(2011/01) Jan 2011

hi ladies, thanks a lot. I start to feel my baby movements already always on the right side of my tummy. 20weeks 3days now and my tummy is feeling the tightness i apply lots of the clarins oil twice a day to ease the itchness.

I get the oil at only $52 only leh


the sonographer from TMC very nice! i have a slightly low placenta, my sis told me to walk lesser and watch out for spotting... kinda worrying

I felt my bb's movements at 16 weeks. Now is 20 weeks and movements very obvious, can even see her when she is moving cos my tummy will have little buldges when she kicks! Sometimes i tap tap my tummy then she will respond... hehe

Hiya ladies,

I'm having a girl! Radiologist at TMC was really nice. Babykoh, wonder if we had the same lady. Think her name is Elizabeth. What time were you there?

The detailed scan provides baby weight, mine is about 376gm if I remember correctly. I was told at my last checkup to put on weight at a slower pace, which is supposed to be 0.5kg per week. So this time when I exactly hit that target, I was so pleased with myself. Now just have to continue with the eat less unhealthy stuff regimen.

Dear all,

Gd News!

The organiser is giving us $1 off per wrap + free postage.

If other mummies wana join us, and we manage to hit 40pcs, we will all get $2 off per pc. Offer till 15 Sep Wednesday only!

1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (with pouch XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (with pouch & pack XS-M)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting (pouchless. Size XS-M)

14) Misty (pouchless. Size XS-M)

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

18) Valerie142 (pouchless, size: XS-M)

19) Jovial-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

20) Lily_H-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

21) Little Oxygen (pouchless, size: XS-M)

22) Sofia (pouchless, size: XS-M)

hi luckymummy i went there at ard 3.30pm yesterday my sonographer is Anny, she is really nice. my bb is only 338grams, i try to eat normally and not put on too much weight cos i am big built don wanna grow tooooo fat hee hee

I lie down on my bed yesterday and stare at my tummy where baby's kicking and I can see my tummy *move* when baby kick..it's quite funny to see...my baby is about 380gm if I'm not wrong.


I have this problem sometime especially at night when I lie down. So i will sit up and take deep breath till smooth..

Hi lily: Yeah, can start talking to them, they can hear. You can try it urself, put your ear at your hubby's tummy or his back and ask ur hubby to talk, guess tat's the way how baby hear our voice.

THanks Tien for the advise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ting : My i dont know how heavy thou but i guess all shld be fine as the weight given are all estimate [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Since like alot of baby gals [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Kimmy, I will try but i guess she does reacts to some noise...but wil do more testing before confirming [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi luckmummy, congratulations! So Dr Tham is quite accurate in telling the gender rite? Did you see him after the detail scan?

wow.. so many of you know bb's weight.. my gynae doesnt tell me any weight de.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] he only measures the head circumference etc and says it's normal.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so far.. i think i put on about 5 to 6kg on my last visit.. trying to keep weight gain to a minimum.. next visit i shall request to know bb's weight.. hehe..

ivftwins>> i was deciding between NUK and avent actually.. but at taka fair.. avent was selling the starter kit at a price that i couldnt resist.. lol.. plus the kit had what i wanted to get.. 2 x 125ml and 2 x 260ml bottles plus other accessories.. so i didnt mind getting.. mine's the older bottle that is still transparent.. recently at mothercare.. i saw avent newborn starter kit with the one-piece colic valve system (yellowish bottles) but at 79.90..

i've started to get some tiny clothes for bb.. but still dun dare to buy too much as cannot determine size of bb yet.. but also boy v little choices.. so sad..

i'm starting to get breathless as well.. i hate that breathless feeling.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anyway for those choosing strollers and childseat.. i left most of the decision to hubby as he's more meticulous in this area.. stroller he wanted something lighter.. so he chose the capella one, an older model, which is almost 2kg lighter than the current model.. it's about 6.5kg.. which he thinks would be easier for me to manage on my own..

Hi Pinky, my too only measurement no weight i will ask during my nex visit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I will just use the avent bottles since my first kid use tat brand and i am quite confortable with tat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I bot a carseat online [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] a 2nd hand but look totally brand .. my hubby prefer 3 wheeler..


Thanks for the tip on bottle warmers. Will try to do without it first then.


the weight was given to me in the report from the detailed scan, not during the doctor's visit. It is printed out along with all the baby measurements.


I was already in the room by 330, came out about 340? So you might have seen me..or vice versa.

Anyway I'm just happy baby was super cooperative

yesterday. Was afraid of a repeat of the OSCAR scan where she just faced down almost the whole time and refused to turn.


yah, Dr tham is really accurate! Guess he knew since the last visit but just didn't want to commit. I saw him briefly in his office but he didnt do his usual scan, maybe cos the detailed scan did almost everything already. My husband was disappointed not to get a copy of the baby heartbeat etc though.

I'm also trying to keep my weight gain to the minimum... problem coz I'm afraid of getting gestational diabetes again which I had during my no.1 pregnancy.

I'm also using avent coz my no.1 using it and no major problems. I bought them from the BP.. 2 BPA bottle (yellowish type) think only $15. Quite cheap. I already stock up 6 bottles liao.. :p

Carseat, the most comfortable one we find so far is the maxi cosi one... very good and comfy for baby.

Miaiko: Can i order the wrap as well..

XS-M pouchless? I was about 57 kg whn i got preggy, do u suppose XS-M wrap should fit me?

hi mummies

are you starting to take tonic and bird's nest? my mum say after 5th month can start on the tonics already

Luckymummy: Most welcomed.

Actually about 'pu' with tonic, it won't put on too much one. Drink at most once twice a week. And the easiest is actually chicken essence. I know my mum and MIL always cook 'dong cong cao' with chicken for me. Plus 'pao sheng' also. And the 'Dong Cong Cao' is soooooo expensive. For that miserable few pieces can cost a few hundreds!

A note about taking bird nest..

My mum remind me that if you are cooking bird nest, DO NOT add rock sugar so early.

Can only add rock sugar 1/2 before the bird nest is ready (off the fire). this will help minimise the amount of phlegm the baby may get as a result of the sugar in the bird nest.

actually tonic is optional. the best "tonic" is actually having a good and balanced diet.

but i read in magazine to avoid PEANUTS.. research shows that it helps to reduce allergies such as ezcema.. dunno whether to believe a not.

eat apples. help prevent asthma in babies by as high as 40%


Do you know your waist measurement? Coz I think that's more accurate. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


can i check how much the maxi cosi car seat cost?

suitable for? newborn to 1 year old?? or beyond that.

where did you get yours? may be time to get car seat soon but lazy to go scout..keke

Thanks hoshi and the rest. I tried to lie down today and feel my tummy. I felt two very light pokes... But after that nothing. Dunno if its bb movements. I guess some ppl early, some are late huh.

Hi Chabby,

The car seat cost around 290++ to 300++ for maxi cosi depends on the model and hav promotion or not and its suitable for newborn [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Working wife: think everyone will experience bb movement at different times. Dun worry. You will start feeling it soon!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have not got a single bb item. Must stop procrastinating n start buying! Maybe I should start clearing space at home first.

babykoh.. my MIL started to make dong cong cao with dang shen for me every few weeks.. i dun take birds' nest as i dun like the texture..

i heard apples good.. bb come out suppose to have more hair too..

chabby.. i got the maxi cosi car seat for $199 during the taka baby fair.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] actually i think can still wait for the next taka baby fair in march.. by than our babies mostly about 1 to 2 mths old.. so car seat still not very necessary until than as most likely first mth confinement n dun go out much.. even if go out also can carry baby in arms when in the car..

Wa pinky 199 is super good deal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I will try to eat more apples then as Dun think my mil will be so gd to make any tonic at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Postpartum Tummy Wrap

The organiser is giving us $1 off per wrap + free postage.

If other mummies wana join us, and we manage to hit 40pcs, we will all get $2 off per pc. Offer till 15 Sep Wednesday only!

1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (with pouch XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (with pouch & pack XS-M)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting (pouchless. Size XS-M)

14) Misty (pouchless. Size XS-M)

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

18) Valerie142 (pouchless, size: XS-M)

19) Jovial-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

20) Lily_H-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

21) Little Oxygen (pouchless, size: XS-M)

22) Sofia (pouchless, size: XS-M)

23) Komathi (Pouchless, size: XS-M)

Paging esthert & mitch & JJ,

Kindly let me know whether you want Pouch or Pouchless. And Size? Thank you very much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Miaiko, by any chance would u know if the wrap can be used for c-section mom? Thks.

I m really getting insominia waking up at 5am feeling tired in the day.

good morning all.. woke up early this morning and i feel super bored after my breakfast alr..

now trying to search for some possible names..

hi miaiko,

I dropped you a PM just on thurs or yesterday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for organising this spree [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello Mummies, i haven been posting lately but have been reading all your updates.

I went for my Detailed scan yesterday and my bb is a girl, she is weighing 390 gms now @ 21 weeks but i put on 4 kg in one month .. nearly flipped off the weighing scale.. haha.. but overall i have put on 5 kg now. Gynae advise to monitor weight gain, do more walking and swimming and to avoid junk food.. she was saying those Bread talk bread, chicken rice, nasi lemak should be ate in moderation. She started saying " hmm ur bb now weighs 390gms so you noe where have all your weignt gain went to " whahah..

Anyway, she says i have a low uterus, and the tummy muscle is quite lax so advised me to get a maternity wrap (prenatal). any mummies can recommend? i only saw one at taka fr pigeon, wanna try to look at other brands as well.

Miaiko, i would like to get the cinch wrap ( pouch XS-M) please PM me the amount to pay and to which acct. Thank you for organising.

Dun think i will have alot to buy this round.. using my older bb stuff. hehe


You might want to compare prices for the medela pumps through the BPs organised on this forum as well. Sometimes it is cheaper or they throw in free delivery etc, considering they are all US import sets anyway.


The mothercare belt looks like it will give plenty of support. Have you tried it? Is it very tight and restrictive? I currently like those roll up pants, or inner slips for maternity wear that cover up the belly. Just enough support for me right now without biting into my tummy.

Dear All,

Here's info on the

Cold/Warm Pack S$18 (not $16)

* Reusable- Latex Free

* Hospital Grade

* Can be warmed in Hot water bath or microwave

* Can be cooled by placing in freezer

When used warmed, it soothes aches, eases uterus contractions, duration pains, eases tummy aches.

Used as a Cold pack, it helps to ease your pain, swelling or your itching c-sect scar


Those getting the Postpartum Tummy wrap with Pouch + Cold/Warm Pack.. it's package at $145 with Free Postage. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Postpartum Tummy Wrap

With Pouch : $129 per wrap + free postage.

Pouchless: $119 per wrap + free postage

Cold/Warm Pack: $18 + free postage

Wrap with Pouch + Cold/Warm Pack: $145 + free postage

1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (with pouch XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (with pouch & pack XS-M)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch + cold/warm pack. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting (pouchless. Size XS-M)

14) Misty (pouchless. Size XS-M)

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

18) Valerie142 (pouchless, size: XS-M)

19) Jovial-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

20) Lily_H-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

21) Little Oxygen (pouchless, size: XS-M)

22) Sofia (pouchless, size: XS-M)

23) Komathi (Pouchless, size: XS-M)

24) gingersnap82 (w pouch, size: XS-M)

Did i miss out anyone?


Postpartum Tummy Wrap

With Pouch : $129 per wrap + free postage.

Pouchless: $119 per wrap + free postage

Cold/Warm Pack: $18 + free postage

Wrap with Pouch + Cold/Warm Pack: $145 + free postage

1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (with pouch XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (with pouch & pack XS-M)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch + cold/warm pack. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting (pouchless. Size XS-M)

14) Misty (pouchless. Size XS-M)

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

18) Valerie142 (pouchless, size: XS-M)

19) Jovial-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

20) Lily_H-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

21) Little Oxygen (pouchless, size: XS-M)

22) Sofia (pouchless, size: XS-M)

23) Komathi (Pouchless, size: XS-M)

24) gingersnap82 (w pouch, size: XS-M)

25) nikki1975 (w pouch + cold/warm pack, size: XS-M)

All payments are made directly to the organiser and I'll post details here next week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

