse of all, our finances are tight. Plus, housework chores. I've got 8 ppl living under same roof. Imagine just the hanging and folding is enough to tired me out. Lucky maid is coming tomorrow but my mum keep stressing she hired maid is because of me. Which makes me feel stress cuz she didnt like maid in the house. Sometimes I feel very stress staying here even tho it's my own family. Its like I'm adding burden to my family. My mum is quite dominating and she's hygiene freak. So since I'm a sahm, I need to make sure the whole house is clean and tidy. Not easy especially with a toddler around. So I keep pushing myself to the limit. I hope hdb can build my bto faster.. 2 days ago I quarrel with my youngest sis and I can't tolerate anymore that I sob uncontrollably. Earlier that day I feel so stress( with hb attitude and house chores and clingy tot) that I cried my hearts out and dump chores aside. My no1 saw me crying and keep shouting at me. He seems to be asking wad happen then later sit on my lap quietly which I continue crying. Definitely feel better after releasing my tension. Speak to someone or vent here. I'm sure we're all here to help each other. Hugs!!

wish_child: thanks. Doctor told me 37 weeks only consider mature baby, by then only the bb lungs are fully developed. Same like you, i also hope that my gal will be out after full term, cos i want a rabbit baby, hehe...

And ah Ching, pls be more patience with your boy. I think he can feel the tension at home or he's having prob at cc thus throwing tantrums. Sometimes I'd feel like venting on my no1 but managed to control myself. Think on positive side. We are strong women, we can handle things well if our minds are set positively. Dun let yourself really dwell into depression. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Something to complain.. My no1 keep fidgeting at night and I keep waking up. I only sleep about 4 hrs everynight. Really really drain me out. Sian ar!!! Still rem I can sleep thr 10 hrs when I had no1....

@MamaYing: I'm like you too, always buy and buy then never really eat.

Btw, where are you going for your photoshoot and how much is the package?

@Princess31: Your gynae is so funny to have asked you to bring your admission letter wherever you go. Maybe you can seal it in a plastic bag to prevent it from becoming wet?

Oh, my placenta should be ok bah. Since gynae said it's ok after my 5mth detail scan.

@dadnmum: I think I know you went to which stall. But $50 for 2 durians is still consider x wor. Is it nice to eat? I'm craving for it now but I like those with bitter-sweet taste.

Regarding the open drawers before going for delivery, I remember seeing this scene in the drama series "Little Nonya". Really no harm trying hor, but must remember to do it. Hehe..

@Valerie: Where have you been? Of course we remember you and we miss you!! We have been thinking what happened to you.

You mentioned baby boy born on first day of CNY is very good then girls born on first day of CNY not good? Actually I also wish that my girl can come out on the first day of CNY. Hehe.. Glad that you bought all your bb stuffs liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw, did you try the touch light experiment on your boy? I tried but no effect on my girl..

@Grace: Glad that you're fine now. Does your contraction hurts? And how many bedded ward did you stayed in? The bill is so x.. Can deduct from Medisave?

@Ah Ching: Try to be more optimistic and brush those unhappy thoughts aside for the sake of your bb. Actually recently I had been really short-tempered and impatient. You beat your son when he did wrong things, I beat my dogs when I came home and find their pee or poo on the floor. They're trained adult dogs and still do these things which I really cannot tolerate especially when I need to squat/knee down to clean their mess.. These few days my hubby had been complaining that my house is very messy nowadays which I admit coz I'm feeling so tired and lazy to do the house chores. To make matter worst, my FIL always doesn't clean up after he cooks. Imagine he can even spill coffee powder or coffee spills on the solid top or wall which attracted alot of ants. It's like having a big bb in the house whereby I need to clean up after him which tires me.. I think it's the hormones causing us to feel this way bah. So, you are not alone.. Hugz..

My bb really scares me today by not moving much and giving me soft light kicks when I tap my bump.. I thought I hurt her when I stretch my body to switch on my charger this morning as she's usually quite active in the morning. My hubby kept telling me that maybe she's too tired as I slept very late the previous night. Luckily after I reach home at 11pm+ just now, she starts to be active again after hearing the music from hubby's Dota game.. Haha.. So now I'm happily enjoying her movements again.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

RE: Coconut Juice

I had my first coconut juice this evening for this pregnancy. I heard that young coconut juice will be better but I'm not sure the one I drank is young or old de. Anyone knows how to differentiate?

I'm so tired. Have been coughing thru the night and need to wake up to pee. Think every 1-2 hours I wake up once! Zzzz think I go see dr for med then go to work :/

Zantarina- I went to dphotofolio at chinatown. 180 for 1 hour shoot and choose 6 pics to print 5R n also softcopy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think is quite basic which is enough for me.

Ah Ching

I think it take 2 to adjust to sending our child to CC. There’s always habits that the child will pick up from the CC, u can highlight the changes in ur child to the cc teachers and ask them to look into the issues. My experiences tell me that most of them are quite willing to co-operate and work with the parents.

Do try to stay cheerful although it might be hard, for ur bb’s seek….

Val-halo…. Long time no hear… glad that u n ur bb is doing well “>

@ Jeanie – ur mum will appreciate ur intention of getting the maid, once she saw the amt of work she has to do has been reduce… proven records. Of course, at times, they will still nag a bit but its entirely just for the seek of nagging and shown their worthwhile at home “>. Take it with a smile “>

My h has been bz since Dec and is unable to come back home before 9pm most of the days. Let alone contribute to the household chores. I got to purchase most of the necessities – grocery, new born things, stock up all the things required for the house and my first gal before gg to labour, all by myself….. At times, its inevitable…. I’m a SAHM too, hence to perception is we are very free… sigh, it seems that they’ve forgotten that we are pregnant and is gg to pop… but wat to do, cos living in Singapore is getting expensive and ppl love to compare and be on par with everyone…. Sigh…its ok… just think positive.. oki no stress, just remember there are ppl out there tat is less fortunate “>

MamaYing, do take care… if too tire, take MC….

Ah Ching, hugz.. i believe now's a time whereby we get irritated easily. Try to control your temper when your boy is throwing tantrums (i noe it's not easy) but once you can control your temper, you'll find that it's much easier to control later. I try to control myself not to beat my boy too coz if i did, i will feel super duper guilty. For packing of his bag, why dun you try to get him involved in packing like wat i did with my boy? Show him where to get the diapers, towels and clothes and praise him when he took them to you. He'll enjoyed packing his bag. Try to relax as much as you can coz you shd be as you are on leave le. Go for a walk at the park or nearest shopping mall to relax yr mind. Chores are never ending de, today never do, then tmr slowly do lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Valerie, welcome back! Great to hear that your bb's growing so well.. Lotsa catching to do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Grace, hope you are feeling now. Yes, my gynae also mentioned that bb will be safe if delivered at 38weeks coz lungs will be fully developed.

Zanta, I used to stay with my FIL when i'm preggie with my 1st boy. He's a construction worker and dun care much about hygiene. I have to clean up everytime he cooks coz he will just chuck the leftover in the rubbish bin instead of putting in a plastic bag 1st which attracts so much ants and making the bin so wet n smelly. He would use the shared washing machine to soak his construction clothes overnite. Lucky I shifted to my own hse when i'm 36weeks. Nowadays, I'm also easily anger if my dog pee/poo on the floor or laundrette area instead of paper. I tried to beat her less now coz there's once my boy saw n asked me why i always beat my dog. So controlling myself coz i'm scared he'll follow my actions next time.

I dunno how to choose young coconut but my mum told me if the flesh is soft and transparent, it's a young coconut. It's the flesh is hard and white, it's old coconut. Hokkein word "lao ya" comes from old coconut, meaning lousy hahaha

Mamaying, take care and do take the cough med. Just take mc if really dun feel well

ah ching...actualli they were saying when we got another baby inside us...our elder kids will start to get more difficult and some super sensitive...and throw tantrums

for mine it was quite bad recently as he will start to show his temper these few weeks...sometimes he will keep asking me to carry...

well..if u ask me why i still carry him till this stage..i would say since i can..i will try to...maybe to them they feel that someone is going to take over their position soon..

my sil told me her elder girl also become super notti during her last stage and at times cry and fuss for nothing...

but her gal gets better when didi came out...

so i guess we got to endure...sometimes maybe its not within their control ba... =) cheer up girl!

valerie...we remembered u...during our meetups we are always asking one another whether anyone still in contact with u... Yeah!! happy to see u back!

Mummies, I have been offered a job to start after 6weeks after i delivered. It's recommended by my friend coz i'll be taking over her. The boss called me on Sat and asked me to go down for an interview this week which i have not confirmed yet. I'm in a dilemma now coz i'm afraid my maid can't cope when i'm not at home. It's her 3rd week here but she's still very forgetful. She needs me to remind her on many things, like when to cook, wat to cook for my boy and family's dinner, when to make milk for my boy. Worse part is my boy still doesn't like her and refuse to let the maid bring him to pee or shower him or play with him. So the maid now is doing hsework only and she's still struggling. I really dunno if she can cope when there's another baby and she still has to handle my boy. I really wanted this job but i hope to start when my maid is ready.

mw gg to c my bb later "> bring my gal together cos she enjoy seeing her mei mei"> she is so excited.

Charmaine,children r highly adaptive... its us who most of the time tat tot they are not ready. My new helper just join us for 3 wks, n initially, she doesn't like her and will complain to me that she dun like her do this and that and she has lot of tears to show her dismay.. sigh. Needs lot of patient explaining to her that the helper is new and she is here to help her.... o ur new helper needs lots more TLC cos, if she is unable to cope or take the stress coming from the little ones, god knows wat she will do to them.

Start delegating the helper with with the minor things which ur toddler needs like milk... treats.. something which he/she likes, its help to build rupport, reinforce it daily.... back off a little once the child display strong dislike like showering.. yes I know its hard for us to bath them.... but a little will go a long way....take it slow...

O Charmaine, on the new job,did u chk if the company will be extending the maternity leave package to u?? cos MOM state that ML is only for those staff who hv been with the company for 3 mths n some company state that the package is only for staff that is confirm...

Kinderbeuno: Once on epi, they will put you on urine bag.. no feeling of peeing at all. And cant get off the bed for like 1 or 2 days... I had difficulty peeing after I was off the urine bag.. Super great urge to pee.. but once in the toilet, spent a super long time to release myself and not fully..

Reason: There is this fear of pain la cos bb come out from there ma.. I think its a mental problem. Spoke to the nurse and she showed me how to release this mental problem by spraying water at the area.. And after that, it becomes more natural again..

Sovrana: I tot Dr Ang was fast.. Sounds like Dr Adrian was even faster...

Grace: Didnt know that contraction doesnt exactly means delivery.. But $1k for 1 night stay is really very ex..

Ah Ching: I agree a bit of a hassle having to pack our kids' stuff for childcare everyday. i do so the night before. How is he adapting in school so far? As for screaming part not sure if this could have come from cc.. As for my gal, 3 mths in cc, I find her pretty happy and seems to have pick up a few new words.. In fact, she is even more into singing and dancing on her own lately.. Not a bad choice to send them to cc.. Mayb its your hormone acting up.. Shd be cooling off after delivery.. I find myself more irrational during pregnancy too..

Btw, my dd loves to throw tantrums too.. For no apparent reason.. Duno y.. Wat I did was I ignore her.. And even so.. she still refuses to give way.. Continued to throw her tantrum e.g. refusing you to carry her for another activity... I kept ignoring her till she is willing to budge.. Dun want to give them the impression that they can get things their way by throwing tantrums.

Charmaine: Its a great thing that you are able to secure a job even before you deliver. Your new company is so... undderstanding. I think you shd give your best for this new job. As for the maid, is there still time to change a new one and retrain her? Or can any of your family members help to watch over her in the meantime whilst you start out on your new job?

Morning mummies~

So touched that I'm still being remembered. Hee hee hee.. Past few months very stress. Cos hubby kept saying don't buy the baby stuffs so early. And my leg is hurting so much whenever I walk and I was so frustrating. But I'm glad finally everything has been bought.

Re: coconut juice

I've not drink yet. Past few months I keep seeing it whenever I was eating outside but I didn't drink cos my hubby said too early. Then now I want to drink but I didn't see it. How how how??

@wish_child: Ya, I set it to private but if you enter my email you should be able to see it. Or you give me your email I add you?

@Zanta: Ehhh.. Girls I don't know leh. Hee hee.. But I guess first day should be good for everyone? =p I tried the torch light thingy when my baby was 6 months old. Nothing happen though. Haha! Then my hubby said maybe the torch light not bright enough, cos mine is those small one. After that we never try again liao..

Sometimes my boy also not moving much. Cos usually when I'm sleeping on my side he'll keep moving as though I'm pressing on him. But that day on xmas eve me & my hubby went to a pub with his friends and whenever nobody is singing they played those very loud songs. And maybe my baby got a scare or he got woken up from his sleep he suddenly moved VERY vigourously. My hubby got a shock when he leaned his elbow on my tummy. Then the next day he was very very quiet. I think he was too tired. Hee hee.. So don't worry. =) Whenever I sleep late he'll be like that.

Thanks baywater n charmaine, at doc now, really dun wish to take med. But have to if not cough will wake my girl n hubby up and also need to run to toilet. Will go bacl to work, have a lesson to conduct at 1230 and 2pm maybe see o level results hee.

Baywater- yeah I always like to bring my girl to see didi too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good Morning Mummies!! Today is another raining day, not good for washing our laundries..

@MamaYing: My package is also a 1hr package, but is it really enough? And does yours include makeup and hairdo?

@Charmaine: Lucky you can still move out, but I don't think my FIL will ever move out because he is staying with us.. Sometimes I really buay tahan and asked hubby to talk to him but hubby just asked me to tolerate.. So sian right??

And regarding dog's poo and pee. I got 2 small sized dogs whereby I sometimes don't know who is the culprit so I beat 2 of them. But 1 of them run v fast and really knows how to hide and I feel frustrated when I can't reach her and punish her. And if I cage them up, they'll be barking like nobody's business!! And I'm really afraid that they'll scare my bb in future. I tried to keep cool sometimes by not beating them as I also scare my daughter will learn from me in future but that will be few years later liao. Hehe..

Jeanie, where is ur BTO flat? I'm waiting for my BTO flat at sengkang. So currently same I'm staying with my parent too. Hmm sometime parent just nag n nag. I know it very stress and irraiting. If can just ignored, that what I did most of the time. =)

Grace, oh bb when reach 37weeks then consider full term. Oh i also want a bb rabbit too. Haha. But see so many mommies have popped I'm scare will pop anytime. Hehe I think Im just scaring myself. Hehe

Zanta, don't worry. Yesterday surprise that my bb girl not active at night. And I keep wake up at night to check her movement. Hmm she scaring me as heard too many stories

Before so scare anything happen to her. Don't know is it she know her daddy at home so must behave good girl and not to move too much or because I ate too full that make her sleep well. Haha really don't know. But she now very active as her daddy went to work and I feel hungry. Hehe.

Re: coconut

I perfer young coconut. Because it taste very sweet and the meat very soft and yummy. My mil said only can drink coconut water once in a week. I perfer buy the coconut at little India as it taste sweetest among all the place I bought before and 1 for $1.40(is it expensive)?

Charmaine, Great u have found a job. But start after u confinement 6weeks is it enough for u? I thinking possible whether can ask the boss to delay later for u to work? As ur maid not stable and u also must see whether ur maid can handle ur newborn bb and child at the Same time when u not around. Somemore u still need to recover ur body after delivery too =)

Valeria, don't worry u can get coconut drink at Any store. I think Is work the same. Oh now u cam start drink coconut water le. =)

my hotmail is [email protected]. Oh please mention who are u. As out sudden so many ppls added me in facebook don't know who are they and never mention whether is it Feb MTB. =)

Mama Ying, do take care. Drink more warm water it helps me during I having bad cough. Oh I also eat dried orange skin too =)

@wish_child: I can't find you on facebook either. LOL~

@Mama Ying: Did you get any medicine from your gynae? That day I had a very bad cough too, until I can't sleep at night. And my gynae gave me Dhasedyl and I recovered very fast.

@Charmaine: I don't think 6 weeks is enough for you to rest. You will still be waking up in the middle of the night to feed your baby, next day where got energy to work?

Hi mummies: thanks for all the encouragement..

Altho I am not really feeling much better as my boy cried so terribly when I left him at CC just now..

and the weather.. it started to rain as I was leaving the house but stopped after just 5 mins.

I hate this type of weather.

Went for breakfast had roti prata and kopi-o and retail therapy.

bought another packet of Huggies newborn and huggies dry comfort for No.1..

hope that after chatting here I'll be able to start my engine to clean the house...

my plan is to tackle the kitchen today..

mamaying: pls go see Dr for cough.. i also saw doc on Sat and after going thru 1 whole packet of tena am feeling better now..

jeanie: 8 persons under 1 roof is a terrible situation..

altho I come from a big family but imagine so many people with a toddler and a newborn together..

am glad u have a maid soon so that can leave all the household chores to the maid..

kinder: your PIL very unreasonable..

if possible during ML dont allow them to put BB in sarong..

for me I prob will damage the sarong secretly...

@Ah Ching: Ohhh.. Talk about Huggies newborn. You all know NTUC got offer?? Buy 2 packets for newborn can save $1+. Then you can collect the stamps and redeeem for a bodysuit for baby. Hehe.. I bought a total of 6 packets for newborn & 2 small size. Hee.. Kiasu hor? =p

charmaine: go for the interview first lor.. see whether u like the job.

it is important u like it rather than for the money.. cos it is stressful to start a new job and have a new baby at the same time.

but from personal experience. it is very difficult to leave BB after 6 weeks to go to work..

I thot I will return to work when my BB is 2 months previously due to financial pressure at home but in the end I bu ren xin..

end up only returning to work when No. 1 is 11 months..

val: bought at Cold storage 6.50.. more expensive than NTUC hor.. but Huggies only until 4 kg... so I dont dare to buy too many packets

i already got 1 pack Pampers n 1 pack drypers newborn. and 1 pack Pet Pet and 1 pack Drypers S size..

see I also very KS.

@Ah Ching: I think $6.50 is before discount.. NTUC slightly cheaper, then S size also got offer. Hee hee.. Then baby wipes and certain things also have offer. My sil told me one. You all can check out NTUC website. They every week also will have offer on different things. My sil said 6 newborn should be ok. If I have left over then I can pass to my sister. Wahahahaha~ =p Wahhh you buy so many different brands. Haha!

choc: this theory abt our No. 1 being very 'ham bin' like not very scientific.. but many people tell me that..

but my sisters told me their children wont behave like that..

anyway I have 4 sisters who told me that their No. 1 didn't behave worse.

they told me it is becos I dont know how to discipline my son..

they say I must use corporal punishment i.e. cane

i try to restrain myself already and told myself to ignore the tantrum or try to tell him nicely that is it wrong to have such behaviour..

the message cant seem to register.. or he seem to do it on purpose.

e.g. I told him that he cant tear his storybook and repeated 'no no' as he tore the book right in front of me.

he defintely can understand 'no' but he still did it..

that's why I really lose my patience.

also when I am cooking, he'll pull my shorts or my hand and ask me to go somewhere else.

told him that I'm cooking then he'll sit on the floor and kick me.

he always pull my shorts down.. can u imagine in the kitchen with the windows open..

I'm trying to cook and hang on to my shorts and pull off my son at the same time.. sigh

@Ah Ching: Hehe.. And I also bought a storage drawers from NTUC too. Usual price is $69.90, now selling at $39.90. Got 5 drawers. Hehe..

val: I also got a storage drawers at 39.90..

but not sure whether it was on promo.. but enough to put all BB stuff..

ok, I'm going to tackle the kitchen now..

will log in in the afternoon again.

have a great day mummies

@Eviangal: Ya lor, I thought Dr Ang was very fast liao but seems like Dr Adrian is faster!! At least Dr Ang tells us bb's weight while he scans.

Oh, your pillowcase design is cute.. Do we need to pay extra for the appliqué? And which design is 40cm x 20cm?

@Val: are you working in yishun? I saw ppl drinking coconut water at chong pang hawker centre that day. The stall is located along those Malay stalls that stretch. You can try finding it there.

Actually I read before online that it's normal for bb to be less active for 1 or 2 days if they'd been v active the few days before. But when bb is not moving much, it really worries me as I'd heard alot of cases just like wish_child.

I hope both of us can pop on the first day of CNY!! Haha.. And I also hope got sponsorship of diapers for 1 whole year too.. Hehe..

@wish_child: I think $1.40 for a coconut should be ok bah because I saw supermarkets selling at $1.20 before. Yesterday I tried to ask for young coconut but the auntie said "I try". Luckily it's not really that old but it's not v sweet either. Haha.. "Mai hiam buay pai la". Hehe.. I'll try to drink it weekly, or at least every fortnight from now.

Both our girls made us worry yesterday huh. After I felt her normal strength movements, I kept nagging at her telling her she made me worry.. And I asked her remember to kick me from time to time. I think those stories we heard before really freaked us out!!

Zanta: The pillows prices are as per the listed prices. No extra charges for the appliques. Mine are both not 40cm x 20cm though.. Cos I asked for a specific size. But the princess one was 40cm x 30cm. So if you want by 20cm it means 10cm shorter.

@Ah Ching: If you bought from NTUC then should be the same one, on offer. Hehe.. I haven't stack it up yet, maybe I'll do it tonight after work. Then can put all my baby stuff inside liao.

@Zanta: Ya I'm working in Yishun. Thanks for the info!! Maybe I'll go buy on Wed morning. Hehe.. It's ok to drink in the morning right?

@Val: I'm not sure if it's ok to drink in the morning or not but do eat something before drinking. Or maybe drink it in the afternoon during lunch?

Which area is your home office at?

@Eviangal: Is the material of the pillowcase soft and smooth? And will the appliqué scratch our bb's soft tender face?

Zanta: Find the material ok. As for the applique, its the kind of material you get from embriodery. I think its ok. Cos my first child I got 1 pillow for her then too.. And it turns out ok. My only advise is ask the maker not too fill too many beansprouts.. Cos I find the pillow abit too full with beansprouts.. Would be better if a bit more spaced out.

Valeria, oh u cannot find my account? Oh I now go check my account. Hehe. Drink coconut in morning it ok no worry. My mom asked me to drink coconut water in morning. But she never give me a good reason she just said it better. Haha. Are u clearing ur ML now?

Zanta, ya lor our bb girl give us a big shock yesterday hehe. I said her she also won't listen to me. Hehe. I hope she come out will be different. Listen to me than listen to my hubby. Wahaha.

Ah ching, if tired don't clean ur kitchen. Don't make urself overwork. =)


Ah Ching and Valeria, u both not kiasu la. Is good to stock up as bb will poo poo everytime after feed. Hehe is good to stock up. Haha I bought 1 pack petpet and 2 pck of drypers. Haha wanna get huggies diaper too but never go out this few days. Hehe I will buy it soon. =)

@Zanta: It's near Safra but sometimes I'll go there to buy breakfast, so I can buy it. Hehe.. Thanks for the info! =D

@wish_child: In the morning before food? Same logic as bird's nest? Lol~ Don't know drink once enough anot, I don't really like the taste of coconut drink leh. Hmmm... Not yet, I want to save it till I deliver. Haha! You starting to clear liao ah? The Huggies offer is until 16th. So you still have a week. Hehe..

Baywater, i will tell my maid to come in the bathroom together so that my boy will get used to her presence but he will shout and yell to ask her to get out. Besides educating my boy, i also have to counsel my maid and tell her dun put it to heart coz now my boy is big and noe how to recognise pple so he's still not used to her yet. I'm trying to teach her slowly but i'm afraid she still can't rmb coz she's v forgetful. I'm hoping by the time i deliver (ie another 3weeks) she can handle my boy by then. I won't be getting any bkpay for ML coz will be joining after i deliver.

Eviangal, i won't be changing another maid coz it will take another 1-2mths for the next one to come in. I got my maid from my hubby's cousin. In fact, this current maid is oredi the 3rd maid (1st maid failed medical checkup, 2nd maid too short) so i'm still trying to teach her. Yes, i'm grateful that this company is willing to consider my application and allow me to start work after i deliver too. My mum stayed 3 blocks away from my hse but she's reluctant to help me keep a lookout on the maid so most probably i'll be installing cctv coz afterall i'm worried as my bb still small.

Mamaying, drink more water and will taking hot lozenges helps to reduce the cough? Whenever i take lozenges, it helps.

Zanta, actually i insisted in moving out coz when i'm staying with my PIL, i'm always cooped in my own room 24/7 and PIL will have the living room to himself. We dun talk much coz topics buay gum and PIL enjoyed watching animal planet (bloody scenes) during dinner time. So most of the time, i will be inside my room. So i bought my hse when i'm 4mths and moved when i'm 9mths. Anyway, my PIL later sold the hse and moved over with us. I told him strictly no cooking and even bought a separate washing machine. Think his freedom was kinda restricted coz now he's the one always in the room and i'm in the living room with my boy and he later told my hubby he refer to stay at company's dormitory. Will your hubby helped you to handle yr 2 dogs after you deliver? Coz after i had my boy, i have to admit tat i've neglected my dog coz i'm just so busy with chores and bb.

Wish_child, ya i'm also wondering if my wound will recover by 6weeks coz my 1st wound took 4mths to recover due to infection. I'll be going for the interview tmr and see if the boss is willing to extend to 8weeks. Main thing is to let my maid to be able to handle my boy 1st. I have told her that i'm resuming work in Mar and she seems okie and not kan cheong or worried.

Pinkyval, worse come to worse, i'll do the 1st nitefeed, hubby do the 2nd one and maid do the 3rd one. My neighbour told me she let her 2mth old bb cry at nite and not giving him milk coz she wants to train him to sleep thru at nite.(?!?) She said coz she'll be gg back to work and her in laws will be taking care of her bb but her inlaws are v old so she start training her 2mth old bb to go w/o milk. I just listened but i won't do this lor. Atmost i will sacrified my sleep for the 1st 4mths.

Ah Ching, actually my plan is also to find a job when bb is 4mths and maid has settled down with 2kids. This job offer came so suddenly and my friend is leaving this week. But she told me this audit job is easy, no OT and stress free. Best thing is the office is just 10mins bus ride from my hse. She can even pump breastmilk 2x everyday at work. So i'm really hoping i can get it. Have to see how the interview goes tmr.

@charmaine: Huh??? Why your neighbour like that one?? Train also not like that train mah. This is call starving him leh, not training him. Later he malnutrition then she know. Poor baby... Her baby skinny anot?

Ah ching.. hugzzz

try to relax.. maybe our EDD date is coming near n like lots of thing not done yet.. that y we r so EMO & pek chek..


ya.. $50 quite ex..but luckily it quite good.. bit bitter-sweet taste.. wanna try those 2 or $20 the next time.. may be good also.. hee hee..

open drawers..

ha ha .. have been reminding my hubby must remember to open all even we r in the rush.. ha ha ha.. hopefully it helps..


do take care. try to guggle with salt water..

great u have went for your photoshoot.. how is it going.. tired? fun? planning to take the $450 +$80 make up... hee hee with more pic + all copy in DVD.. how many pic they took in total? the clothing wise how ? they provide or we got to bring? the clothing there nice?


u can get the whole coconut from NTUC..

Valeria, haha ok i better go grab the huggies diaper asap. Hehe. Oh if u dont like drink coconut then dont drink it ok. Hmm once a week is good enough. If not will be too cooling for us. Hmm i heard my friend said before go labour drink the coconut water will shorter the delivery time dont know how true is it. Haha. Will try i when going delivery time. =P

Charmaine, Hmm if u think ur maid cannot handle ur boy is it possible to change a maid now? Hmm i think u better ask the boss can let u go to work 2mths after u delivery?

Your neighbour a bit crazy. How can she train her bb like that. Baby dont know anything. And need to drink milk and sleep well cause they are growing. haiz this type of mother also have. Some babies will cry until faint le. I dont dare to try lor.

My sis friend bb have ever cry half way and fainted. Because they still dont know how to control their breathing yet.

Got one news at taiwan or china. A granny she dont let her grandson watch cartoon program and off the tv. Her grandson cry non stop and the granny just igorned him. End up the grandson cried until die. As he cry until he cant breath properly. THe ganny after few hour then find out her grandson passed away as she thought her grandson cry until tired and fell alseep.

@Eviangal: Thanks alot, I will let the maker know about the weight of the pillow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Val: You are most welcome. If you don't like the taste of coconut, maybe try to drink them at least every fortnight for the sake of bb?

@wish_child: Don't worry, your bb will sure listen to u de because you got an additional 9mths of bonding 24/7 with her as compare to your hubby.

@Charmaine: I'm not sure if my hubby will help me to take full care of the 2 dogs after I gave birth or not but I told him he must handle them fully during my confinement.

Charmaine, will you voice it out to your PIL if you are not very happy with the mess they did? I sometimes really feel like telling my FIL but I hold back..

Regarding your new job, try to negotiate with your new boss to start work at least 8 wks after you gave birth. If not maybe you can go work halfday now to learn from your friend and start working from home after your confinement? Let the boss know your sincerity and I'm sure you'll be able to get the job. Good Luck!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@wish_child: Hmm.. I still can't find you leh. Lol~ I just have to key in your email in the search there right?

@dadnmum: Thanks! Then I have to cut it myself?

@wish_child: That news is so sad. I didn't know kids can cry till die. OMG!!

RE: First Mums & Dads Congress

Is any other mummies going too other than Eviangal?

Zanta, Haha hope so ba. Hehe..

Valeria, yap hust type my facebook acct [email protected] at the search everyone list. u will saw my profile. =)

Fresh coconut u buy back must cut it urself one. Or u can go those coffee shop some sell coconut but is not young one normally is old coconut.

