(2011/01) Jan 2011

Hi mummies, i have extra 3tubes of palmer stretchmark cream to let go at $40, collection at toa payoh central/mrt. Pm mi if keen..

Anyway, my edd 20jan11.. My 2nd pregnancy.. ^_^

Pls add mi on facebook at [email protected]




keep your placenta for processing bah. i dun dare to eat to be honest. if you dare, go for it.

as for the price diff..some hospital have some package thing.. i know parkway has this..you may wan to ask the admission or payment counter..or even the nurses at your gynae clinic.

today i ask the gynae nurse what to bring for hospital (glen-e). she say this:

- PJ provided. just bring 1 set will do.

- very cold and air-con cannot be adjust! bring jacket/robe for both yourself and hubby

- bring own diapers.. hospital charge way more ex.

-must bring 1 set of baby clothes.

Thanks Darienna for the info [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wa not bad lay Kimmy Xmas baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chabby, i still duno my room rates and no tour yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] oops i ask them whether i need to book or not they nurse say not yet..so mayb only the last few weeks?


Process it into capsule type should be alright, just like those supplement lor, swallow it won't have any taste..Just dunno how if need to bring home n freeze it. My hubby might hate it cos overall it feels like a bloody lump...ew....


Yeah...but some ppl commenting about giving birth on xmas..

I think need to book 2 months prior to due date no?


I guess we are all concerned about how our lives will change but must think positive like you say. Somehow when you say you're delivering on xmas it seems so near! Mine only in mid Jan.

About TMC rooms, I saw quite a few rooms and they pretty much look the same to me, except that the 4 bedders seem a little cramped. Could potentially be quite noisy. Of course the premium suites and all are very nice.

Initially I wanted the 2 bedder, then after seeing the price brochure my husband says after medisave claim the price difference is not too big so might as well take normal 1 bedder so he can stay over too. Apparently if husband wants to stay over can only do so in 1 bedrm ward? Did you all take into account the medisave claim thingy?

However, I am still confused about the price difference and the many different columns to look at on the price list.


yup, sleeping at night is no longer very comfortable. Keep feeling like my food didn't go down very well, but I'm so tired that I've been sleeping like a log these few nights. Dunno whether it's good or bad to be so overworked.

commenting abt xmas? abt wat? jus go with yr heart [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my they never tell me need to book mayb my hospital not so popular..

Hi Luckymummy, its good tat you can sleep like a log..as i cant [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] keep turning and tossing..and yes the food like cant digest and go down..and esp at nite i dun eat well at all so dont eat much..

luckymummy, yah, I think it's good if u can just sleep like a log at night. For me , I try to sleep on my side, but it feels so heavy like the tummy is loopsided. Then I also end up with a backache... Think sleeping on the back is most comfy now... many nights, I wake up and realise that I have been sleeping on my back.

Lily, yah, heartburn issues also.

Sigh, that's why I wonder why some mothers can enjoy being pregnant leh... :p

lilyh and misty,

looks like we have many comfort issues. the price of the 3rd trimester and being "almost there"!

I'm trying to attain this perfect position of being somewhere on my side, but yet still supported by a pillow on the back. To compromise on sleeping directly on my back.

Sometimes even just sitting around at night on the sofa is uncomfortable cos the food feels like it didn't go down well, or the back is just "not right". So I'm quite grouchy at night. I try to do the yoga stretches but the relief lasts a while only.

Ya misty..but seriously i dont remember being so tired when i was carrying my boy las time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] due to age mayb..

Yes Luckymummy, same here sit also cant for too long walk also cant for too long stand also cant lie down also mus find the perfect position if not like wan to puke or cant breathe..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so grouchy..

Im July 2010 mommy.

I have 2 boxes of brand new unopened Pigeon breast pad for sale due to overstock.

36 pcs - $8

72 pcs - $13

Pls kindly pm me if keen.

Self collect at Bukit Panjang, Bukit Batok, Bukit Gombak, Clementi, Buona Vista, or CCk

Luckymummy & kimmyksc, I'm also a bit confused about the columns. Hubby can only stay over if it's 1 bedded. For me, my hubby will not be staying over as he need to be home to look after my #1. Therefore, I rather choose the 2 bedder so tat I won't be alone at nite. But for my #1 at KKH, I did choose the 1 bedder so tat my hubby can stay over with me.

As I'm opting for C-sec, therefore my cost will be higher. So, hv to save cost by choosing 2 bedder also. Hee...


Daphne, think my case mite be the same as you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will see how things go too..plus my 1st one will need to be in school..phew like lots of changes getting anxious, excited...duno wat to expect..@_@

Hi Grouchies,

Hahaha, I thought I was the exception, super grouchy and moody.Luckymummy, think I know the position you mean. I feel that recently, the need to go pee is increased... like the weight of the head is pressing on my bladder or something.

Re: 2 Bedders

Actually, it depends how much you value your privacy and your luck. For my #1, no more single bedder, so no choice, got to take a 2 bedder. Then delivered in the middle of the night. Then the other occupant was a scheduled c-sect, so she checked in very early, like 6am or something. So precious sleep was disrupted for me. Then it also depends on the "visitor volume" of your room mate. If it is someone whose whole village will visit, then can expect no peace lor...

Misty, I agree with the privacy part. But I think the one tat the whole village will visit will be me instead. Hope my room mate won't mind or be angry....


seems like i share the same scenario as u...for my #1 i chose 4 bedder but got upgraded to a 2 bedder. me also delivered in the middle of the nite..and the mummy next to me actually snores (pretty loud) in her sleep...so i got interrupted sleep till morning.

2nd day the mummy checkout and the next morning a c-sect mummy also checked in pretty early...but its ok la cos the nurse also came in like 6am and woke me up fr my sleep just to check my BP...so irritating haha


Ya, xmas sounds near hor...tat's y i'm getting anxious and excited nowaday. Hubby scared I can't sleep well due to the neighbour's visitors, so he say take the 1 bedder room. The one tat I tour around is the premier room, not sure how the standard 1 bedded room will be, but of course I will only opt for the standard 1 beded not the highclass one. Not sure if need to pay extra if husband stay overnite. But 2 bedded & above confirm cannot stay overnite.


I also opt for c-sec leh. hospital and doctor fees also more ex than natural.


They comment say xmas day, ppl will focus on xmas...blah blah blah..for me, I dun care lar...not as if my baby will be their fren..haha


So I guess you will prefer to have single bedroom :)

Sleeping issue

Same here lor...lie down feel heart burn and cant breath smooth..Have to sit up and take deep deep breath. Now I feel tat sleep on back is the most comfy position, but not gd for baby rite :-(..I must sleep before my baby wake up (b4 10:30pm), otherwise, she will just kick kick kick cos not happy tat I pressing her. 小霸王

Daphne, actually for me, my friends visited me with all their young children!!!! So I was actually very apologetic towards my roommate, considering that she just had a c section earlier in the morning! Then also depends on whether your bed is inside or nearer corridor leh..

Kimmy, wah, sleep so early ah? Aiyoh, how can Santarina princess be a "ba wang"? hahahaa! So cute!

Shycloud, probably the nurse had to do so before she changes shift... Then hor, my #1 was crying so loudly in the middle of the night cos want to feed... so a bit pai seh to the sleeping mummy lah...


maybe ur right, but my sleep gets disturbed so tat is also not right lol! im sure the mummy can understand lah since its ur #1.


dun bother abt others! it must be exciting to have an xmas bb...double joyous mood! me also sleep quite early...usually by 10pm latest i will be in dreamland liao....too tired


I have to sleep early, if not, gotto wait till 12plus..hahhawel...santarina can be ba wang nowaday...haha


yeah...double joyous...haha..wa, u can sleep at 10pm, not bad leh..I wish I also can, but me greedy lar, wan to watch TV..


i hear pple say bb born in end chinese calendar month are hungry tigers cos they are supposed to be in 冬眠...hungry tiger = angry tiger... so i guess they can be quite grouchy haha...mine also will kick and kick...oh no its kicking again now!

me after fussing ard #1, eyes will be too tired to even open up! i wanna watch my fav tv show also gotta give it a miss liao.

Would like to know when will the bb turns head down?

I am at 30 weeks and doc advise if by 36 weeks bb no turn head down, I might need to go c-sec...which I don't wish to.

Hi Mummies,

This is my first post here but I've been wandering around this forum for quite some time. I normally read the forum on my Hp so typing becomes a little difficult somewhat. Haven't used my computer in months ever since I knew about my pregnancy! And I was a computer addict before I got pregnant!

Anyway, I'm also a Jan Mtb, edd is on Jan 23 next yr. It's my first pregnancy and i'm gonna deliver in KKH. Hopefully I can go for natural delivery. I'm also considering whether to have epidural, but I'm so afraid of the risk of paralysis...

I think I'm in my 29th week, last checkup at 28wks, my bb was 1.3kg. I heard everyone talking abt the GD test, but when I booked for my next appt, my gynae didn't tell me anything abt having to go for the test, but they gave me an appt that's in the morning, which is different fr my usual evening ones in the past months. Anybody skipped the GD test and need not go for it?

Hi Cookiefleur,

Please include my order for the Bravado bras

Original M+ Blush $2 off

Body silk M butterscotch $2 off

Essential nursing bra tank 38d/dd chocolate $2 off

Please advice on payment mode once order is confirm. Thanks

Jeannie, I think the test is only offered to those who are at higher risk of GD. If your doc never say anything, then likely you're ok. But you can always call and check if unsure. =)

kimmy, ignore those people. she's your baby, not theirs, so not their decision to make! think there will always be people who can find negative things to say.

We're nearing the end pt already! (or is it the beginning? heehee) jia you MTBs!!!!!!

Yeah, was thinking of calling them. Probably will do so in the next couple of days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, a silly qn... For mummies intending to do normal delivery, is anybody intending to go Brazilian waxing before delivery? I heard they don't shave you down there... Is it even safe to go waxing???

Hello Mummy,

I have opened unused MEDELA SWING (USA set) offering at $$150.

Kindly PM me if interested.

What's in the Box

Two each of collection containers and lids, one container stand, one valve, three membranes, one SoftFit breast shield, a carrying bag, Breastfeeding Information Guide, tubing, AC adapter, battery power option, neck/shoulder strap and Instruction Manual.

Two-Phase Expression Technology

The Swing features two-phase expression technology, an advanced pumping pattern that mimics a baby's natural nursing rhythm. This system works in two modes: the simulation mode and the expression mode. The simulation mode simulates your baby's initial rapid sucking to start your milk flowing, while the expression mode simulates your baby's slower, deeper suckling to express your milk gently yet efficiently. These modes work together to make pumping a quick and painless process.


hmmm... I have still been going for my waxing appts. they make me sign disclaimer form everytime.

I'm intending to do just before deliver, feels neater.... hahahaha... but will double confirm with my doc at next appt I guess...


from my understanding, no need to shave de. they might shave a bit esp if you are doing c-sec. besides that, i dun intend to tend to the bush/tree down there. (tummy block view already.. out of sigh, outof mind. muhahaha)

as for epidural, dun think so much. when the pain gets to you, you'll want it. pretty low risk from what i read. i'm going for happidural. dun wan to test my threshold. hehe..i'm the "parking-lot epidural" mum. go in and ask early. dun wan to test my limit.

you may want to go library to grab this book call "The Best Birth" which tells you what to expect. one thing it advocate is this mantra. "healthy mum and healthy baby..whatever way it takes". so be flexible to whatever procedures it may require for delivery as it concerns the safety of mum and babies.

GD is an optional test. gynae will ask you to do if she feels you are high risk. e.g routine urine test results no good or family history if diabetes. if not, dun need to do.. so dun think need to ask since your gynae has yet to say anything so far.


baby head can turn down any time. mine has turn down but it doesn't gurantee that it'll stand head down. it's too early to tell if if would be natural or c-sec. actually, i've a colleague whereby she deliver naturally despite breech position (head up). but do note that there's higher risk involved and the gynae may not want you to do that.

Chabby, Wow, yr colleague actually gave birth naturally with baby in breech position..... Btw, my mum also gave birth to me naturally when I was in breech position and my twin sis was still waiting inside for me to come out first. But guess nowadays, docs will suggest c-sec to prevent any risk.

Flyingpig, my #1 turned head down at 32 weeks but at my 36 weeks check, he turned back. When I was in my 39 weeks, he was still in breech position, so my gynae suggest C-sec for me. So as per Chabby, it's really too early to tell now.

Re 2 bedders,

I stongly suggest ear plugs and eye shades (those given out on plane trips) in case you get a neighbour with noisy visitors. I fully intend to sleep as much as possible while someone else is looking after my baby. Might be the last 2 nights of good sleep for a long, long time!


yup I'm peeing all the time too. Have to drink my quota of water before 8pm or else I will wake up to pee too often.


I'm confused by the column about the extra bed being set up for husband. It's like an extra $75 or something right? So if I don't request for the bed I won't be charged, or as long as husband stays over and they know will get charged? Is the sofa in the 1 bedder 'free'?

Pls ignore those pple who have nothing else to comment on and feel good picking on poor pregnant women.

Had a colleague come up to me, interrupt my conversation with someone else, and announce in my face (while staring at my swollen ankles) that "Eh, you are starting to get water retention hor?" *rolls eyes* All kinds of strange pple out there.


Looks like we didn't hit the minimum number of pieces to enjoy the discount.


i agree tat having enough/good sleep is very impt.. cos by the time we r back home it will be sleepless nites liao...plus the confinement and endless BF going on...

just ignore them...some pple r just so insensitive with their comments...haiz

Just had my appoinment today at 32 weeks, baby head down lower than placenta already, good sign for normal delivery. Weight was 1.6 Kg up from 1.3 Kg at 30 weeks, DOc told me it is ok and it is not going to be a heavy baby not more than 3 Kg in all.

Is weight 1. Kg at 32 weeks really normal? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Cookiefleur,

So we will made the payment directly to bebelounge taking into consideration the $2 off by end of this week? Just want to make sure I pay for the correct amount.


Dun worri so much about the weight as long as the doc say that it is normal.. Don't stress yourself too much..

We should all have a happy and memorable pregrancy..

Hi Sherill, for my #1, his weight was 2.1kg at 32 weeks and my gynae told me too heavy. He said tat 1.6kg was the normal weight. So dun worry.

Thanks for the support from all mummies...yeah, I will just ignore them..Just sometime not happy to hear such comment, our mood not always 100% good nowaday. If comment came in at the right time then is ok, wrong timing can be quite irritating.

Husband stay overnite:

Ya, if husband din stay overnite, they wont charge. dun think they charge for the sofa. My next appointment is on next thursday, may be I can ask for more detail, ask them how to read their price list. I remember baby is 50 per nite, husband is around there at 75.

Baby wholesale:

Saw an advertisement today on straits time.

11 - 13 Nov from 10am - 5:30pm

address: 994 Bendemeer Road #06-09

baby clothing from $3 onwards

brands: bonbebe, munchkin, kidstools, petit terrainllon, evenflo, sunshine kids, baby comfort, baby craft

Price for baby cot from $100

baby car seat 0-4 yrs old - usual $388, selling at $169

and many more......


if i'm not wrong (based on what the nurse said during the hospital tour), the $75 is for the meals of the lodger. the sofa bed is for hubby/lodger to use while staying there. so the sofa bed is supposedly "free" in that sense.


haha..like the part on "Might be the last 2 nights of good sleep for a long, long time!" so totally agree w u on it.

you may wan to try

daytime: breast feed (more fluid and digestable)

Milk time: formula milk (as it last longer)

so as to reduce the number of times the baby wakes up to be feed.

Am reading a book call "the baby sleeps tonight"


anyone keen for the summary plan? i can type out and put out the summary for the first 3 months.

sorry, typo. i mean the first 3 weeks.

Just drop me a PM with your e-mail address.

i'll send the word document to you.

Hi Sherill, dont hav to worry too much since the doc never say anything..for me worst..i dont even know my baby's Weight!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so imagine..sigh..

anyone going for the bendemeer sale?

can post the review of the sale if you go down?

Thank you in advance. muack!

for the Bravado orders.. I tot PoorMummy ordered too? but her order missing here

we r only 7pcs away from the moq..

hi jan mummies, i am from feb thread but my edd is in jan. anyway, regarding the bendemeer warehouse sale, i happen to work on the same office building. as i told the feb mummies, i will be going to recce during lunch time tmr. will post my review here once i check it out:)

Thanks Joodz!

Good afternoon Ladies, me still feeling grumpy... can't sleep well and can't get that rested feeling.. sigh...

Re Bendemeer sale, saw the website that it accepts cash only. The advertised cot looks very nice actually, only wonder if it is 4 level adjustable.


Cheer up misty... counting down!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for me i keep on dreaming abt me delivering early ..and saw my gal and all etc, must be too excited liao.. did you all have these dreams?

