(2011/01) Jan 2011

Nisa, dun worry about yr weight now. As long as baby is growing fine...

One of my fren vomited for the whole of 9 mths. She did not gain much weight in the 1st & 2nd trimester. But in the 3rd trimester, she managed to gain some weight and her baby was over 3kg when born. In the end, she managed to get back to her pre-pregnancy weight after 1 mth.


coconutz, i have a fren too who got back to her pre-pregnancy weight after giving birth in June 2010 (in less than a month!!) she can now fit into her jeans - how wonderful right?

Hi Daphne Thanks! I try to post but fail and gave up haha.

I am staying at Bullion Park! so qiao!

Nisa I think ur weight loss is normal cos u merlion. Don't worry as long as bb is growing.

I don't even dare to weigh ahha

Apple, yeah, so coincidence. Maybe we met each other before, haha... I work at Upper Thomson so I went to my parent's house for dinner every nite. They stayed in T1, u?

Nisa : ya sadly but other times I dun weight at home... everytime the nurse announced my weight, I can only sighh hahaa

Daphne: I am at Tower 4. So good that u are working so near.... I hope to work nearer to home.

apple, i work near to my parent's house but not near my own house. I'm staying at punggol. But since I always go to my parent's house after work for dinner, it's still considered convenient for me...

I always weigh myself everyday even before pregnancy. So, when my weight did not go down and yet started to go up, I suspect tat I am pregnant when I miss my menses.

At my gynae's clinic, I need to go n weigh myself and tell the nurse my weight. But I'm always lighter when I weigh at the clinic's weighing machine than my house's. Not sure whose machine is lousy.. haha..

Hi MTB, I lost 5 kg during first trimester due to hyperemesis ( same as my DD time) and havent gain anything yet at 15 weeks. Last time I only gain overall 5 kg on top of my pre-preg weight and lost it within 1 month. This time yet to come! But first trimester is really scary with 30-40 vomitings a day/night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Daphane, punggol is not that far actually. I might be shifting to punggol in the future too.Is ur parents looking after ur #1?

Nisa; Think i can only tell u when i go for oscar test next week haha. but the last known weight gain is 2kg within a very short period (between my gynae visit)

Poor Sherill. Now i really feel my ms is nothing though i still feel miserable.

Do take care. I doubt u can work then?

I took all kind of leaves apple such as hospitalization, vacation, medical etc. to cover almost 2-3 months and now back in office. I work in university so less stress and more flexible.

Now I am better but still vomit one day every week......like today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i seem to have not gained any during my last gynae check up. But i am not too sure when i go in for the next check up in 2 weeks time.

apple, no, my parents not looking after my #1. My MIL will come to my house in punggol every morn to look after, and they will send my son over to my parent's house in the evening to pass to me.

NO dear much better now but have to be careful what i eat....if i eat ANything spicy or sour or oily it starts and lasts for whole day and day after. But sometime i just forget or feel like eating. not sure when MS will completely go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] thanks for asking dear!

komathi: oh, whole day yesterday and this morning was really terrible - feeling nauseous plus headache. woke up feeling like there's a big rock sitting on my head couldnt take it. no choice, so i took half day (am) off and feeling a little better now. gotta stay strong n healthy for this evening's dinner date with hubby - it's our first year wedding anniversary today. hehee...just sharing with you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies! I am reporting finally!

I am still on bedrest order by my doctor. I thought I won't be able to sleep but turned out my flu is so bad that I completely KO-ed the whole afternoon. I am actually feeling better now and hopefully I will recover soon.

Daphne: Yeah now you are expert at doing this! You learn fast! Hmm thomson and Punggol are quite far...but at least you go back to your parents' place often.

I wish I can crave for durians now. Problem is all my fave foods have turned into my most hated foods, like durians and jap foods.

Sherill: Oh dear..vomit 30/40 a day/night. Must be tough on you. My friend was similar. She lost 6 kg in 1st tri and overall only gained 6 kg by delivery date. So, because she is breastfeeding, now she is thinner than before. Did you find out from your mum if she went through this during her pregnancy? Think I mentioned before extent of MS can be genetic. I actually went to KPO with my mum and found out that when I had my #1, I was like her. Only gagged no vomitting. For this one, similar but I actually merlioned about 3-4 times in total.

Anyway mummies, it's good to be eating and gaining weight. But just remember to eat in moderation. Something I learnt after having #1. And think you probably would have found out, we only need about 300 calories more daily. That's just 1 glass of milk and some fruits.The weight should go off once the baby comes along and if you are breastfeeding.

haaa happy 1st year anniversary Nisa!!that date should make u feel a whole lot better? have u been taking much days off?

general question: do u ladies feel we should take a day off nw and then so we will nt feel so tired?

Tien: Take good care of yourself and just remember nothing is more precious than the baby in our womb this time.. Yes my mum had same MS with me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sherill: sounds terrible...... maybe ur #1 pregnancy will give u a rough gauge when the MS will be over.

Daphne: That is a very special arrangement. Ur in law also very good to willing to travel around.

Nisa: I don't really fancy gaining these kgs in such short time. But I am not thinking too much abt all these as long as bb is fine.

Tien: what u mentioned is so true...merlioning is actualli genetic..caz i didnt have any pbs with that like my mum tooo.

komathi: yes i guess so. not really. in fact i just came back to work last week from a month unpaid leave - that was my worse merlion experience. and im much better now even though im still merlioning but less frequent.

dear mtbs, how long have u been married huh? me married coming to 5 years now... trying to keep my marriage alive...esp after having my boi. but sometimes kinda hard esp after a hard day's work and got to spend time with son and hubby.

komathi: yea with hubby's approval of course. yea im thankful that my firm approves it.

coconutz: haha..thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nisa: Happy wedding anniversary

coconutz: Me married 3 years but we pak tor abt 8 years then get married. so it feels like its been very long time for me. now no energy and time to "date" and be "romantic" but then tries to appreciative what the other party is doing.

Haha so on ths forum, so far, the correlation between MS and genes is already 3 out of 3!

Nisa: Forgot to wish you Happy 1st Anniversary! Should still be honeymoon period!

Daphne: sure...will keep you ladies updated. At least for now, no cramp and spotting have stopped. Keeping fingers crossed that everything is ok tomorrow. And yes, I have stopped bfg. You too right? No choice, have to do so. Although still feel bad towards my #1. She is still searching for the chance to latch on. Poor girl...

Komathi: Yes, please rest when you feel like you need it. At least that's what my gynae advise me. Nothing is more important than the little one now. I really had a scare last week and now, I am putting this pregnancy as #1 priority. I actually thought that having gone through #1, I should be able to manage...turns out I was wrong. My appetite has been so bad that I barely eat and that ultimately resulted in my over-tireness.

coconutz: Kinda of understand what you mean. I am married for 2 years. And after #1 came along, the number of fights that hubby and I had far far exceeded the number that we had during 5 years together! Really need both hands to clap to keep marriage working...really working very hard.

komanthi I am ard 12 weeks now doing my OSCAR this fri. I think we have to register then bring along our gynae appt card and entry will be free

Tien: thank you for the advise! Pls take care of itself too,rest well.

Mitch: we r bout the same weeks then. Yes, I have registered

no harm in goin to take a look!

Nisa: yes am goin to bed early todae !

Catch ya ladies tomorow!

Just went to my gynae for the Oscar results 1:564 considered low risk phew a big stone off my chest. Gone for another blood test for hep b n HIV n something else. Anyone doing that yet?


the HIV test is compulsory for preggie ladies. but the result is valid for 6 months so if u've done it just before getting preggie then no need to do again.


wa, yr rls is 'ai qing chang pao'!... such a long paktor duration. mine after 9 mths oredi make plan to buy hse and rom.

mu hubby and i make every fri as our paktor day...so always go for dinner... but since preggie, hasnt gone for any cos of ms... now will kickstart the romantic nite again : D

good morning mtbs, had a great sleep ytd with no toilet breaks.... hee hee

coconutz, i tot its compulsary, my dr ask me if i wanna test now or test 1 month later, i told him aiyah test earlier then know earlier la hee hee. my dr say oscar is optional but the hiv test is compulsary



so funi, my gynae never made me go for the test when i wish to opt out le... nrmind, i ask him during my 17th week checkup.

