(2011/01) Jan 2011

morning mummies!

woa..i didnt manage to breastfeed my boi so i hope i can breastfeed this time..any tips?

also, i've read about the breast pump..but still duno which to get..im goin to hawaii nxt mth and i hope i can get there?? any advice? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nisa, congrats on having a boy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my detail scan will be end nxt wk. hopefuly we can the bb gender soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so i can start to buy all my stuff :p!


daphne, sputnik, kristalangel - all the best for the amnio results! I'm sure it will be good....

Anyone here with a poor oscar result but didnt opt to do amnio? Actually i did oscar but was borderline pass - gynae advised to amnio but she left it up to me to decide and i decided not to, cos oscar result was 1:400 but risk of m/c even higher..... so every now and then i do wonder if i had gone ahead and done amnio, would i have better peace of mind that baby is healthy?

ilovemiffy - for breastfeeding, golden rule is always demand leads to supply!!! i think some mothers sabotage their own breastfeeding attempts becos they worry they are not producing enough mllk and then give their babies FM to supplement, but that leads to lower ss cos lower dd mah! Another tip is - make sure you drink lots of fluids during breastfeeding, will help with milk flow. Hot beverages are good - i even hear things like drinking hot milo or eating oatmeal helps with increased ss!!


i did not do the oscar test but just the normal triple test here in tokyo. when i got the result, it was almost the same as i did for my boy. it was 1:400 so i actualy ask the doctor if we should go for the amnio test, suprisingly he told us that even we go for it..the test result will be more or less the same :S so we decided not to do it.

as for the breastfeeding..i guess i didnt try long enuf to wait for the milk flow..it was really slow and my boy is so impatient..i tried to pump after that..only to have it pumped till it bleed! ouch!! quite scared when i think of it.

i used the electric pump..forgoten the brand cos was passed down frm my sis. tis time i wana get a good pump and hope i can really do it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hoshi, your prev bf experience sounds quite bad lei. isn't there lactacian at GlenE to visit your bed/ward to assist you? if not, i think you may want to get contacts for lactacian from your Gynae. check with them on anything unsure. if they don't come to u, u go to them.

at Mt A, lactacian visited me twice everyday to check on my progress and encourage me to bf. they also check on my breast in the beginning to see if i am ready for bf.

Hi Sputnik & kristalangle, I did not hv much cramps also. But slight pain sometimes. Did yr gynae prescribe u the antibiotics & duphaston? The antibiotics cause me to hv loose stools these 2 days but I need to complete the 4 days course. Hv been drinking lots of water to prevent dehydration. When will you all know the results?

ilovemiffy, amnio test is not the same as it's an accurate test and not a guideline like oscar or triple test. Not sure why yr gynae say result is the same?

Happybelle, yr results are not tat bad actually. Mine is 1:115 so amnio test is the choice for me.


im also not sure why..guess japanese gynae has a different view of amnio test? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but this is wat he told me n hb.

not sure if i have mentioned before..alot of tests are not available and compulsory here. you have to request if you wan it done.


Thanks for sharing! I guess to play safe, better buy a better pump than landing in a frantic state during bf later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ilovemiffy - wah jap doctors really emphasise on patient's right to decide, so they don't make everything compulsory! Funnily enough friends all thought oscar test is compulsory here, but my gynae gave me the option to choose whether to take oscar. For my #1, i chose not to know, but dunno why for #2 I decided to just go for it.....

my gosh, pump until you bleed!! poor you!! i remember initially my milk flow wasn't so good too. i had bad engorgement and somemore my boy was warded for jaundice, so i had to pump to deliver milk.... i thought there was once the milk seemed a little reddish so i threw it away and didnt try to pump anymore so that the breast can rest.... sometimes it could be the breasts are very sensitive and the force of the pump is too strong. Like the PIS Advanced - can adjust pumping speed, so cannot pump too strong if your breasts are sensitive and tender.

Daphne - i see why you opted for amnio.... when will you know the results? will jiayou for you!

Nisa - can see you're happy for a boy... congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Is this your #1 or #2?

happybelle - my oscar results was abt 1:450 but i decided to go for amnio for peace of mind, dun wan to keep worrying it thruout the preg and even after i pop, cos i was asking my gynae if can tell once i pop, he said to make the diagnosis, a blood test that requires 2 weeks to confirm will be done, but features of Down's Syndrome if present shld also be noticeable at birth. Actually i was watching a show which says that the risk of m/c from amnio is now 1:400 due to better ultrasound scans.

ilovemiffy - ya, like what daphne said, the amnio test is 100% so dunno wat yr gynae means when he said the test result will be the same as triple test. Triple test is only 70% accuracy, oscar is 90% accuracy.


ya..im suprised at first..but got used to it after goin afew times..they have a different way of doing things. infact, the gynae told me that they have already run a few tests for down's when they took my blood when im in week 7..

ya lo..pumped until so sore and blood started to come out instead of milk! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] oh ok..so its better to get the PIS advanced??

Komathi: yea man both myself and hubby are hoping for a boy. The scanning part was tiring-in and out of the room for 3 times! oh, im under subsidised (CSC) so i didnt pay anything yesterday. also, signed up for the sept anetanal class. the aug slot were all fully booked.

Happybelle: oh yea man im so happy. this is my first baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi happybelle, will know the results in 2 to 3 weeks time. But since my detail scan is scheduled 3 wks later, my gynae say will let me know the results when I see him for the detail scan.

Sputnik, glad to know the risk of m/c in amnio test is now 1:400. Anyway, when my gynae was scanning to see the position where he shd inject the needle, he also told the nurse tat mine was an easy case.

Most of the time now I'm either lying down or sitting. Avoid carrying my boy also. He was crying just now when I refuse to carry him. Poor boy.... tot mummy dun like him anymore...

Komathi: thanks to my hubby who works in a civil service. My boy is now 19 weeks 5 days. Hyperactive and many more kicks to come i tell you. Next appt will be 23 sept. Did dr irene chua give prescribe you with Ganilia?

ilovemiffy - hey can i ask you a silly question? how many years have you lived in Japan? So now you can speak fluent Japanese? ive always thought Japanese is a nice language to learn. In fact I learnt Japanese for three years as a third language when i was in Sec sch, but now i completely forgot every single bit of it!!!! So wish someday I can pick it up again...

oops ilovemiffy, sorry i realised i logged in with another account agapebaby to write here.... agapebaby is solely used for my spree and bulk purchases now... hahaa paiseh paiseh....


i've been here only for 2years [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] only can speak broken japanese to get by everyday hahaha..

japanese lang is sophiscated for me..and the japanese are really friendly and polite. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i kinda of like the life here..too bad im goin home soon..so short lived.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmm..why not continue to learn the lang part time? tats the only way to pick up and speak the lang again.

ilovemiffy: yeah i've always thought japanese ppl are very polite, and living there must be a good experience.... but nothing is like home here right? I'm sure your family and friends can't wait for you to get back!

Yeah i figure not too difficult to relearn the language, cos I think i can still remember the basics... but no point lah, cannot practise the language here so hard to maintain the language skills....

hello mummies

went for my detailed scan yday. confirmed its a boy we are having! Boy has been very co-operative, his position was right for the sonographer to take all the measurements n his legs were wide open! so amazing! Good to know that baby is healthy, growing well n everything is normal. So now that gender is double confirmed, can continue shopping! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, can check if anyone started a Jan 2011 MTB group in Facebook. very cool leh, but i donno how to.

Seems like now there are 6 baby tigers and 4 baby tigress! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]


I am new here. I find the topics helpful. EDC Jan 13,2011 Dr. Adelina Wong I will deliver in the Philippines coz i can't afford it here. Quite expensive and still have to save for baby's needs. Initial assesment of the dr. i'm having a baby girl. FA scheduled this aug 28 TMC.

Dear Mummies

I juz joined too. I hope we can become best of frds. My elder sister who joined this forum in 2004 when my 1st niece was borne. abt 5-6 families become very friends..

They went picnic together with the kids, went for the same enrichmenent classes, celebrated Bdays/Christmas/NDP celebrations together..


When you produce CSC card, the bill be will deducted from your pay.

re: facebook

Joined [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm 90% expecting a girl too.. have been shopping online. Hee~

i also wan a 母老虎 lo! hahaha..mitch & jass, pass me some bb gal dust leh! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahhaa..

hi all, may i know what are the brand fish oil did you take? my gynae dont believe in fish oil so i dun manage to take.. but wanted to buy some to eat.

anyone of u suffer fever or urine infection during pregnancy? will fever n urine infection bring harm to baby? im suffering both now and quite worried if it bring harm to baby.. i only see GP.. did not see gynae.. advice pls.

Mummies do be careful with e sites u go to for online shopping. My credit card recently got blocked due to online fraud n now waiting for replacement card. I'm going to stay off US websites for a while now.

I just joined the FB too :D

wow! thanks for all the sharing from the experienced mums...

I'm now praying hard that I can breastfeed at ease asap. Am hoping to bf till bb 1+ years :D

o ya! for the 1st time I felt 2x2 soft movements in my tummy! :D was having a break at the hotel in RWS with hubby and felt it.. :D soooo happy! but then after that till now, 3days already, nothing felt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

gee... i look forward to my detailed scan on 1 sept :D can't wait to c my bb :D

Hi ilovemiffy, come live in B.Panjang cos most Jan MTB there has 母老虎 ;)

Hi babe. think fever shud b alright but for urine infection m not sure. suggest seek professional advice from Gynae.

Hi Charleen, i also felt bb movement once awhile. but not everyday can feel the movement. sigh. my detail scan is still 2mths to go...


ting! my parents live in bt panjang! i will be there normaly on weekends and when im back for holidays! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i normaly feel bb movements at night..bb is so active when im about to sleep. :D

