(2011/01) Jan 2011

Komathi: my first appt with gynae will be next thu. EDD - 12 Jan 11

oh, i had plain prata with curry gravy at stanley street.

I can't take bland food. Always must have spicy ones if not i will merlion.


haaa... nice word: merlion.

maybe the gravy is doing something to u.

wow u really waited long to see the gynae uh..patience i guess!

no choice actually she's always fully booked. only got a slot next week. maybe cos i went to register at KKH only at my 8th week.

Plus, till now i cant drink milk and that bothers me so much. thinking of taking calcium pill instead. what do you all think?


if it's yr 1st bb, try to hold out as long as possible before buying maternity clothes. for my 1st pregnancy i could continue wearing all my work pants except cannot button the top button, so i just wear longer, looser tops to cover over. used that method until pants really cannot wear already then invest in maternity pants, that was around 5 mths already, but still continue to wear my regular long loose tops. only around end of 2nd tri then i bought some maternity tops.

my reasoning is cos i dunno how big i will balloon until. didn't want to hv to invest in 2 sets of maternity clothes.


in early pregnancy if u can't drink milk then still ok. but in 2nd tri onwards if u still can't drink milk then do tell yr gynae to prescribe calcium pills for u. bb will not hv a prob but will be drawing calcium from u. if u dun supplement with enough calcium wait next time old liao get osteoporosis

Hi mtbs,

I m now officially 14 weeks pregnant!!! Somehow my little bean promoted one week according to his/her height.. :D

I got a free tic to watch concert but e hb is v against me going ley... He scare there are too many ppl there...

Lol I m going anyway...


thx for the advise.. i wear jeans to work.. getting a bit tight.. so i was thinkin. Thx once again. will wait a bit then.


Great News! Happy 14th Week!

Hi Komathi, me also wear jeans to work. if your tummy don't feel tight then is still ok lor.

in my opinion, i think we can start wearing maternity wear in our 2nd trimester le. beside being more comfortable, i thot it is also good to hint pple ard us abt our pregnancy to avoid any "misunderstanding". for my last pregnancy, I got maternity wear sometime beginning of my 3rd trimester. the clothing is expensive. so start wearing it earlier more worth the $$ hee hee

this time round, i start wearing maternity jeans when my bb 8 weaks. more comfortable.

hi mum-to-be, did yr EDD changes? my EDD changes for the past two visit. Then the third visit even more funny, my gynae never put the pregnancy week on the ultrasound.. i kinda blur and wonder if she forgot?? how could it be? anyone has same experience as me?

im going to wk 15 and somehow i bgt some maternity wear cos cant wear my pants liao.. u can try OIO Maternity. Its at Suntec 3rd flr, KK Hosp or Tampines Mall 3rd flr. i went the suntec outlet and the sale girl very helpful. she could advise u want to wear.. her name is Cher Eng..

try to drop by and have a look. reasonable price compared to other maternity wear.

anyone got eat cordysep? i got eat leh ever since i pregnant.. but somehow i heard ple said not to eat any tonic till 5mths or 7mtns.... any advice from those mummy having second child now?

Hi Komathi are you going for the cordlife seminar too? I am actually choosing b/w cord life and stem cord.

Yesterday I was craving for sukiyaki ... had it for dinner and it feels great. For this preggy I have been craving for beef... Hopefully dun get high cholestrol for that ;)


i've been eating cordyceps since preggie too. for my first pregnancy i didn't take all these tonics until 5 mths cos everybody say only take then. but actually is because if u take after 5 mths supposedly all the tonics will be absorbed directly by the baby. before that if u take the tonics are absorbed by u.

but my thinking now is, no reason not to take now and 'bu' abit for yrself too, after all u still hv to support the bb too....so better u build up yr own body also right?

Dear mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I'm bringing in Avent Duo Breastpumps (US sets) at $480 each, with SG adaptor & free delivery (less $20 for self-collection at Jurong). For the month of July, there is additional 5% off for orders of minimum 4 sets.

More information available: www.mybreastfriend.webs.com

Hi Ladies, me done with the OSCAR test le. NT scan shows low risk *phew* did the PAP-A blood test also. result only out in one week time. Gynae's assistant also recommended me to do the HIV test concurrently so that she don't have to draw my blood again on another visit. she say this is a compulsory test for all pregnant MTB so bo bian lor i also don't want to get poke again. it cost another $105. i got one small hole at my hand joint and one big hole at my pocket yesterday. heart pain.

Oh ya. I also consulted my present Gynae on the amount of egg comsumption. He say according to some research, we should take only 2 or 3 eggs per week. He would not recommend pregnant ladies to eat 2 eggs everyday unless they have super poor appetite. He agreed that eggs is a very good source of food for foetus development.

Well! seems like different Gynae got different opinion on the amount of eggs intake. My present Gynae is those play safe and careful type. He always let me know the risk %. so think for myself should be still ok since am not eating well during my first trimester ( i only put on 0.5Kg so far). As for coconutz and babykoh, since u r already having good diet, think maybe safer to keep to 2 to 3 eggs per wek quota lor

Have found this article on cholestrol and eggs during pregnancy.


I guess the key thing is to eat in moderation.

Actually know I still drink cold stuff although my inlaws kept saying cannot... But I have craving for cold gassy drinks coz it helps to let me 'burp' out the gas... hehe...

any mummies experience the same thing?...

Hi hoshi, i also like gassy cold drink and tea. i drink them not to let me burp but to sooth my MS. but i tried to ctrl lor.cos i heard the impact is more on baby and not ourselves.


i just follow wat i feel. in early pregnancy i didn't feel like drinking cold drinks, drink already my tummy dun feel good so i only drink room temp water. didn't feel like drinking sweet drinks also.

now i always feel very hot so i go back to drinking cold water. soft drinks i will drink once in awhile when i'm out.

hoshi, I also drink cold drinks cos room temp water makes me want to vomit. But I did not drink gassy drinks. I usually drink cold ribena, cold juice or cold milk. Water is only when taking pills.

Ting, where u take yr oscar test? Wow, it's really exp... I am going to take the test next thur, think my pocket will hv a big hole also...Btw, how long did u take altogether and did u know the gender already?

Dear MTB,

my gynae also recommended us to do Oscar tho both me n hb is relatively young. ahem 26 is not really tht young... But we are really freaked out my other mummies false positive results... Dunno if we are making e right decision ley... It's keeps bugging me...

Jus wanna ask e experience mummies if oscar is absolutely necessary... :D


the oscar only gives u the risk of bb being down syndrome and does not give u a definite yes or no.

but if the results shows high risk u can choose to do an amnio to confirm. similarly if the results show low risk it doesn't mean bb is definitely not down syndrome, but most likely u will not proceed with further test.

u and hb need to decide wat u would do with the information. would u go for further tests if the risk is high? would u terminate the pregnancy if bb is definitely down syndrome? if u're keeping the bb no matter wat then maybe u can dun bother with the test.

for me i am keeping my bb no matter wat, but i still do the test because i want to know if my bb has down syndrome or any other special needs. i feel i need to know beforehand then i hv time to read up and prepare for my bb rather than get a shock after bb is born.

for my last pregnancy i didn't do the full oscar test but only the NT scan.

so bottomline is, go discuss with yr hubby and decide if u need the information, then decide whether to do the test.

Sorry for interuption, i had some maternity & breastfeeding clothes to let go, all SGD 5 inclusive normal postage, let me know if you intested so that i can email the pic to you.

Hi Daphne, me took the test at my Gynae's clinic and my Gynae did the NT scan for me.Total duration less than 20min+ consultation. Gynae say my bb very coorporative so very fast. donno gender yet.OSCAR test $460 + the compulsory HIV blood test $105 +$65 consultation. wah biang! Gynae really making good money lei...

HiNimkulut, my Gynae told me yesterday that me 34YO still under low risk grp. OSCAR test is optional.my hubby is the one that insisted me to go for the test. i thot u 26YO shud be super low risk lei... actually i also heard of false positive result before. but i didn't ask which test they went for that gave the false alarm. If you r unsure, mayb u can just go for the NT scan. it is 70% accuracy as claimed by my Gynae.

Hi ting,

ahh u mean it's better to get the maternity clothes so can njoy wearing them longer uh?

Hi Mitch

yes I thought of goin to the seminar.r u goin for it.

dear all,

anyone experiencing changes in appetite? now i can only bear to eat soupy items or spicy food. otherwise i would have no appetite. my sister-in-law says it would me i'm carrying a boy.. is there such things?

Hi Mitch,

I m 13 weeks nw n doin gd. Yourself? Do we have

to complete registration by goin down tovthe seminar


Hi Komathi, Yes. that is one of the reason.

Hi pinky_j, i think it is quite common to experience change in appetite during pregnancy.but i don't really see the relation of this change with gender of baby lei.

wow the thread is moving real fast. Can someone pls help me to update? Thanks lots.


Age: 31

EDD: 24 Jan 2011

Gynae: Dr LN Sim

Hospital: TMC

Residing: Lentor

Child #2

Last week was a crazy week for me as my #1 was sick for whole week and I was super super tired plus work is busy. sooo stressedd. Just popped in here to regain my sanity for a moment.


i m fine today. been having lotsa dreams...can u belive i dreamt twice on sat... and dreamt of 4 sets of 4d nos? alamak, so stressed...so go and buy 4d lor.. never strike...keke

haah .. really uh! Same leh... but then my dreams vary.. yesterdae had bad dream..of myself being pocessed by some ghost trying to strungle my sister...god!!

Hi apple, u stayed at Lentor? My parents stayed at Bullion park so I'm always at the area in the evening after work.

It's common to dream a lot during pregnancy... I also dream a lot.. Hee..

I'm having cravings for sushi, ice-cream and durians. So, eating a lot of it. But lucky I hv not gain too much weight. Going for my oscar test this thur, hope everything is ok other than the hole in my pocket....


wa, durians? very high in calories. i put on 3 kg for the first trimester. i weigh myself last sun at the club...oh gosh...i put on another 1kg le within a week...jialat : (

cononutz, yeah i know. But my cravings.... Cannot stop eating.. Bugging my hubby to buy at least twice a week.

I will be in my 12th week this thur. Think i gain about 2kg so far... So, I'm allowing myself to eat more. My gynae told me no buffet, but I can't stop eating.... So, going buffet this thur after the Oscar test and again this sun. Hope dun put on too much weight from the 2 buffets....

coconutz & daphne,

wah i really envy you two. i have not been putting on weight during my 1st trimester. lost 2kg somemore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] due to merlioning and this worries me a lot.

Hi All!

wow! thread moving so fast! it's been a month tat i last posted.

went for my oscar scan and everything is fine :D

BB was so active, moving up and down all the time.

so excited to see it move [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

can help me update into the list? dunno how to do that...

Nick: charleenkoh

Age: 29

EDD: 13 Jan 2011

Gynae: Dr W H Kee

Hospital: TMC

Residing: JB / woodlands

Child #1

thanks thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i craved for durians during my first pregnancy. but i only ate it frequently during the last mths before delivery...cos normally we will lose weight prior to delivery ma...keke...

been so long since i last went for buffet... craving for steamboat now...


dun wori, u will start to pile on weights after ms has stopped : )

it has been 3 days since i last merlion. i hope it stays tat way... yippee

