(2011/02) Feb 2011

Charmaine, you mean you are doing oscar and detailed scan during the 5th month? I thought oscar is done during the 11th to 14th week and the scanning to scan the thickness of the neck.

The gynae said that doing oscar, you don't even need to do anything during the 5th month. Sorry, I sounded a bit confused on why you have a detailed scanning during the 5th month


Agree with you, we got to be smarter and know what we want this time round. (Peviously being 1st x mummy blur like sotong is pardonable)

Not easy as dunwan hubby to be caught in between also, haiz...

I religiously took hot soup and hot drinks before pumping. In order to boost up my flow, i pumped 3.5 hrly then to substain the flow. So the whole ordeal was "pump, wash, sterlise" "pump, wash, sterlise" "pump, wash, sterlise" "pump, wash, sterlise" ..... I was just like a pumping machine!

And gradually I lengthen the pumping from 4hrly to 6hrly to 8hrly interval.

I took fenugreek during the 7mths when there was a dip in my supply, helped abit. BM slowly ceased off when my son turns 1.

Cross my finger doubly hard that I will be successfully in latching my #2 this time round.

Poor you, wronged by your mil. What i did then was to find newpaper article in chinese on breast feeding and show it to my mil. If need me to frame it up, i will do so to convince her lor.

I also did educate her that is alrite to feed bb EBM that I pumped 30mins to an hr ago. I believe this is what they term by "cold milk". I brought her along for bb routine check by PD, and asked in front of PD whether is it ok to feed bb the "cold milk" that I've expressed out an hr ago, i guess PD's reply shut her up lor.

I believe the elderly has got alot to learn and they are not prone to breastfeeding during their time thus not trusting our "system". I gotta give mil some face also, rather than being angry with her, i resort to using facts via media or from professional help.

Hi mummies... I am suppose to do my OSCAR during my 12th week...

I think TMC charge $300 for it and also a blood test is required...

Frlpoo: Now I am confused too.. I thought we need to go to the hospital for a detailed scan at 5 months? Oscar and neck measurement is around 11 to 14 weeks.

felpoo, my oscar is done at 12weeks and detailed scan at 5th month but paying as a package. Oscar is a detailed scan done in 1st trimester to screen for risk of fetal anomalies, in particular, Down's Syndrome. 5th mth detailed scanning is done in 2nd trimester to examine in detail your bb's brain, face, spine, heart, stomach, bowel, kidneys and limbs to ensure normal growth. It is also conducted to check your placental position. I tot the 5th month detailed scan is compulsory? Coz all my friends had the detailed scan at 5th month but not all went for the oscar.

Felpoo: How about latching on your baby instead of expressing? I know it can be rather tiring.. But i figured that its better than expressing.. Saves you the trouble of washing and sterilising bottles, pump equipments, etc.. Needless to say warming up milk as well.

I took lots of papaya soup, fernugreek, fish, etc to try to boost my milk supply. Another boost milk strategy is emptying the milk. The more you express or latch.. the more milk you will produce.. Sadly.. my milk supply starts to dwindle in month 9... So thats where I give up.. Too little to continue...

S***, now I'm really confused. I linked the Triple Test with detailed scanning together as a package and thought that OSCAR done together with the neck is to replace the triple Test and 5th month detailed scan.

Sorry gals, I think I got it all jumbled up. I think I better call the nurse and check once again.

BPC, my EBM was placed in the fridge and my CL heated it up to give my baby girl. But my MIL insisted that the CL nvr heat it up. Anyway, this time round, I'm going to turn a deaf ear on the b/f if my MIL's going to nag.

By the way, are you using manual, battery of electric pump?

felpoo, may i ask if you monitor wat your CL give to your ger? Coz my 1st time getting a CL so dunno if i shd just double check wat the CL is giving my bb. I'm using medela mini e from 1st pregnancy. But the motor like getting worse after the 3rd month of usage and suction not strong.


Defintely electric pump, if not my palm will be full of blisters from e constant manual pumping.

I used the single Avent ISIS at home and a 2nd hand Ameda pump at work.

To share, I did the triple 3 at 11-12 wks + detail scan at 5th month previously.

Eviangal, I actually so much wanted to latch on the baby and bf. But my MIL back then was hovering around me. She kept insisting I don't have enough milk, which you can read from my earlier post "small boobs = no milk supply" theory and kept pressuring me. Thus, my mum kept asking me to go back to her place for confinement. At least she thinks the environment will be less pressurised by my MIL. But my MIL insisted that I go to my mum's place myself without bringing my older girl along.

Anyway, I'm going all the way out. Maybe if she's going to say that to me in front of my face, I will just let her know that she's not the one who's drinking my milk, how will she know whether I have milk or not :p

Hehe.. gotta make the mood lighter.. Sigh .. see how it goes then.

人生真地毫无乐趣。好多苦恼,又加上现在的 Morning Sickness

Charmaine, I didn't monitor as I was confined to bed but I had my girl constantly with me during the day, as I insisted that I bf her during the day despite my MIL's nagging. At night, I didn't get to see. So in the end, what did you use to express your milk? I take it that the Mini is a battery operated, right?

I have an auntie who kept ALL her tonics in her bedroom with her and if the CL needs to cook, my auntie can see what she took from the room. Maybe I should learn to be like her. :p

BPC, how much did you buy the Avent ISIS? My 1st one using the manual and I really pump like hell.

Now, should I buy a battery or electric operated pump?

Thanks eviangal for the advice. I will be going to Popular bookshop to get a cookbook on confinement dishes.

By the way, can we drink papaya soup everyday without fail just to boost the milk supply?

Charmaine, my OSCAR charges same as Raine. $300 including blood test. The test is done at TMC.

Detailed scan at 5th month is compulsory for everyone..

Felpoo: I am not very sure if we can drink papaya soup everyday.. I think better to take in moderation.. Cos too much papaya can make baby yellow too.. My mother in law will try to cook soup for me everyday during my confinement period. Sometimes papaya soup, sometimes black chicken soup, etc.

I didnt really follow the confinement food menu either.. Cos I dont really like confinement food. So my mother and mother in law try to cook food that are suitable to my palate and yet suitable for my recovery...

For breastpump, I am using the medela pump in style advance. Serve me quite well. Used it for 9 months and now passed it to my friend before I continue again in Feb. Motor still running very well. Runs on electricity. But there is an external component to attach to a battery pack for us to go handsfree too..

There is a new version call the free style, heard that is even better. If not becos I already have this advance. I will go for the freestyle.

Felpoo, don't think so negatively, when you see your children, they are your joy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It's really sad to see that MIL are not pro breastfeeding, just be firm and let her know you really want to breastfeed. We can't stop them from nagging, so juz turn a deaf ear lo, sooner or later they will stop nagging if they see no response from us lol

I think most impt your hubby must stand on your side to breastfeed, or ask ur hubby to tell your MIL to stop stressing you?

Neon, I nvr told my husband about his mother. He's those type who's very impulsive and will start to scold his mother and I don't want to be the one to create rifts between his mother and him. It's not necessary. Don't worry for me. I will just turn a deaf ear to whatever she says. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi hi mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehehe did i miss out anything here... hmm saw a new name felpoo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ladies here talking about MIL??

Felpoo, medela mini is electric pump. But the motor really not strong. Considering to get a 2nd hand pump with stronger motor since I will be giving bb ebm all e time. My mum also dun encourage bf. Kept nagging to me tat I shd gv formula. She say formula has more nutrients den breastmilk ha! I proved her wrong when son is 2mths. She had accidentally cut my son's forehead with her bracelet n I apply breastmilk on the cut. The wound closed within 2hrs n I told her - see, this is magic milk. She stopped nagging since. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lim baby, I called thomson to enquire the cost for Oscar n they say the cost is now $318 excluding gst.

Eviangal, my frd using freestyle. She can pump both breasts handsfree! But too ex for my budget.

felpoo, i got it at the taka fair in 07, bundle package tgt with bottles and some other Avent stuff, around $280?? cant recall the exact price.

In fact I gotten this pump to encourage myself to BF, must fully utilise it!!!

Both pumps are electric operated and serve me well. My Avent pump has used on-going from June 07 till present (after I stopped, I passed it to my gal friend who has delivered 2 kids and still using now).

Both electric pump comes with battery compartment, say when u need to pump if u were to go shopping and there's no power switch available, can use the battery operated pump then.

I wld advise u to get a duo pump if ur budget allows you. Save you the time on pumping. Down side for single pump is that one side will be leaking your precious BM while u pump the other side. Not a veri nice sight thou :þ

Charmaine: Wow.. Breastmilk so powerful? can even close up a wound soo.. fast? But I find that breastmilk really decreases the child's chances of falling sick though.. After I stopped breastfeeding, my gal tend to fall sick easier..

Ya.. Freestyle is abit ex. But I think a US set was at around S$500+ last time.. Not sure the price now though.. To me handsfree is a blessing.. Very tiring to sit there and pump for soo.. long. Prefer to walk around or play with my laptop whilst pumping.. So I got myself a handsfree strap from mumsfairy to free my hands as I pump.. Can eat, surf the net or read newspaper whilst pumping..

Hi mummies,

Just see my gynae this afternoon. My bb is at 31.2mm exactly 10 weeks. Can see the head, leg and hand according to my gynae. Am so happy that bb is growing well. All discomfort are worthwhile. My gynae did not mention any test to be done. I will see him after my trip to Bintan, see what he say. Any mummies opted out for the Oscar test?

wa, Charmaine! the breastmilk is so shen qi, can heal the wound so fast! amazing... i will share this with whoever is against BF.

How much is the medela freestyle? There are so many things to prepare for the arrival, i think i need to write a list of what to buy so that i can start to budget for it.

How about sterilizer? any recommendation?

Hi Audrey, I am new in this thread and we are talking about our MIL's misconception of bf.

Charmaine, my MIL knows it herself that BM is good. She chose to bf her son but not her 2 daughters and my 2 sils always blame her for that when they feel that they lack of something which my hubby has.. Hehe.. she will just smile sheepishly. I think she favours boys more than girls. Well, I wonder if this second child is boy, I think she won't let me BF as she will afraid that I will starve her grandson. She's very skeptical about my supply.

I think I should just buy an electric as the last time I was using manual pump and it was so tiring. How much is the freestyle and pump in style?

Eviangal, you are good man. Getting a handsfree strap. Maybe I should keep a lookout for mummy or baby fair and see whether will I be able to grab any goodies.

I do agree the miracles of BM. I use bm when my girl got those little rashes on her cheek when she was a baby. Applying on the rash and then gently wipe it off with a damp cloth and the rash will disappear pretty fast. I also use it on my girl's eyelashes. I cut her eyelashes and then apply on it, and presto, thick and long. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eviangal, cool! Am gg to look for a handfree strap too.

felpoo, double cool! U cut ur gal's lashes!!! Wow, bravo. If i have a gal this time, i will try. Love long n thick lashes.

May I ask, wat is the lenght that you cut? 0.5 cm?

For breastpump, its cheaper to get from US. Based on the US website prices, its approx S$500 to get a freestyle (inclusive of shipping). Could be lower.

And about S$400 for Pump In Style Advance (inclusive of shipping). Now I am thinking if I should sell away my current PIS Advance to get a freestyle set.

Read that its soo much smaller and easier to handle.. I had to bring my pump to and fro work everyday.. Very troublesome...


Medela Freestyle - $289.95 - SAVE $40

Medela Pump in Style Advanced - Shoulder Bag - $219.95 - SAVE $30

Medela Pump in Style Advanced - Backpack - $219.95 - SAVE $30

Medela Pump in Style Advanced - Metro Bag - $249.95 - SAVE $40

eviangal, wow, i din't know there's this handsfree strap gadget. Will source for it when i'm out shopping.

Breastmilk also heals the milk rash on my son's face during 1st 3 mths. 2nd day of pumping milk, my nipples cracked and applying breastmilk heals it in a day. Imagine my shock when i saw the ebm is pink in colour. It's antiseptic and has healing properties.

Neongoby, freestyle cost ard $5-600. I'm using avent sterilizer. I bought it after i melted 6 avent bottles ( i dozed off while boiling the bottles)

felpoo, whether boi or ger, go ahead with breastfeeding.

eviangal, have you ever order from this webbie? Do you roughly noe how much's the shipping cost? Coz now getting a 2nd hand PIS also cost ard $300+. Might as well get a new one for this price.

Good infomation about breast pumps here. Never came across my mind yet cos I think its still early =X

I am 8 weeks now and my vomitting is getting quite bad. Anyone knows where to get ginger sweets? Is it effective? Thanks in advance

Hi Joy07, happy to know your bb's well. My next appointment with Dr Fong is on Mon 12 Jul. By date, I should be almost 10 weeks when I next see him but we'll see how by the size of the bb.. hehe.. Looking forward to it..

Will you still be in your first trimester when you go Bintan? Did Dr Fong discourage you to go overseas? Hehe...

Hmmm... rest of the ladies, sorry, I'm very confused with all the oscar and other tests, BF apparatus etc already. Will take it one step at a time. Will check with you girls when the time comes hehe..

Charmaine: Have not ordered from this website before. That's y setting aside about $80 for shipping + GST..

Mummies keen in the handsfree strap, mayb you can consider ordering from here. I thinking of ordering new breast shields from here too. Cheaper than Singapore. My handsfree strap alone costs me S$29.90 liaoz.. Bought it from Mumsfairy last time.

And the shield cost me another S$29.90 for it.. This set seems like a pretty good value.. But need people to share though.. Cos we dont really need 3 pairs of shields..


Faith, I will be approaching end of 1st trimester. He didn't discourage me from going but asked me to be very careful. He didn't mention to me need to go for oscars test. Let me Noe if he asked u on this. I am not sure whether I will go for the test or nt coz heard from mrs ong that her result show that her bb high risk abnormalities but she didn't go for further test. Her bb boy was born healtily. Make her so worried thru out the pregnancy.

Ok, Joy07, will keep you posted.

Hi mummyb, if I'm not wrong, I think duphaston and utrogestan serve the same purpose.. I'm taking utrogestan, which is meant to prepare the womb for the fetus.

I used Medela Pump in Style Advanced for my no.1. I bought it from US. For those who plan to buy from US, pls take note that if your medela pump has any issue and u intend to Sg service centre to service it, you need to pay $50 service charge. It only applicable to medela pump bought in US.

Besides that, you also need to buy transformer to convert the voltage. If not, you can buy chargeable battery so that you can use battery to operate it. If not mistaken, it needs 6-8 battery.

Hi MummyB, I am still on duphaston which my gynae gave me. Initially because I had cramps (in week 6) so I have to take like 3 times a day but last visit with the gynae, she reduce to 2 perday then next week will be 1 per day.

What I was told is that duphaston is to protect our womb.

Some of my friends also took it during their pregnancy

Hello Morning!

pumps: I was using Avent Manual pump previously and very durable lasted me for 20mths... so this time round will get a electric pump from Avent lor =D

Duo pump exp leh! but worth considering..... I think buy from US cheaper coz last time i see pple spreeing from US

good morning mummies,

recently taking train in the morning has been a roller coaster for me, i hv to keep eating sweets from vomiting and black out. 8 weeks going 9 weeks... can't wait to reach 2nd trimester!!!!!

wow, the freestyle pumps is expensive... i think i will source for altenative. After a trip to kiddy palace to check out the prices of all the equipment needed, both my husband and i came out mouths open wide wide, all the things are at least $100 an above. sigh... must start to save big time

Morning ladies. Hope today will be a beautiful day for all. Yday was bad as I was feeling nauseous and giddy for the whole day. Till now, still feel like vomitting but try not to.

BPC : I cut my girl's eyelashes the moment I can see the lashes. I didn't measure it. I buy those little scissors and do it when she was sleeping. After which, I put some bm and just wipe it on the lashes. But must use a damp cloth to wipe it off. Every few months, I will just trim

her lashes the moment it gets long. I cut mine too during my confinement.

felpoo...actualli the cure to feeling like vomitting is just to force out the things stuck there...u will feel much better leh...

this is wat i do..if i feel like vomitting, i make sure i go puke out... then feel alot better

hahaa..sounds crazy but it did help

wah.. never sign in for a couple of days and i cant keep up with the conversation already.. haha..

btw, i will reach my 12 weeks in about 2 weeks time.. does any of u knw what are the tests involved in 12 weeks? whether there are any detailed scanning, etc? up till now gynae has not taken any sort of test on me except initial urine test and then protein test last appointment.


Choc, I know what you mean. But I can't afford to do so as this time round, my MS is from morning to night. And I tried that before and I can vomit 4 to 5 times a day. Luckily vomit out is not the food but the water. But I'm afraid after vomitting, I need to eat more and then the vicious cycle starts over again.

