(2011/01) Jan 2011

Hi LZZ, my is c sec and am doing my now after 15days i started my session [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi PM, i am paying her 350 now after las nov of 330 and will adjust again when she come back from her 2 weeks leave in march if only she come back lo.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi LuckyMummy, i also take off after dinner today is my 4th time but lucky thou she is late today she giv me 1.5hours as i sms her tat i hav very aching back las nite and tell her to please massage and lucky she did it phew now feel better and after binding my tummy look flat wo keke!!!


Congrats Angeline [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AS we bf our baby no need to feed them water [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LZZ: I am c-sec and starting my massage after 3 weeks only. Starting mine next monday.

I got the cinch wrap too and can't wait to reduce the size of my tummy.

any mommies apply moisturiser for infant? my son has quite dry skin. wonder if its the pigeon 2-in-1 body wash that causes it.

I got a sebamed body lotion and started applying not long ago.

I also notice his face has small dots of rashes and look dry. shoud i apply moisturiser as well?

Hi shycloud n lily h,

Thanks. Well mil think it necessary to give water. Olden way of feeding i guess. Cos i check online n stated new born cannt take too much water. As will increase the salt lever, n if bb body cant take serious case it will lead to coma.


Yes im with dr koh. Bb too big n during op dr koh found bb got 3 rds of cord ard his neck.

Btw like to check all of u manage to latch bb well? Cos i jysr cant seem to latch bb properly.

Hi Mummies

I just delivered on 15 Jan 2011 and I have been crying since I was discharged from the hospital. I had a very tramuatic birth and I was in a daze after my delivery, although its an assisted one.. I cldnt even eat on my own the first night and my mum had to feed me...

Back home, I was fretting over milk supply and when it did come yesterday, it was pathetic... I can only manage about half an ounce after 45 min of pumping. When i pressed on my nipples, I can see drops of milk but that's abt it.. I am supplementing her feeds with FM now.. so for now.. im letting her latch on first, then supplement with fm..but i dun think she can suck very much out of me through latching... cos she's only satisfied aftr I gaf FM... so on the sidelines, Im trying to use pump to also stimulate my supply..so that I can give her ebm if its available...instead of FM

i just bot fenugreek and im starting 2 caps 2 times a day..did the fenugreek only yesterday...

May I check when is it the best time to pump? as in after meals or before she latches? Im quite distressed.. i need a routine..to help settle me in.. and to get some structure into my life so that I can focus on that routine and not get so stressed and distressed... any advice, pls?

im using Medela swing... i have some frens who gave birth ard the same time as me dunt reali have this prob... i feel very lousy as a mum.. and i get very teary at every litle thing..relationship with hubby is also under strain.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ever since i got home, i realised i have been crying.. my time away.... i have been seriously out of a routine.. today is the first time that i managed to sit down and watch some tv and get online...

Homgal: Well, this is an experience and phase that all mothers went through! I think you have to really try to be as positive as possible. For yourself and also your baby! Every mother will get it different, some easier than others, some worse! But that just makes motherhood all the more sweeter ya?

Which Hosp did u deliver at? I recommend u to see Mrs BB Wong at TMC ParentCraft, she will guide you and teach you. My friend was having alot of problems, then went to her, 1 time only, now ok liao. Better to go seek proper advice, then later breasts complications or wad, end up worse.

PS: Crying is only normal, you are not a lousy mum,you are merely crying to release the stress/tension u feel. There's nth wrong with it! You worry because you care!


U must learn to relax. I was like u when i got home on sunday. I had csect n i cant even carry my boy for the 1st few days n i cant latch him without help from midwives n hubby.

When i got home, i have so many issues with mil method of handling my boy. N she made remarks that made me felt im a useless mother.

If u wan to have milk supply remember ur mood affects ur supply. I cried for 2 days n i barely have enuff to supply my son. Until these 2 days, i try to latch again myself though nt very smooth bt it did sum stimulation. From pumps of only 1 oz now i can generate 3 oz+. my boy took 2 oz each feed. N i realise the more relax we r the more milk flow there is.

We r all great mums! We r nt failures!

Homgal, be brave for ur BB!

It's norm tat u feel like crying initially as it's post natal blues. I had it the first 2days when I hot home. Do tell ur Hubby it's hormone changes. Now is the time u need more sayang frm him!

Dun worry abt ur bm ss cos with more fluid intake, more massage of ur breasts, more latching n more rest, it will come eventually

Dun get into depression ok! BB needs u the most now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Littlepigpig: thanks, i'll call n make an appt wif dr wong 

Lily, ivftwins: thanks for e info. I hope to start my massage soon before confinement ends. Else my hubby will hav to take extra leave to take care of baby when i do massage. I also hav e cinch wrap. Been using it whole day, only remove for a while after bath. It does help to reduce my tummy abit. Hope e massage can help me get rid of it totally  Btw, does ur wound hurt when doing e massage? Will e lady aboid e wound area when massaging?

Homgal: u must take it easy. I also kept crying when i got home cos i had csec n had prob moving ard, getting out of bed n couldnt carry baby for long. U must rest more n dun worry, u will soon fall into baby's routine...must jiayou!

homgal - dun give up on breastfeeding. Like you, when i had my number 1, i also keep stressing over my pathetic milk ss and was quite sad when i had to supplement with FM. This time round i told myself to take it easy, if need to supplement then just supplement. And my milk ss seem much better this time! Dun pump so long cos u may get sore nipples. For fenugreek, the LC at TMC said can take 2 capsules 3 times a day.

ivftwins - yeap, u need to apply moisturiser for yr bb. I also use the california baby calendula cream if my gal has red spots and it is pretty good. For my number 1, i started applying when she was newborn, now she is almost 3 years old, i still applying for her after she bath... then her skin soft soft..


hang in there! best time to pump is after latching bb cos that will give yr breasts the signal to produce more milk. but dun fret too much if u can't pump out much after latching ok? cos bb may hv drunk most of it already! key thing is to stimulate the breasts. if u want to u can also pump every 3 hrs but that can be quite tiring so just do wat u can ok?

and do see a lactation consultant to check if u're latching bb correctly.

before latching/pumping drink a hot drink. that helps to get the milk flowing. while latching/pumping u can also massage yr breasts to stimulate the flow. and drink lots and lots of fluid!

good luck! feel free to pop and rant etc.....all the mummies are here to support one another [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have been pumping regularly for 20 days to date.I notice that my nipple and just around is beginning to turn reddish pink and feel sensitive. What does that mean?


In my opinion, massage + cinch wrap really works, but of cuz we must be hard working to wear it all the time!


Cheer up and jia you! You are not a lousy mother! Sometimes our hormones act up after delivery so try to think positive thoughts and you will pull thru it!

Diaper rash cream??

Any good recommendations? I've been using desitin maxi strength for my baby for the past 3 days but his anus opening area still very red. He cries when he farts and poops, must be so painful. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


if you are tired, feed the baby w formula first and pump to store. dun give yourself too much stress.

do you have a CL or anyone to help you? do get as much help as you can. talk to your hubby. go back and see your gynae if you need more assistant.


Hang in there with bfding and pumping. When I first started also took 45min to pump 20ml. Now it's about 30min 30-40ml. Most important is the breast stimulation via latching or pumping to make more milk. You can do it!

medela freestyle,

Has anyone tried the handsfree function yet? I was trying to put the thing together n only got very frustrated. Wasted more time instead.


It feels very good to see the inches melt off my waist everyday. Even 0.2" also I'm so happy. Haha. So how's your wound? No more pain/itch?

hi ladies,

Do u drink water during yr confinement? My CL say cannot drink, but i 'm feeling a bit heaty from the food so i drink warm water.

Baby constipation,

Anyone facing this problem? 2 days have passed already. Should I bring her to see the PD?

We suspect its the formula. Will diluting the formula mix work? My milk production still can't keep up yet.


try changing FM brand first. usually that will help cos not all brands are suitable for all bbs. dun think u should be diluting formula for bb that are so young.

Luckymummy, my baby also having constipation. I din dilute e fm, juz make as per normal. But i let him drink a lil bit of plain water before n after each fm feed. Baby managed to pass motion properly yesterday after ard 2 days of constipation. I tink feeding him ebm in between fm feeds also helps to clear his bowels.

Sputnik, i drink alot of red date tea but i do take sips of plain water in between. Juz take in moderation dun drink too much one shot. I also dun make my red date tea v sweet so dis helps to prevent me from drinking too much plain water.

LZZ - when i felt my sore throat coming last nite, i drank 4 glasses of warm water over a few hrs and felt much better after that...i guess we still need to drink water in addition to all the red date tea and soups....


ok will try out the little bit of water tactic first then change formula if nothing happens. I'm trying to give as much bm as possible, but limited by factory supply. :p I called the clinic n doctor was busy. but his assistant said that she has seen cases of up to 5 days of constipation. As long as not accompanied with other symptoms like fever, stomach upset etc shd be ok. Monitor for another 2 days. Not sure whether to take her word for it.


My mil says drinking only plain water will lead to water retention n swelling. So I've been guai guai taking the red date tea.

I hv not been drinking water at all. i drink the red dates tea all day. but i dun make my tea so thick and less longans so i find it quite ok actually.

Luckymummy - Yah, I also feed bb plain water cause supplementing with FM....that should help [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Plain water - I was taking a lot of water in hospital cause I kena scolded by the nurses for not drinking water. They say my urine was too concentrated. But during confinement, I just drink red date logan, milk and lots of soup...that said, although I am feeling ok and hydrated, my milk supply also quite pathetic...I wonder if it has got to do with me not drinking water.

luckymummy - yeah, i also guai guai drink the red date tea all along... only when i felt the sore throat coming then i thot i better drink some water...if not get worse then not good also

Hi mummies! sneaking in here to post while the baby is sleeping...else I always hanging around on fb.

Angeline: old folks are like that. If ur mil pressures u to give water, u just tell her baby will be full and wont take in bm and won't grow. Water goes in with no nutrients and comes out as pee.. So her grandchild will suffer. Have to frighten them sometimes, but I do agree that at some pt in time we must give water, my #1 went 6 mtgs without water and now ask her to take water like take poison. So I intend to start when my #2 is 4 weeks old.

Homgal: hug... We r all with u. I cried also everyday when I had my first girl, due to breastfeeding and stress from mum and mil to give fm, this time round, I was down a few days cos my hb is sick and bs with work and hardly a spoke to me...but we just have to snap out of it. U MUST rest and NOT stress if u want milk ss to go up. Sleep when baby is sleeping. If u are not tired and really bored, maybe start planning for baby full month. It shld be fun. Remember stress = no bm!

Luckumummy and LZZ: for fm, you shld give the baby water after the feed because some babies might develop constipation after taking in fm as the water content is a lot lesser than bm.

Sputnik: I hv not been drinking water till last nite. Throat is a little sore cos of the late nights and the confinement food. So I just down 2 big glasses last nite. And since I sweat a lot even when sleeping, I figure I wont retain that much water, the most just go pee more or switch off the air con. But 90% of my water intake is still red date tea and black bean water.

Sigh I'm having issue with my CL... Thinking of letting her go before cny. But hb say better not cos lazy as she is and a tv addict she is... I still get to sleep. Can u all believe it... Been asking her to cook fish bone soup to increase my Milk supply, for abt a week... Till now I haven't drank single drop. Have to take frenugeek. When I had #1, I din have to take frenugeek the 1st month becos of the good CL I had. Only took it when I go 2-3 month cos no ome cooked for me regularly. And my house is so dusty. She only sweeps when I ask her to. And gosh I have 3 more weeks to go....


definitely not! i dun drink water. I drink only red date tea, milk and soup. but i drink lots and lots. at least 3-4 litres a day of fluids. and my milk supply is very good.

Hi all

I don't drink water at all once I discharged from hospital only drink the red dates tea and soup and see some mummies drink milk wat type of milk? Anmum powder milk or fresh milk?

I also nvr drink any fish papaya soup and any strong tonic soup yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I am scare now as she is leave in 1 week time me also nvr drink any tonic soups except for pig stomach soup black bean soup some light blended dangui soup and black vinegar only lay what other tonic soup shld I drink??

Mummies, can the red logan tea quench thirst?

Also, what do u use to store it to maintain the heat...?

What kind of soup u all take? those cleared coloured ones or thick ones?

LilyH - Yr fillipino maid with 2 years experience is drawing the same as my new maid with no experience..

You engaged CL right? U means that's all that kind of soup she cooks for you? Why dont u ask her?

Hi pm my suppose can lay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if I feel thirsty keep drinking me use thermo flask to keep it warm and the big bulk use magic pot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh so meanin my maid salary is not high but anyway I did tell her I will increase again when she is back

ya as my c sec so can't really drink alot and I think all CL same la first week hardworking after tat kind of lac Liao my been tellin her I wan to drink tonic since begining this week but she still nvr make wacau! But anyway I still get enough rest and overall other thAn this tonic soup the dishes she cook are ok lah at least so much better than my mil and she so far look after my gal quite well one cry only she will rush to her to check and all and she dun really watch tv and nap

hi all mummies,

I've been a silent reader all along and this forum is my only sanctuary during this confinement period.

I've given birth to my first baby girl on the 7 Jan. I was (and still am) overjoyed with the birth of my princess, but ever since discharged from the hospital, without the guidance of the nurses, i have been feeling dejected, and emotionally "touchy" (the slightest things can make me paranoid and cry).

Due to some unforeseen circumstances, I ended up doing confinement on my own with the help of hubby when he's back from work, and mil will help in preparing my meals for the day in the morning.

I've difficulty latching baby on my breast while milk (?) is seen trickling down on one side and wet my blouse, baby is not helping with her struggle, and after a moment both mummy and baby are on the verge of giving up. There are times when I thought Baby has finally managed to latch on and drunk her fill, but immediately after I unlatched her, she seemed to be in a "panicky" mode, trying to find the nipple and cried for it. I can't seem to latch baby on my left breast too. The breast seems too soft for baby to have a firm grip/suction. Thus, perhaps baby does not get enough supply just from one side. Any mummy has such experience and advice on this?

In the meantime, is there any daily routine I should be following for baby's well-being (e.g. baby's morning bath, baby's night time washup (?)) Heard that it's good to set a routine for baby, but still unsure what is necessary and required to for baby. Currently, it's mainly wake up -> morning feed (to pacify her) -> bath -> feeding again if she's up to it and the rest of the day is feed and sleep (with in between change of diaper when it's soiled) all the way. Experienced mummies please kindly advise am I in the right track or how can I improve on the routine.

*sigh* I'm really a useless mummy causing stress to everyone! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


any bb taking friso milk? wanna check if mummy noticed that a lot of air bubbles is produced when bb is drinking and the milk powder is difficult to dissolve even though it look very fine?


you are doing great! newborns at this age essentially feed and sleep. slowly they'll hv more waking hrs then u can hv a more fixed routine.

i'm currently doing the same as you. morning feed, late morning bath then feed, sleep all day until evening wipe down then feed sleep through the night again.

as for your latching probs. seems like you hv more than enough milk for yr bb, so maybe u want to seek a lactation consultants help to work with you on latching bb on correctly.

Lily: don't put danggui in your soup. It reduces milk supply.

Pm: my rev CL not as free as this one. This one evem use washing machine to wash my clothes. Later I'm going to demand for my fish bone soup! Abt storing red date tea, get those thermo flask to store after cooking. For me, we use slow Cooker to cook. That one will keep warm. So every time I finish a flask, CL will refill.

Whisp: hey I think u r doing fine! So dun stress ok. Babies basically drink n sleep the whole day. But if u really want to set a routine, can get this book by Gina ford called 'contented little baby'. But following it is tough. Cos need a lot of discipline. I intend to start only from week 3. Now i demand feed as and when she wants. Let her sleep as n when she wants.

luckymummy, i have been using medela freestyle handsfree.

it is rather easy to use it handsfree.

1. As usual, screw on the head of pump plus funnel to the bottle.

2. Put on the tube that connects to the motor.

3. There is a strap that hooks onto the back of the funnel and the other end on to your nursing bra.

That's all.

You got to adjust the strap length so that it hangs properly from your nursing bra and hang on to your breast as well.

hi grumpus and tien,

thanks for your kind words. i've visited a lactation consultants last fri upon baby's PD's recommendation due to baby's jaundice. it seems to help a bit, theoretically i think i noe what should be the correct way baby should be latched, but practically, it's a lot of struggling with baby involved during the process. and till now i do not have much progress with the left breast. *sigh* i told my hubby that i've a malfunction left breast.

Currently, baby only managed 5 to 10 mins nursing on my right breast before she dozes off to lalaland, is it good (sufficient?) enuf for her to have her fill?


thought i send u a compilation of confinement recipe? one of it contain various recipe for tonic soup.


i din drink much red date tea. been cheating and drinking lots of plain water. haha. actually ask the nurses if there's logic in drinking red date tea. they say not scientific proven. haha. anyway, i've lost quite alot of bulk already. so guess i'm ok w the plain water. think my mum also given up. she din cook red date tea for me much. only alternate days. din even see her brew the red date tea for 3 teas le.

or you can take grumpus's idea, make it more diluted so won't be so heaty. anyway, red date is good for milk production.


i feed my baby some plain water occasionally. but i do that to help the baby to urine more to bring down jaundice. but the baby is rather reluctant to drink plain water.. can only get him to drink if he is really really hungry.


was advise by the sales person to use the handsfree thingy only when BM supply stabilise. so far BM only 2oz per pump. so din use.


Sometmes baby have a preferred breast, especially more so when they are newborns cuz of the nipple shape. But when they get the hang of latching, it would no longer be a problem, so hang in there, your baby is learning just like you. Also, your milk flow might be too fast for baby which is why baby pulls away to catch a breath and panics when he wants to drink again. You might want to try leaning back a bit more so your nipple is angled more upwards to slow down the flow.

jia you!!

Thanks tien [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes chabby but my CL dun think she will flw [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I will cook myself after she goes off since I will be eatg cfmt food till 40 days maid learn the basic dishes liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


it's step 3 of your explanation that I can't get. Maybe lack of sleep. Haha. Tried fitting it to the bra but just wouldn't stay up. N u mean the funnel part will attach itself to your breast with only suction? For me every drop counts so I want to make real sure I don't waste anything. Hehe.


my production fell even lower than yours already. Was so stressed by bb crying ( think it's discomfort from her constipation) that at my most recent pump it was like a drying up reservoir. But it's the middle of the night pumps that make me wanna do dual pumping. Cuts time by half leh.


hang in there. bfing is hard, it's all abt practise practise practise. and dun feel bad if yr bb cannot latch well. u may want to pump yr left breast in between to keep up the supply and keep trying. maybe u need more session with the LC

just to share with u, my elder girl could never latch well. she couldn't handle the fast flow either and would pull away everytime letdown occurs. it came to such a pt that she was so traumatised by me stuffing her face in my breast that she would scream and push away each time i tried to latch her on. even the LC sort of 'gave up' already, she said my girl is very stubborn....hahahaha i ended up pumping 100% and bottle feeding her. this bb is my #2 and she's a natural at latching so fortunately i managed to breastfeed her by direct latching. all bbs are different so u do wat u feel is best for yr bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


put dang gui in soup will reduce milk supply??? OMG...My MIL been adding dang gui for all my soup...no wonder my milk supply has decreased so mch...SOB SOB!!!

Hi mummies,

Red date tea n plain water:

My hubby only put red dates, longan n wolfberries when he cook red date tea. Den he'll store in thermal flask to keep it warm n i'll drink from there. I also limit my plain water to 1 cup a day cos my mil say plain water will lead to water retention. I also drink lactation milk once a day plus soup, hope i'm taking in enuff fluid.


I read tat bm can b kept up to 4 hrs at room temp. Can i also keep reheated ebm for 4 hrs at room temp? Sometimes my baby cant finish his ebm one shot. I dun wan to force him to finish all e ebm in case he vomits them out later. Is it ok for me to keep e ebm at room temp den feed my boy again later within 4 hours? My bm supply qt low so i dun wan to waste it.

Lying on stomach:

I hav a stupid question, hope mummies can help. Can i sleep on my tummy if i hav csec? When doing massage, r we required to lie on our tummy when doing e back massage? If yes den i tot i better start getting used to it cos hav not been lying on my tummy ever since preggy 


Actually, I felt that my milk supply dwindled after CL started to add dang GUI to fish n soup. Then I told her that I don't want to eat that. But have not seen supply go up yet. I have been drinking a lot of plain water! I feel that it is very difficult to drown the red date tea, cos it's so hot most of the time! My CL also love to watch TV! But I only turn my tv on when my elder child wants to watch her children programme. I realize that when I m watching tv, CL will watch and be very slow to react to baby's needs! Tien, my CL dun do housework n also use washing machine to wash my clothes. She handwash her own clothes BUT she needs to use the spin dry function to dry her 3 pieces of clothing! Haiz!

