(2011/01) Jan 2011

Hi hi to all!

I'm new here on this thread. Glad to see so many Jan '11 mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My EDD is on the 13th Jan, currently with Dr Oei Pau Ling from Gleneagles. Gender: Boy. This is my number two. First one is a boy too, just turned 3 this month.


I had low placenta when carrying my first too. But it moved up towards the middle of the third trimester and I managed to have a normal delivery without epi.



i have low placenta too. my gynae told me tat i may need c section which i m very much against cos i wld like to opt for natural birth again for #2.

though i wld very much like to rest more and walk less, but i cant do so esp when i have an active toddler who likes me to go cycling or play wif him. for the past few weeks, i need to walk more and carry slightly heavy things though my colleagues try to alleviate the load for me. am pretty worried but cross my fingers my placenta will migrate upwards.

Hi Kimmy and Jovial,

Sorry to disappoint, but 11 Jan not an all girls day... expecting a boy. But I also have a low placenta, but the sonographer mention to leave it alone for now. No one tell me not to walk too much or not to carry heavy stuff...

Miaiko, thanks for organising this, but can give me some time to read up on pouch vs pouchless first? Didn't really log on since Friday morning.

Hi Lily,

Hehe, my #1 also 6 yo this year!

1) Miaiko (w pouch. S-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (S-M)

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat (w pouch. S-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size S-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:S-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size S-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size S-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:S-M)

13) Ting

14) Misty

Daphne and Bethel: that's so cool! We having detailed scan on the same day. Hopefully our babies will behave and open legs big big hahahha...

Actually I sort of guessed the gender. Think my gynae knows but she is keeping mum. I had somewhat an emergencey yesterday and rushed to her. Then when was was scanning, she asked, ' So, your first one is a boy or a girl?' I said girl and then she said 'let's wait till detailed scan to do measurements'. Hahahah...think she naturally assumed that I would be disappointed if it's a girl again. So, because of her reaction, I kinda of assumed that it will be a girl.

Anyway just share something I hv learnt yesterday. I rushed to doc because I thot I am having amniotic fluid leakage. Turned out to be just watery discharge. So, apparently, the sign of real amniotic leakage is when you can feel warm water gushing out OR when you stand with legs apart, you see drips of water trickling down. So, just thought this would be helpful for all mtbs.

Hi all,

No time din pop by.. Went for my detailed scan last Friday and i'm confirmed having a baby boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] All scans are normal and baby is so cute! He refused to move his head to take measurements and i've to walk around and finally he moved and the radiographer is able to take measurements. Will be off to US in 2 weeks time for a business trip cum babymoon as hubby is tagging along this time. Pray hard hard will be fine cos flight to US is way too long though gynae say it's absolutely fine to travel [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any mummies still having morn sickness?? I still does at least once in the evenings.. not sure if it's due to hunger?? but i'm gaining weight so i guess baby should be fine.. hrm

Thanks Sherill for updating the table for us.

Congrats Misty! yeah...not disappointed at all.boy and girl are all welcome..hahah

re: placenta previa

Initially I thought only gotto pay more on hospital bill but after I read and understand more about placenta previa. Money is not an issue anymore. It's about baby and the bleeding near 30+ weeks..My placenta now is near to os (delivery path). Don't know what is the chances for it to migrate. If low chance for the migration, hope baby's head stay upward (near navel) all the time, so that she get enough nutritien lor. Except rest more, walk lesser, dun carry heavy stuffs and pray. Nothing more we can do..

re: morning sickness

I will still get this when hunger. So I will make sure i dun stay hungry for long time..snack a bit b4 normal eating time

Hi Tien, whether my baby behave or not, I will know the gender through my amnio test. So this part I'm not worried at all... haha..

I also hv watery discharge. Anyway the amniotic fluid is slightly yellowish in colour. Just for yr info to take note also.

I always felt like vomiting when I wash my hair. Guess my baby dun like the shampoo smell. For my #1, it happens when I brush my teeth. My #1 dun like the toothpaste minty smell. Haha..

Guess hunger play a part. So, when hungry just eat some biscults or snack to fill up a bit.

Miaiko, thanks for coordinating this! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i've added my order at the bottom!

1) Miaiko (w pouch. S-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (S-M)

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat (w pouch. S-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size S-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:S-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size S-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size S-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:S-M)

13) Ting

14) Misty

15) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: S-M)

i have my baby doing karate in tummy recently.. bleah..

Hi mummies, been a silent reader.. i also had my detail scan last week. It's a boi boi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] First child. Bb very cooperative.

Hi Miaiko, i'm also interested in the pouch, but just wondering the hot and cold pouch, how long can it last? How do we keep it hot and cold?

1) Miaiko (w pouch. S-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (S-M)

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat (w pouch. S-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size S-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:S-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size S-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size S-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:S-M)

13) Ting

14) Misty

15) Trevitrevi (Size S-M)

update after trevitrevi's order..

1) Miaiko (w pouch. S-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (S-M)

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat (w pouch. S-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size S-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:S-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size S-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size S-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:S-M)

13) Ting

14) Misty

15) Trevitrevi (Size S-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: S-M)

Hi All,

I know all MTB might already be looking for CL now, hence I will like to share with everyone.

Blacklist CL - Aunty Ya Fang. (can go to this link to see pic of her - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8457552/Fang_confinement_list.pdf)

I just gave birth on 6th Aug and currently doing my confinement. I had this horrible CL which was intro by frds. I have high expectation of this CL since she have a link and details on what to buy for confinement. However, this CL was so bad tempered, she always argue and quarrel with me and MIL. She always boast on how many years of experience she had and asked us not to teach her what to do. My baby cannot sleep at nite and she simply blame my baby for being a difficult baby and not letting her sleep! She is such a typical superstitious person that she put my husband's underwear near my baby so that baby will sleep! Worst, she threaten us! I have no choice but to ask her to leave after 2 weeks. Pls reconsider if you are thinking of getting this CL. Just hope all MTB don't suffer the same fate as me.

Recommended CL - Aunty Siew Hoon, Malaysia hp-016 3760125, Sg hp-84203549

Now, I found this wonderful current CL. I think I really make a good choice to ask the previous CL to leave. I simply love her, she is so much different from the previous CL!

Responsible, experienced, good tempered, willing to do all housework, cook nice food, most impt took care of me and baby so well! The previous CL always make my baby cry but this CL is so patient with baby and she sings song to baby to make baby happy! I am really happy to have her.

I know motherhood is very tough especially after given birth, good rest and someone to take care of baby is what we need. A GOOD CL is very very impt. I hope all can find a good CL. Can call my current CL if anyone cannot find any yet. She is really worth your cent.

Enjoy your pregnancy! I enjoyed mine and now I enjoy looking at my baby! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey Lily, I think my EDD moved not because of cesarian, it's due to placenta previa problem. So dun be affected by me..haha cos first time mommy, always in learning stage. :)

Hi Kimmy,

Thanks for the info. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyway i realise i wont be having the detailed scan as i took the amnio test :p

gd afternoon mummies!

How's everyone today?

Me feeling so warm. Duno isit the weather or isit our body temperature rising. I have to stay in the aircon room to keep cool.

Low placenta - my previous pregnancy also detected low-laying placenta. It didnt cover up the opening though. Luckily, through the months, my placenta moved upwards and I was able to deliver my girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hahaha my gynae also asked me the same Q abt #1 before he shared that bb should be 90% a girl.


Hahah your babies are so sensitive to smell. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Need to find a shampoo bb likes now.

Daphne: U have the same problem as me for #1. I cannot stand minty toothpaste also and resort to buying kids toothpaste to use haha.

Wow! Looks like it's possible for us to hit 20 orders or more! Then I can go bargain with organiser for possible better offer for all of us. hehe

Cinch Tummy Wrap with pouch for cold/warm pack S$130 (usual S$150). Cold/Warm pack can buy separately at S$16.

Without pouch is S$120 (Usual $140).

For our thread, Organiser giving us FOC postage:

Pls write beside your name whether u want with / without pouch, want the cold/warm pack? , and your size.

1) Miaiko (w pouch. S-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (S-M)

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat (w pouch. S-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size S-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:S-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size S-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size S-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:S-M)

13) Ting

14) Misty

15) Trevitrevi (Size S-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: S-M)

Sizing: 2 Sizes Only:

XS-M stretches to 38" post baby waist

L-XL stretches to 46" post baby waist

If your pre-preggo waist is 32” or Size 10 or less, get the S-M Cinch. If above a 10 ladies , your safer to get the L-XL.

Regarding the cold/warm pack benefits, Im awaiting reply from organiser. Will post here once I got her reply.

Jass & apple, yeah, both my babies are so sensitive to smell. I just bought another brand of shampoo. Will change once I finish with this bottle. Otherwise everyday I will be feeling terrible when washing hair. Haha..

Sputnik, you got yr amnio results already? I'm still waiting patiently for phonecall.

hi all..went for detail scan @ NUH yesterday @ 20w 4d.. b4 dat has talk to bb to open legs wide2 so mummy cn c u boy or gerl2..tis my no.2 bb. wen e doc start to scan me..i oready like saw e birdie coz e legs open so wide. i signal my hb softly said looks like boy..suddenly mixed feelings oready..den afta she done wif all e measurements & others, lastly wen ask wether wanna find out e gender, there it is..confirm its a boy!! haha..my 1st son wil hav a buddy to play wif! hes been such a great support..kissing my growing tummy & sayang2 e baby..he oso kissed my side tummy even wen doc do e scanning y'day..

overall, bb has been growing well @ 340g..got to c his cute face on 3d scan too..cant wait to capture bb in 3D video scan tis Oct..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babyzie, so cute ur bb! open legs so wide to let u see. keke. I shall tell my bb to do that this sat during detail scan too. me feel kinda nervous n excited.. waiting for saturday. hehe

miaiko, yar la..actually expect to hav a gerl..my bb so kwai..wanna let mummy noe he a boy..doc havnt told us i oready noe..haha..

all e best to ur scan!! =)

btw anyone can kindly update chart..me 31+, edd 13jan, no specific gynae.. delivering in NUH. BB no.2 Boy. Stay @ CCK. thanks!

Hi all, just rec'd a call from my gynae. Got a shock when he call me cos usually it's his nurse calling. Anyway my amnio results is good and there's no abnormalities. And my baby is a girl. So happy as my #1 is a boy. My gynae said tat I can hv a good dinner and dun need to worry anymore. Haha..

Daphne: HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CONGRATS [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] FOr GIRL and Amnio results.At least your mind at peace now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies, thanks thanks. Really can start to enjoy my pregnancy already.

Ting, dun need to envy lah. You can try for a boy again. But think my hubby is going to be disappointed cos he still want a boy. Haha..

Wow! Looks like it's possible for us to hit 20 orders or more! Then I can go bargain with organiser for possible better offer for all of us. hehe

Cinch Tummy Wrap with pouch for cold/warm pack S$130 (usual S$150). Cold/Warm pack can buy separately at S$16.

Without pouch is S$120 (Usual $140).

For our thread, Organiser giving us FOC postage:

Pls write beside your name whether u want with / without pouch, want the cold/warm pack? , and your size.

1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting

14) Misty

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

Sizing: 2 Sizes Only:

XS-M stretches to 38" post baby waist

L-XL stretches to 46" post baby waist

If your pre-preggo waist is 32” or Size 10 or less, get the S-M Cinch. If above a 10 ladies , your safer to get the L-XL.

Regarding the cold/warm pack benefits, Im awaiting reply from organiser. Will post here once I got her reply.

Congrats Daphne! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i understand how u feel totally...

Can someone add in the list for me please..

LilyH 36 edd 13 Jan at Mt e by Doc Kowa and its no. 2 kid a gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] staying at hougang thanks!!

hi, Miaiko popped over to the Nov 2010 thread to see if anyone in the Nov 2010 thread wanted to order this Cinch Tummy wrap. Am from the Nov 2010 thread.

I couldn't find the pics/a description within this thread, so I went to google the words "cinch tummy wrap".

The Cinch tummy wrap and its function looks v similar to something which I'm ordering for post natal tummy compression. And at USD$27.50 (excluding shipping to Singapore), I can easily buy 2 of these for the price of this cinch tummy wrap.

Can you please let me know why the Cinch tummy wrap is so amazing?



Hi all....M new here.lst time mom to be..my EDD is 7th Jan..m wondering any of u had e same EDD as me?my LMP is 2nd April..also m thinking whether can i hit lst Jan..they were like saying usually most people dun give birth on e EDD date..also been finding for confinement lady. looking for one who is gd..any recommendation???

Hi Miaiko,

Is it warm, itchy and uncomfortable to wear this Cinch Tummy Wrap?

Meanwhile, I've added my name in the list below. Thanks for sharing & coordinating!

1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting

14) Misty

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

18) Valerie142 (pouchless, size: XS-M)

Its my 1st BB & my EDD is 4Jan..delivering at Glen-E. anyone same EDD? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hear a lot of mums having low-lying placenta...

Me too...had some spotting & was on MC for one week plus in 2 weeks ago... mostly bed-rest... But gynae said 98% of women will have their placenta move up eventually... so let's THINK POSITIVE!

I also felt BB movements - kicks, somersaults even.. LOL... Hubby also can feel the movements...

But recently I've been having sore feeling for my legs.. from thigh all the way to the calf... I thought only will have such symptoms when I reach 3rd trimester....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi whim,

Gd question you have there. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Well, Im not the spokesperson for Cinch. Neither am I a seller, nor am I earning any commission from helping in organising the spree.

Im excited to share about the Cinch only because I have many friends who used The Cinch and I have witnessed good effective results in them. Seen with my eyes. I feel and touch the Cinch Tummy wrap before and know that it's of good quality. Seeing is believing.

Just to share a lil' history. Like you, I've made many comparisions and I've bought much cheaper tummy wraps before and were disappointed by either the quality or the effectiveness of it.

Google on Cinch and you will find many good reviews about it too.

well whim, decide which is the best wrap for you & enjoy your evening [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Daphne: Thanks for the info on amniotic fluid. although this is 2nd pregnancy but it is the first time I encounter such heavy discharge. That's why panicked.

And congrats! You got a 好 in your family! And good that the test turned out ok! Really can enjoy the pregnancy.

Jass1804: Hahaha..I thot it's quite funny that gynae themselves have such notion and assumption. Anyway I am pretty convinced that it's a girl so, to know it now or at detailed scan doesn't matter. And hor (no offence ah), the best way I can console myself is that I won't get a DIL in future if this is confirmed a girl! And THAT can keep me happy the whole day...just have to find some excuse to keep myself from being disappointed because I rem that when I had #1, I so wanted to have a boy but turned out to be a girl...even cried! So, shall not put that kinda stress on myself this time round. Very Ah Q thinking...

Re: Low placenta

Seems like many mummies here are having similar issue. Just rem to put your legs on top of pillows when you lie down or sleep. It helps! My colleague had the same problem and she diligently did this during her pregnancy and in the end, it really moved up!

Re: Morning sickness at 2nd trimester

Tell me about it man...I hungry also want to puke. Ate something disgusting ESPECIALLY deep fried food also want to puke. But it's more on he gagging than the real puking although I did 'merlioned' when I ate some disgusting ngo hiang the other day. Very different from when I had my #1. Totally enjoyed my #1 pregnancy despite putting on so much weight..this one is just giving me hell!

Valerie, one of my friends showed me the wrap and I find the material feels soft and comfy, not ticklish or prickly. Btw, I have eczematic and sensitive skin. So I find it comfy, like innerwear. But I cant guarantee that everyone will feel the same in it.

Cinch Tummy Wrap with pouch for cold/warm pack S$130 (usual S$150). Cold/Warm pack can buy separately at S$16.

Without pouch is S$120 (Usual $140).

For our thread, Organiser giving us FOC postage:

Pls write beside your name whether u want with / without pouch, want the cold/warm pack? , and your size.

1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting

14) Misty

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

18) Valerie142 (pouchless, size: XS-M)

If your pre-preggo waist is 32” or Size 10 or less, get the S-M Cinch. If above a 10 ladies , your safer to get the L-XL.

Regarding the cold/warm pack benefits, Im awaiting reply from organiser. Will post here once I got her reply.

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt..I am just new here...pls guide me... What is meant by BP CLOSED: for coordination only? does that mean I can't place an order anymore?

Thank you...

Goodnight everyone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Miaiko,

can u add in the list for the cinch tummy wrap pouchless xs-m please thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Miaiko,

Thanx for organising. Let me be the 19th. That goes to say. 1 more to go! ;)

1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting

14) Misty

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

18) Valerie142 (pouchless, size: XS-M)

19) Jovial-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

Oops just saw Lily's msg,Let me kpo.

1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting

14) Misty

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

18) Valerie142 (pouchless, size: XS-M)

19) Jovial-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

20) Lily_H-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

Hurray!!! 20 Orders parked!!! FYA Miaiko!!



