(2011/01) Jan 2011


wahh your story is an inspiration to me. I'm up right now pumping to stimulate bm and it's definitely not going to be easy sustaining this. So for your #1 you did exclusive pumping?


lol. Definitely agree on thelove n treasure part. Take care ofyour wound!


how long did uwear your binder? I remove mine after abt 7-8 hrs of wearing it, usually by dinner or just after. Is it the one given by the massage lady or the corset we all ordered?

Mummies, do your babies keep crying even after they are full? I am afraid my bb is having "wind" inside his stomach. Do u experience this n wat can be done?

luckymummy - i tried latching my number 1 on but she usually fall asleep while latching on so did not do her part in helping me to increase ss...so i decided to pump to increase my ss, but i still latch her on once a day or when we go out. Now my number 2 has the same pattern.. LOL... both of them very naughty, don't want to work for their milk milk.


my binder is the one provided by the massage lady the one we bot still nicely sitting in my cupboard decide to wear it after the massage to retain the tummy how abt u?

Thanks mummies for all e advice!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm going to increase my intake for fenugreek n start pumping more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeah Sputnik, I agree with Luckymummy your BF-ing story with your #1 is an inspiration to those of us with low ss. I will make it a point to wake up at night to pump now. I have been latching 2-3 times a day and pumping thereafter. But I guess I will have to be more hardworking to increase ss. Thanks for sharing!!

Hi Mommies,

I've delivered my baby Janelle on 12 Jan 2011 via natural with epidural. Her birth weight was 2.83kg, length 49cm.


my bb will latch n suckle but Im paranoid abt her intake amt.  As of her 10th day she had not regained her birth weight yet.


let's work harder! My sil also had very low supply for almost a month. She persisted in pumping n took fenugreek n into her 2ndmonth there was lots ofmilk. She was storing in freezer etc. So there is hope for us!


the first session with massage lady the wrap we bought didnot fit ard my waist at all! Was so depressed. But by 5th session I cld use it! So now she uses her cloth to bind n follows with the cinch wrap.

Hi all,

My bm ss also quite low... But I made my gal suckle till she fell asleep... Need to train her that e only way to get milk is to work for it.. So her suckling every other hr actually increase ss in e long run...

I do feel that resting is v impt too... Somehow after I take a nap my breast fills up... Not so much if I spent e 2 hr in from of tv.. Lol

Jiayou everyone!

Hi luckymummy

thanks for info [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so I will try later as apparently her traditional bindin make my skin itchy like he'll and most impt hurt my wound ;( so see I can fit my wrap or not but I only 3rd time today fingers cross !!

i'm quite lazy to pump during day. only have an average of 2oz per pump. so let baby suck during day.

mummies who pump

thinking i've been impatient for results from pumping. can i check how long and how frequent do you pump before you see SS increase? i jus got my freestyle on sunday.


Actually u shd pump after latching if u want to increase yr ss quickly. The principle to increasing ss is emptying yr breasts frequently and more stimulation after breasts r empty, then yr body will get the signal tat more milk is needed.

So it's not how long u pump but rather making sure u pump until empty and then add another 5min or so of just stimulating with the pump.

Btw, i hv replied yr PM

Chabby. I pump about 3-4 hrs interval before my baby wake up for feed. Then top up with fm if insufficient.

For mothers who pump n leave the bm at room temperature, do we need to warm up the bm before feeding?

Hi mummies!

I have finally delivered my princess, shaylene on 18th Jan via natural w/o epi her length is 50cm

Here my birth story

As bb was 3 days overdue, gynae did a ve and I am already 3cm dilated. She swiped the cervix membrane to simulate contraction. Then I bot lunch and went hm. It's abt 1 when I reach hm. Felt slight contractions on my way hm. Then I had lunch and bath then felt stronger contractions. So discuss with hubby n decided to check in rather than wait at hm. So I admitted at 3pm. by then I am already 5 cm dilated. Gynae was hving surgery n when she checked me at 430pm, I am 8cm.. She say shld b in another half an hr.. Who knows by 435pm, I am fully dilated and she couldn't get her coffee.. Lol.. Then less than 5 mins later, our Princess was born

I am also trying to do full Bfing but bb can't seem to latch very well and after consulting the lactation consultant she is doing better but seems like the colustrum can't satisfy her cos she kept crying. So I topped up w fm in btw. Hopefully when milk flow comes I can Bf totally.

Oh ya I am using our wrap now cos tummy like 5 mths preg. M starting my massage with my Malay lady on fri and will last 10days hopefully by then tummy can b flattened

Congrats Little Oxygen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] speedy recovery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies..

Just wondering do u usually pump in air con or non air con room? I always pump in air con room but last few days I rented a phototheraphy bed to "sun" my boy who has jaundice. When I pump in front of the bed which is hot.. I actually pump out more!

I started my massage today. Kinda sad coz I feel too oily to carry my boy.. I guess I will only carry and let him latch at night after I clean myself. Anyone has similar woes after massage?

Luckymummy - Thks for sharing ure SIL's story too. I had better go get my fenugreek!! Will def persist and continue to latch and pump! I am like you, will be paranoid about whether BB manage to get enough milk or not..but CL will put BB to sleep for a while, if he cries then we know my supply still not enough [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So at the moment, I know I still do not have enough for BB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Think feeding FM cause of his jaundice kinda 'spoil market' for my BM supply..haiz..so now got to work harder

Cl.. U can try to clean urself with hot water to remove the oil then put lotsa powder on urself to Prevent stickiness.. Think that will help. Before u latch bb u clean ur breast with hot water.

Hi all, my baby gal arrived on 18 Jan weighing 3.43kg height 49cm via C-sec.

My gynae estimate my baby to be 3.4kg the day before and it turns out almost accurate. Now busy learning BF and will be discharge tmrw.

Hi Mummies, anyone here having domestic helper? And how much are you all paying them? my helper with me for 2 years jus renew her contract and my agent keep telling me her salary is way too low and beware that she mite not come back after her 2w weeks holiday in march [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Massage... how did u all find yr massage lady? My was introduce by my colic and she happen to be in Oct thread. the malay massage lady suppose to be one very popular one but how come i find her so so only.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] she nvr really massage my aching back .. and she can ask for off dayz and late somemore..sian..zzz..

Hi Mummies,


Congrats to all who have delivered! And all the best to the rest who are still waiting for their precious parcels to arrive.

I'm a SAHM trying to earn some extras for my family.

Please feel free to visit my blog for clothes for ur precious prince/princess. I'm also selling Diaper bag organizers which are very handy and convenient for all mummies.

Visit http://theflyingmummy.blogspot.com

(Like us on Facebook too!)

I'm having a CHINESE NEW YEAR Sale now with 15% off ALL ITEMS till 20Jan2011.

Wishing everyone a Prosperous New Year!

Massage/cinch wrap:

Today is day 5 of my massage. The massage lady binds me before leaving but the cloth binder scrunches up after awhile, so I switch to the cinch wrap when it happens and I leave it on all the time till my next massage. I'm seeing results, the cinch wrap really works!


And my 8 day old baby still suckles for only 5 mins every hour or 2, so worrying, dunno if he is drinking enough, he poops very frequently, so I guess should be fine right??

Hep B jab:

I brought my baby for jaundice check up a few days ago but PD never schedule him for 2nd dose of Hep B jab, instead was scheduled for "1st hexa jab" abt 7 weeks later. Is it the norm for u ladies?


my one wk old bb also suckles for 5mins every hour plus to 2. she pees super frequently and poops fairly frequently.

her weight has been going up steadily so i'm not worried [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thank you. i've replied you. my mail got some problem. will go pump and empty in a while.

how to tell the breast is really empty? when it's soft? and then continue for another 5 min after it turn soft?


read that breastminlk can stay at room temp for 4hrs i din heat up.


congrats on your delivery. =) try to rest as much as you can for quick recovery.

ya Chelleybaby

so long baby pooing and pee enough should not worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yup one sign is the breast is soft and also no more milk is flowing. Then u just continue pumping air for another few mins to give yr body the signal tat more is needed.

Hi mummies, i've delivered my girl on 18 Jan via C-sec. Weight at birth was 2.56kg n length 47cm.

Today just started to try breastfeeding but i got no supply at all! So bb just suckle for a couple of mins n i give bac to nurse to feed formula. Wonder if i did the rite thing.

When will supply start to come in? I'm getting worried as i dun feel any diff in my breast at all!

Hi Mummies

I am also fret over BF'ing. Bb suck for 10-15 mins on each side, but still cries angrily for milk. She refused to latch on anymore so I have to top up with FM of abt 60-80ml. This happen at every feed. She cries for milk every 3-4 hrly. Is this normal? Do u think she is drinking frm my breast?


I have a indo domestic helper. Employed her to take care of my sick dad. I pay her $340per mth. Today's paper mentioned that new hirer indo domestic worker's pay to be revised to $450 wor. Mine still got 1 yr+ to go, so it doesnt apply to me. Don't know if it apply to ur maid or not.

Hi Pooh

my maid is not from indo wo she is from Phil but my agent say better to increase if not she wont come back after her home leave..thinking of this whole day till it affect me alot having headahce and no my bm reduce liao la..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyone tried boots milkbag? Any review on that? Thought of getting milkbag. It seems cheap. Selling at $10 perpox (40 bags in a box). Any cheaper alternative? Boots milkbag good?


I wasn't very motivated by my pumping output also. Still averaging 1ml per 1 min if pumping ESP late in the day with no rest. But I've noticed more engorgement over today which makes me pump more often. Hopefully this leads to more output soon.

Avent anti colic btls,

is anyone using these with the avent convertor foryour medela freestyle? I dunno what's wrong but when I use this combo the bottle/connecting part tends to leak. Tried tightening, holding upright etc but it still happens. So upsetting to discover a leak esp when my supply is so low! Every drop counts.


don't beat urself up over the jaundice fm thing. I also naively thot everything was ok, bb latching sleeping well( a bit too well) n only found out abt jaundice on 6th day n had to go phototherapy. How wld I know all that latching wasn't sufficiently stimulating supply? But nvm don't think we've missed the boat, just be more hardworking at pumping/latching from now on.

Congrats gingersnap, Daphne n bethel on your delivery!


dr tham is powerful. U had a csec n only needed 2 night? Same duration of stay in hospital as me. Think he might have discharged me in 1 night if I didn't deliver late in the evening.


how come your cloth wrap scrunched up? Mine is almost like a bullet proof vest after binding. Can last for hours n is so tight I actually eat less. At least u can fit your cinch wrap post delivery. I had to wait 5 days first. The weightloss regime is not going to be easy. Hai.


I also have to supplement when I do direct latching, but generally only an hour plus later. If I express n give her usual amt, whether fm or bm she can go for 3-4 hrs. So I think im only providing abt 1/3 to 1/2 her needs with direct latching. Dunno if this calculation makes sense. Just keep trying to stimulate our supply I guess? Maybe yours is having prob getting the milk. Can try pumping before u let her latch?


ard 7-8 hrs. I wear it through the day until after dinner. It's uncomfortable n forces me to sit up straight or lie down. It still looks fine like it was just tied by the time I take it off. How long is your wear time?

Hi Sputnik and luckymummy

same here morning she cam to bind me after dinner I take off the flabby part came up abit but overLl still flatten kekeke

luckymummy/lily - i doing my massage later. Was thinking of taking it out before dinner at abt 5.30pm then take a bath cos my friends coming over in the evening.....a bit gross to see them when i oily oily.. lol

How many sessions of massage are u ladies doing?


ard 7-8 hrs. I wear it through the day until after dinner. It's uncomfortable n forces me to sit up straight or lie down. It still looks fine like it was just tied by the time I take it off. How long is your wear time?


I'm on my 9th time today. Feel like continuing for another course of 5x. Hehe. Lazy to have to slim down so much on my own later on. Does she put a layer of herbs on your stomach b4 binding? Mine does so I try not to waste it by leaving it on for as long as possible.

Hi mummies doing massage, do u noe how soon i can start my sessions since i had csec? I booked a pkg wif origins jamu massage n e lady say earliest i can start is after 3-4 weeks of delivery. By then confinement wod b over n no one can help look after baby when i do massage...

Hello mums... seems like majoirty have popped and in the topic of Bf-ing le.. Im still playing the waiting game...

Hopefully by then I hv read enough from your experiences so that I dont kalang kapo when it's my turn...

LilyH- How much are u paying yr helper now? Mine is new, also phllipines... but cant compare with yrs with 2 yrs experience liao... but i heard from collics that generally they do demand a pay raise, some know that if they work for expats or other family they will earn more thus they might not want to continue and will reenter again hoping to earn more.

Hi mummies,

I delivered my boybon 13 jan 2011 weighing 3.575kg at 38 weeks gestation via csect.

Like to ask if anyone has problem with latch position and do u all feed water to ur child? My mil is doing the confinement for me n i have pretty many diff ideas with her.


Hi Angeline, congrats! urs is dr koh rite? if u r breast feeding no need to feed water. ur bb dun want to suckle or?

