(2011/01) Jan 2011


It is true milk supply will gradually drop if bb does not latch. But it is possible to sustain feeding full breast milk through exclusively pumping.

For the first 2 months I religiously pump every 3 hrs cos that's the time yr milk supply is still establishing. Every time I pump I make sure I pump until my breasts r fully drained. That gives my body the signal to produce more.

I drink lots of fluids and red date tea even after confinement. Total I drink at least 3L of fluid a day. I also eat a lot. Lots of fish and meat. Even more then when preggie.

From 3mths onwards I drag the pumping interval to 4hrly. When bb start solids at 6mths, they'll gradually take less milk and u can slowly start to drop pumps.



Can ask if ur baby's navel is still discharging any blood? Mine has dropped off for abt 2 weeks already, but till now still got discharge coming out..

Also, mummies, how do u latch ur baby when gg out?? I'm so used to the pillow for support, dunno how to manage without it if we go out..


Hi mummies

Envy those who can BF your bb. I dared not give totally bf to my gal as I am on long term medication for my hypertension.

My Dr told me dun breastfeed for long. He gave me 3mths at most. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Bought so many things like nursing bib, breast pump, got breastfeeding pillow etc but all these is going to short lived. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Now I only give breastmilk once to twice a day. the rest are all formula milk.

Thanks Grumpus.. I am pumping 4hrly interval now. It's alot of effort to pump religiously.. imagine having to go out and bringing the breast pump along. Will try to latch BB when after her feed if she is nt slpy.. just for stimulation.

May i ask mummies how do they store their excess EBM? In a bag to full and then thaw the whole bag for use on the day?

I am thinking of giving some EBM to my #1.. then i dun have to freeze. hopefully she likes the taste.. lol

Hi mummies,

recently due to tiredness, I tried bf while lying on the bed. Guess wat?! I realised tats the best position!!

Comfy & my milk wun anyhow shoot!! My BB face always like do mask, ESP when BB bites on my nipple & pull out.. Haha, my milk will just shoot all over her face

whisp, u can try this position, wun backache. Also when u relax, more bm, BB full faster [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies, been away for a while...

baby's full month celebration was finally done on sunday. and today baby is officially 4 weeks old. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am also almost exclusively pumping BM instead of latching - cos i had very bad sore nipples. it was a tough decision but finally decided to bottle feed. sometimes will still latch baby but its very very rare.

i also fell sick today, very bad sore throat and a bit of runny nose due to over-heatiness from confinement food. now i am trying to stay away from baby... very sad... but i feel like i have a lot of germs and dun want to pass to her. sigh.


It is easier to store your EBM in small portions (maybe 100ml each or depending on hw much baby drinks per feed), rather than 1 big bag. Reason is easier to thaw plus no wastage in case u don't use the whole bag that day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

experienced mummuies

been facing some difficulties w scheduled feeding of 3 hr interval every time he puke.

if he puke, he'll get hungry after 1+ or max 2hr. and when we feed, he refuse to eat the full 3.5oz amt. then fuss non-stop even in his sleep.

what shld i do? starve him till the 3hr is reached? feel very wicked to do that. hear pain pain to starve him for anything more than 20min cuz he'll cry/fuss.

hi all,

hope all with MIL and baby issue will resolve as time goes by, especially if its 1st grandchild.

I had my share for my 1st boy too, but I just tell myself ah ma loves baby too....

Just read on website that barley helps increase BM too.


every baby is different, for my 1st boy, his initial interval feeding time was 2hrly, very tedious for me, maybe we had rojak the timing totally when he cries we feed. Did pd give u any wind med to help with his reflux? I even raise his bed a bit with pillow to reduce his reflux, and reduce milk amount, in order not to waste it.

its of no choice cos he puke, so he will get hungry earlier. its alright to feed 2hrly, just very tedious for u only. going into 2nd mth, his puking will cut down, u can adjust the timing slowly. hope it helps!

Dear Mummies,

How much shld bb be drinking for each feed? Envy those who have enough BM. tried expressing out but I only have 20ml and I usually supplement with 60ml FM after each latch on. Have been drinking fish soup everyday and also started on fenugreek. Feel so useless having so little BM

Helllo mummies,

Finally I have popped on the 19th Jan. Now I am struggling to meet the needs of no.2 without neglecting no.1. Its realy not easy, argghhh tiring but I know it will only get better so JIA YOU JIA YOU to all mummies out there with all their different set of problems & struggles.....


Hi Mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thank you to the mummies who have responded to me, special thanks to those we could not accommodate [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This is one of the Jan 2011 babies captured during our workshops.

Lezann was 9 days old when we visited [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], such a charming newborn [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Blue Bambino Children Photography





Find us on Facebook here - http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Blue-Bambino-Children-Photography-Photography-by-Kymberley-Teo/104018642994052

Hi Charleen, & Tien,

Sorry for having MIA yesterday, had another back breaking day "serving" hourly.

Tien, you're right that I would prefer the clustered feeding in the day than night, but that would also mean that by the time baby's daddy is back from work, I'm totally exhausted.

My temper has gotten worse and erratic these days. Can't imagine that I actually got upset/jealous when I saw MIL carrying my baby when I'm out from my shower today. (i hadn't expect MIL to be ard and Hubby was supposed to be caring for baby while i sneaked a shower) Guess my over-possessiveness over my baby is getting out of control before i even realised it.

Charleen, the lying down position sounds like a wonderful solution for my aching back. Will try it later when i'm alone with baby. Thanks!

Hi Mummies and MTB,

I have some questions.

I am checking in into kkh tml night which is thursday night 9.30pm for induce. Am I wasting 1 night stay inside the hospital? What is the check in time at kkh for them to consider as 1 night stay over there?

And how much are they charging for extra night stay for A1 ward?

As for the additional charges(e.g epidural etc) do I need to pay on the actual day when I discharge or will the bill it to my hse?

Help~~~ ~.~

hi mag,

try papaya soup and pig trotters.

my papaya soup is just papayas and some herbs, so its like dessert, i have it like every 2 days to help with BM. I used to be the 30 - 60ml type. now i dont express every 3hrs, very tiring, I do it 4-6hr, so i could express more out instead eg 90 - 120ml. perhaps our glands arent as many as some moms here.

here is recipe for it.

A. 50g cashew nuts, 150g pearl beans, 50g black eye beans, 10 bowls water.

B. 1/2 unripe papaya (skinned)

C. 1/2 semi ripe hawaiian papaya (skinned) (I prefre riped ones, will make soup more sweet), 5 slices Dang Gui, 1 tbsp wolfberry.

Boil A for 1hr, add B simmer for another hr, add C simmer 1/2hr.

I didnt really guage how many bowls of water, I just add more if water evaporated too much away during simmering.

Hello Mummies....sorry to disturb you all...

Im looking for a CL in Jul 2011 and the one my gf recommend is taken up, so I need to look for another one, anyone got good recommendation for your CL?

Can pm me the contacts or email me at [email protected]

Thanks a Million!!!

Morning mummies!

Hope everyone has had some sort of rest. I was lucky to catch about 3-4 hours of rest last nite. Waiting for the day that baby can sleep through the night.

Chabby: Instead of offering the full feed, try half amt of the next feed. At least you won't overstuff the baby and hopefully less milk wastage.

Whisp: It's totally normal to be possessive over your own kid. But we just need to remind ourselves that the grannies and granpops will never harm their own grandchild. I have had my fair share of 'power struggle' with MIL. But have been trying to come to terms with it for I realise it affects the relations between me and hb.


Yalor, I guess she just wan to carry and feed baby. cos last time when I fully latch, baby almost stay in my room whole day, hardly carry her out.when I start to bottle feed 1-2 times a day, she so happy. But understand lar, her first waited long grandchild.but she dunno tat her words *drink not ful issit* will create unhappiness and stress to mummy. Last time when she always comment about let baby drink fresh, dun store milk. I nearly got post-natal blue until I tell her off say I DUN WAN TO HEAR THE COMMENT AGAIN. Then I cry in the pantry, I dunno if she know I cry. after that she din say anything abt my EBM.


yalor..MIL just find excuses..


after i told my MIL to wash and my hubby went to tell her again. I saw her wash more properly yesterday. Will check secretly and do necessary next time. I also dun wish to argue with her more since she is more stubborn, and always tell me *last time, last time*. today told me to sterilize bottle one time enuf, say since we got many bottles. I told her I will do tat only after baby at least grow bigger with stronger immuse system. She say *LAST TIME* only boil one time, she even say ppl now do tat, i told her tat ppl now used proper sterilizer and sterilized every used. She kept telling me tat we got many bottle, can sterilize one time and use the whole day, I count for her tat we need 8 bottles for baby a day. 3 hours interval, 24 hours a day. then she say still got the small one (Medela freestyle bottle), i told her I need to pump my milk, and I got 2 breasts, if sterilized once a day, I need 16 bottles a day. Guess she dun get my calculation and again say last time is like tat. wan to faint already. I ask her to *look forward*, dun always *look backward*. We need to improve..I admit I'm quite rude at time.

Yesternite my MIL finally tasted the pain. I let my baby sleep in baby room, my MIL sleep with her. She wake up for milk at 130am and fall asleep fast after fed, MIL went to change her diaper at 2plus say bcos baby make noise so she tot dirty. I warn her many times tat if plan to change, change b4 feed, cannot change after feed cos khloe sure wake up (I guaranteed). She challenge my warning and khloe refused to sleep. I hear her voice so wake up to check, 2plus, 3plus, 4plus still dun wan to sleep. at 4plus, my MIL say - cannot, must feed her milk, otherwise she refused to sleep. So I tot MIL asked me to feed her so i carry her and latch then I heard the bottle sound and found out tat my MIL already heat up the EBM and you know wat. she go and heat up 3oz of milk (khloe drink 3oz every 3 hours). 4lus is only 2 hours interval, khloe sure cant finish the milk. I was so upset, she dunno tat every 3hours drink 3oz, if just wan to feed baby to sleep, should prepare LESS!!! end up khloe drink only 1.5oz and guess wat, khloe still refused to sleep. When I went and peep, MIL already gave up and sleep, left khloe in her cot alone. so poor thing. So i carry her to my room with the milk (within 1 hour still can drink. I try to feed her, talk to her and she continue to drink, pat her to sleep at 5plus. When someone is tired and sleepy, really can be quite boh chap. If khloe dun wan to sleep during day time, guarantee my MIL will carry her. When I ask why must carry her, she will tell me baby make noise. SO BIG DIFFERENT!

Oh ya, you may wan to offer pacifier to baby when she dun wan to sleep. I realised sometime baby treat my nipple as something to satisfied herself to sleep. I started *doggy* feeding style a while ago cos backache and tired. khloe can *mum* my nipple without sucking, when I removed it, she asked for it like very hungry which is not true. So I gave her pacifier, she will reject then I put into her mouth again and again then she will *suck* and fall asleep.When she fall asleep, she will let go the pacifier.

I once beat my baby and feel so heartpain and regret. ppl always say baby can feel/sense our mood. I guess is true. since then, I try to be extra patient even when she is cranky. I will say *angry at you, dun like you, hate you*, but my mood wasn't tat mood, and she still happily look at me with her big eyes. Sometime I will pretend scold her and ask, who naughty, she SMILE AT ME!!! heart melted. Now I can look at her sleeping face, never feel boring cos she got lotsa emotion, smile, laugh, cranky, wiser mouth, unhappy mouth..etc

Jia you sherill!! Ur hubby coming back soon?


My baby also got discharge after the cord drop out. Hers is blood, doctor say it's okay and ask me to put the powder tat PD prescrib. her naval fully dry after 3-4 days. Yours a bit too long, you might wan to call the PD and check.


I also will feel uneasy when my MIL carry baby too much. I'm woried next time my baby *stick* more to grandma instead of me. Can understand your feeling. Dunno how to comfort you cos we are the same..haha

Baby sleep with grandma for 3-4 days already, I missed my baby so much (although is just next door). I told hubby tat tonite must bring baby back to our room.hehe


Yeah agree!! the lying position aka doggy position is really good. cos when baby is sucking, we can sleep!!! I started tat a while ago cos baby was super cranky one nite and refused to sleep, my wound is hurting me like hell cos kept carry baby and she keep moving and kicking. End up I carry her to my bed and try the doggy way(daphne mentioned b4 tat she used this method). Khloe satisfied and mummy can sleep. I also dunno she suck till wat time cos I already fall asleep like a pig.


I tot dang gui will reduce the BM? Tien can verify??

Hopefully: Danggui reduces BM. The increase in your BM may not be due to the the soup...like because you drag the timing of expressing. Try cooking it without danggui, you will probably have more.

Btw for those who really wants to increase milk supply, I think just threadfin fish (they call it ngor hee) bone soup is good enough. I have been drinking every night for dinner and my middle of night pump has gone up to 60-90 ml per side. Also, remember to drink red date tea before feeding/pumping and after. I already reduced my frenugreek to 2 capsules twice a day instead of 3 capsules 3 times a day.

Kimmy: I think you have to knock the bit on 'stress = no milk for your 1st grandchild' into the head of your MIL! Ask your hb to tell. They also say crying is no good for mummies in confinement. Cry for her to see then she will know!! Please also drink lotsa of fluids ya....cheer up girl! I think you are doing great. The fact is you can manage the baby so much better than your MIL shows that you are a wonderful mummy!!

Hi mummies,

Actually I envy those who can latch themselves. I cant latch my boy properly even at lying position. Therefore now I only fully pump and bottle feed and only latch during weekend for sake of simulating milk supply, cos my boy is taking 90ml (he is 2 weeks old now). Must worked very hard to give him enuff supply.

My supply now is average 100-120ml from both sides of breasts.


I think i will go crazy if my boy dun sleep with me. I dun care, basically even hubby never help me with night shift, I rather take care of my boy myself. Day time is to give granny some chance to take care of him so that she wun disturb in the night.

I guess I am still pretty lucky that my boy only wake up twice in the night. Feed, change diaper, sleep.

Agreed with Tien,

Stress = no milk. and it really is. Cos i cried on my 1st 2 day at home, my pumping in fact decrease by half!

And yes, no crying during confinement. My mum also reminded me of that.

Be strong mummies. Any problem throw to hubby to settle with MIL. I am doing that right now, cos having issues on full mth celebration also, and hubby jolly well got to talk to her.

Hi mummies! I want to check with you ladies. How's your lochia discharge. My flow suddenly increased these 3 days. I hv to change my pad like after every gush. I can't rem what hap when I gave birth to #1. Some more I went thro sec, by right shouldn't hv such heavy flow. Not sure if it's a cause for concern especially I'm now completing 2nd week of postpartum.


My discharge is not so extreme already (on day 22) but i rem having sudden gushes earlier on. But mine is showing no signs of stopping completely. Just as I think it's tapering off, I will do one pump/feed and more will come out.

Anyone's lochia flow stopped completely? How long did it take?

tien - has been 13 days since i gave birth, my lochia not much, in fact i have been wearing panty liner for almost a week already, altho hv to change the panty liner maybe twice a day.

Hi all me almost full mth Liao also still having lochia quite irritating abit abit also wondering when it will stop sigh

anyone wearing cinch? Find it not bad quite comfortable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies who r taking fenugreek, how fast after taking frnugreek did u see your bm supply increase? Been taking for 2 days already, but seems like my ss still Hovering ard 50ml both breasts. It's been 2 wks since delivery, but ss still hasn't shown any increase. Sad...


im wearing the cinch now! It's really quite comfy...in fact a bit too comfy. haha. Compared to the massage lady's wrap not as effective in trimming the waist.


anyone's bb still having this, or having a repeat episode?

My daughter seems (to me visually) more yellow these 2 days. I'm afraid it's a recurrence of her jaundice n must go back to phototherapy. Old folks tell me it's cos of breastfeeding..is it true? I have only been supplying about 2/3 of her whole day needs, the rest is formula. Should I bring her to PD to check jaundice levels again?

Hi luckymummy

how long u been wearing my 2nd day only hope it's helpful lookin fwd to closing up the gap hopefully by 2 mths stomach flatten kekek

I also feel my gal abit yellow but CL say bf babies are like tat so long not extreme are the eyes yellow too?

really dang gui dont help with bm? will try next round and see how result.

this cookbook give wrong info.

but no matter what, i only have this much glands in my breast, so if can reach 120ml already very good for me.

the skin on my tummy itch so badly everytime i put on the wrap, I dunno what else to use to help support my tummy.

Kimmy: he is coming back on mOnday !

BTW, u having cOld/ flu then consider wearing mask and carry bb if really miss her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Today I went out and feel like back to normal again and can fit into my Pre pregnancy dresses though I still need to reduce 5 kg more but tummy flat already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Luckymummy, my bb still hav abit of jaundice. We were told to bring him to polyclinic to chk his jaundice 1 day after discharge. N ever since, his jaundice level was increasing until we brought him to KK a&e last fri n he was admitted for phototheraphy. After e session, his jaundice decreased but still on e high side. Need to bring him for last chk again, hopefully everything will b ok. So sad to bring him for chkup cos everytime gotta draw blood. His 2 lil feet had areadi been poked many times 

Mummies, i hav been v stressed lately. I'm worried tat i cant handle my boy alone after confinement when my hubby go back to work. Tot of dis make me wanna cry n once i start crying, i cant stop. Dis has also affected my bm ss, from 100ml both breasts to less than 50ml now. When my boy is cranky, he can stay awakw n cry for hours nonstop. Den i hav to keep pacifying him n i cant do any other thing inclyding pumping, cos i'm not latching my baby now. i'm afraid tat my ss will drop n i may not b able to continue bf after 1 mth...stressed n sad 

Hmmm sounds like the heavy lochia flow could be due to bfg. Hopefully it will taper off.

My girl's is still a bit yellow too. But pd merely says bring her and sun. Also jaundice after one week is no harmful anymore. And I don't think jaundice is due to bfg unless it's cos of the herbs intake. My gynae is one person who believes that baby jaundice is dye to Chinese herbs. Not sure how true. Though I did notice that my #2 takes longer to clear while #1 cleared within 1 week. My CL for #2 puts more of other herbs in my red date tea while CL #1 just put red date n Ginger n du zhong.


I wan to v

ent! Just now pump out BM and went to the pantry to store, MIL say fridge full already and again she say - let baby drink fresh. Seriously! I already worried might not enuf to feed till khloe 6 months old and MIL say baby cant finished my EBM. i told her their intake will increase, sure can finish even after they start solid food, they need milk b4 sleep and during nap time. We cant offer a bowl of porridge for their tea time and supper. And i told her tat i drink milk till 7 yrs old. Guess wat..she LAUGH! Wat is so funny to drink milk till 7 yrs old. In the end, she just dun believe BM is overall better n healthier than formula. I immediately complaint to hubby, he ask me to ignore or entertain her, dun listen to heart, but more or less will affect one mar...i tell MIL tat i dun wan to hear any comment abt BM cos it affect my mood. And this is not the first time i tell her off, tat mean she will continue with her old thinking..aaaggggrrrhhhh


i started taken fenugreek at the end of my 2nd week. i'm going on my 4th week now and finishing the first bottle soon. my BM supply is still quite low also. both breast, i can have a range of 50ml - 120 ml. feeling upset but keep telling myself not to give up.

i only see a mild increase of 15-30ml from last week. can't do much but to tell myself to be patient.


i'm feeling lke you too. dunno if i can handle when i move out of my parents place this friday. my boy is cranky n fuss for no apparent reasons even in his sleep. i can't seem to be able to sooth him. on the contrary, when i carry him when he cry, he cry even louder in my arms. the only time he doesn't cry w me is when he latch on. cuz mouth is busy! my parents are the one who will have to step in to help soothe him. feel so inadequate as a mum.

my hubby is willing to learn n doing all he can to make my move back home comfortable. but the fact remains that he is also not good w kids. can't seem to carry the baby properly but i dun wan to intervene cuz he needs to learn. so both of us are on a trial and error mode.

my FIL is likely to be a hinderance than help. when hubby say he worry he can't cope when the baby comes home to my FIL, he jus keep quiet and din offer any form of help. there was one visit when hubby was attempting to change diaper and the baby puke, my FIL who was standing by the baby just stood there and watch. he din even bother to pick up the hanky to help clean the baby's mouth. sigh~

when my mum tell FIL what to do when i go back, he always say "ok ok, no problem.." but i suspect it'll turn out to be "ok ok.. big problem!"

hope i'll at least survive this weekend w/o parents help. cuz parents needed the weekend to spring clean n buy CNY stuff. hope i can hang in for 2 days before i have to turn back to my parents for help. *cross fingers and pray!!


few more days to hubby return day..very fast :)

no..not having flu, just too heaty...MIL automatic sleep in that room after nite feed, so it's not nice for us to bring baby back to our room, later she misunderstand...

LZZ n chabby, you are not alone! I still don't think that u can cope alone. My Bb is the kind that don't like people to bathe or change him. Just now, he was sleeping when he woke up to fuss n poo, then no choice, have to change him right? Then really scream the house down and struggle so much! Sigh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] . My supply also don't see improvement.... And if I latch him, he will suck 10 mins n sleep n won't wake up no matter what you do. So I think it's better to bottle feed n try to establish a schedule. But the amt of milk is v discouraging! If I m home alone, prob no need to do anything at all the whole day except carry baby n stuff my nipple in his mouth to keep him quiet.

So, honestly, for pple living with ILs or parents, must be appreciative that you have people to help you carry n pacify a crying baby.

Hi mummies..

I also have MIL stuff to complain =(.

Anyone had the privilege of having Yong Tau Foo for confinement?? I have never heard of it lor! My MIL consult my auntie the other day and my aunt say better not, end up the very next day she bought a big pack and cooked it over the next few days.

My fren cooked a pot of papaya n fish soup and brought over for me. I say then why not we keep hers for the next day. She say "Cant! will have wind" n since then, everyday she ask me to drink leftover soup from the previous dinner!

Today, woke up and she told me I better start drinking those herbal soup. I was thinking, today is exactly the end of 2nd week of confinement, you dun cook those herbal soup for me instead cook what yong tau foo then say that i should start to to take nutritious soup???? say that it'll be a waste to throw them away???

Goodness.. this is my 2nd confinement with her ald and she never improve!! Every day, she will take the recipe book and study but its been 14days n NOTHING from the book! So many days of vegetable n nuggets n fries! Argh.. confinement is truly tough!!!

Lzz, chabby and misty: it's not tht tough to manage an infant. Just need to hv confidence. I had doubts when my older girl was a baby. But somehow I got the hang of it later on. Initially I had phobia of bathing infants, but when you are faced with no choice, you just do it. Having a schedule will help but it also means we cannot be lazy.

Misty: do u swaddle your baby when latching? I always unswaddle my girl so that she will be less drowsy.


I wore on mon (stopped massage last fri, then lazy on the weekend), stopped tue, today wearing it again. haha. see how long I can keep this up.


her eyes are not yellow...guess I will just monitor since so many of your babies are also a bit yellow.


yah my bb screams n turns into a little tomato everytime she gets pricked..very reluctant to go back to check for jaundice.


my confinement ends this Fri, and mil going back home on Monday...Monday will be a real test of my mummying skills. Tried bathing her these 2 days with varying success. Sometimes she cries, sometimes she tolerates it..guess if I'm the only one home hearing her cry it's not so bad.


agree..i appreciate their help but sometime can vomit blood..listen to thier traditional thinking and when they kept comment abt one thing n dun accept/listen to our explanation can be very stressful. Especially breastmilk topic.


My MIL cook the same taste of foods for one whole month. I just eat lor..


thanks. i hope i'll get the hang of things soon. after talking to my hubby jus now when he come over, i tell myself not to brood over nitty gritty and just have to "DO IT"! left w no other choice anyway.


dun understand your MIL. i wan BM also dun have. jus ignore her and handle the feeding on your own. let her handle the misc.

My turn to vent!! Hubby woes!!!

Baby has reflux/heartburn problem but we've seen a PD and was prescribed med. Baby stopped puking already but still fusses and cries during feeds sometimes. Then just now baby was crying his head off and my hubby wanted to spank him!! He shouted at the baby "why u so irritating!". Baby nt feeling well of cuz cry right? Every night I'm the one waking up to tend to baby even though hubby still on leave. Plus past few days and nights I have to hold baby upright for 1/2 hr after feeds to keep his milk down, I also never complain, who is he to lose his temper at the baby????

medela softfit shield,

How is yours holding up, if you're using medela? Mine has started to turn slightly yellow and the shape has changed. Intend to get an extra set and was wondering if I shd change to the standard type which is harder. Any feedback?


dun think ur hubby mean it, he just tired n can't control. My husband once like ur hubby, he now understand after i scold him. Now when baby cranky, he pay more attention n help patiently. When human get tired, mood wing..hope ur baby recover from heartburn soon..

Medele shieldh

mine also turn yellowish. No idea wat type to choose also...


Hi luckymummy

me having same problem... Think this shld b more comfortable as it massage the breast but get out of shape fast... Am wondering to change too

