(2011/01) Jan 2011

Mummies who have indicated interest in prenatal yoga class at Bishan,

Please let the instructor know if you are keen on starting lessons, so she can firm up the dates and let us know. Cos now she has only received emails with tentative enquiries.

There was no lesson last sat and I think I had withdrawal symptoms. haha tried to do the exercises that I remember at home but it just wasn't the same.



breastpads pls. thanks.

Anybody wana order Baby Ktan too?

I also got the Seahorse foldable mattress for my helper to sleep on the floor during my confinement. The mattress is not bad leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Seems like lots of people just using mattress from Seahorse. Will check it out soon. So is it ok for CL to sleep on floor? How many mummies here will be doing this?

Afternoon mummies,

sleeping arrangement

My #1 is still sleeping in his cot at 2yo. So I am not sure if I should get another cot for the baby. What if I get the cot then the older one decides not to sleep in his cot anymore, then waste my money. On the other hand, I want to keep him in his cot for as long as possible since his bedroom is not totally childproof. Don't want him to wander around in the middle of the night.

Pinkimum, how about you buy those Ikea toddler beds for #1 then can let #2 use the cot?

Ting, I definitely dun wan to encourage co-sleeping, cos #1 still sleeping with me!!!!! ARGH! But really, takes a lot of discipline to put baby back into the cot after every feed.


im also thinking whether to put my #1 in toddler bed. Thinking whether it's a gd time to buy now and 'upgrade' her. But I worry she will fall off the bed. Coz my girl is very active. And she does have nightmares, waking up in the middle of the night crying and standing up. So I duno whether to still keep her in her cotbed or change her to toddler bed.

for #2, im thinking whether to get a playpen. I used to hv a playpen in my room for #1. She only used it for less than a yr (7mths), then I gota change her to cotbed coz she's so active.. jumping and all. Playpen not very stable for a crawler.

Im hvg headache over whether to get playpen for #2 ... or upgrade #1 to toddler bed, and let #2 use the existing cotbed.

i discourage co-sleeping too. it takes a while and lotsa crying before your child is willing to sleep in his/her own bed.

also.. mummies,

where to buy nice, comfy, practical nursing sleep wear? that can wear at home and at hospital?

previously i bought a pack of 2 sleep gowns/dress with buttons in front from mothercare. super ex! $80+ for 2 simple cotton ones. after a few washes.. went out of shape. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

any good recommendation?


I think mothercare nursing sleep wear is over rated! I think as long as it is a button down PJ, should serve it's purpose already.

Sigh...playpen vs cot.... headache...

Hi cookiefleur, they don't hav allure there so nvr get to try think the seamless is not bad and also the bliss [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CL sleepin on floor I hav no space so suppose no choice but to let her sleep on floor as I cant be askin her to sleep on my son bed lay

My boy who turns 1 yr old last mth sleeps on a queen size mattress on his own when he's about 9 mths old. The baby cot seems too small for him as he keeps turning all over at nite and hitting the sides. I push his mattress to the wall and use a big cushion to prevent him from hitting the wall. At the other side, I stack up 2 queen size beds and sleeps with my hubby next to him. In a way, it seems like he's sleeping by himself but somehow we are still next to him. So, my baby cot was left empty for few mths now waiting for my little one to be born next jan.

Think I've mentioned before my sleeping arrangement in my earlier post, hee. Btw, my mattress are all from seahorse. I find it value for $.

Miaiko, think it's time for yr girl to learn to sleep by herself. Tat's how I feel about it. But of cos it's still up to u.

misty, miaiko,

I also thought of toddler bed leh. But I scared when he doesnt want to sleep he will walk around in the room. Haha. Coz now I just need to put him in the cot, off the light and close the door and he goes to sleep himself. Then after he wakes up, I also don't know if he will go around opening drawers etc... hahaha


my girl is already sleeping on her own in her cotbed. Juz duno when to upgrade her to toddler bed. and whether to get playpen for #2. or use #1's cotbed, while i get another toddler bed for #1.

Wana save space in my girl's room also. coz i plan for #1, #2 and maid to sleep in the same room.


yah! same here. I wonder if my girl will not sleep and come out of bed (if i change to toddler bed) and walk around at night on her own, without us knowing. She's super active. Even on our very high kind size bed, she can slide off with ease when we r not looking.

Hello mommies...


oh..oh...I plan to let my baby sleep in-between us for about 3-4 months then only permantly transfer her to cot. easier for brest feeding especially during nite time. May be day time will let her sleep in the cot..hope it's not so tough to transfer her to cot :-S

sleep wear:

agreed!! mothercare is over-rated. I bought one from normal road show, made-in-china..front button at 12dollar only.


I will sign up with cordlife soon..can text me your full name and NRIC?

eating own placenta:

I forgot one of the mummy got the contact. I couldn't find it cos the thread moving too fast. I plan to find out more and considering to send my placenta for processing it into capsule and eat it. I ask my doctor about this, she say many MTB is asking her but she dunno how true abt eating it are gd for skin..etc. She see those tat eating really got good skin.

Hi Miaiko, maybe u shd let her get used to sleeping in the toddler bed and let #2 sleep in the cot. Sooner or later, yr #1 needs to learn to sleep on the toddler bed also. Maybe can start training her now and monitor for a few days? Try putting a mattress on the floor next to the bed incase she fell off the bed at nite might helps.

I also got a playpen tat I put in the living room. It's only for my #1 to play inside when nobody's free to look after. I think tat a playpen shd not be use as a bed as it's too soft and not solid enough as a good support for a newborn baby's back.

Sleepwear: I got 2 sets from toa payoh, $9 each only. Material is not very good type, but I'm intending to wear only during confinement, so hopefully is ok.

Sleeping arrangment: am first time mom, so no exp, but hubby and my ideal arrangement is for baby to sleep in cot. Dunno how it will work out.

Miaiko: How old is your girl? My girl is 2 yrs 8 mths and I just upgrade her to toddler bed from Ikea few mths back and she fell off the bed even though there is bed guard! So I put a mattress on the floor too in case she fell.

I agree Baby Bjorn is over-rated and its "useful life" is limited.


My girl is going 23mths old. So I tot it's a gd time to start her off with todder bed lor. Intend to get the ikea toddler bed also. Do u find it good and stable? The mattress choice can only get from Ikea?

What kinda mattress u put on the floor?

Yah I tot Baby Bjorn very good. so invested on the Synergy. But after using only 3times, me and my hb gave up. It gave up strains and pain on shoulders and neck and lower back. That's why now im getting the Baby Ktan from this BP lor.

Kikapo, I've been having the same thoughts as you on the maid. Its my first time engaging a maid as well and do not have an extra room for her. Half the people I speak to say its perfectly fine to let her sleep in the living room but I'm not comfortable with that as she should have some privacy. But the alternative (for me) would be for her to share a room with my baby which I am again not comfortable with. Any mummies with maid hiring experience can help?

The other idea I'm toying with is to get a daytime nanny who can take care of my baby between about 9am to 7pm. I'm thinking of someone who will come to my house (instead of having to send my baby over to her house) and someone who is reasonably educated. Doesn't need to have a degree or early childhood education but just someone who speaks proper English and/or Mandarin and is generally sensible. Anyone has any idea how to find someone like that and how much it costs?


any mommies deliver in TMC? Do you have the hospital package that can share with me? I only ask for the single bed room, wan to compare the price for 2 beded room as I need to make decision during next visit..time flies...30 weeks now..anxious

Miaiko: Its stable and ya u need to get their mattress cos their sizing a bit odd. Even the bedsheet only can get there. You can still use other bedsheet u get from elsewhere by folding the excess. I just put my girl's playpen mattress on the floor.

Baby K'tan u need to be quite accurate in the sizing right? Otherwise it will be saggy if too loose?

Hi apple,

You got the contact who doing the processing? is tat a company? how much they charge? one placenta can roughly produce into how many capsule? sorry...first time mommy, too many question in my mind :-D


is the Ikea's bedding set material nice and soft?

i went to Aussino looking for baby's bedding set.I got 2 sets from there before and material really nice! the bedsheet is cotton jersey material. But duno if Aussino is now re-furbishing or gona close-down.. I don't see them selling baby bedding sets anymore. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Actually my friends said the sizing for Baby Ktan is very easy. just follow t-shirt size. Over the weekend I went to try at one of my friends' plc and it's really nice. so im getting. hehe

Hi apple and kimmy,

Im thinking of engaging a company to do the processing too. Does anyone of you have the contact?

hello all..

seems like all mummies here getting geared up for confinement.. i've yet to purchase any nursing bras or the sleepwear.. bleah..

any mummies that got food allergy during pregnancy? i'm suffering from food allergy now and doc dont dare to prescribe any medication for fear of harming baby.. bleah.. i'm currently having very itchy hands and feet that are swollen too.. bahh..

nursing nightwear/gown -

i bought 1 button down gown from those pushcart to try before. Tot it was cheap and design was cute. But i regret. Coz material was so thick and so hot to wear. it's juz sitting in my wardrobe now.

Cheap but waste my money lor. Only the mothercare ones are still comfy and practical but I wont buy again coz i think over-priced.

Anymore mummies got suggestion where to buy nightwear/gowns for nursing? but don't look like hospital wear, yet it's comfy and not warm to wear?


ME! me got eczema.. developed from stress, warm weather and food allergies! *cry* It's kinda flaring up now that im pregnant.

Miaiko: ya its soft. But i only bought the basic bedsheet. not those full set.

Miaiko: the baby k'tan is nice in what sense? Did u try with a baby?

T-shirt also got different cutting leh. I dunno but my sizing a bit odd.


yah i tried with my friend's 3mth old baby, and also tried with my toddler girl on. My fren was like "No NO! u r pregnant dear!" haha

But I want to try and see if worth getting mah. Coz so fedup with MIM sling and Baby Bjorn. and my #1 nvr sit/sleep in the stroller one. always carry n carry. So im preparing in case, #2 also like tat, then at least I have a good comfy carrier to use.

Hi Kimmy,

I will text you later after work k [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BTW, I contacted this service provider that processes placenta and encapsulating for it...I have some reservations after they replied my email...just to share with the mummies here...

- They can only collect the placenta subject to their availability and this was what I was told:

'The most recommended method to keep the placenta fresh is to bring an insulated bag to the hospital, then after putting the packed placenta into it, load it with ice cubes/ ice bags. We will collect as soon as our schedule permits. As we do not process more than 1 at any one time, we advise clients to bring it home to freeze first, before we arrange for collection.

'. My concern was..what is the optimum temperature to 'preserve' the placenta? Who won't know if there is degradation of the placenta even if it happens right?

The final straw was when I attended the pre-natal class by Mrs Wong from TMC. She shared her views about consuming placenta. She told us that the placenta is like a liver, and we all know what the liver does right? So there are probably some toxins in the placenta, so the question she left the class was...do you really want to be consuming the toxins?

So here I am, in two minds about it... sigh...


can try OG sleepwear dept. there's this brand called karmy. they make very comfy, not hot, good material PJs. They're just normal PJs but hv buttons down the front so can bf.

If u buy during sale, each will cost <$20


nope, gown type. but they hv different lengths. i always pick the ones that end around knee length. some are very long

As for PJs, if any of the mummies here are La Senza members, during your birthay months, you get 50% discount...so a nice satin button front 2 piece PJ can cost as little as $30. It is still more expensive than cotton PJs but I think satin is a very cooling material that will be very nice to wear during confinement..esp when we are eating all those heaty gingery food..


Thanks for the link. I checked that also but the price is different with the one tat I asked from infomation counter. Guess they haven update their website..


no..i dun have any contact. Let's wait for applecrab to revert :)


sure...no worries..can text me when u r free...hhmm...really dunno if it's gd to eat our own placenta. How much do they charge?


My boy also super active. And sometimes after he wakes up, he just plays by himself in the cot. So if using bed, think he will walk around and open up everything. And his room not childproof.

Those giving birth at TMC, do you know when is the latest we need to book a room? I am still overseas now.


i hv very bad allergies during pregnancy too. mine is not triggered by food though. Yr dr didn't give u any meds at all?? then u just suffer with the itchy hands?

my dr told me there are 2 antihistamines that can take when preggie. Piriton and Cetirizine.

Maybe u want to check with yr dr?

Hi Kimmy,

Your birthday falls in the same month as me! I grabbed like SGD300 plus of PJs, panties and slips and only paid SGD150! It was a very good deal. Maybe u can look around for friends who are members and birthdays fall in Nov/Dec.

But other mummy friends highly recommend Satin PJs for its cooling material...worth considering..

I guess consuming placenta is very subjective but only do so if you are comfortable with it. A school of thought explained that in the animal kingdom, animals consume placenta also because they want to protect their youngs by concealing traces of them giving birth...but humans dun really need to do that lah...

hubby also asked me a question that set me thinking: Isn't the placenta bio-hazard? I could not give him an answer....haha...but personally, i think if you should opt for inthewomb who can collect it immediatley rather than the cheaper alternative where you having to preserve it till they can pick up the placenta...just to reduce the chances of contamination, degradation due to our own mis-handling.


Well, there is also 2 schools of thought.. If we follow western style, We dun even need to have confinement or eat all the tonics after childbirth. While the TCM believe to replenish the Qi in the mother's body for her well-being and that's why we got the CL to cook for us the herbal food.

It boils down to your own comfort level ultimately..

I think u toking about mummycozyhaven rite?? My frd had good experience with them. They came down within a day to collect from my frd at the hospital. Their company only consist of 2 persons and they only process 1 placenta per day to prevent contamination. That's y if 2 or more childbirth falls within the day, they usually delays in the collection. They recommended that if there is any delays, put the placenta in the freezer.


Miako: how it feels with toddler? Did she complain uncomfortable at leg area? My #1 also carry and carry.......

I only used SSCs- ergo and beco before. Just got a MIM sling...... oh no difficult to use?

