(2011/01) Jan 2011

Congrats Daphne!

wow everyone getting the tummy wrap. That time I use a wrap after my Malay massage, i feel like I am suffocated. feel like fainting!

Hi,ladies, thanks! I'm also very happy with the 好. But my hubby is not. I wanted to close factory already but he's now asking me to try for a 3rd boy after I give birth next jan. *faint* Think he's will only be satisfied if we got 2 boys.

Daphne: Poor you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]your hubby is the demanding one for boys. You already got one girl and one boy that completes the family aleady. My MIL wanted a boy but after hear it is another girl my hubby dont want anymore kids and want to handle my old fashioned MIL on his own.

Hi Sherill & apple, my hubby loves boys. Think he wanted another boy cos my boy is surrounded by all girl's cousins. He's afraid tat my boy got no cousins to play with him boy's games.

He's also the more traditional one. Luckily my #1 is a boy.

Hi Daphne,

You try to brainwash yr hubby lo.. my hubby is totally opposite from yr hub he loves girl. but my MIL no matter gal or boy she also dont like [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Daphne: Ic. My hubby says boy or girl also ok but he made my girl wear Liverpool Jersery.... hmmmm

Lily : The what does your MIL like? lol

Hi Apple79,

Funny rite i think she like only herself..

as when i hav my boy tat time she say shld hav gal ma.. than now gal she also like not so happy..so i suppose she only like herself lo..LOLs

Lily H, haha.... Think some MIL only like to make life difficult. When got boy, say shd hv gal and when hv gal, say shd hv boy. Haha....

My hubby's step-dad also the same. When I got my #1, he said tat I shd hv a boy. Then he dotes on my SIL's gal and say tat he loves gal more. Then now I told him I'm having a gal, he also not happy.

Think we shd not care wat ppl think as long as we are happy ourselves.

Btw, wat list u wanna update?

Apple, think yr hubby is hoping for a boy, although he say both ok.. haha...

good morning mommies...

daphne: normally daddy BFF with girl cos is like girl fren & boy fren, mommy will BFF with boy. So far from what I see & heard lar :). Your girl might melt your hubby's heart, like what apply say :)

my MIL say boy or girl also no problem, as long as healthy can already. I diden tell her about my low lying placenta, cos I feel that sometime old ppl will think this type of things happen is due to WE young ppl did not follow the traditional way such as those no no thingy :-(. I dun wan to have a fight over this so I choose not to explain about placenta previa to her.

re: cinch tummy wrap

If I have to go for cesarian, can I use this as *abdominal binder*?

Cinch Tummy Wrap Orders:

1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting

14) Misty

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

18) Valerie142 (pouchless, size: XS-M)

19) Jovial-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

20) Lily_H-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

21) Little Oxygen (pouchless, size: XS-M)

Pls include me in this BP too...


my hubby say both also ok, but i guess he wan boy more than girl cos he can play very *xiong* with boy boy mar, girl may be gotto be more gentle :)

I diden tell my FIL about baby gender, wondering if MIL inform him already, and curious to know if he is *satisfied* since he say having boy got *face*

Hi Daphne,

I want to update the list for my edd, Dr, hospital,location details try to update but cant seem to. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Kimmy,

I have the same queries as you as my will be c-sectin too..

Some elders are so hard to please...... bleh....

Daphne: Maybe loh. But i have feeling this time round is a girl again for me hee hee

Kimmy: ya old pple like to do that. Find a reason for things that happen and those reasons are....... with no basis.

Hi Mummies

I have the following items for sale:

1) 1 AVENT Manual Breast Pump BPA Free: $70 (Usual price about $99).

- Good condition. Used only twice as I decided to latch-on directly instead of pumping. (Newborn 1 hole teat not included.)

2) 1 AVENT Newborn Starter Set BPA Free: $20 (Usual price about $40).

- Good condition. All 2x260ml bottles (with 2-hole teats), 2x125ml bottles (without 1-hole teats), brush and pacifier are brand new.

3) 1 “My Brest Friend” nursing pillow: $50 (Usual price about $80).

- Good condition. Only used for 1 month. Comes with washable zipper cover and instruction booklet.

4) Baby clothes suitable for 0-3 months old: $20.

- Good condition. Includes 4 rompers, 5 shirts, 3 caps, 1 pants, 5 pairs of unused socks.

5) 1 unopened AVENT box of 2x260ml bottles BPA Free still in plastic wrapping: $30 (Usual price $36.90).

$170 if you buy all the above 5 items and FREE 1 bottle of unopened Obimin multi-vitamin tables (expiry July 2011).

Collection at Jurong Point.

Please PM me if keen. Thanks!


Good Morning Ladies,

yesterday went to see Gynae for routine check and he asked if he informed us abt the gender already and i said yes. then he replied that's good. is still a girl. well. this time don't know why am feeling quite relief and happy hearing his confirmation that my bb is a girl lei. me really flickle mind nowadays :p brought my #1 along for the Gynae visit and am quite surprice that my girl behave quite well in front of my Gynae. usually she will look away from stangers or hide behind me but yesterday she smile at my Gynae and even Hi-5 with him. this morning when i showed her a photo of my Gynae carrying her at hospital when she newborn, she also very interested and told my MIL that she saw him yesterday. think maybe she knows he is the first human she met in this world. ha!

Ha, agree with apple79,

My late grandma too have this habit. No matter what we do she also have something to say.

But at the end, she would still support us and love us. That's my beloved grandma.

Though it has been 2 yrs plus, we still miss her very muc.

Guess sometime we just need to adjust our ears, install a good filter. (ha ha ha...) Just take that old ppl are like that one. Then its easier for us to handle them.;)

Daphne, though i said i may try again for #3 but am quite reluctant lei...thinking the 1st trimester ms and other inconveniences...sigh

Hi ladies, am new here and a first time mum! My EDD is 21 Jan, and was thinking it will be great if my bb can come out earlier so that my confinement will not clash with CNY, otherwise I will be without one as most of them will want to take leave... sigh...

I experienced morning sickness and spotting too. Doc found a lump in my cervix and removed it. According to my doc, its made of tissue and blood vessels. But it did stop the spotting after the removal which I was glad.

BB is a boy... haahaa... got to know that during my 13th week check up cuz bb was opening his legs so wide! Anyway, up till now the pregnancy is so far so good, except for the stress at work which can make me kinda emo at times... sigh...

Hi kimmyksc & Lily H, I'm also going for C-sec. But guess I will use another binder straight after the c-sec. I will only wear this cinch tummy wrap after I finish my 6 sessions of massage.

Ting: My wish is to have 3 kids but dunno if I have the time energy and resources or not. Feel so drained nowadays.....

Ann: Hi and congrats. what are u working as? so stressed. I think I will be stressed up in Jan to clear all the work before I give birth as its our peak period......

Thanks Daphne for updating the list [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya i will use the binder for c-sec like you and the cinch for slimming purpose ;)

Check with you ladies.. I have already booked my CL and they charge higher rate than normal is tat rite? as my clashes with CNY if i c-sec on first week of jan 10 still clash with C-sec hence the higher CL fees.. anyone can share?

Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mommies, sorry to disturb. anyone looking for CL $1800 only. guarantee good, 100% support breastfeeding,no deposit needed. pm me if u need one. thx


sorry you've probably answered this at some point, but why is there a differentiation between wrap with pouch and the pouchless one in terms of whether you are a 2nd time mother or not? According to the BP thread, the pouchless one is good for after 3-6 mths? So that means the one with pouch not suitable for longer term use after 3 mths?

I'm a first time mother, so just want one that will last beyond 3 months (altho hopefully the tummy will miraculously disappear by then haha). Btw, thanks for organising this!

Daphne, congrats on the good news!

I still have no real kicking or any kind of obvious movement from baby so getting a bit impatient and worried.

Plus just now I had a dizzy spell and nearly blacked out. Wonder if that happened to any mummies here? Luckily I was near a clinic and saw the doctor there. She says it is likely to be a momentary lower blood pressure. Seeing my gynae tomorrow for detailed scan and checkup so can get peace of mind.

hi luckymummy,

Ok I went to read about the wrap. Let me try my best to explain...

The pouchless one is designed for mummies with toddlers coz is for Support, more Enhancing and Toning. It is ideal for moms with Toddlers who is beyond the first stage of recovery and into her 3-6 months and beyond.. You can wear that till 9-12mths. So it's very lasting.

The one with pouch.. "is designed for new moms to help with more Support, Enhance and Tone. The S-M Signature Cinch even has a pocket for Cold-Warm pack just in case you need a little more soothing."

Now for the cold/warm pack.. my understanding is. When use warm, it soothes aches, eases uterus contractions, duration pains, eases tummy aches. Helps keep tummy warm to prevent wind in the abdomen.

When use Cold, it helps to ease the possible c-sect pain, swelling or your itching scar .

For the detailed or Cinch explaination, the organiser is awaiting the Principal's reply.

Am confused Miaiko, so for us its better to get the pouch one rite? so we can choose to put or dun put?



Hi Apple, am working as a Customer Service... Stress level is high, as usual...

Hi Lily, my understanding is that fees are higher for CL during the CNY period. If you are getting one of the Malaysian ladies, some may ask fro a week's leave to go back to Malaysia...

Okay miaiko, think I get it. Thanks.

Cinch Tummy Wrap Orders:

1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (pouchless XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting

14) Misty

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

18) Valerie142 (pouchless, size: XS-M)

19) Jovial-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

20) Lily_H-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

21) Little Oxygen (pouchless, size: XS-M)

Hi Liliy,

Yes you are rite. It is recommended for new mummies, Or mummies who has juz given birth, to use the one with the pouch. It's then up to you whether you want to get additional cold/warm pack to put in the pouch and use together.

With Pouch - for new mummies or mummies who has juz delivered. (cold/warm pack can buy separately or you can use your own)

Without Pouch - For mummies with toddlers (ie. has already given birth 6mths & beyond)

Hi apple, you still young. having 3rd child is quite possible since you actually wish for that. for me i also unsure if i have the energy and resource or not. c how lor. mayb next time when i c other pple pregnant i may wanna go for it again :p

Hoshi, me checked with my Gynae on travelling during our 3rd trimester le. like what pinkimum said, some airline do allow. but some require letter from Gynae to prove that they are actually before allowable travelling stages. My Gynae say np to go for short tour at the beginning for 3rd trimester.

Hi Miaiko, me gg for pouchless. Size XS-M.

1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (pouchless XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting (pouchless. Size XS-M)

14) Misty

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

18) Valerie142 (pouchless, size: XS-M)

19) Jovial-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

20) Lily_H-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

21) Little Oxygen (pouchless, size: XS-M)

hi luckymummy,

re dizzy spell/black out, I always get it whenever I stand too long. My gynae said is cos now pregnant, the blood vessels dilated and if we are standing, the blood flow all go to the legs (not because we low blood pressure). So I always try to sit down whenever there is chance. Even at hawker centre q-ing for food, I always try to sit while q-ing, hehe... sounds like very 'auntie' but no choice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Sudden stand up from lie down position will also cause this. You might want to confirm with your gynae, this should not be a major problem.

I'm having the detailed scan this Saturday, looking forward to it!

Hi mummies,

Does anyone feel breathlessness? I feel i need to gasp for air ley. Not a nice feeling... Also feeling dizzy and light headed even when I m sat on my office seat...

Hi Ann,

Ya i found one that will work thru CNY, so the fees are higher .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

THanks Miaiko for the explanation. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks furlin for your sharing. It was really quite scary just now as I've never experienced it before. I literally had cold sweat and felt like I was going to pass out. I had to quickly squat down where I was standing and wait for it to pass.

Nimkulut, I've had slight breathlessness, mostly after climbing 1 flight of stairs, but it's over quite quickly. When stationary I'm usually okay.

Mummies who have had their detailed scan, can share if the procedure is just like the OSCAR test? So should drink more water and so the radiologist can get a better view?


Does this mean that I can't wear the pouchless one immediately after giving birth? Should be able to right, just that there is no compartment for a heat pack?

Just thinking long term cos with pouch means more layers means likelihood of the wrap being visible under tighter clothes is higher. hehe

Hi Nimkulut,

I experience it too. Read on net its normal. But this cause me very tired esp when towards the end of the day.

Any mommies with very active BB? This is my second bb. Can feel her since wk 12. And the feeling become stronger as wks go by. Now at wk 20, she is very active. I love the movements but it sometime make me very tired.

Had a very happy 2nd trim in my 1st pregnancy. But this round more tired, feel like already in 3rd trim with fatigue, leg cramps and frequent loo visit in nite.

Sorry grumble, grumble a bit here. No worries just feel like grumbling. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_blush.gif]

Hi Luckymummy and Jovial,

i also have the breathlessness and dizzy spells..

Frequent loo nite visits and leg cramps..and feel stomach cramps once in a while..

For the cramps i am also scare whether its something no good or wat will check with Dr this sat when i go for check up..

Compare to my 1st pregnancy,this so totally different, i cant walk for long will feel ultra tired..so my hub keep saying y so different is it you 心理作用。。。

Ann: oic no wonder. must take care.

Ting: My hb not very hands on kind leh plus childcare arrangement very headache. If I become a SAHM, maybe can consider 3rd one.

Nimkulut: hee hee why ah men like the kids to dress up in jersey. My hubby also used to dress my girl in all sorts of animals clothing like bee, frog, duck etc, buay tahan. He say cute........

Here's a pic of my girl in oversized jersey. She was slightly past 1 year old then. Hubby insisted she wore it. Totally look like a boy loh!



Actually I think can use either pouch or pouchless. Juz that the brand recommends the pouch one for mummies who jus delivered becoz the one with pouch provides MORE SUPPORT.


no worries and must take care of yourself when outside, esp alone. Since now know will get dizzy spells, try to sit down often and not stand too long. For me, I jus sit whenever I can when outside, whether or not i get the dizzy spells cos like u said, it's very scary one and literally break out in cold sweat lor... Now I still dare not go out often alone cos on MRTs, people are still not giving up seats to me yet and I scare I might just collapse in the train :p my tummy now a little buldging only unless wear real tight tops.


your gal so cute in the jersey! But maybe instead of jersey shorts, you can let her wear mini skirt or those pleated skirts to look like cheerleader, then will not look so much like a boy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya we hav to be careful...even my stomach buldgin so wat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Every moring i need to get shuttle bus in to my office bulidng so i was near a guy whom is in front of me veri near somemore who is totally awake and he still pretend never see me and all the surrounding people (mostly guys) saw tat i almost off balance as the bus jerk alot..but so wat no seats mean no seats..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

still feeling the cramp call my gynae, nurse say if worried go and see doc am waiting or my hub to fetch me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] feeling veri lousy and worried...


apple, my hb also not so hands on last time but i can see he is trying his best nowadays to help to look after my #1 since i got pregnant. see how ba. too much uncertainity. think we worry for our #2 first.

i think your girl girl look very cute in her oversized jersey lei. feel like patting her head ...hee hee

