(2011/01) Jan 2011

Mag, can I trouble you to PM me the CCTV contact? I am so slow that the CCTV post is already in archive and the topic has moved on so much..


her face black black wor. I can sense she don't want to work already. So means.. I hv to find another one and try to train as much as possible in 2-3wks.


Can mummies here with helpers, share how you manage your helpers?

Still at doc's waiting for CTG... but doc checked and still not dilated yet. So we're going to wait another week before inducing...


u will be the first!!! Jia you tomorrow!!! Will keep u in my thoughts!

Aiyo Miaiko.. Hope ur agent can do something abt it.. Maids all one kind.. See got extra work to do then 出 pattern for employer.. If u hv sometime, I previously found this blog, which maybe helpful for u.. (it's on coz*cot, and for some reason not allowed on this forum?? I PM u the link)..

Kimmy: 加油!


We are counting down with you too.

Jia you.

You'll be meeting your precious and hubby x'mas oresent soon. =)

kimmy good luck for your delivery ! Everything will be smooth and you will be mom tomrrow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] finally it is going to be over for you .

I am into 38 th week and waiting for natural delivery ! Hope the end is near !

Morning ladies,

i am into my 38th week too...getting quite nervous about it...stomach feels hard as a rock most of the time...and like some of you, I feel so tired cause deprived of quality sleep...even though the nursery is ready, mentally I don't feel quite ready [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Kimmy > Good luck for your delivery! Shun Shun Li Li [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And share your birth story with us when you are fully recuperated k...

BTW,can I just ask mummies here where you get your baby bath tubs from?

Also, is anyone here using PlayTex AireVent bottles? Anyone knows which bottle warmer works best with the Airevent Bottles that are slightly curved? Thanks in advance [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chabby>> Can also PM me the list of things to buy for confinement?

Darienna>> Can also PM me the CC link on maids? I am also in the midst of hiring a maid...now waiting for her to clear her entry test.

BTW, Mummies who are hiring maids should get them tested for Hep B. It seems the medical examination does not include Hep B and we know Hep B is contagious. Quite dangerous if they are helping us with infant/child care.

Long time no post...

My bb was abt 2.2kg+ at 35 weeks, my gynae say its ok since i quite small size also. But I'm hoping for her to be abt 2.9kg when i pop, just like my first one. Anyone knows where i can find durian now since not in season... LOL. Put on abt 8kg so far.

Also dun wan bb to be too big. The last time i went for facial, my therapist was telling me of some of her friends whose bb was quite big, natural birth, and she said in chinese it was so painful after that cos 'tear until the anus'! That really creeped me out just thinking of it!


Sorry to interrupt. I have extra confinement warming shampoo and bodywash from Lil Dreamers for sale @ $30 for a set. Anyone keen, pls sms me @ 91781471.



Kikapo, u've got PM. Hope it helps! Btw.. Me also bot the playtex airevent range, but hvn't Thot abt the warming up part.. I Thot standard food warmer from avent or pigeon shld be ok? The sterilizing of the bottles can use the avent sterilizer yah?

Kimmy jiayou! Wish u a smooth delivery tmr! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bottle warmers.. is there any difference in e brands? Yest was at kiddy palace looking at some brands. All seems to function similarly.. all requires some water to be added and on the switch to heat up the water to warm the milk.. the avent one has 2 types, the normal dial to choose temp and the electric one which cost 50 bucks extra.. tommy tippee brand is abt 60 bucks but opening is oval compared to the round opening for avent..

Anyone knows if I use the medela bottles to store ebm, can I warm up ebm in the medela bottle directly?

Thanks Darienna. Will take a look.

My maid told agent she don't want to work already. My agent side also shortage of maids. So how? sighz.

Very weird and pisses me off. Agent told me that maid mention to agent that I hit her! I was shocked and angry and immediately question maid. Maid said she didnt said that and she clarified with the agent.

She even sorta told agent that she dun want me and hb to quarrel becz of her mistakes.. and dun want to create misunderstanding that she likes my hb. ???!?!? WT**..

Yah hor.. y didnt I think that coz Im due in a few weeks and that may be the reason that she start to show pattern. sighz.

My maid told agent that working for me is very different from working with her previous employer. At her previous employer plc, she has alot of freedom and she has no control over using of phone. I told agent that from 1st day at agency I've already made known that Im a very strict employer and the maid has to follow daily work schedule.

Thanks all mummies for the message....

My admission is at 12pm and the operation is scheduled at 2pm tomorrow..


Alright, let me chiong the front line then...hahaha


Jia you...38 weeks already...at most another 2 weeks only...


if she is not happy, keep her also no use..better find another one and train b4 ur baby is born...if she stay u also worried, later everyday face black black...hubby always say - problem that can be solved with money, it's not a problem at all..ask her to go back since she is not happy..hire another one and train...

re: eat more

I have been trying to eat many foods, last chance to gain baby's weight..cant find durian cos not the season :-(


U r due for c-sect tomo? so fasT! all the best and wish u smooth smooth delivery! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im so tired of re-training maids. Yes, my mentality also to let her go since she want to leave. But my agent there no maids for me. I hv to think if I want to look for another agency and waste the chance for another 'change' of maid. Agent fees now also higher. My agent says nowadays even Indon maids are demanding higher salary.. S$400-S$500 per mth. Else they prefer to work in Taiwan / HK.

Agent told me and hb to try talk to my maid wor.

Miaiko, has your maid been working with you for very long? I'm also quite worried when my girl comes along and workload suddenly increases my maid won't be able to take it. She just arrived last saturday and so far there is not much for her to do because my place is quite small and none of us really need much taking care of, but when baby is here it will be chaos. I agree with you that if your maid's heart is not there then there is no use keeping her. Her "reason" about making you and your husband unhappy really sounds like an excuse.

Darienna, can share the blog link with me too? I also need to learn how to manage maids since I never had one.

Kimmy, jia you! Haha.. don't worry about durians, you can feed your baby well after birth to make up for lost time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


she's bn wif me for only 5mths. Initially still tell me she wana work long long for me. Now.. show black face and show pattern. And will even make excuse for her mistakes.

I duno what these helpers expect. Work for us and expect to shake leg while taking salary?

Miaiko: Hmm.. maybe you have to bite the bullet and go to another agency? Sounds like your agency is trying to dissuade you from using your free change perhaps because they make less or lose some money when doing the change. My agent also told me about costs going up so she is going to up her agency fees too so I think that part is true but I don't think the part about Indon maids demanding $400-$500 is true. I just got a Filipino maid for less than that but no Singapore experience.

Mine seems good so far (but just first few days so maybe just trying to create good first impression), we have to keep asking her to go to bed and she is always doing extra housework without us asking her to. I do think with maids its luck of the draw unfortunately. Poor you! 5 mths was perfect to train her up and get her used to your family but now have to put up with her antics.

kimmyksc: Jiayou! officially e first to pop among us wo~ =D really a big milestone for our thread lo~ mus share ur birthstory okok!


Ya, tomolo is my c-sec day..

gotto ask ur maid wat's the reason..sometime they know u wan to deliver already, need their help then they got many pattern..i got a fren also face the issue last time. Moving house soon then the maid play pattern lor, say miss home, wan to go home..my fren say can go home but only when got replacement. If you can manage without maid and with ur family help, then still ok..can find another one.Agent always ask us to talk, but the problem is not only 1 party, maid can be really weird at time and normally when they say wan to go home, their heart really not here anymore. unless her objective is to get pay raise..

TW & HK salary very good, almost double compare to SG. but they gotto learn mandarin and cantonese.

grumpus - hv been eating ice cream but not that much tho. Milk i only drink 1 cup of anmum a day. Haha.... abt 1 mth ago i went to the gynae for my check up, i did not gain weight but bb put on 500g.. dunno what i did also.


yah. she's finally on track with the routines and habits. Just that everyday I have to fine-tune her and uncountable reminders to her.

Like you, me and my hb have been nagging her to go to bed early. her bed time suppose to be 11pm. but she always always must drag till after 12am-1am then she will sleep. She also do things so slow. Then how? We nag and nag for 5mths already. Dun even feel like tell her all these things again.


Yalor....I'm the first in Jan thread...haha..

My birth story may not tat excited cos not natural overall..I will update tomolo after settle down

Helper woes > I was told the pay that Indon helpers demand these days are almost 100 bucks more than what they were paid 2 years ago! I also hear about rogue agencies that teach maids to ask for transfers or create problems cause agenciees can earn the agency fee every time you change a helper. The helper then gets a cut from the agency. Sigh...good helpers are really hard to come by these days.

I am waiting for mine to clear her entry exam, she has failed it thrice cause her English is very very basic. Over and on top of that, she also needs to clear the Hep B medical..duno what to do if she fails the entry exam or medical or both...sianz..

Darienna > I am also using the Avent steriliser. I took the Ventaire bottles apart and tried to sterilise them but was told by the sales that it doesn't sterilise if both ends of the bottle is 'open'. She says I am better off boiling the bottle. As for the teats and the silicone Ventaire feature, she says we should not boil it, instead just wash with warm soapy water.

I was only concern about the warming bit cause of the shape of the bottle. The opinion on using a bottle warmer on Ventaire bottles are varied, some says it is not good to use bottle warmer cause of the silicone Ventaire feature at the end of the bottle. Others say it is fine so I am actually waiting for the official recommendation from Playtex. I asked the question on their FB fan page [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bath Tubs - Any recommendations for a good baby bath tub?

kimmyksc - i dun remember them supplying extra. The last time i pop my MIL brought for me.

BTW, i read somewhere that we are not suppose to sterilise medela bottles cos it is made of POLYPROPELENE. An email i got from someone had the following info :

I then called MEDELA and asked the same qns, the lady said the same thing, cannot use sterilizers because the heat is too strong and they cannot gurrantee that their bottles won't chg shape as its made of polypropelene. The only way to 'sterilize' their bottles is to submerge them in recently BOILED water for 5 MINS ONLY.

No leh. Kimmy, every birth story is an experience and definitely something for the rest of us to prepare ourselves. Definitely for me as I will be c-sect too. Count down 11 days.

Kimmy, unexciting is good! Exciting usually means something went wrong. You must be excited to see baby soon though.

Darienna, thank you!

Miaiko, I'm so unexperienced with maids that I really can't contribute much more as to what to do about your maid situation. My personal view is to change one soon and hopefully still at least have a bit of time to train the new one up. If your agency is not helpful then perhaps its time to change agency too. Good luck!

kimmy: so excited for u..

u r the first one to pop..

so good can carry ur little one in ur arm soon..

everything will go smooth for u..

do update us when u r feeling better.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jia you jia you!!

kimmy>> post photos when u are able to! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we're all looking forward to seeing ur little one as well! heee..

miaiko>> do talk to your maid.. if she's still insistent on going back, than persuade her to stay until u can find another one before letting her go back.. no point to keep her if she really wants to go back..


usually when maids starting saying this sort of thing is best to just let them go. No point talking already.

I remember so many of my mum's maids also giving this sort of pattern. and they're very good to turn it around and say that is cos they dun want us to get upset, argue blah blah. they feel bad they always cannot do the job properly etc etc..

even if u manage to convince her to stay, u'll probably get the same prob again a few months later.

i remember last time when my parents moved to a bigger place, the maid also 'chu' pattern. later we found out cos she hv to leave her boyfriend behind (who lives near our old place) and cos the house is bigger now and she got more work. best part is she already worked for us for 4yrs, only left abt 3 mths on the contract so my mum convinced her to stay until contract end.

the pattern she come up with was super scary. she sit outside in the garden (parents house landed property) and refuse to come inside for one whole day and night. when my mum called the agent to pick her up and send her home, she started wailing to the agent that my mum beat her....

and this is from a maid who has been with us for 4 yrs!!

it'll be tough to change maid now, but i think best to bite the bullet and hope u get a better maid.

Kikapo: thks for the info! Lucky I haven't sterilize them yet.. Cos dunno how to store them after sterilizing so soon.. Will go be fan of their FB page.. Thks again!

Sputnik: thks for the info on the Medela bottles.. Got the freestyle breastpump which comes with 4 bottles...

Looks like I need to get myself some sterilizing tablets now to sterilize my playtex and Medela bottles...

Reia: no problem.. Jus sharing ard useful info.. ;)

Thanks pinky_J & grumpus.

yah.. im prepared to change her already. But dun intend so fast. Was planning after i settled my #2, and after #1 goes to schl. Who knows so fast this happens today.

Govt wants us to treat maids a humans.. but do these maids treat us a humans too? I hate all these lies that they made up about us ill-treating them. Ridiculous.

My hb talked to maid and she said she wana go back Indon. Wat gd timing.. coz her loan finishing. Hb told her she need to continue to work till we get replacement. She said ok.

talked to my hb.. who is all stressed-up.. he only plan to start looking after my confinement. tats like 2mths to go? sigh

Jiayou kimmy!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] all the best!!

Me counting down too!! 11 dazzzz!!!

C-Sect mummies, actually elective c section also not that bad hor.. You see for those trying to go natural, really don't know when the pain will kick in... so worried that still not fully prepared etc....

Miaiko > Hang in there..no point losing your cool with them when they are out to play games..

I was told by the maid agency that regardless of the reasons (or no reasons), if the helpers go to their embassy or those sheltars for help, we will need to buy them an air ticket back to their homes. No room for negotiation, neither will they investigate anything...I was appalled when I first heard cause employers are really at the losing end here...what to do..we need the extra help at home so have to accept such the T&Cs that come with it...

BTW, a friend's sister recently hired a Myammar helper. So far so good and not so 'scheming' according to her..best thing, she speaks Chinese. If the Indon helper I am waiting for doesn't work out, I will probably go to an agency that brings in Myammese helpers.

Wow, so many of u popping soon. So excited for all of you. I'm only 35 weeks and really cannot wait for D-day.

Kimmy, relax and enjoy the birth experience. Even though it's C-sec, I'm sure it's still a nice experience hearing your baby's first cries. I will never forget the C-sec day tat my #1's born last year.

My C-sec date for my #2 is 18 Jan and I've just started packing my hospital bag yesterday. But a lot of clothes need to wash. (eg. pjs, baby's going home clothes, sweater, socks etc)

Btw, forget to ask all those who are going for C-sec, did you all pack elastic binder and the blood circulation socks? Cos when I gave birth in KKH last year, my gynae is asking me to buy the binder and socks from the hospital. I brought my own binder so did not buy. But I did bought the socks from them. So, will be bringing to hospital this time round.


Yah. Just told my hb that we are always at the losing end when getting a maid. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

can share which agency is that? Just so that I can kiv. thank u.


Will check with my friend and update you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


what sort of blood circulation socks are these? Is it like the ones from Scholl?


medela bottles,

They seem to be quite difficult to use...maybe I will abandon my 4 medela bottles and just stick to avent. I also have 4 free ones from the freestyle.


All the best tomorrow! Was just telling my husband that someone from the forum is giving birth already...really puts things in perspective. Our turns are all coming up!


what are these blood circulation socks? Btw, your c-section date is the same as my EDD. Haha, maybe Dr Tham will be running between our 2 rooms.

