(2011/01) Jan 2011

Thanks for all the comments on the fitflops. Think i will check it out at isetan soon.

I'm on MC today to rest my ankle...sigh..hope i can get a comfortable pair of footwear soon. Otherwise i will just wear my birkenstocks to work.

I also have alot of air inside...always farting..haha..but i tot it's normal and i dun experience pain so i just ignore it.


seems like many mummies are complaining abt crocs.. currently i'm still wearing my crocs.. but it's not the most comfortable i would say.. i have gotten new birkenstocks to wear.. but my workplace a bit difficult as it'd be inappropriate.. oh well..

today wk26 and i'm feeling all bloated.. bleah.. cannot imagine how much bigger i'll be getting..

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] seems like lots of fans.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


same here. tummy seem pretty much to the max liao. can't imagine still have 3 more months to expand....worry mine will turn out to be near or exceed 4kg..


farting is normal as long as no discomfort. my 1st symptom of pregrnancy is fart non-stop..keke.. i call myself the "ultimate farting machine". checked w gynae on my first appt. she say it's normal cuz the intestine and organs got squeeze together to make way for baby, will cause it to go haywire and fart non-stop.

Hi Pinky and Chabby, how much have you both put on so far? I am super controlling my weight..as like to snack alot..and quite greedy type :p

for me always getting heartburn..and giddiness

Hi Poor mummy, chabby and chelleybaby,

Thank you for your tips. I've been doing warm gargle with salt, drinking warm water with lemon as well. So far I feel better but still with phlegm,at least this time easier to cough out already. I hope the multivits I'm taking will also boost my immune system [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I hope to feel better in the next couple of days.

Let's all hope for good health in the next few months as we reach our last trimester. I know it would be more challenging since baby getting heavier.

Hi lily, me too..I will know by week 34, doctor say if my placenta did not migrate to upward then I can only opt for c-sec. and if tat's the case, I gotto deliver 14 days earlier than EDD, around 28 Dec. Dunno if I should choose 1 Jan 2011. haha.

Hi Casey,

Do you believe in TCM? I was totally down with fever. flu, cough for a month..totally veri sick

and my cough stays after flu and fever gone but i went to see TCM and was clear after tat. Always go to TCM when i am with cough [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HI Kimmy for me is i am afraid liao..as my 1st delivery become emergency c sect as cant deliver normal so was thinkin i dun wan to go thru the same like my first..will choke up lots of billss...ya 1 jan 2011 is a good date!


I'm wearing a pair of Geox I owned before pregnancy. The style is about the same as the fitflops, but I think it looks slightly more formal as the top part is made of leather. I like the cushioning of Geox (similar to fitflops), but it is expensive upfront.

I think our main problem now is that closed toe shoes will pinch especially as our feet swell over the course of one day. So I've worn the "slipper" style open toe geox, but cover up most of it with pants. :p I have a slightly more relaxed work environment, and now that I'm pregnant, I just don't care anymore.

Hi Lily,

I haven't tried it before. But I am not quite sure if I can swallow the herbs/prepared food. Is it also managed thru acupuncture right? is it safe for pregnant women?

Hi Casey,

Nope my TCM is the new generation type with capsules and cough syrup jus like Western medication. Should be safe since i had quite abit during my 1st trimester as i was down with veri bad cough and anitbotic prescribed cant even clear. there is no acupuncture its not recommended during pregnancy.

Hi Mummies,

Do note that if the baby comes out on 1st Jan, that means that they have to join the previous year's enrolment for Primary school. Try to choose 2nd Jan instead.

Hi lily...ya, i heard some end up switch to c-sec due to some urgent issue..After u deliver, can u still carry ur baby? cos not sure if the wound will hurt when carry baby..

Hi Mitch, Not too sure about the school enrollment, but I heard from someone saying that we can choose either follow 2010 or 2011.

Hi Misty,

I tot there is a choice? As my son's classmate is born on 1 Jan and she attend 2 yrs of k2 and will be joining 2011 P1 nex year... she did not attend p1 this year.

Hi Kimmy, yes am able to carry my baby and feed him his first milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lily H,

if born on 1st Jan.. your kid have to enrol with the babies born on 2010..trust the MOE teacher here.. cuz report book always write..

"Age as of 2 Jan..."


dun opt for 1st Jan la.. cuz 1/1/11 is a super easy to remember date.. worry many people will opt to choose elective c-sec on such nice and easy to remember number..jus like the recent 9/09.. thomson medical was packed w people who booked elective c-sec.

also, 1st jan is public hol.hubby can accompany w/o taking leave. worry may understaff/packed. i wld wan my gynae to entertain me only.. and not having to handle so many delivery that day. c-sec take longer to recover and like your concern, the carry baby and breastfeed position have to be careful. i pray hard for natural delivery. (cheaper also)


take care ok? i dun dare to stand on scale.. hehe. super love sweet and cold stuff like ice-cream. last month alone i added 3kg. OMG. gynae warn me about obesity and tell me to watch diet..my gynae appt is this friday.. i suspect it's easily another 2-3kg again..this means around 6kg so far.

True Chabby anyway my wont be on 1 Jan i will wan to make sure i can bring my son or at least see him go to p1 first [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes normal is definitely cheaper but i am afraid i dont hav that luck during my 1st delivery so dont wan to risk it cos in the end i pay double (the charge for the delivery suite and emergency Csect)

Hi Lily,

Thanks for the info [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] May I know the name of your TMC Dr. and location. If i wont feel better in couple of days i might visit your dr.

Thanks again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


your boy is P1 next year. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

School start 4 Jan next year. just opt/plan for elective c-sec after 4 Jan. less worry on your part also

Sure Casey [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Here is the contact and addy :

Yu Guo Chinese Physician Acupuncture & Physiotherapy P/L

8-B Kingston Terrace, #01-04 Jalan Masjib

6447 4761

I look for 陈医师as he is the boss but he see patients on diff timing call to check if you are going. And they are close on Wed. Hope you get well soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Chabby, i am actually quite worry all clashes together.. as i still duno whether my gynae has fix operating schedule or not as i heard some gynae only do op .on certain days of the week mus pray hard all go as planned

Lily, me too, I want to bring my girl to school on her first day.. scary to think that she will be joining the education rat chase .... During my last checkup, my gynae ask me if I want to deliver in Dec or Jan.. I was like...err... do you mean the placenta will not move upwards? Sigh..

Chabby, me too, crave for all the sweet and unhealthy food, especially Ice Cream!!!! I console myself, cos ice cream is made from milk right? heeehee....

Mummies, by the way, the chinese physician place that Lily posted is very famous for baby "tui na". Used to bring my girl there when she was younger, but please be prepared to queue!

Hi Misty u stay which part of spore?

Yes scary to think of all the academic stuff..childhood gone ..i ask my gynae abt my delivery he say not yet.

Me ultra greedy too always wan to eat potato chips and i put on alot more than my first pregnancy help!! and we still hav 3 months to go lay..

Yes misty you are rite its veri popular for kids my son is a regular las time for his cough when he attend CCC. Still remember the time he grow up eating their chinese bitter powder. But good for immune system. But not so long q for the adult side thou..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can I ask if mommies are feeling mood swings? Maybe I am sensitive but I do get sudden sad feelings, cry quite easily. Am trying hard to control n think happy.

Lily, me at hougang...

last time was miserable, cos in the beginning, have to go Yuguo EVERYDAY! So we have to hurry home after work, then pick her up, then go Yuguo, q to see the physician, then q for the massage... faintz....

Hi Misty! Me too hougang lay!

yes i can understand me visit them twice a week and when they are from the old bulding till the new building hahahha...the waiting can kil i mus say..

Ah.... so near ah? Wonder if our kids will be classmates??? Hahahahaha. Yah, used to visit them at the old building, then cannot find car park one.. really miserable! I have only gone once or twice to the new building, can't catch Xu Yi Shi's timing anymore...

Ya lo..so ciao! Stay hougang and our kids going to P1 but hougang lots of primary schools lay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya car park is always an issue there.. but i must say their medications are effective for kids and adults [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hhahahah ya lo! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my is a normal neigbourhood sch so no balloting nothing no stress at all straight zoom in.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

30 Oct is my son graduation concert [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi chabby, I also know natural is cheaper but doctor sounds like low chance for my placenta to migrate leh cos is really low.. if really no choice then also boh bian..

as for the 01012011, hhmmm..if tat's the case, then may be I choose Dec lor...

Hi Ivftwin..my mood so far ok leh...stay happy k :)

Hi Lily..Good to hear tat we can still carry baby, like chabby say, be more careful with the wound...

Hi Lily, noted already. How much would per visit cost? I am schedule to see my gyne this sat. hubby said consult my gyne first if I wont feel better I will see the TMC dr. you recommended. Thanks.

Hi Chabby, I can feel you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I love to eat sweets since I started my pregnancy. I'm always craving for cakes, muffins, ice cream and chocolates. When hubby is around can't eat but when I am alone I keep buying those sweets. Very bad hehehe! Actually, we should avoid it already because baby will grow really big and might have difficulty in normal delivery. This is my first pregnancy.How about you?

Hi Ivftwins,I think mood swings is normal. I have been feeling it too. Sometimes I keep on crying especially when I am alone and feel depress at times that I don't have a job. Good thing we have this thread,helps me feel better.

Casey,I know mood swings is normal cos I watched a Taiwanese talk show before where celebrities(think it's melody) saying she cry for no reasons. But I still think I am crazy. Haha. Silly reason cry. Think rubbish cry. Not out loud but tear drop.

Hi Casey,

Around 35 like tat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not so ex la for 4 days medication. My gynae visit also this sat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ivftwins,

Dont think so much jus think that all of us are the same [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mood swings due to hormones change and for me temper bad too..and when i go work no seats for me i feel like i so poor thing big stomach still hav to work...and there was once pp push me i say Dont push lay tat lady actually replied me pregnant than go take taxi la dun take public transport so mad! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Lily and Ivftwins,

Yah the price quite reasonable. Monthly visit with gyne is more expensive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Well, all of us experiencing mood swings then. Lily upset that she has to work. While me, so sad that I stay home all day and no work. You see we all have different reasons to feel upset. Maybe after giving birth we will all just laugh about this. I hope [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sometimes, when alone I keep on crying worrying about the future. Blah blah blah..I think its all about the hormones...

Haha. Yes. I think our hormones are going haywire at the moment! Well, let's be optimistic n enjoy it! Only us preggie ladies can have it. Hehe


Lily: that lady is quite rude to u leh. Think I may argue back. There are designated seats on train for us leh. She has no basic courtesy at all. Pregnant or not, pushing is wrong!

