(2011/02) Feb 2011

felpoo, thks for up the updates on the lashes thingy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me too, been sucking on fisherman's friend drop when i feel nauseous esp on packed trains.

I've headache and giddy spell more than nauseous. At a point of time, i even thought that my myopia increase in degree due to blurry vision.

Any mummies here feel constant pull or tuggings at your lower abdomen?




Yr post about your MIL hovering ard you saying you have not enough milk really got me irritated. Coz That's what happened with my firstborn and the confinement lady. She kept asking me to lie down and take naps, then sneakily feeding him FM even tho i told her many times I wanted to breastfeed him. My supply went right down, never got better after that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Neon, I share the same sentiments as you. How I wish I can reach the 2nd tri soon. Something I don't understand. I saw the chart choc compiles; it shows that you are already with a kid. You can use whatever that was left during the last pregnancy. Maybe except for the breast pump. Anyway, take that as an investment. My friend last time bought an electric set $788 because she and hubby saw the price wrongly. They thought they see $188/- and she said die die must squeeze BM and if not, then squeeze blood.

During my first pregnancy, alot of things I didn't buy because hubby didn't see the need. This time round, I will buy the following during the last tri.

1. Baby monitor

2. Breast pump

3. Sterilizer

And maybe after not much of use, will sell if off 2nd hand. I will stop factory after this pregnancy

Btw, are you showing now? Did you manage to get seats in the train?

Bpc, ME ME!! I feel the lower abs like stretching..its normal...the uterus is expanding..so we can feel the pull...

felpoo..HAHAAA...cham leh...then u got to take smaller meals ba... dun eat too spicy..follow what ur heart tell u to eat...

That Child column is this new baby in us is which ranking rite?

Or i misunderstood?

Judy...week 12 shld be that oscar test liao lor.. I waiting for my next appt to test...

Oh yeah, I forgot to share something with you guys. Earlier on on my way to work feeling giddy and almost vomitting out, I sat in the cab where the smell of tiger balm was so strong that it curbs the feeling of giddiness and nauseous. Maybe tonite, I will go buy a few tubs and dabs it on a mask and then wear the mask throughout the whole day.

Bigflamingo, let us be wiser this time round. During your confinement, get the CL to bring the baby to you and you latch them on whenever the baby needs. Have the CL to do other things.

BPC, I also have this problem on the blurry vision esp. while looking at my notebook and tht also makes me feel nauseous. I have a few sensations in the lower abdomen but dun know is it the same as you are referring to. Few days ago, while lying on my back, there was suddenly a sharp bone like that protuding out from my stomach. You know the feeling when your baby inside your stomach moves and sometimes you can feel and see the foot or hands on your stomach like that. Well of course, at this time, I take it as gas.

choc, scare the hell out of me. The pulling was intermittent. More frequent in the middle of the nite maybe when i rest in bed less movement so the tuggings more obvious, no spotting (touchwood), so no point rushing to gynae also. Cant wait for my appt next week!

Felpoo, think now i got fat tummy rather than showing, hahahha. Feel so tired when taking train back off work time, catching a seat is more diff than striking lottery.

Mummies with >1 kids, u stomach showing earlier than before rite?? My clothes are getting tighter by day, boohoo and I am big to being with...

Felpoo: I have the same feeling too.. Like baby poking hand or leg.. In fact I felt this at month 1.. and its impossible that its the baby at work cos their limbs are not formed at that time yet... My hb say its bcos our stomach muscle is stretching to accomodate the baby.. But honestly, I didnt feel this with B1 though..

At 9 weeks, I look more like I am 16 weeks and above.. People are starting to give up seats to me liaoz.. Very obvious.. Cant really hide.. But my weight didnt increase tremendously though.. Guess its wind ba..


Ya, with B1 I totally dun have this stomach muscle stretching or gas issue. But i have got bad MS with B1.

Envy you, mine look like big fat tummy rather than preggie lor. Never mind as long as bb healthy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Blessed all the kind souls who give up seat for you.

judy...i tink no leh...apart from normal scan and the urine test shld be bo liao....

bpc...sian leh..my tummy also protuding out abit liao... weight didnt gain much leh...ahhaaaa..

aiyo...i also not small size one lor

I tink my tummy muscle not as strong as before...so show easily lor...

evaingal...hanor...abit impossible that is baby that is poking us... is expanding leh... i remember my #1 i got such feeling..but i tink is not so early...hahaaa

actualli look forward to it becoming bigger and then can feel the movement...

Anyone taking durians? looks like its the durian season and almost everyweek my house will have durian feast...so worried to take durian so frequently coz it may make baby get bigger due to the high sugar content... but i still take abit lar... =X


I dun want confinement lady this time! hahaha. Anyway I asked that lady to go home after less than 2 weeks. She was very old and the last straw was she had to hold on the door handles and walls frequently coz her blood pressure was low. Was so scared she was going to faint and drop the baby. Also refused to go to the doc when she caught a cold.

I am rather petite and very slim and in fact, I am showing more as compared to the 1st one. Infact, ppl thot it is tummy :p. But I have ppl giving up seats to me in the train.

Choc, I also have been taking durians too. Yumyum.. esp. at night when the durians are refridged. At least it staves off my hunger. I am more afraid of gestational diabetics which I got it during the 1st pregnancy. I have cravings for red apples though. in the afternoon, red apple juice and 1 red apple to munch. At night, after dinner, I will eat 2 apples at one go.

Hello Ladies,

Didn't sign in for few days and really can't catch up with the updates, so many..

Taking train and bus to and fro work is the most difficult thing for me to do everyday now. Once i board on th train, i must start to have some sweet and prepare to find the easiest way out, just in case i want to vomit, i can run out immediately after the train stops. During the journey, i also keep remind of myself how many stop to my destination and tried to think other things to divert my focus. It's really really hard.

I am going into my 9 weeks tomorrow, MS still on and off and now i am having cough which trigger the vomit more easily [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sometimes i have this evil thought, i really wish to give up and hope i have natural miscarriage, even my husband also can't bear to see me in such state and he said it's really okay if i am going to give up the baby.

But i am afraid i will regret one day if i really opt for giving up the baby...


Just wondering anyone taking the train east west line from the west back to the east. Maybe we should meet together to go back together. Just imagine 2 or more preggies boarding the train together at the same time.. hehe.. I think alot of commuters will pretend to sleep or busy reading the newspaper. :p

Hi Jolin, dont think about giving up.. Having a baby is a gift and there are many pple out there who wants to have BB but not able to...

Jus bear with it for another week or so, I am sure things will be better...

I m also having bad MS, vomit almost instantly after I eat but the thought of having a healthy BB and the joy of seeing BB grow, I think its all worthwhile..

Jia you jia you.... I am sure we can all make it

Jolin, I can understand how you feel. But don't despair. Think about mummies who want to have babies and yet they can't. Dun have your thots straying to the negative side. Your MS will wear off soon. My MS is from am to night and I also have been feeling giddy and unwell. I believe you can do it. we have so many mummies in here who are facing the same predicament. Tht's why all of us are here to give each other support and encouragement and advice. Don't think too much, pls?


Dun feel discouraged. Drop in this forum more often. That's what we are here for, to give each other advises and encouragements. We are all in the same boat now, just endure thru this MS, backaches, swollen feet phase, etc.. we will be carrying our cuties come Feb/ Mar 2011.

So many mummies have been thru it, so can you.


Am taking the NS line, (Novena to Yishun) anyone. hahahah.. but generally I have problem squeezing in the train as its always super pack from town up.

Hi Jolin

One day u sure will regret, trust me.. every one go through MS. And is very normal.. And i am sure, baby inside u hope that u wont give up on him/ her... we all are having same feeling.. but in the end, wat we have, wat we endure, will come to a ending.. is just matter of time dearie.. the moment you saw ur little angel at the ultrascan.. u will drop tears and say it all worth it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jiayou

hi jolin, dont despair.. i was feeling like u a couple of weeks ago.. actually am guilty of thinking the same way as u too as i was vomiting every opportunity and after food.. when i going to 10 weeks, my MS suddenly disappear.. at first was worried but my instinct tell me i am okay.. bb is okay.. the feeling is very nice.. though still vomit after heavy meal, i feel like i am 'healthy' again.. hang in there.. im sure u will be much better in a couple of weeks time.. cheers..

jolin: jia you jia you...dun give up!

actualli the good thing about MS is...we know baby is growing well as our hormones are high mah..

so take it that its a sign to u baby growin lar

For myself my previous pregnancy i vomit till the last day i give birth..but there was a point i realli start to tell myself heck care liao..

vomit vomit lor... at least i feel better after vomitting...

then this time round i am fully prepared to vomit till last day too... just let nature take its course...

i agree with the rest of the MTB, we are here to encourage each other... =)

soon u be so proud of urself..to give birth to a super duper darling who will call u mummy, says "mummy i love u, mummy mummy"

its worth the pain n discomfort...trust me...

Now at this stage, preggies are very emo.. The moment, I read audrey's post, I am choking back my tears. Nowadays I cry very easily. I do agree with Audrey. I shed tears during my last visit, 8 weeks + when I heard the h/b. I can remember clearly during my last delivery of my baby gal, I kept crying when my girl was out seeing that she's safe and healthy. I think my hubby was standing besides me almost fainted from the sight of blood.. haha ..

End of the day. our BABY will worth the trouble and pain which we have to endure and go through

Thus the saying goes, 母亲是世上最伟大

Thanks Ladies,

For your encouragements.

I've been in very low mood since the MS kicked in. I found my life style has totally changed since pregnant. I used to be quite hard working person. I hardly absent from work. After work, i will do housework at home. Though some times it's really quite tiring, but i feel contented as i think i can work and complete thing. Now, i totally become a disable person. Taking MC regularly, can't do any housework at all. The feeling is really terrible and i just hope to get back to my old life. Maybe i didn't think carefully and prepared myself well for this pregnancy, hence i end up myself in this state. But i really didn't expect the MS is so horrible.

Many times i tear when i thought of my baby. Part of me want to protect her, but when the MS kicked in so badly, i really wish to give up. I really feel sorry for him/her. As much as i want to protect her and give her the best, but my body is so weak. I stopped taking milk and folic acid since week 6 (MS started), and i really worry for her growing.

@choc: You vomit till you gave birth?? Omg. Must be very unbearable... I now only 8 weeks and I already cannot take it. Don't know what will I do if I vomit till I give birth. You are so strong.

Jolin: Hang on there.. I been through bad MS before too.. Its very sad.. Sometimes after vomitting i cried.. I was wondering.. Why is pregnancy soo... terrible.. i cant take it anymore.. But you need to think.. the more sick you are.. the healthier your baby is.. Then you will feel better..

The moment you see the birth of your child, you will know its all worth it.. You will start enjoying pregnancy as you enter 16 weeks. By then, you can feel movements of your baby + no more MS.. Mayb in your case, your MS will end even earlier.. Whatever the case.. Hang on there!!

yeah... jolin... jia you.. i sure we all working facing same problem... in life, we do have up n dwn.. trat it nw as down period.. Up period will b soon to reach... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Fully agreed, my son learn this song from CC, He will sing with his angelic voice "mummy mummy I LOVE U, mummy mummy I LOVE U..." so sweet and all my aches and pains vanish.

Jolin, my sil has 4 sons and each pregnancy, she vomitted from the start to the end. And imagine that, she's a housewife and everytime, when she smelled cooked rice or fried fish, she will retch and vomit. But she still endured all the way cooking for her family.

You can call your gynae and let him/ her know your problems. I believe they have medications for your nauseous.

Thank you, Ladies

Really, thank you.

I will hang on and jia you.

In fact, me and my husband has decided to go for abortion this week, as he really can't bear to see me sad everyday. Luckily i shared with you ladies and got the encouragement here. I will hang on.

jolin.. next time u can use this as an excuse to tell ur kid "u see mummy suffer so much for u u must guai guai ah". or u can tell ur hubby also.. haha..

Jolin, please dont give up...yes im sure u must have a hard time that y u think this way but this is a gift , a miracle given to you...your baby wants to be part of your family...

we really hope u endure through and rest more...dont be too hard on yrself..u r pregnant and u tends to be more tired plus your vomiting sure distract u from work n housework..these r not as important as u keeping a healthy mind and having good rest to build your body...

huggies...dont give up!...

same to all mummies having bad MS. jia you!!!

Choc: pei fu...u vomit till u give birth...u r so strong..!

felpoo: i heard before people saying 2nd baby will show more obvious now...really blessed those pple who let their seats to u..=))

BPC, too bad on the train schedule. My line is east west. I think when preggies meet, they will talk non stop.. hehe


I've visited my gynae regarding this problem and i was given medicine but it doesn't really help.

I really have phobia with vomitting and taking food. Everytime when i vomit, i can feel the stomach been pushing up and the feeling is so terrible. I almost blacked out a few times when i vomitted, hence i was so despair

Jolin, I am facing the same problem as you do. I almost got phobia in taking food. I am been going to different websites to look for remedies to curb MS but to no avail. Food I guess, we have to trial and error to see which can increase or curb the nauseous . There is another one which you might try. Go to Guardian Pharmacy and buy the acupressure wristband. 1 set costs 13+. You have to wear both on the wrist. And if not, you might also want to try acupuncture. Though these 2 I have yet to try.

yah the sea bands/acupuncture wristband works wonder for me.. wear it every minute of my day even to slp(except showering).. 7-11 costs only $7+ and its more "fashionable" then the watson one.. also can adjust tightness cos i got big wrist

Judy, I agree with you. During my 1st pregnancy, my hubby wasn't tht understanding on the pregnancy symptoms, nauseous, fatigue, memory lapses, blah blah blah.

This time round, when he sees my MS worse off than the last pregnancy, he becomes so understanding that I myself is amazed.

ya.. hubby is even a little mean these days saying house very messy cos i never do housework.. and a lot of food we bought gets thrown out cos i eat a few mouths throw.. my first pregnancy for the both of us so a bit dont knw what to expect. one thing for sure next time i am not gonna buy food in big portion anymore.. haha..

Jolin, don't give up. Your MS will be over soon. For your household chores, u can engage part time Cleaner or your husband to help u out. Imagine, by next year now, your baby should be 5 to 6 month now. That time will be very cute. Think of happy things.... Take care.

Jolin, hang on there. I can truly understand how you feel coz i'm still having bad MS constantly. Not just constantly feeling nausea, giddy and want to vomitt, any smell can make me giddy/vomit too. I'm always tearing/crying at every meal coz all food just taste and smell like sh** to me and meal cycle is always eat, vomit and eat. No medication or remedies works for me at all.

I too almost wanted to give up and had a long talk with my gynae. He told me, I can overcome all these ms nonsense if i can control it mentally. We need to be very strong mentally. After the talk, i told myself i'm mentally ready to take this ms shit for the next 8mths. Like wat my gynae say, ms will be over in the next one month if i hit jackpot.

Housechores, leave it to your hubby or get a parttime cleaner. If you are giddy/nausea, just rest or watch tv or do something to get this ms thing out of your mind. Stay strong

faith, i'm a SAHM currently. I gave up a job offer due to MS.

choc, really pei fu with your 1st pregnancy!

felpoo, me too, din't get alot of things during 1st tri. Wanted to get a good breastpump this time round. I'm also closing factory after this one hehehe!

Aiyoh, back from lunch and now feel like vomitting.

Jol, you are most welcomed. Remember our words, we are here to give each other hope, encouragement, advice and whatever help that is required. You have problems, let us know and we can solve it together. Just don't think too much. You can even call me if you want. Let me know, ok?

Hi Felpoo, no, this is my first BB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i thought the chart is to indicate the coming one? That's why i hv zero experience, so many info out there, need to sort out.

Looks like most of us are feeling down and negative with all the MS, let's remind ourselves that we are not the only one suffering, in fact i was telling my hubby last nite that although i feel so terrible, i am still lucky compared to other mummies who vomit non stop.

Yes Jia you everyone!!!! Let's chit chat some happy stuff to keep our spirits high!!!

I da bao something back for lunch, but when i started to eat, i m put off by one of the dishes (i bought economic rice), sigh... why my craving change so fast.....

Thanks Ladies,

Really appreaciate all your encouragement and advice. I will take care and jia you.

You all too.

And Felpoo, thanks for your offer. I will pm you if i need someone to talk to. Really thanks.

Going for lunch now (Headached time)

jolin...yeah agreed that our lifestyle will change...then super tired easily...always wan to zzzz

dun tink of it so negatively...think of it in a positive note...MC is an entitlement...since we not well, we shld rest..

moreover we have work so hard for past few years...just take this little privilege to rest abit lar =)

dun worry, even if u vomit everything out, ur baby will still grow...ur body will have enough nutrients for them...no worries at all..

u will feel happier later on...dun tink so much...just take it MC=Leave at home kiao kar watch youtube/ppstream?

come come..i intro u one show i been chasing this few weeks, PS Man...go watch...u feel better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

valerie: yeah...vomit till last day before i go give birth..hahaa... till it become part of my routine...no choice leh...

i am not strong... just that more optimistic i shld say

@choc: And you still can work? For my condition now I already feel like taking long leave till I feel better. I'm so sleepy the whole day! My eyes can just close any time. Even now, I feel so tired.. How I wish I can stay at home, watch my drama, eat & sleep whenever I feel like it. *yawnz~*


Hi mummies to be... I jus came back from lunch too... had a veggie wrap and I am supper full now..

Shld be visiting my good friend soon (toilet bowl) but then again, I will tell myself.. its going to be over soon

Oh yah, my friend told me, when we are having MS, we will tend to feel very upset n moody so try not to restrict ourselves on the things we want to eat or do. This way, we will enjoy the pregnancy more rather then keep thinking about the MS.

So now whenever I see something I like, I will buy. Food that I want to eat I will too. Even coffee... I drink one cup a day to make my day happy. So long we take in moderately, we shld be fine.

Jia you to all the Mummies... !!

