(2011/01) Jan 2011

Wow chelleybaby u are good! I was not using yet as I hav yet finish my massage [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and my massage lady take off somemore can die so I put on her binder but still my tummy above the wound hurt a little so been without binder for 2 days stomach not flat Liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Hi chabby will buy that later meanwhile drinking anmum lacta milk hope it helps my gal drink 100ml of ebm and top up fm of 60ml [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] tot it's too much but she really askin for it as she has enough she will push the bottle away aiyo soon she will be sumo lol

Chabby: waoh.. Thanks for sharing e blog link.. I m itching to try on my Ariel bb also.. But she only 3 weeks old so I scare she too young to take such a strict regime... When do u ladies planning to start training ur little one?

I plan to start training e 3hr interval feeding first... :D jiayou!

hi Everyone.. thanks for the reply.. today is day 12.. my mum let me bath with herbs already.. feel so refresh.. but after awhile sweat again.. cuz i was doing wrapping on my own as today my massage lady is not here.. today my mum is sick.. so i have to do things on my own.. ask my brother go downstair buy food for me n i bath my first one n take care of both baby on my own.. hubby went to work until now still haven't reach home.. afternoon i did take a nap when they both r sleeping.. my milk supply decrease.. so sad about it.. have been pumping n store in freezer.. hope my supply will go up.. coping with two babies is not easy.. but my girl sometimes very good.. will throw didi diaper for me.. feel so happy when i see her growing up to become a caring jie jie already.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The confinement lady I found does it for 40 days at reasonable rate and my MIL also encourages confinement for 40 days. She's a relative of a fren.

Anyway today my mother came and she has her own way of doing things to take care of bb and also confinement. Big clash with CL and now CL says she wanna go home. My hubby managed to mitigate and she will stay for another week. Though I don't like her character but the food and taking care of bb is ok. I don't want to suffer during confinement lor. Cried so much just now until my eyes also pain now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks Lily and luckymummy for the bank advice. Am doing more research first.

Have yet to register bb name too. We got a nice name for him but haven't checked whether it's ok. Don't feel like checking cos don't want to go thru hassle of changing if not suitable.

so pissed off now..my MIL bath my baby everyday, i on and off will stay and see how she bath, she din wash baby's private part, only wash the area tat we apply rashes cream, i told her must wash, later got infection more worse..she say no need, won't get infection....wat kind of thinking is tat? Baby kick a lot till the poo poo is everywhere, she tot poo poo only at bottock area, pls lor, leg sometime also will kena the poo poo...sibeh PISSED!


Cool down. I am also V irritated but it's with my CL with some stuff but don't wanna suffer during confinement cos CL wants to go back saying since I don't like her then stop all confinement. Realized my CL is quite petty so now I always explained clearly and slowly the reason I want things to be done certain ways. Maybe you can try that with your MIL. otherwise you can tell her that you consulted many friends and the conclusion is ... Same given by all your friends so she cannot always say she's right

I just delivered in early October 2010 and have following items for sale:

1) Almost new Ameda Lactaline Dual Breast Pump

- Bought when in hospital

- Used very lightly mainly to relieve engorgement, didn't succeed in bf

- Almost brand new with original packaging (no warranty as this is purchased from UK)

- BPA free pump kit version of Ameda Lactaline

- All items as come with new purchase (except that there is only 1 extra brand new valve-i.e. 3 valves in all, of which 2 have been used)

Give-away with above:

- 18 glass bottles (similac brand) collected from hospital which can be used to store EBM

- 1 brand new bottle cap with sealer which fits the glass bottles perfectly (NUK brand, never used before, bought as a standby in case i need to store EBM)

Price = S$250

2) Pigeon Disposable Breast Pads

- 36 + 6 free pads in the box (brand new of course)

Price = S$8

3) Philips Baby monitor Model SCD463

- Received this set as a gift in 2008 but never used. Box is opened but contents are all new.

- Digital signal confirmation

- Up to 200m range

- 16 channels

Price = S$100 (neg)

Self Collection = Tampines MRT or Raffles Place MRT

Pls PM me your hp no or email me at [email protected] if interested

My CL is the one who suggested to supplement with FM as my BM was not enough to satisfy baby. He's now taking 110-120ml, my BM supply is still trying to meet his demand.

I usually will first latch him, if he's not full will feed him the EBM, and final resort will be FM. But nighttime, CL will feed him 2-3 feeds of FM.

Anyway, my CL is quite a rough lady when comes to household chores.

She already dropped a few laundry clips out of the window, almost dropped my bra and the laundry bag, lost two booties when she poured baby laundry water into toilet bowl, spoilt my mop handle and broke a cup. The thing is, she never bother to apologise for any of them.

She will turn on the tv at 6pm when she eats her dinner (and I eat mine), as she's into the drama serial 爱, wlll watch all the way to 8pm, weekends till 9pm. Since my hubby didn't say anything, I just kept quiet.

Anyway, just have to put up 5 more days before she balik kampong.

Lily - haha, u are not the only one. My massage lady at first coming at 1pm, then message me at 10am + ask if can come early before 12pm, i said ok and told my CL i will eat lunch after the massage. Then at 12pm the massage lady tell me she will be late and will come at 1pm! Wah lau... so i tell my CL she go and cook lunch fast fast so i can eat.

I want to vent out!!!

I gave birth on 21 Dec, 30days confinement is over but my cousin advise me to continue, do a 40 days confinement. I will eat some outside foods but not much cos my MIL been cooking the same foods since I discharge from hospital. she bought the hui ji bottle drink, like the chicken essence. I hate all these drinks but since it's for my own good and she already bought it, so I just drink it, I cover my nose with one hand and drink it then follow by red date/milo/plain water cos I hate the smell. She knew I drank it so she take it as I DUN REJECT. Just now I went to drink, she then say did you drink the chicken essence...WALAO, how many *pu* drink she wan me to take???? my body is very heaty already (sorry being gross), everyday gotto clean my nose wax, hard yellow and got blood!!! I told her many times tat I very heaty already..she like to say confinement not scared of heaty one...she always ask me to drink the DOM everyday, I told her I hate the smell which she also say she cannot take the smell also. SEE!!!!! seriously, I will try lar, but i hate ppl kept repeat the same words EVERYDAY!!! very irritating leh...

she ask me want to eat mee sua, kuay teow or mi tai mak. I told her mi tai mak, she can cook the same for many days till I complaint, she say I like to eat!! DID I SAY I LIKE??

AND I ALSO HATE TO HEAR THIS (after I latch) - why baby crying, previous feed not full ah? my MIL will say this when baby is up after 1+ hour sleep and cranky..seriously, my baby will reject milk when i latch her, doctor say that if baby want, they drink, they dun wan, they will reject. so why my MIL say such words??? She will say baby after eat sure will sleep. NOT REALLY OK!!! sometime khloe dun wan to sleep after fed. overall, my MIL wan to bottle feed!!!!!!!! i am so pissed!!! I need baby to stimulate milk supply, so I refused to bottle feed whole day since I can latch. not enuf??? milk dripping even after baby reject...not enuf meh???


My hubby also not very helpful especially nite time until I scold him 2 days ago. My baby very cranky from 3am plus, cant latch her probably, dunno is whos problem. my hubby was sleeping and he woke up and ask me why not bottle feed. I can still tahan my anger, but baby continue to make noise and my hubby wake up and say - why you feed milk until like that! I was super pissed and scold him. then he woke up and carry baby for almost 1 hour, but khloe still refused to sleep, so I went to get 1oz EBM and feed her, she drink and cranky the same like latching. So I take the chance to tell my hubby and ask him to see it himself. Not about bottle feed or latch, baby just cranky and now he understand. very pissed when these ppl never go through the pain but wan to comment.


I understand how u feel!! Me too!!... whenever baby cry, they will keep saying baby hungry hungry, never drink enuff, when he just drank like 30min to 1 hr ago... told them he just drank milk until puke... and now cry coz he wants people to carry him (coz daddy, in-laws happy happy will carry carry him)... later baby cry, they will just throw back to mummy, and say baby wants to drink, baby hungry...!!... so pissed off too!!

But I try to maintain my cool coz they say that if we are stress or angry, it will affect our milk supply... so just keep quiet and think happy thoughts.. not easy, but no choice, coz it's our decision to breastfeed!!...


everybody is having such a difficult time taking care of baby, breastfeeding, CL, ML, MILs, hubby, not to mention, hot weather, cannot bathe, wash hair, etc etc....

But, please THINK HAPPY!!

Happy thoughts = Happy BM = Happy Baby!....

That's what I keep telling myself in order to maintain my sanity...

It is important that mommies don't get angry or stressed out as it will affect milk supply.

Also, don't cry so much during confinement, try to stay optimistic and happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I was feeling upset over the CL first week and cried few times when over the phone with my mom. She advised me not to cry else eyes will be dry and affect eyesight.

Really not easy when we hav so Many things on hand food caterig for full mth, visitor list, coping with CL, coping with maid, coping with mil and hav to make dun stress so body will recover meanwhile hav to wake up to either feed or express hence can't rest enough plus if hubby not hands on worst! And I need to make sure my son not neglected pack his bag do his hmwork with him read him stories talk to him etc where to find time to rest all will be worst when CL leave nex Monday wonder I can keep my sanity for how long being a woman is so so painful sob sob :..(

Kimmy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u r not alone! My MIL also always say ( every time I feed bb ebm) ...... So little aan? And I had to says this is amount she needs now! But in case bb cry after feed for poo, pee or any noise and wakes up she will comment ' see not full' n sat at least 5 times ' hungry' ' hungry' [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] she never says this fir FM even if bb cry after that she will say ' u r full then why cry?' I was si angry these days and really wanted to stop her comments !

Last week I confronted her and told her pls don't say those words cos I don't like! U said all this n discouraged me fir my elder dd time and I could feed longer. Rather u should encourage n give tips! I know what to feed n when? So don't want to hear this again. Now , she never comment but every time bb cry just play with her or make her sleep but never comment on milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We gave birth on 21 st so few more days if confinement then we can do whatever we want! Just ignore her n if u can't confront her in polite way! No point think think think , stress and angry!

Hi all,

I've a used medela breast pump (model - freestyle) to let go.. less than 3mths old.. (I'm at nov'10 mummy).. PM me if u r interested.. condition is still very new.. accept for the breast shield I suggest to get a new one for hygiene purpose..



You are not alone. I also facing exactly same problem with you.

I also cry during my confinment.

Regarding about latching, I would suggest you give EBM through bottle cos it can lessen our stress if baby cant latch properly. My boy is doing very well with bottle fed EBM. At least, i personally feel that baby wun get so cranky. Then over the weekend when hubby is available to help, you can try latching on. That is what i do right now. See if it will be of some relieve.

Maybe to sooth you a bit, my MIL can say all sorts of funny funny comments to my son 1 loh. E.g when he grow up and daddy wanna lecture him. She will take cane and beat daddy. Daddy no gd lah blah blah blah.

Imagine when my son grows up, what would happen???

But seriously, I feel that now though i bottle fed EBM, baby is growing well. He is only a week old and his intake is 80ml every feed 3 hourly.

You might wan to consider bottle fed EBM?

Please dun get upset ok? cos it will affect milk supply and i believe our baby can feel our sadness also.

Cheer Up!

Our mother or MIL think they know much better than us since they have brought us up. However, they may not know what's best for your own baby.

You, as the mommy, has the right to decide how you want to bring up your child and what's best for him/her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Agree with elekos.

and they also must realise these days kids are not the same as before.

Things we eat are different, our living style also different, and of cos diseases / problem we faced also not the same as before.

We must be strong mummies!

Hi All

Any mummies here got diaper packaging to give?

I wanna buy drypers brand and need non=dryper wrappers.

If you are staying at Boon Keng, AMK, Toa payoh and not using drypers pls consider passing to me


Dear Mummies,

Anyone of you have experience with baby wanting to be latched on non-stop?

My princess highness has been suckling continuously since 2pm till now (am helpless sending this via iPhone while she's still latched on), until she dozed off to sleep. Doesn't seem to be comfort suckling as her throat is moving (i may be wrong). However, her sleep is short-lived to ard less than 5 mins so far, and when she's awake she'll find frantically for her food source. My back is aching not mentioning my breast from the hours of nursing.

Have tried carrying her, walking ard the house, singing songs but nothing helps. Anyone with any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Hi whisp,

Your nipples must be sore after baby latching on for so long.

Did you try to swaddle her when she's sleeping so that she will feel more secure?

Or you can try using a soother as a last resort. I did, and she slept like an angel.

Hope this help.

Hi all, may I ask if there are any good yet less crowded PD in the west area? My boy just threw up for the 4th time in 2days plus quite bad nasal congestion. His PD at Mt A is fully booked till march!! If walk in dunno hv to wait hw long... Sigh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi alicia,

i've previously tried using a pacifier but she rejected it. guess i'll try using it again.

thanks for your advice.

hi Chelleybaby,

my heart goes to you and your boy. hope he will have a speedy recovery. u take care of urself too.

Kimmy, hoshi, sherill, angeline...

I also facing same problem, but DOUBLE the trouble. MIL plus FIL!!! Whenever baby cry, they will keep on asking the same question "Baby not full ah, when is the next feed, baby feeling hot ah, baby sleepy but cannot sleep lah..." These few phrases go over n over again like a broken record. N i just fed baby 45mins ago only! Aircon also on already, basically baby just feels cranky n wanna fuss; but the 2 old folks just love to kick up their own big fuss. Forever asking me to feed, PD already mentioned baby is taking too much for her age.

And I HATE IT HATE IT when the 2 old folks love to put their face soooo close to baby when they are carrying her; n MIL likes to kiss baby. Wah lau, u know some old people got stinky breath n old people smell (especially the males), n how do i tell them in a civilized manner that Pls Get Your Smelly Breath Away From My Baby!

More complaints to come, but hubby just came back so I gotta log off... He won't like to see me ranting about his precious parents. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


You may wish to try my PD Mr. Ho CS at Thomson. His Clinic name is Australia Clinic.

No appt needed. We always go at 10:30am. He is also open on Sat and Sun too.


I think we are all in the same plight haha. I also login only when hubby not in.

Grandparents often expressed their care in the wrong way. They never realise their over-caring of the grandchild has become a stress burden to us mummy especially 1st time mummy.

I wonder if you all faces a similar situation like me, they keep saying baby cry let baby cry, dun carry them,especially during meal time. Or dun wake baby up un-neccessar-ily But yet in the end, the grandparents are always the 1 who did all these. I also listen and kanna bombard until I pretty sian.

But then, actually i feel a bit left lonely since hubby go back to work after paternal leave. He is so busy (Plus he is a workaholic) and i only get to see him for like 2-3 hrs max on weekdays.

I think our conversation also getting lesser haha. I also dunno how to react to this situation right now. :S


i've PM you a contact and operation hours of a PD in Bt Batok central. i got this contact frm colleague but have not patronise him/her yet.

was advise by colleague to go during day as nite tend to have to wait longer. can use CDA acct to pay at this clinic if it's ready.

hope it helps.

my baby also throw up quite often esp at nite but dun seem to have other problems. but still can smille after throwing up. so dunno if i shld go to PD a not.


haha.. so so agree w your statement.second on that!

"I wonder if you all faces a similar situation like me, they keep saying baby cry let baby cry, dun carry them,especially during meal time. Or dun wake baby up un-neccessar-ily But yet in the end, the grandparents are always the 1 who did all these. I also listen and kanna bombard until I pretty sian."


i suspect my baby has preference for BM and not FM. he likes to be latch and some times reject bottle/delay being bottle feed.


Haha, speaking from bottom from our hearts. Before I return to forum (cos of csect) not able to sit up, I tot I'm the one having MIL problem. But seems like, everyone of us facing same problem. How funny!

I also have so much to rant. When I first got home, I dun even have the chance to carry my boy. Cos the moment I wan to carry, MIL will snatch away my boy from me. I so sad I cry to my mum that I feel that my boy doesn't belong to me at all! Hump!

I would love to latch my boy, but then after a few tries myself and comparing bottle feed EBM, i think i shld think for the best for my boy, cos though he also keep looking for my nipple when I carry him. but i think he will feel more comfy and quicker to be bottle fed than being latch.

In the end, i am convinced that I wan to latch my boy more becos I wan the bonding between he and me and not to curb his hunger. So I think it's more of selfish part of me. So I go ahead and begin with bottle feeding.

hi all, today my hubby took leave saying that he want to take care of us.. but in the end he play game all the way until night time.. den my mum tell him that he's a father of 2 already so ask him don't play so much.. den he not happy.. after that when is dinner time my sister also not happy with my hubby.. haiz.. i'm like sandwich in between.. n hubby stop me from breast feeding cuz baby still abit yellow.. now pumping but supply drop to 40ml already..


actually it is more effective to pump than to latch. but i dun deny that latching help to bond. cuz whenever i carry my boy, he has the tendency to look for my nipple to suck. think he recognise my smell.

Thanks chabby and Angeline for yr PD recommendations!

Just saw my usual PD just nw after a long wait. My boy has heartburn afterall. That explains the puking plus the unsettledness after feeding. Was prescribed medicine and advised to give gripe water to ease the heartburn. Lucky there are 24hr supermarkets around, hubby hunting for gripe water nw. Haiyoh, poor boy so young got to eat medicine liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


It's easy for us to get affected by many things during this period. Have to stay happy like what hoshi says.. less stress, more milk. i tink a routine in place would be good too. Those comments - we have to learn to listen and forget as long as we know what we do is the best for bb.


Just to check hw do you maintain your milk supply by 100% pumping ? I heard that if bb nvr latch and only pump, milk supply will decrease eventually.

My Bb gal doesn't latch on very well, she get frustrated and i get frustrated too, suckle abit but cant seem to empty my breast. (which means she is nt latching properly). In the end, gave her EBM.


What is the best way to store EBM more than 48hrs ?

For mummies who are into the first few days of breastfeeding - u might wanna consider FM first for the 1st few days after latching if bb is constantly hungry and yellow - makes u less stress and satisfy bb.

Milk flow normally comes in after 3-4 days. in the mean time, might wanna try to pump your milk to stimulate milk flow.

I tried this method and it worked pretty well and i am into day 8 and has given total breast milk to bb since day 5.

seems like many of us facing the same issue dealing with MIL..

Yesternite baby cranky, gave 3oz at 8pm but drink only 2oz then fall asleep. My MIL keep shaking the bottle hope baby can continue. I told her try to burp the baby n c if work better than forcing. Baby continue after burp but very little. So i take over and wake baby up, she continue and left arnd 0.5oz, so i carry her back to the cot but she din fall asleep and asking for milk but in law pour away the balance. I went to heat up new EBM and feed, on and off plus latch and finally baby sleep at 10pm. Carry her back to the cot and she make little sound, MIL immediately say NOT FULL ISSIT? Walao...baby on and off drink for 2 hours leh and i bottle feed 3oz leh, latching somemore, dunno y IL still wan to comment like tat. End up baby sleep for 3.5hours lor. Not enuf meh? Baby make noise even she bottle feed, y she din say not enuf.

Hubby went and tell her must wash baby's private part while im doing my massage. mIL say she got wash, i knew she did but her way is too *anyhow*, i wan her to wash the whole area but she only wash the lower portion which near the wee wee part. Then MIL angry say we v hard to pls, cannot drink plain water etc...and she say she go find job n ask us get other ppl to take care our baby, my hubby also angry and say ok u go find job.haiz....not abt hard to pls, since we can listen and follow the confinement rules, y they cant accept our request on taking care of baby. Baby still young, i wan to give and do the best to them at least till they fully build their own immuse system. Old folk only will say baby too young, cannot bath too long, dun on fan (siao, later too hot), cant go out for long..but they left out many other things. When we tell them, they say we r hard to pls. SO SIAN...

Hi mummies

Can totally understand the ILs woes! It's the same when I had #1. Think now #2 and somemore girl again, they more or less don't quite care. Their favouritism is very obvious towards my older girl. This is something I don't really like. But since they are coming in less often, I perfectly don't mind.

It's the same problem when it comes to bfg and MILs. When I had #1, she also always comment that 'is it milk not enough'...she very heartpain when she hears baby cries. And it's the from hospital to home, make the same comment. She would even stare at me when I latch. Until one day I buay tahan and cried to hb that the stress she and mum are giving me, and my hb told her off and explained to her how bfg works. Eventually, I also stopped her and mu SIL from looking on when I bf. Now only hb, my mum and Sis can see me when I bf.

Actually my mum made the same comment, I could still tell her off and eventually she understood (although she still prefers me to give ebm then latch). Now she is such a bm convert that she even say f I have oversupply, can let my older one drink...hahahha...can save some much money. So, I think it really takes explanation to these old folks to make them understand. What I told my mum is, the more you all say no milk, I more stress and it means no milk for your grandchild. Tell this to them and frighten them! I even hide away the FM bought for contingency hahahah....this time round, I don't even have any fm around. So, they have nothing to say. They will understand the benefits of bfg one. Just need to educate them. And I really think when it comes to bfg, hb's support is impt. Try converting your hb over. And the best way to convert them over is tell them how FREAKING expensive FM is.

Kimmy: You know what I think...your MIL wants to feed the baby...that's why she pressuring you to bottle feed. But I guess, the baby is yours...it's only right that baby is close to you.

Whisp: My girl is also a marathon latcher!!! She can latch and latch for 2-3 hours too! I read is because they are doing cluster feeding. Meaning, they are stuffing themselves so that they can sleep longer in between or at night. Better to let them do in the day than in the middle of the night which was what happened to me last night. Now I am zombified.


Yeah after I try pumping, I agree with you that pumping is more effective. My baby basically seek any nipples when he's hungry. That day hubby carry him he also wanna suck hubby's nipple :X


my doc says jaundice can continue with BM.


You r welcome. Hope your baby get well soon!


EBM kept in fridge can stay for 24 hours. If you wanna keep milk for more than 48 hrs, you have to keep in freezer, thaw it in warm water / bring it down to fridge when you wanna use it.


Chill. I think your MIL just wan an excuse to feed the baby. My MIL uses my meal time to feed my boy. Cos she keep saying baby are smart and always like to yank when mummies having meals, so we cant respond to them when we having meals. But then to me, I think its more like the timing of meals coincide with baby feeding time.

Regarding BM & FM,

Perhaps some of you might wanna consider mixing FM and BM if supply is not enough. That's what my cousins been doing.

Latching is to simulate us to generate BM. But then i too read that by constant pumping can keep the milk flowing.

Basically for me, I try to take as much food like drink milk, drink lotsa water (red date water), eat lotsa fish, to keep my BM constantly flowing / perhaps increase. Each time i pump milk, I will try to relax myself for 'letdown' for more milk flow. I hope above helps.

I'm gg to TMC on this Thursday to be induce! Happy but scared at the same time. Not sure what to expect. Does anyone know which part of bugis market where I can get the cheap baby clothes in bulk? I heard its opp the temple. Any idea exactly where that is and the name of the shop?

Kimmy: I oso angry with MIL rules at times but then I calm down myself by thinking that we love our kids n think what we want to do is best for them but the baby is the baby of their (MIL ) baby (our Hubby) so they love them a lot n want to do what They THiNk is best for them but due to generation gap we don't agree with them! Just to cool down.

However, hygiene can't be compromised and may be you can try washing bottom area urself later on in the bathroom sink or using Dettol wet wipes to satisfy!

My baby also cranky at times, last evening wake up 5.30 pm and never sleep until 1.30am last night no matter how much I carry, feed, burp, change diaper , sing for her but she stay awake n keep crying. So thot she may be feeling hot and decided to turn on aircon first time and within 10 min she fall asleep and sleep thruout night even o had to wake up to feed her in sleep! The only thing I regret is that I slap her light when cranky n to my surprise she understand n cry loud WITH TEARS [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] n I also cry with her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ........ why Hubby went overseas leaving me alone to handle her full night alone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi all, hv been very busy with my baby.

Those with baby gal, did you find any sticky stuff at the v-area when you change yr gal? I always find some sticky stuff sticking to the diapers and had to wipe away. Then will see it the next day again. Is it normal?

Daphne: It;s normal. Just wipe it away gently. It should be gone after a couple of weeks. But if persist better check with pd.

Sheril: I understand how u feel. Sometimes my gal has her cranky time also and will drag on hrs of not sleeping and by the time she is really tired she become super fussy and I have to scarifice my nipple for the nxt hr or so for her to suck for comfort and coax her to sleep. Then what is frustrating is once u tot she is sleeping and put her in the cot her eyes open big and cry..... sometimes do get on my nerves. But when I carry her and see her smile simply melts my heart... I guess PATIENCE is the word. Babies are still adapting to us as we are to them...... take a breather if u have other helper at home. Sometimes I just subcontract her to my hubby or ILs......



the discharge my daughter had was even bright red like menses flow n sticky. But pd kept reassuring us it's ok n it disappeared after abt a week plus? Nurses said it can last up to 2 weeks.

