(2011/01) Jan 2011

About the wrap, does anyone know if any shop in SG has it on display? Would like to kaypoh and test it out too.

regarding baby names: by when must we submit a name for the birth cert? Cos if you want to consult a fengshui master you have to wait till after delivery for the 8 characters right? Can't imagine the mad rush then.


Miaiko, err... pai sei. what i meant was the response for your coordination seems better than the organiser. hope no misunderstanding. really appreciate your help ;)

hoshi, ya. besides worry abt their NS. also worry in future they will bring back problematic wife like the Ch8 7PM series every daysssssss... :p

Hi Komathi, Lily, Have PM you the contact details already.

Komathi, so far I only tried this Indian Lady for post delivery massage. as my previous post, i actually enjoy the massage session but not the cleaning up after each session lor. my colleagues engaged this lady for her pre and post delivery massage service for both her pregnancy. she highly recommend this lady to us lor.

Hi Ting, got ur msg.. so u found this lady gd is it as in she noes what shes doin uh? How many sessions u had with her? effective?

Komathi, the massage lady will explain to me what she is doing and what i may expect. i engaged her for 3 sessions only. after every session i feel relax and can sleep well lor. i actually got back to my original figure/size. but not sure is it the effect of the massage or not cos i hear pple say breast feed also can help to slim down. oh ya. this massage lady will teach us some yoga style and advise us to practice them when r free.

Ting: so realli.. sounds gd! Did u gain much weight in ur previous pregnancy?How long u breastfed? sorry ..me 1st time wanna noe mah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and we have to call this lady asap to book or?


Do u think our lil bbies can hear now?

last nite, my toddler girl was still actively playing n making noise on my bed while I lay beside her. She still dun wana sleep. Then my lil bb inside seems to hear the sister and it got excited. It started making a storm inside! turning, double triple kicking. Like wana join in the fun lor. Haha.

Until my hb raised his voice at my toddler, then she kept quite, and my lil bb inside also settled down leh. *LOL*

Hi Miaiko,

Yes babies can hear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so your baby quite advance so responsive.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I remember last time when i was preggy with my big son ..we off all the lights and use touch light to shine at my tummy and he will kick and punch and follow the light its super cute but that i remembered was not week 20+ but week 30+ bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Komathi, i think i put on around 20Kg during my previous pregnancy. can't remember cos didn't pay attention also. i breast feed for 13month only. np problem for u asking, me though not 1st time also still got many things unsure :$ if i got the ansr am willing to share [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

you can call her to confirm on her charges and see how to go abt arranging for your sessions lor. think she doesn't has packages to tie you down.

Miaiko, you can feel your bb making a storm inside you already?? tt is real fast. so cute.

at our preg stage now, i think bb senses shud b there le. they shud b able to hear and see ray of light i guess.

may i know how much ur bb weigh per ur last visit?


Advance? no lah. haha. I jus hope my no.2 not as active as no. 1. Else i will faint.

Last time when no. 1 in my tummy.. she was super super active. kicking, punchin n turning n hvg disco inside my belly non-stop.. the whole night. I remember from 11pm - 2/3pm. then stop. Made me cant sleep for how many months. haiyo, Now my no.1 still so active lor.


r u asking me?

The last visit, the gynea din say what's bb's weight leh. only got measurement on the scan. and that's 5wks ago

hahah Miaiko dont worry my boy also the same whole day can kick and punch non stop sometime can tap non stop also duno wat he doing inside..but my current one think still early.so cant really feel but if i bend down or wat she will kick like telling me hey my space..lol

but i mus say yours really advance to acknowledge sounds and voice lay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yay....baby can hear voices :) so we can start to talk louder or let them listen to songs. Theirs eyes and eye lids form (me 21 weeks), but eyes still not open yet :)...I encounter the same too..baby will *response*..

all mommies: enjoy all these amazing moment :)

meanin we start talking to them? I just try to read louder now for my daily routine to my son bedtime stories [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but dont really talk to her yet.. will try and see whether she has response [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ting: I did some research on the cinch wrap.. it sounds gd. But hw will i noe the size that i need nw itself?pls advise..

hi mummies.. good to hear all good news from many of you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

going for my 24th week scan on sept 14.. cant wait! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now bb's movements are getting very obvious at week 22.. though hubby still cant really feel it yet..

anyone started to play classical music for baby? i've been talking to bb on-off.. haha.. i keep thinking if i'm crazy or not..

re: baby names

i've started to think of some possibilities for chinese name and i like the sound of zhe yu though i havent figure out what characters to use.. anyone going to "count strokes" for bb's name?

i am totally amused about everyone's post on mid-low placenta. Not that I am gloating about everyone's situation but that i had the exact same experience recently. Was overseas when i had slight bleeding. Rushed back to singapore quickly and gynae scan show i had mid-low placenta. Had a jab and on progestrone boost medication now.

Did my 20 week detail scan and baby is also very active and had to do the scan in 2 days cos baby's position was not ideal for heart scan.

All of us seem to be going through similar experience now.

On the topic of prenatal stimulation, anyone use BabyPlus sold at Takashimaya? Wonder if its indeed true.

May I ask if everyone has decided on the brand of baby care items to buy? eg, breast pump, steriliser, stroller?

ivftwins>> hubby n i have gotten capella stroller, maxi-cosi child seat, avent newborn starter kit for bottles, nail scissors from Daiso.. i'm still checking out breast pumps.. but most likely getting medela PIS advance.. baby cot will be hand-me-down from hubby's sister.. not getting electric steriliser as i've decided to just use the traditional way of soaking in hot water.

Hi Pinky, tink you really should use an electric steam streriliser, unless u have 1 caretaker for the bb.. is really tedious to do the hot water way.. speaking from experience

hi rachel,

thanks for your concern.. my MIL helping me for confinement.. but we also have the maid around to help with some of the chores.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so my backup plan is if really cannot cope.. den will ask someone from home to help buy from kiddy palace since i have one near my place.. hehe..

pinky, you are prepared. I have not got anything yet except some new born clothes from recent overseas trip. And 4 baby bags. hahaha. that's the only category i am fully equipped.

what make you pick avent starter kit over pigeon or medela?

ivftwins> so how come you amused??? how's ur situation now? has the placenta moved up? what does the progestrone do? woah, bleeding... u must have had quite a scare... hope you're alright now.

i haven't bought anything yet, except couldn't resist some baby clothes from tangs sale yesterday. hahaha...

but hubby and i know which stroller and cot we gonna get already... baby seat we're going to take over from my sister-in-law... and going to take over the medela PISA motor from a friend and buy the spare parts...

haven't thought of bottles yet, but a mommy friend was telling me to get the BPA free ones. =)

Hi miaiko,

SAme here baby very active...when i watch something exciting she keeps moving...what an amazing feeling indeed.

Pinky, great to know you are somehow ready for the coming of your baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cookiefleur>> Maybe amused is the wrong word but i was quite worried when I am overseas thinking there is a problem with my baby or worse than that! And I thought I am the only odd case. So when i read that it seems most of us at this stage have mid-low placenta, I think I am not alone and it is just a passing phase in our pregnancy. That's all.

hi ladies

went to my detailed scan ytd all is fine and the sonographer is so nice she turn the monitor and tell me where she is measuring so i get to see everything including the internal organs although i cant make out wat is wat hahaha

I am having a PRINCESS! sooooo happy!

Hi mummies,

So good to see that so many of you had your detailed scan and found out about gender! My detailed scan is next week... really anxious and excited.

Till now, I still don't think I can feel much movements yet... sometimes I feel like a light fluttering and then its gone. When did you start feeling the bb movements? I am now at 19 weeks... Quite anxious about it now.

Komathi,the wrap suppose to support and tone our tummy and hip area. think we can base on our prenatal size to choose the wrap. the organiser stated in their post that XS-M stretches to 38" post baby waist and L-XL stretches to 46" post baby waist.

Miaiko, am i right?


Congrats on getting a princess! Can start thinking of nice nice girl names liao...

I can only think of nice girl names but not boy names.... haha....

Working Wife,

Don't worry so much. I'm also at my 19 weeks and just had my detailed scan on Wednesday. I only feel butterfly movements in my tummy only. Asked my gynae and he said it's perfectly normal. By the next checkup, abt 24 weeks, we shld then feel more distinct kicks...

Miaiko, ya me was asking abt your bb's weight cos i thot urs chould be bigger bb that's y u can feel your bb so early. i remember last pregnancy, i only experience my bb storm inside me during my 3rd trimester. how i miss that :p

jia lat. i think my bb doesn't has much activity in the morning and afternoon. usually feel her in the evening and the middle of the nite. next time come out liao if she still maintain this type of timing then siao liao. will beat beat her little butt if she don't want to sleep at nite. hee

babykoh, Congrats! can buy nice nice princess clothing liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats Babykoh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] TGIF!

Oh, my bb's weight during my detailed scan was abt 340g... and I've gained abt 5kg.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My doc nvr advise me of my baby weight lay..mus ask rite? he jus do the measurement and check all the orgnas and her face..

Morning mummies!

My baby's weight was ard 370g I think.. can't remember..

Babykoh, CONGRATS! oooh, the sweet world of pink n prints n everything sweet and nice!

Hi mtbs!

Envious envious to see many confirming the gender of the babies! Time to shop shop shop!!!

Re: baby products

Was just reading through and saw this question on baby products. Actually most renowned brands are good. No need to stick to a specific brand for all items.

For example, I use Medela PISA when bfg my girl. But I used NUK bottles for the first few months until she rejected bottles. Then I latch her full time until I returned to work when she decided to accept bottle. But then I realise she din like NUK and so, I switched to tommee tippee which actually complement bfg very much. And been using it since I found out I was preggy to make her switch to full time bottle easier for her.

For steriliser I use pigeon, cos it was on offer. Big and bulky but can put a lot od stuffs.

I bought Avent warmer (if you have budget, buy the IQ one) to warm up BM.

If you intend to bf for long and will express bm, I love pigeon's milk bags. The Japanese version. Smart design. But I hard Lansinoh is not bad too.

Re: BB movement

I only feel bb movements recently. Not so much of a kick. More like stretching. Soon the feeling of baby hicupping will come. And no worries about movements at this time. My #1 only gave me the movements when she was 20-21 weeks.


I duno wat's bb weight. But I can roughly gauge bb's size is lke a small papaya. Was like size of mango, but recently like got growth spurts. Haha. My tummy very big [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] . Maybe my womb is more sensitive so I can feel more of bb's movements?

Tomo doing my detail scan. Yay! finally after 5wks, the day has come. *excited*


actually the bb weight is calculated and estimated based on the measurements cos there is no real way to weigh the bb.

so if yr bb measurements are all on track then weight should be ok too.

my previous pregnancy my dr never told me weight also, only length, circumference etc.

Hi Tien,

I dont have a warmer yet as I dont know abt my milk supply til then..hope wont be too late to buy till then? or shld i get it first?

Grumpus, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya my almost on track so i guess shld be fine ba..my dr say shld put on 2 kgs every month from now on.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] check ups wil be from 3 weeks once to 4 weeks once now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lily: No need to buy so soon. Because a simple thermal cup filled with hot water will work just fine. But as baby's intake increase, it takes longer to warm up milk. So, that's when you need a warmer. For me, I only got a warmer when I went back to work. But I guess for many brands, they like to sell in a bundle, so in case you are considering it.



I also get breathless very easy. I went to see TCM (who specialise in treating children), and she says that my heart quite 'weak' hence the blood circulation not good, causing this 'breathlessness' problem. When our heart is weak, it will also impact our baby. Hence, she recommended me to drink 'pao sheng' to build up my heart. And she says no need to take all other herbs like bird nest, cordecepts, etc etc... take pao sheng will do.

I've started taking pao sheng since I was abt 15 weeks. Not sure about the effect yet, but it's for long term lor...

You may want to give it a try...

My TCM has grinded the pao sheng into powder, then I will mix with hot water to drink like 1-2 times per week...

