(2011/01) Jan 2011

coconutz, have you done your oscar test? got the results yet? mine is 1:564 dr say is low risk but i have seen those 1: 900 to 1000 ones, seems like i am in high risk



my NT scan shows my risk to be 1: 2038 and neck thickness is 1.8mm. not sure abt my blood test le... my doc said that NT scan is 85% accurate and he doesnt think mine is a prob based on the NT test results. However he said will call me if blood test shows high risk. so far no call means good news.

dun worry, if the doc says low risk, shld be ok ba. unless u wish to opt for amnio test?

my NT scan is 1:1000+ and my blood test is 1:196 so combined is 1:564, dr say is low risk but i still kiasee la hee hee

Neck thickness is 1.9


i look at yr results...shld be ok ba... though i m not from medical profession la...keke

of course will be kiasee, but trust yr doc ba : )

hee hee once i know i preggy, i worry this worry tat, now i worry abt the blood test, i am a bit sampat! hahaha

How many weeks are u now?


me too! my hubby says i worry too much...but i cant stop worrying esp when bb is in our tummy ma. everytime before i go for a scan, i always pray hard tat bb will have hb le.

i m in my 14th week now. how abt u?

Hi five coconut, every scan i will ask the dr where is the heartbeat where where (before he can detect i kept asking liao) then when i see tat blinking light on the screen then i calm down a bit hee hee.

me 13 weeks tomorrow!

haha, u oso sama sama... everytime i will oso ask them whether bb normal a not... growth, length,etc. previous scan, i was so excited, start to count the fingers : P

Good Morning ladies.. beautiful tues morning! Had a great rest yesterdae, hpe u ladies had a great evening yesterdae!

Hi, morning ladies!

For my last pregnancy, the NT scan shows tat my son's neck thickness is 2.something. It's above average and they considered high risk plus my age. So, I went for the blood test but the result is good. So overall, it pulls down the risk and mine become low risk. My son is born normal & healthy, so the neck thickness is sometimes not so accurate also.

I've dated my hubby for 11 yrs (since 16 yrs old) before we got married. I'm now married for almost 8 yrs. So, half my life is spent with my hubby. Previously, we always kept our marriage alive by going holiday at least once a year. Ever since our son was born last yr, he became our priority so our time are all spent on him. But we enjoyed this different lifestyle and it's a joy to us...

Finally reporting here after a long time.

I will be going for my Oscar on 22 July at TMC.

I was wondering why mine is more expensive compared to the rest I read here.

Gynae charged me $207.58 (incl Gst) for mine n hubby's blood test. Then nurse said I hv to pay another $300+ for the Oscar on that day at the FA unit. So altogether it'll come up to $500 plus.

Did anyone pay so much at TMC?

Fwah! coconutz, babykoh, you ladies really very detail lei. after i hear Gynae sae my bb low risk then i shut off liao. didn't really pay attention on the risk ratio :p think tonite i go back see the report again.

me took the HIV bllod test together with the PAP-A blood test during OSCAR. Gynae's assistant recommend wan. she say do together so that no need to draw blood again. the HIV test is comulsory.

Morning ladies!

Finally the week has moved beyond Monday. Dunno why I am feeling stress and short of breath since breakie. Think the breakfast was too heavy for me. Been wanting to puke but nothing could come out. Super sian...it's like million things stuck in the throat. And I suspect this return of MS is cos of work! I am on MC but still working from home! When will I learn?

Daphne: Wow! Dated for 11 years? I always wonder how couples can survive the first 10 years?! For one thing my hb is one person who needs couple time. For me, I am still ok especially with my #1, my world is practically about her. But I guess I must remember that I am a wife too.

Re: Oscar test

Seems like most of you have taken yours. Meaning your pregnancy is progressing into 2nd tri. Please please let gynae tell me later that I can take the test too and not stuck at 9 weeks still...crossing fingers.


y need to draw yr hubby's blood? is it for thalassemia test? prob y the extra charges ba... i did it for my previous pregnancy cos i m thalassemia aplha minor...hence my hubby need to take the test to determine whether bb will be major.

Tien, maybe cos my hubby and me started dating young so we actually grew up together. Of cos my parents disagree to our relationship at first cos of our age and so, we really been through a lot. Plus the seperation during his NS etc. So, all these brought our relationship closer. Think tat's how we managed to date for 11 yrs before we decided to get married. Also, most importantly, my hubby & me are both the faithful kind.

Of cos during our 11 yrs of dating, there's other guys who wanna chase after me and gals who wanna get close to him. But no temptation can seperate us.

Morning ladies!

Would like to seek yr opinion. I did my oscar last week and i was not very happy with the results.

Can i ask if you will go for amnio if yr adjusted risk was abt 1:460? My NT scan is abt 1:1000+ and the neck measurement is 1.8 which is low risk, but the results got dragged down by the blood test lor, so quite worried.

coconutz, i also kiasee la. i thought just take Gynae's word cacn already lor. he say low risk mah. if the result is opp then i will confirm and sure go study every details in the OSCAR and the figure liao. ha!

wa, now tat bbkoh and sputnik mentioned abt the blood test, me start to be worried le...cos on one call me le. maybe i better call the clinic to have a peace of mind.

coconutz, you din sit down with your gynae for the results? i do the Oscar test and blood test together last thursday then only last night get the results together.

Hi mtbs,

I think it's better to trust what your gynae says when it comes to Oscar test. Amnio test is quite intrusive I heard and there are risks involved. And this can only take place from 20th week onwards, if I am not wrong. So, if based on Oscar and gynae, it's low risk then should be fine. Try not to take the risk.

Daphne: Wow! Your love story sounds like those romantic kind hahaha...envious...

Ting - problem is that gynae never say low risk lor. I ask him what is considered low risk he never give me definite answer, just say if adjusted risk is like 1:1000+ of cos is low risk. I think that different gynaes have different opinions of what is low risk.


my NT results was discussed with the gynae. as for blood tests, he told me will call me if high risk. cos will need to arrange some kinda counselling session.

Ting - i think he feels it is not necessary. He said when his other patients have such results they won't go for the amnio test. But ultimately the decision is still mine cos we are the ones taking the risk lor.

bbkoh - ya, the cut off is 1:300. I think my adjusted risk is ok, but quite worried abt the blood test resuls cos not very good.

Coconutz, I didn't ask why need to take hubby's blood...I am thalassemia minor but we alredy told gynae that hubby alredy tested b4 that he is not thalassemic. So for normal cases hubby dun need to take blood? Mayb I shud give gynae a call to ask what's his blood test for.

bethel - my hubby also never do any blood test. I thik u shld ask yr gynae why need to test for yr hubby. I paid abt $400 for my oscar after the FBI/SBI discount last week.


actually my hubby did take the test before, but that was in a polyclinic. think to test for thalasessmia need to go for a detailed test. i did mine at KKH. maybe can find out what the blood test for?

Tien, haha, thanks!!!

Sputnik, I had a fren whose the same case as u. Her blood test results were not good. She went ahead to do the amino test and it shows tat her baby was normal. And she of cos gave birth to a healthy gal.

There's risk of m/c for amino test. So, not sure if you want to do it. If yr's or your hubby's family members or relatives had no history of DS, then yr risk will be decreased also.

Bethel & coconutz:

Nurses at KKH TPS also took my hubby's blood during the last gynae check up. I didnt ask what was it for however i will noe when i go for the nest check up on 28th July i guess...is it for thalassemia?

Daphne, me too! me and hubby dated for 9 years before we got married, now we've been together for 15 years!... so hard to imagine can stay together for so long... But I find that communication is now getting lesser and lesser coz a lot of time is spent on my gal.. now with 2nd one coming, i hope the gap will not get further and further..... sigh.. how u maintain??

Re: Oscar result

Think don't worry so much. There must be a reason why the cut-off is set at 1:300 right? So long as it's within the low risk range and neck diameter ok, and gynae say ok, think don't worry so much. Amino test I also hard quite intrusive and it's also a high-risk procedure... better not take, coz they will be sticking a long needle into your stomach to extract the sample of your amniotic sac... that's why very high risk.

Don't remember my gynae asking us to go for the HIV test.. I remembered the 1st time I did the test, but this time not. But my gynae drew 2 bottles of blood though... and my hubby also never take any blood test...

Any mummies taking Neurogain capsules now?

Sputnik: Apparently, nasal bone and neck length are 2 features differentiating the appearance of a DS and normal child. That's why they will take both measurement. The thing about such measurement is, I feel that features can be genetic. I got a fren who really got a scare after her Oscar test. The neck and nasal measurement fell below norm. But the baby turned out normal. Apparently, the baby has inherited her flat nose and her hubby belongs to those with shorter neck. So, you see? Oscar test not entirely accurate. Quite a number of false alarms.

Also ultimately, it the question, so what if the baby is tested to be high risk? What will be the decision? Keep or not keep. My hb and I discussed about this when I kinda rejected taking the test for my #1. But I guess he was right. If it;s really high risk then at least we are mentally and emotionally prepared to take care of such a child, so not necessary not to keep it.

Hoshi, actually i always talk about wat happen during the work day to my hubby at nite. And our topic also always about our son. Like wat he learn today etc. Maybe I'm the more talkative kind, so I always got lots of things to tell him. So we won't be short of communication....

I am taking the nerogain capsules since 9 weeks. My gynae also prescribe me with multi-vits and calcium pills.

Thanks for the info. I will go back n chk my receipt. Think it did mention wat hubby's blood test is for. Otherwise I will call up clinic to ask.

To me, communication is most impt to keep the marriage alive. For me, we dated for 8 yrs n now married for 3.5 yrs. And we still feel very in love! ;)

Another impt point is to speak each other's love language.

Girls,, dont take amnio unless your doc recommends based on the risk. Dont worry to much, everything will be ok. My doc told me as long as the thickness is below 2.5 everything should be ok. There are many cases where the risk was not so low and all abbies were just fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AFM, I am into 16th week today

wow, so many mtbs dated for a long time... i tink mine is the shortest!

anyway, time flies really fast. i vividly remember i tested BFP and now into second trimester oredi...

My friend's sister belongs to the high risk group but she decided not to take the tests cause she intends to keep the baby regardless of results.

Ting: I was the same as you, when doc told me low risk, I just switched off. The doc was the one who added to say the risk is 1:15000, and in my mind i thought...is it possible to have no risk at all? Haha..

Honestly, I am so clueless, this being my 1st kid...the doc & nurse just tells me that they need me to do this & that test and I just go along...not really knowing what they are about...

Side-tracked abit...have you ladies booked your confinement lady? I just did and was wondering if her rates are considered exp. she is charging me SGD1950 (including air tickets cause she is Indonesia), her services will including the post-natal wrap.

Anyone going for detail scan soon? Mine is next Friday, quite nervous about it...I have no inkling on the gender of my baby yet, the doc didn't mention anything when I did my 12th week scan.


1950 for yr CL is considered cheap. if u get malaysian CL is definitely more than that and dun include post natal wrap.


usually they will draw blood for HIV test during blood draw for OSCAR test so dun need to poke so many times. maybe yr gynae did but didn't tell u...

Selling my 1yr old amenda dual pump at 120sgd with an extra adaptor, 1 lucky bb warmer and a lot fo bottles and some new accessories.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/3877999/4223324.jpg][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/3877999/4223325.jpg][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/3877999/4223326.jpg]

Please email to peko74@hotmail,com if you are interested. Thanks!

kikapo, yeah, detailed scan only perform during 20th week. If you are in yr 16th week, then yr gynae might be able to see the gender if it is a boy.

My MIL will be doing confinement for me just like the last time, so not employing CL. My SIL had problems with her CL the last time and it actually leads to a lot of unhappiness. So, employing a good CL is very impt even if it's slightly exp.

Sputnik, your Gynae really gave you that kind of reply for your OSCAR result? hmm... if i were you i will be worry also lor. but i think for a sure high risk case, the result ratio shud be way from the acceptable ratio. as what Daphne said, the OSCAR is not 100% accuracy test. Gynae still got to base on their experience to give advice. and since your Gynae did not recommend you for the amnio, i think your situation shud b stilll consider safe range. don't worry.

some Gynae hor, very careful in their words cos they didn't want to take too much responsibility. my prev Gynae also like to play ard with words. nvr get a definite ansr from him. this in turn causing much uncertainity and sometime even feel like i m speaking to politician.


i know only poke once, but my hubby told my gynae not to go ahead wif the test cos he dun wan me to draw too much blood wor... haha...

after the blood test, my hubby asked me to order ribeye steak for lunch to replenish the iron...faintz

