(2011/01) Jan 2011


mine is 500mg

poo poo color

khloe's poo turn green from yellow these 2 days..my MIL say bcos she got shock..does it logic??? this is not the first time khloe shock from sleep, she been on and off like that since born..y now then the poo turn green? sometime just dun understand the OLD PPL's logic..MIL wan to give khloe eat the jin feng shan, she pour on her finger at my bed, dirty my bed, then when feed khloe, pour a bit at her neck..then say NEVERMIND...walao, diden clean immediately also..later if I comment, say I hard to please..i ever think to quit my job to look after my baby and ask her to go work (my MIL working last time, she quit after khloe born)..Khloe got ear infection, when I feed, ask why feed so much...doctor say 2ml then I feed 2ml lar..she comment all this too much..


who will look after your baby when you go back to work?



i think any brand is fine as long as the material is sturdy and not too thick for baby's comfort. i got a hand me down "mums in mind" from my sis.

week 6-8 crying peak

read in many books that week 6-8 is the baby's crying peak. this will eventually die down when the baby approach 3rd month. hand in there!! my boy is 2 mth 0fficially today!

so it may not be colic as we often think it is..

nose mucus

i'll use my clean finger to clear those that are visible at the nose edge. the rest, let him sneeze it out. but do notice there's alot of ear wax. there's nothing much i can do except to clean the ears and behind the ear w a slightly damp cloth.

habourfront mothercare fair/taka babyfair

pinky, no good deal huh? then i'll give it a miss then.

any feedback on the taka fair?


my mum, she stay opp Madeira.

i'm a workaholic. can't imagine myself being a SAHM. another option is to be a adjunct teacher. i'm the type de die also wan to work de, or else i feel very disconnected like that.

jin feng san

in the FB page, some1 mentioned that it's for 2yrs onwards. dun give too much.

cha siew pau's poo is yellow colour. did u give kloe FM or eat anything different in ur diet? that's probably y colour different.

Kimmy, my boy poo also turned green few dsys ago, my mum also said he got shock. N feed him jin feng shan. I feel it shld not be harmful so just let her feed.

On the otherhand, I asked lactation consultant n my gynae, they all said green is normal n shld not be worried.sometimes feed bm is like that. Light green n mustard green is ok wor...n now n bb poo turn back yellow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

old ppl always say when poo turn green is cos kenna shock.

for bb on full bm, if poo turn green sometimes is cos of something we ate or for watever reason bb has been taking more foremilk than hindmilk.

usually after a day or so, the poo will adjust back.

for full bf bbs, any colour between light green to yellow to orangey yellow is considered normal.

Chubby.. I feel harbourfront there got nothing much. But I went late and was in a rush.. So probably did get to see ard much.. I may not give fair judgement..

Jin Feng San.. I have been giving some to bb every alternate day and before going out if possible.. So far ok...

pinky, harbourfront is the flagship store, if nothing much there then really nothing to buy haha :p

Chabby, taka has 2 baby fairs per year, one in Mar the other I think in Aug/Sep couldn't remember. Last year I went, they have many brands and comprehensive range of items with some having 20% discount. I will be heading down next wed to check it out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But if you're planning to get Avent items suggest to wait for Philips carnival sale.

Thanks Xiaopang and elekos,

I have been using the pigeon nose pump since visit to kkh the other day. His nose is better nowadays and yes bb is sleeping in aircon room. Dunno whether he will have sinus as both hubby and me are prone to sinus.


You shld try the pigeon nose pump cos it really clears the mucus. As for dried ones that I see near the outside of nose, I use a damp sterilized cottonbud to clean.

Just back from the mothercare sales. most of the things got 15% off. got some cheap babycot for sales too.

bought a baby carrier and some other stuff.

as for jin feng shan, i let my gal took once too. cause got 1 time her poo is green. before i know formula can give out green color poo. so i give her some. but i find it harmless too. cause when we are newborn our parent's might do the same thing to us too. haha..


Firs is quite known to help with constipation as it's lighter and not that heaty too. Quite a no. of my fren's who switched to Friso has good reviews on it


I can't seem to find the Facebook page for Jan 2011 pretty mums. It gives me a no search result. Can someone just add me to the page?

Hi mummies,

Anyone knows what cream is good for healing mosquito bites that can buy from pharmacy? My older gal keeps getting bitten by mozzies at my MIL's place, last nite came back with at least 6 bites on her face :-(

I'm using Friso as well. Switched back to it after the green poo produced by enfalac. Doesn't constipate and I like that it dissolves easily too. enfalac and isomil were very clumpy...drove me mad trying to dissolve the clumps everytime.

Mummies, my boy used to feed every 3 hours but these 2 days, he doesnt even cry for milk after 4 hours. Is dis normal? My boy is now 8 weeks old. Shld i increase his milk to make sure he's drinking enuff?

Hi mummies, I have a brand new bumbo seat with table to let go @ $62. Coz my boy is too big to fit into the seat. Any one interested please pm me okie? ;)

Elekos, mine is emergency csec.. was drama.. was supposed to be natural..then during my check up on 31 Dec, gynae realised my bb suddenly gained 700gm in a week! went for detailed scan and realise insufficent water.. proposed to admit to TMC at midnite for induce. Soooo i went in @ midnite, but before i could be induced, the nurses realised my bb not moving..Gynae came and told me bb lack of oxygen.. sooooo i was pushed into operating theatre of csec under GA [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mummies.. if you are robinson card member, should go and shop there.. 20% plus 7% GST absorbed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My gal went for 6 in 1 jab today and she's super cranky today.. is this normal? no fever but crying more than usual.. Can mummies advise?

Hi Mag

My boy is having blocked nose too. Becomes breathless and not able to drink milk well. You said we could use the nose pump to suck out the mucus but for blocked nose where the mucus is not dribby, will it still work?

hello mummies! i have a 900g Similac 1 Advance eye Q plus for sale. Letting go at $30.00. Brand new. I bought it before the PD advise to let my bb go on HA formula. can arrange to meet up for transaction. 90685338. expire apr 2012.

Corale, my boy went for the 6 in 1 jap on wed and he was cranky as well. But he is better the next day, just that he hasn't been drinking well. Drinking lesser than before and his poo becomes pasty instead of watery.

Mummies who are feeding on ebm exclusively, can you advise me how you managed to maintain your consistency on expressing time. Sometimes my boy gets cranky and wants to be carried and my expressing time got delayed by another 1-2 hours. This is making me so stressful and frustrated cos my supply is affected. I wonder how long I can continue to bf.

Suzysbear, guess it's normal then? Luckily she still slept thru the whole night... She is still Asleep... ;)

I am having the same problem as she doesn't really sleep in the day time ! Have to keep her entertained. My SS is just enough to feed her 80% of total feed. Have to supplement w fm. Can't latch her to increase SS coz of her reflux

Corale, I think if baby has no fever and drinking well should be fine. You are lucky that your baby is sleeping thru the night which is good. If she takes too much nap in the day, she will stay awake in the night. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my baby still wakes up 2-3 hours for night feed and it's killing man!


For my elder girl I expressed exclusively and I must admit it's not easy. I expressed when she's sleeping or sometimes I express while feeding her. I lay her in my lap with her head on one arm. Same arm hold the milk bottle. The other hand hold the pump.

Hang in there, it gets easier as they get older cos u can just put them in the rocker n talk to them, make funny faces etc while u pump.

Hi Elekos,

do you know when is the taka march bb fair?

Also when is the philip fair?

I wanna get more of the Avent milk containers.

had used up 3boxes to store my ebm for Angel.

Now left 3 containers only, so starting to thaw the January ones for her to drink once a day.

Xiaopang, don't be too frightful that bb don't drink enough. If she suckle till sleep, just let her sleep. BB will know whether she is more hungry or more sleepy and will know which to choose.

Suzysbear, don't worry! delay a bit in expressing is ok. But as long as u latch and express, supply will increase. Best is slowly increase ur expressing.

haha! Grumpus, we are alike! But just that I let bb suckle on one and use the avent hand pump for the other. But only when the other is engorge and is spraying out the milk due to let down.

Gee... last night went for wedding dinner. Then my Aunty and Uncle also asked me for my ebm for their 9-mths old bb (my cousin). Haha! I felt so funny. When cousin grow up, I can tell her that she drank my milk to grow up!! Then means I'm her short-term "nai-ma"! haha!!

But provided I have abundant supply for my baby Angel 1st then will give her. Cos now only expressing about 1 full bottle a day to store, not like in the beginning where at least 2-3bottles.

CLtine, maybe can ask PD for decongestants or nasal drops?

Charleen, Taka bb fair is from this Wed Mar 9 till 28. As for Phlips carnival sale, last year there was one in May and the other in Oct. Not sure if this year will be the same months.


I dont know if i should give up breast feeding. Now, i have to pump at least every 3hr. If i exceed the 3hrly, i will have block ducts n develop into mastitis. I had 3 times mastitis already n have been taking antibiotics. Sigh...just finished the last dose of antibiotics today. Hope i wont get mastitis again. Becoz of the block, my amount keep dropping. Now, at most i can only get 100ml each pump (30mins). Somestimes, only 50ml each pump....

My boy is drinking abt120ml 2hrly. It is damn tired to feed my boy at the same time meeting the 3hrly pumping schedule....how??

My mum keeping asking me if want to give up coz i din get enough sleep n my boy can awake n crying from 1am till 6am everyday, so need a lot of energy to handle him....how to pump out milk?

Puix2 I also suffer from mastitis on 3 events... I understand how hard it is...all 3 occasion arise becos I went out or is occuPied (full month celebration) each time is painful sore n hot breast plus high fever... Bcos it happened so Many times I m also scare that after I go back office I cannot keep up e 3 hour pumping schedule and will get into trouble again...

HowEver I really wan e best for my gal and tho bf is hard it is a prEcious gift wE can give our little one...

Pls do not be sway by e ppl from previous generation... During their time it is more fashionable to feed bb fm.. Jiayou ok! I will try to give our little one bm for as lOng as possible

Nimkukut, so did u also on antibiotics when having mastiis n still giving ur bm to bb? How is ur supply now? Good?

Puix2 - dun give up and try your best. Yr hubby cannot help to look after bb at nite? My hubby does the nite feeds as i need to wake up and pump, and my gal usually does not fall asleep immediately after her feed so my hubby also lack of sleep, but he is willing to do it as we want to give our gal bmilk as long as possible. I bfeed my older gal for 1 year, and before she started childcare when she was 2, she very very seldom fall sick, and even when she did, it was very mild. It is really difficult to manage babies if they fall sick when they are very young, as they cannot tell u if they dun feel well, and so hard to give meds also, so try and bfeed as long as you can.

Sputnik, my hubby will help if he is off day. His occupation needs him to fly a lot hence he may not be with me days or week. So how do u handle during day time when ur hubby is working?


mine too!! I totally understand what you are going through. Countless nights where u wake upand hv to handle baby and everything when u are so darn tired...

puix - during daytime i try to time her wake up time and feeds such that she will nap when i need to pump. Cos usually she will wake up, drink milk, then sleep maybe abt 1 hr+ later. A few times she woke up while i pumping and start crying so i just let her cry. Or if she is awake when it is time for me to pump, i will put her on a mattress or rocker in the same room as me, and if she starts crying i will leave her to cry for a while. 2nd time mummy more hard hearted when it come to bb crying... LOL

Puix, chelleybaby, grumpus,

I also kpo lah... Are your hubbies working in service or technical side of d airline industry?


my hubby and mum is also trying to stop me from breastfeedin as i dun have enough supply and he wants me to rest more. cuz i end up pumping when the baby sleep. so dun really have enuff time to rest. i ended up pumping 3-4x a day.

jus caught a very bad cold yesterday and shiver like mad. so now on medication and have to pump and throw away the breastmilk.

sigh~ so heart pain.

any ways to avoid blocked ducts? i've this particular area that keeps blocking.

hi chabby,massage and keep on massaging at each pump. That's what i realise after having blocked ducts and hard breast a few times

I've always been massaging as i pump one side at a time.

think it's time for hot bottle compress again. sigh~

Hi, anyone is having extra EBM? My boy is currently 7Days old and I don't have enough BM to supply...

Btw, I need non smoking mothers EBM as Im quite worried abt affecting his jaundice level... Hes quite yellow with level 206 for jaundice...

I just delivered and have my stiches pain, will need to arrange for item to pick up ... Tks!!!!

Pls email me

[email protected]

Chercat, mine cabin crew as well.

Chabby, massage n pump every 3hr...i massage before pumping. Seems like no other ways to avoid block ducts...



Is yr bb on ebm too? I am also keen to increase my milk supply u hav lobang for the herbal tea? Any mummies here drinkin herbal tea instead of the fenugreek pills?

