(2011/01) Jan 2011

coconutz - yr maid cooks well? I'll be engaging a maid too but I doubt if I can cope with #1 at home, new maid and BB.

My #1 is always wide awake at night.

My friends all advise me against Tingkat as they feel Tingkat soup/food might not have enough nutrition for confinement mummy.

Kimmy - I also keep burping, Gyane says normal til 12 weeks. I have not have calcium yet, my next appt is 24th July.



worse still i do not have cravings...hopefully it goes away soon.. in my 12th wk now. i dun dare to weigh now cos think nvr gain weight haha

poor mummy

i intend to send #1 to cc next mth. my maid is not really good in cooking but both my hubby and I do not mind her cooking as long as its edible. Usu i will tell her the seasonings and the types of food to be cooked daily and she will do the rest. This is how i survive my #1 confinement.

I took care of bb and she took care of the rest, including boiling the red dates drink and the herbal bath water. I find that it works for me. so hoping it will work when #2 arrives except that I will be bery bz when #1 comes back from cc later in the evening. Hopefully by then, my hubby can help out.

poor mummy - ya, i try to burp more when at home, but the burping sound can be quite loud, so i cant do tat in the office..later colleague call me burp monster..hahah

One more week to see your baby..:) I have to wait till 6 Aug..long wait

shy cloud - i also dun have craving. May b cos of the low appetite and nausea, I din gain much weight, so far my weight is consider ok..(according to doctor) and baby size is also on track...but during my last scan, doctor din show the EDD anymore...may be when stable, doctor will not show the date again?


think after 3rd mth gynae will stop showing the EDD cos by tat time the EDD shld be more or less firmed up and will not fluctuate (perhaps +/- 3 days). the size and weight matters more after 3rd mth...


I'm approaching my 14th week and I think I'm burping more than before the 12th week! It's like there's constant gas trying to get out, sometimes embarrassing when it happens in front of people.

I was reading about 2nd time mummies being able to feel the baby movements quite early because of their prior experience and I dunno if my 'feelings' are the baby, or just gas. :p

I think i'm definitely going to fall within the "gain too much weight" group of mummies...I have an immense appetite, sometimes I scare myself. haha

thanks shycloud for the info :)

lucky mummy- me too..more gas in week 14, which I dun know y..may be cos i always have gassy stomach even b4 pregnant..so cannot escape from this...just worried will have this last till deliver..


Well, I think being gassy is much better than having MS! Anyway, I think certain veges stimulate gas, like cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli (correct me if I'm wrong), so maybe we shouldn't take too much of those.

i scared of greenish veggie now, can only eat cabbage,may be not so green, but if cabbage stimulate gas then i shall not eat too much :-(..sometime I will drink gassy drink then kept on making myself to burp, not bad actually. But i drink it yesterday again during lunch, may be paiseh to burp in the office, end up puke out in the toilet.

Bethel - u can get the clarins oil from Ocean at chinatown. It is much cheaper than buying from dept stores or even from duty free. I thik i used abt 2 bottls for my last preg but start to run out in the last few weeks of my preg.

Re : gaining weight

I have lost abt 1.5kg since i got preg. Can't eat much and keep throwing up gas. I get so uncomfortable when i can't burp that sometimes i induce myself to throw up. I dun really throw up food cos i try to eat small meals.

kimmy - yeah, it is true that having MS means yr baby is growing. But MS shld be less as pregnancy progress so dun be too alarm if u start to feel better.

coconutz - if it works for u for #1, #2 shld be ok as well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good for you, dont need to spend money engaging CL.

Kimmy - Why shy to burp in office? Then I think I very the not shy, until my colleague can tease me and say I practising "ha ma gong" (Toad's breathing Kungfu) every day ;p


hi all...

anyone having this problem like me? kept having endless phlegm till cough then start to throw up again... Just past my 1st trimester, and i know not the kind of morning sickness already, but once i cough... there it goes again... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anyone has any method to kerb this? very annoying.. empty stomach also throw up my super sour stomach juice.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

gee... I intend to do my confinement in malaysia [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] looking at the threads... think I better start to book my CL too :p

1st one, scared ah...

luckymummy11 - realised we both having same EDD and at same hospital TMC! and also both of us staying North in woodlands :p

so coincident! :D

prob we can meet up 1 day!

my next checkup is on 29th july :D

hopefully able to know gender of my bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]cos 16th weeks already by then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm so excited, also bored, till kept wanting to buy BB tings... haha! but always got stopped by my hubby :p

saw the cute clothes or accessories, just feel like buy 1st, think later! haha!

But I guess, shd wait till later and see what we can get as 2nd hand items from frens 1st... a BB cost a bomb!! haha..

HI Mtbs

Finally reporting. Been really busy clearing work. And yes, in the midst of my bedrest, I am expected to clear work. Sigh...

Talking abt CL, I gave a big HUH, when this CL I called asked for 3k As though MS not bad enough, the price is enough to make me puke! Cos the CL who did for me for #1 is sick, so I can't engage her so had to look for another one. And yes, it's CNY at work. That's like 1.1k more ex than what I paid the other time. Going to call a few more (if I hv more) before deciding, if price really like that, then no choice. Would rather pay than to let my MIL do.

Sputnik: Same. I also lost 1.5kg since this pregnancy started. It's stress+bad appetite. Was simply amazed at how little food I can take these days. A complete contrast to what happened when I had my #1. I could just have soup for lunch and that's it. I will also induce myself to throw up if it becomes uncomfy. Actually not very good...but at least it makes me feel slightly better. I am just crossing fingers that it will get better in a couple of weeks time. One more week and 2nd trimester is here!


3 yrs ago i was already paying that kind of price for CL during CNY.

most of the good ones will ask for around that price.

Grumpus: Thanks for telling. So at least inflation hasnt hit CL services. Anyway have decided to engage. Now just trying my luck to see if I have any chance of payine a few hundred lesser.

Tien - try asking around, shld be able to get lower than $3K. Mine is $2500. I actually asked another one which was $2100, but cos the $2500 was used by someone i know so decided to go with her instead.

I think if can afford shld get CL, cos i hv some friends whose mom or MIL said will help out decided not to get CL and regretted later.


morning all...

I have been silent readers these days...

I like to ask you all whether there would have package for seeing Gynae at TPS KKH?


my #1 was done by my MIL...but since it's crossing over CNY she may not focus on doing confinement for me so i got to source for one.

on CL, i just called up two. 1 charging me for 2.5k (28 days only) the other however does not take in CNY jobs...i will prob meet up with her soon and hopefully can neg on the price!

Shycloud - where do u get the contacts of the CL?

I just called agencies as I do not have any lobangs.

GPLS - $3,000

PEM - $2,800

$2,500 is reasonable to me.

Looks like we all hv diff sorts of symptoms.

For me, I often feel my heart racing n it causes shortness of breath/ heavy breathing. Happens especially when I watch drama serial or busy at work. Hope this is normal.

For those who hv gone for Oscar, does hubby need to go along if he doesn't need to do any blood test?


those contacts are recommended by frens. further more, its not inclusive of buying ingredients and herbs...so it may be an additional of few hundred dollars...sigh...

Wow 2.5k is good price. Wish I can find one around this price. Can save that 500 for tonics lor. Anyway 28 days is enough. I did the 40 days one and really wanted to die!


40 days? wow good leh...can really 'bu' your body!!! maybe im thinking after 28 days i prob will ask my MIL to come over and continue my confinement haha...but she will imposed a 'no bathing rule!!!' argh

for #1, i only bathe twice throughout the whole confinement mth...and its the hottest period JUN!


how to tahan yr confinement with only 2 baths? peifu peifu.... after my delivery, i feel so yucky cos smell of sweat n blood le... so i quickly showered with warm water and then use herbal bath during confinement. even during confinement, i smelled stinko cos bfg ma... and bm leaked and leaked...

Shycloud: Good meh? Actually I really hate confinement. But one good thing about my CL the last time is she allow me to bath twice too. And everyday I get to 'bath' with the Da feng Cao. So not too bad. As long as got water poured over my body I am happy! Even if got herb also ok.

Really would have gotten her back even if it's 3k but too bad that she is sick. Sigh...


i also wonder how i survived tat diff period haha. but i cannot defy my MIL orders leh cos she doing confinement for me...i'm always complaining to DH tat confinement was the worst compared to pre and post natal.


bathing is bliss haha the first time i showered i took a good whole 15 mins..shiok but of cos MIL grumbled tat i took too long...but HELLO i only get to bath after 2 wks of cos must take own sweet time haha.

agree tat good CL are hard to come by even if it means more $$$.

How to bathe twice only for whole confinement????

My first confinement was a little messy. MIL said she would do for me but last min said her leg no good and see if my mum can do it. My mum was working but she got a maid at home so it was arranged I would go back to mum's place and maid would help to wash laundry and cook (under mum's instruction on how and what to cook). It was tiring for me as I have to look after the baby myself and occasionally if my sis is at home she helped out. Being a 1st time mum, I was overwhelmed and broke down often and it did not help the hubby and mil only kept saying cannot give bb this and that and yet I was the one struggling. really depressed then. But at mum's place, I got to secretly wash hair once and blow dry quickly and got to eat a variety of food and also get to sleep in light aircon room.

Thereafter,mil kept asking me to go back saying she is okie liao?? so 2 weeks later, I was back home. I actually get to rest more at home as MIL looked after bb and cook and wash. I was allowed to bathe with herbal water (tiny pail) but i secretly add more water haha. but strictly no hair washing and it really made me so frustrated! plus no fan, no aircon.....can really die man. And she cooked almost the same thing every meal every day until I was quite sick of them (some with hard liquor which I cannot take it).......................

This time round MIL already assumed she is doing for me (since we stay together also), i really dread the no hair washing part and I told my mum, please cook for me during weekend and visit me ahha.

hi mummies..

Thanks Sputnik..good to hear it's a good sign for having MS..

Poor mummy - I paiseh to burp cos not all colleagues know im preggy...and if burp, sure kena laugh by them.haha

CL - my auntie's sister is a CL..I din use her b4 but she do confinement for my fren and my cousin, heard she is experience, from MY, guess will be cheaper than SG CL. Let me know if anyone here interested to find out, then i will get the contact from my auntie.


wa, both yr confinement done by mother and mil... so lucky : )

for me, my mum and mil passed away liao so i do my own confinement with my own rules...hehe.. but my fil will cook for me (breakfast and lunch). I remembered he cooked a big promfret with old ginger for my breakfast and a big pot of pig liver for lunch plus fish again.... aiyo so chiam le....the next day will be zhu yao... duno what is tat in english...

i tink for my #2 confinement, will be the same thing lor... but he has oredi borrowed books on confinement recipes liao... hopefully the menu will be improved.


perhaps you could discuss with ur DH to let ur MIL rest and hire a CL instead? she could look after ur # 1 instead?

actually i'm abit glad tat my MIL not doing confinement for me this time rd. my #1 was a nitemare cos i shifted over to her place and the house is like a sauna day and nite...imagine the no bathing rule and i had to secretly on the aircon in the nite just to get to sleep...she did took good care of me and bb but just tat she only cook tat few dishes everyday...the taste also not to my liking (i prefer bland) and she doesn't cook soup for me...very sian

so i tell myself this time rd...i get to choose CL so must be a very good cook!

shycloud: actually she very bored at home nowadays ahha I mean my MIL. cos my #1 is at CC.

1stly: CL ex during CNY so maybe I REN

2ndly: No place at home for one more pax

3rdly: I am staying with her. Even with CL ard, the rules still stay...

apple, i m a fwm. my fil is a good cook, except that he likes to cook food in HUGE portion cos he eats a lot and never gets fat. so he thinks we shld consume more like him.

during my last trimester the other time, he will jia liao and steam a big fish for my dinner everyday until my hubby complained. cos so sick of fish. btw, he doesnt live with me.

Hi Shycloud, we the same, didnt enjoy "nice food" our first confinement. so my criteria for CL this time round is the same as yrs.

I totally no appetite during confinement + super tired.

sounds like not good if MIL do confinement leh, im so worried now :-(..my MIL already not good in cooking, i cant imagine confinement food....sigh....

HAha CL woes...

Really lor...better to have a CL but good ones are hard to come by. Still hv to look for pro-bfg ones. Some prefers to use a lot of bottles. That's I miss my previous one. Told her that baby will do only 1 bottle feed a day, usually int he middle of the nite) unless I tell her otherwise and she followed lor. And I love her cooking! Esp the mee sua!

I also get to stay in air-con room etc and I learnt a lot from her.

Actually my MIL wanted me to move over when I had #1 but THANKFULLY, it's my hb who objected. Yesterday I tested him again and he jumped when I say she surely asked me to move bk. But think somewhere in his mind he wants her to come over and I am avoiding it!

And my MIL cooking...sigh...everything big big and pretty oily. That's why I dun quite like. And she got a lot of old wives tales, dunno listen from where and that can drive me nuts. So, I prefer this long distance relationship we have now. Hahaha...cos if there's conflict I will sure kena from hb because I am the louder one!

Now, I just need a CL who can offer me at 2.5k and I am happie!

Hello Ladies, me back again. Today my mood very pretty :p I have my breakfast and lunch. very please cos finally can eat full meal le. recently i keep feeling hungry. very tired with this feeling actually cos i am someone who doesn't like to eat. feeling lazy to have to chew food. so i eat alot of sweet. i hope my sugar level won't goes too high up later :p btw i got my PAP=A and HIV blood test result already. low risk and negative respectively. *phew* the ratio is 1:9654. Think will buy 4D with this no this weekend. hee


hi-5*...i share the same sentiments...i was soo tired so no appetite also...so i know what i want this time round!


not all MIL's are like tat...dun worry too much. u may try to print recipes for her on confinement food? actually i prefer MIL to take care of bb cos they are exp and they will be extra careful when handling bb...

but wat i dun like is my MIL (very traditional thinking) has all her old wife's tale and she is very stubborn and defensive...so it really gets on my nerves...want to voice out later she face black black

Been having very bad headache lately, I wonder if its due to low blood... as i had such symptons when I had my #1.

wow.. all so guai during confinement? My first confinement I showered almost everyday with normal water.. lolx coz I also cant stand the da feng ai smell.... Wash hair somemore.

then I use excuse as I need to buy diapers, I went down to NTUC stood at the entrance to enjoy the aircon. On the way back, bot a bottle of coke :p

whahahaha Now i think i wont do that liao..

Ting - haha so cute, buy 4D!

Wish u luck then! hope yr bb can give u good luck [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fwah! you all so fast talking about details for confinement already. actually i really wonder who came out with the no of days for the confinement. i really puzzle. usually CFL will provide service for 28days. but my MIL told me that strict confinement should be 100days and for the 1st mth cannot contact with wind. she say after the 1st month, we still need to avoid some "poison" food like yam and turkey etc.

My MIL did a mini confinement for me after my miscarriage few yrs ago. me not so comfortable with her helping lor. the taste of her cooking is alright but alot of chip bones. i eat until very frustrated but don't dare to complain. she also restricted me from bathing for 1 full month. i suffer like health cos me skin sensitive pple. i experienced rashes all over my body. My MIL didn't strongly restrict me to bath but i just too timid to disobey her lor. so i only quietly go wash my hand and feets when she rest. very torturing lei. so for my last confinement after i deliver my #1, i told myself that i will hire a helper so that MIL will not be at my hse to monitor me. really "inconvenient". difficult to "do things" :p

Hi Poor Mummy, Thanks. I hope my bb will gimme good luck too ;)

I have headache for past few days also. i took one panadol. i read that it due to blood pressure. not too sure. but this week feeling better le.



haha u so cute...i agree sometimes must do things discreetly...

my ah ma told me according to tradition (i'm teochew) must adhere to strict confinement for 4 mths leh! longer than 100 days...of cos i nvr follow ;p

but of cos after 1 mth must still control diet and avoid those taboo food!

