(2011/01) Jan 2011

Morning mums...

Haha, I also have cravings for cold stuff and now with our body temp going up i sweat more and more even right after I shower....

Coke - I really dare not drink alot of it..and try to take less fizzy drinks. My hb has been nagging at me.

@Fiona, I know how it feels. Last night my vulva area was sooo swollen & sore.. I almost wanted to cry out coz I had to wake up several times to go to the toilet to rinse as it was kind of itchy also..-____- whole night cannot sleep!

Bear with it!! another few weeks more to go!!

Hmmm i not sure if I still wanna buy "da feng ai" when if I order the shower gel...

I guess maybe lemon grass still smells better than herbal???

Good morning all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Soft drink float sounds so good! yummy!!

Jass, yup indeed! Also super sweet can satisfy many cravings at one go. hahaha

Having said that, I quite worried abt my weight gain. My last gynae visit - 3kg!!

But surprise that my gynae didnt comment anything... coz my previous gynae will make me go blood test and everything when I put on more than 2kg.....

Morning.. Yes.. Craving for coke this few days too..

Have been sweating like nobody business..

Poormummy: ya.. Is painful even if I move my leg..

I wonder whether I can choose to induce on week 36 anot..

Anyone have any idea?

Bathing herb: I just buy 20 packet yesterday..

Think after 20 days I will just pour rice wine into water n bath ba..

Cuz the smell not nice.. Haha..

Baby weight: now I am in 33 weeks n 6 days..

May I know what the normal weight baby must gain??

Cuz I scare that my boy will be light weight..

Next week Thursday den check up..

I really hope he is in good weight..

Coconut water: i started drinking last week..

I think will wait another weekend den drink again ba..

Wah.. all the talk about float... makes me crave for rootbeer float and also my iced mocha with gelato.... Sllllluuuuurrrrp!

Jas, I took a good look at myself in the mirror just now, I feel I look very dangerous too!!! And I feel very dangerous! Very tired leh!!!!

Fiona, I think 37 weeks is considered full term. Why don't you sit down to wear your clothes so that you don't have to exert so much force?

I think I suddenly put on a lot of weight.. must be effect of all those ice cream. Ladies, I feel that my water retention is especially HORRID after my shower every night! Not sure if I stand too long to bathe or what....

misty: thanks for the tips.. will try that out..

hopefully sit down wear will not be so painful..

37 weeks den full term ar..

den i hope can choose 11 Jan 2011..

nowadays always go toilet..

i also feel that i put on a lot of weight..

hope that i can slim down after i give birth..

any mummies going to give birth soon??

so nervous even is my #2..


jia you with the weight loss. 1kilo in 2 weeks is on track right? I rem being told to put on about 2 kg/month. I was kinda worried why I'm suddenly losing weight, totally opposite to what has been happening to me.

da feng ai,

what is this? I only know my mil is going to boil something for me to bathe in.


I cannot ask anyone to bring extra stuff from home, cos I am likely the only one who knows where everything is! I'd rather just carry it all...that's what the car is for.

Does anyone leak these days? I had panty liner on n sometimes I think my panty (at the side) get wet too. Dunno amniotic or urine. Gynae say as long no liquid flowing on floor is safe.

morning mummies!

So glad that I'm not the only one here craving for sweet stuff, especially Coke! Guess we all have the same taste and cravings... haaha...

Shall go take a pic later and post in fb on my bump... saw my reflection and tut I looked huge... Even my fren's hubby is making fun of my cuz I look like an expanded version of what I used to look like.... sad.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pinky: I've been going for facials every 3 weeks and still going this weekend. I go to Bliss and think its quite good cos their beds can be elevated, kind of like hospital beds so its not too straining on my back. They also elevate my legs so it helps water retention at the same time! Plus they don't leave you lying in the room when they put the mask, they'll always be doing some massage so I feel comfortable rather than think about the fact that I'm lying on my back. Hee.. I sound like their spokesperson! Guess just need to find a place that's comfortable and can continue with facial. I had bad breakouts in the 2nd tri so didn't want to stop in case they come back.

Coconut water: I looked at the label of a coconut from NTUC and got a shock at the amount of carbs it contains. I think I'm busting a whole mealful of carb quota everytime I drink it but its tastes so good!

ivfwins: Hmm.. better monitor though. A friend was slowly leaking amniotic fluid but no huge gush over time (say a week or two) and at the next visit had to schedule an emergency c-section because fluid levels got dangerously low. Can tell what it is from the smell I'm told, amniotic fluid smells "sweet", whatever that means. I know, seems gross to be sniffing at the fluid haha..

Good morning mummies..

Im oso sooo worried about my blood sugar until last week, had my blood test done, passed!! now drinking without regrets. hahhaha..

Little pig pig

You can drop by chinatown if its convenient for you. There is a very popular TCM thats sells very fresh herbs becoz they have very fast turnover. I bought all my herbs from them during my 1st confinement. The staffs are very nice, they will advise you what you need to eat and they will pack individually packs for example the dose for red dates tea you need a day.

Their add:

Teck Soon Medical Hall Pte Ltd

276 / 281 South Bridge Road

Tel: 62232962 / 62276179


I asked my gynae last week when would be good or safe to get my baby out if i opt for c-sect, she say 38th week. But i guess that also depends on your baby's growth.

Hi mom to be , just hang in there we r almost there too who knows we give birth soon !

I am having pains here n there , lots of discomfort and heaviness , going loo 3,4 times a day and peeing thousand times ! My BH are so intense since 2 days that I want to cry until it is gone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] if I am walking , I have to stop and stand where I am [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

today even noticed swelling in feet and hands [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] oh god ! I am so ready to get it over as I am 37 weeks today and officially full term ! Baby weight was 2.6 kg 2 days ago

Dear Mummies, just wondering where do you normally go for your brazillian waxing? Do you have any recommended someone to do it for you?

Noticed some of you went to Strip, but I am worried that they will be pushy...recommending all sorts of packages and lotion.

I intend to have one after my confinement. Appreciate your advise. Thanks!


In this thread, either cookie or me will be the first to deliver. My scheduled c-sec date is on 21th Dec, which is 5 days more...Cookie will visit to her doctor next Monday then will only know when to induce.


My fren was telling me that pain till cant walk means the date is near. Be alert and careful...Jia You....

re: coconut drink,

I started to drink about 3 weeks ago, since 33weeks pregnant..Think I drink it too early already but I will deliver baby at 37 weeks..mummies suggest 1 month prior to D date rite..Dun scare me leh...So far baby will actively kicking till I wan to scold her at time.

re: leak

I do have at time, but tot is normal?

re: swollen

My foots was ok, but my right hand is terrible, numb, swollen and pain. Morning need to exercise fingers slowly, otherwise, cant even squeeze the toothpaste..Left hand started to feel the same now. Good thing is soon I will get rid of all these, but still nervous...hahha

Doctor advice to eat more, eat healthy now..I left 5 days to gain my baby's weight...

Hi ladies,

re : coconut drink

I started drinking mine 2 weeks ago when I'm 32 weeks. For my #1, I started only at 36 weeks and a lot of ppl already telling me it's too late. So, this time round, I decided to start earlier. Will drink once a week.

Re : leak

It's normal to hv some leakage. Dun worry about it.

So happy & excited for those of you who's going to deliver soon. Get us posted on the delivery and baby's weight & height...

akaysha: ^5... my face is so swollen... i saw my fren (long time no see type) during lunch and i waved "hi" to her... it took her a full 20sec to "process...." before she recognise me wo~ terrible! and she touched her cheek and say "OMG dear gal.. cannot recognise u AT ALL!... u look so cute~"

I think it must be my mian bao face (puffy) and my onion nose.... why does my nose turn into onion? will it recover back to original nose shape? i dislike my onion nose... no matter how much time i spend shapping it up using makeup it still look like an onion...

-_- sad... ( i m guilty of loading up soft drink - 100plus is my poison, durian, ice cream... etc)

mummies delivering soon~ jiayou! -D


I also have painful groin pain esp whenever I try to walk after sitting or laying down for sometime. Bear with it! We are almost there. I also experience ocassional sharp short pain in thigh these few days.


Don't worry abt the weight thingy. Will be able to lose after that. I have already put on 16kg so far and I looked like giant hippo.

My tummy has been super itchy these few days and realized the stretch marks have increased to above naval button. Super upset. Any mummies suffer from same thing? It's still itchy even after applying stretch mark cream and moisturizer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Nimkulut... same here lor... Nose turns red at times and look like Ruldolf... *pengz*... I'm more worried about my feet. My shoe size before pregnant is at 7 and I'm not very tall. Only at 1.58cm. Now its gotten to size 8! I have huge feet! Help! I can see myself falling over after I give birth....

Mag, Mustela have this intensive cream for stretchmark. Not sure how good or useful it is.

Kimmy, "JIA YOU!" eat and do whatever you want during this remaining 5 days ok????

Coconut, I nvr like to drink coconut.. so I don't drink even during normal days...

Sherill, me too, sometimes I feel that the BH are so painful that when they hit, I start to feel like I cannot breathe like that... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Mummies,

For those that aim for noraml delivery, do you all want to use epidural? Or will try to "tahan" the pain first?

Ya I think I will try to tahan as well. But heard that 1st timer will go through 10 to 20+ hours of labour, this sound scary and tiring.... Not sure can tahan so long hours or not..


i put up on what to buy on the FB page le. i tried PM you but u dun accept PM

coconut juice

my mum has been nagging me to drink 2-3x a week if not the baby will be born w alot of milia (red pimple thingy). so happy to hear that. will send hubby to go buy for me later. =)


amniotic fluid is thicker n sweet smelling. cuz be the bladder muscle is weaker due to the bump weight. jus monitor.


my groin area n v starts to hurt also. i actually have to sit down n use my hands to lift my right leg when i wear any type of bottom. but no itching so far though. the worst thing, when i sit up on bed from lying side ways, i can hear a loud "clack" from my pelvic bones along w the pain. so afraid of tossin n turnin on bed, sitting up after sleeping.

cold sweet stuff..

yeah.. i love~ jus had longan ice during lunch

akaysha, nimkulut

my mum said my face has swell. even nose looks bigger these days. hmmm..shld call myself jackie chan soon.


will try tahan first. but i'm likely to go for happidural.

water retention

my feet is officially huge day and nite. it doesn't subside at all. some parts of the foot even hurt when i rotate my ankle. gynae say it won't subside anymore. tell me to bear w it.

is it true??

Chabby, maybe at this stage it will not subside... Will go away only after you deliver, so be sure to get a massage lady to get ride of these water retention...

Think I overate for lunch... now feel like puking...

hiya hiya! been missing for a few days, the thread moves fast! guess all of us are really excited now that we're all nearing the end pt! =D


i will try tahan too, but i heard that once dilation is past 4-5cm, then its too late for epidural. my friend advise me to tell the nurse to administer epidural at the last possible moment so chances that need 2 doses of epidural is less... epidural very ex!

coconut water>

same as kimmy, i started drinking before reaching 36 weeks! hope it really works - baby will not be red red/heaty... heehee, but in this humid weather, really shiok to drink it anyway! =D

water retention>

i don't recognize my feet anymore! hahaha... but kinda gotten used to it... its the fingers that are very painful and stiff when i wake up in the morning.


my US medela set arrived yesterday! so happy, going to charge it and figure how to use it, so that when its time to really use it, won't be so blur. think i will bring to hospital too and just use it to stimulate/let down flow.


my back getting more and more sore... menstrual cramps kind of feeling also getting it more often. but doc said on Monday that I haven't dilate yet, but baby start to engage already... not sure if 20th going to be D-day!

Reia, hmmmmm yr frd's experience is scary me.

Because yesterday I went to the toilet and had this the sudden short gush... then I was thinking if water bag burst liao and continue to monitor for a while to see if baby moves etc etc... so far normal and my colleague says maybe because I hold on my urine too much, thus the gush. Hmm my appt is this sat.. sicarly ask me to go C-sec.

Mummies dont worry abt rudolf nose and elephant feet/calf, they will go off after we deliver. Not straight after thou.. gradually...

Im surely opting for epidural... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haiz... Nursing a bad flu for the past week.. Finally succumbed to taking the yellow flu tablet last nite.. Hopefully will go off soon... Bleh -_-

Chabby: unfortunate, but true.. My frens who hv all delivered say that by the last month, the feet stay perpectually swollen.. No choice lah.. 忍lor.. Another few more weeks.. For me, I try to massage the feet at nite b4 sleeping, or at least try to press down the swollen part, so at least next day not so swollen..

Haa... PM... I find that we have very similar experiences! I was in the toilet also and I tink I pushed too hard (constipation, no choice) that water was coming out. Can't tell if its water bag fluid or just my urine... Tut I nearly gave birth in my office toilet...

PM, don't worry too much. If its only when you went to the toilet then I think its weakened pelvic floor muscles / holding too long like your colleagues say. If its amniotic fluid would have happened when you stand up or something. Just sharing my friend's experience to create awareness but don't intend to scare anyone!

Epidural: I will try to tahan too. But I suspect I will end up using epidural as well. Hopefully its administered well so I still have some sensation and can push properly.

Stretchmark: I haven't really been looking myself in the mirror and thought I didn't have any until I went shopping over the weekend and saw that under my belly button in the area I can't see by looking down there are tonnes! Scolded hubby for not telling me.


5 more days yea ? Jiayou jiayou.. All the best, hope the delivery goes smoothly for you & your baby. All the best....

Hi Jan Mummies!

im from the dec 2010 thread. im consolidating orders for raspberry leaves tea which aids in a smooth delivery and breastfeeding, also helps in digestion and water retention. esp good for pregnant women. its recommended that we take 2-3 cups each day. these raspberry leaves tea are organic and are selling at $9.50 outside. i can get it at $8.00 (60g) which can make bout 30 cups... if ure interested pls email me at [email protected]


coconut water,

yeah I bought 3 for $2.75 from NTUC and had them all over 1 week. Never been a fan of coconut water but it's quite shiok to drink now. The calories come from the flesh. Don't scrape and eat the flesh if you don't wanna put on weight.


reia, I already developed the under bump stretch marks some weeks back. Totally missed that "blind spot" while applying moisturiser and I think that's why they appeared there. Sad. What to do, hope they fade quickly.


I'm so going for that! In fact I'm afraid of missing the window period when it's too late to administer, that I'm gonna ask for it asap. Even if it has to be done in 2 doses and they charge twice I don't think I'll bat an eyelid in all that pain.


re: waxing at strip, just insist that you won't have time to come down often after you give birth, cite your baby's schedule, etc...quite easy to say no. Cos you have to finish the package in 2 years.


water retention won't go down anymore? I thought massaging it helps somewhat?

shoe size,

yah I'm scared that my feet will have permanently increased in size. What will I do with all my current shoes?!

nose size,

there's an old wife's tale that carrying boys will make your nose size increase. True or false?


Is anyone religiously doing them? all the books say we should, but...of course I haven't...

hi mummies

was thinking whether to have a dec baby or a jan baby...dunno whether to induce or let nature take its course. was thinking dec baby can start school 1 yr earlier...


have a smooth delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

poor mummy

like u, me have been craving for coke lately...been drinking a can per day. wonder if its too much...sigh..cannot control

My next checkup is on fri. Will ask gynae. Hope will be able to tahan. This sat is 36 wk only. Gynae not in over Xmas so really hang on.

Bh till can't breath and swollen feet n fingers happen to me. Swollen only this week but bh till cannot breath for some time.


So when you have your Csec on 21Dec, your baby will be full 37 weeks? Take care n indulge yourself these few days. And remember to tell us your birth story after you have delivered n have the time to post here!


My EDD is early Jan, & I was also debating like you whether to have a Dec or Jan baby. However I hope to start school for my baby 1 year LATER, but physically-wise, I don't think I can tahan till my EDD. Cos my stomach is super low now, baby's head has turned since 34weeks n kept downwards till now (almost 37wks). Can't wait properly, have difficulty sleeping & moving around. So I have decided to Csec late Dec, mainly to end my own physical 'agony' n not risk any water-bag-bursting incident or starting-of-contractions. I very kiasi, hee hee!

Abt cravings, nothing extraordinary in particular but I tend to eat more ice cream, fast food & cold drinks.

Dear mummies, I am providing Weekend Chauffuer Service in a luxury 8 seaters MPV. Will be driven by myself. I can send your family to a location comfortably. Car seat and booster seat available for kid and baby. Pls sms me @ 90990650 or email me [email protected] to learn more. Limited slots available in Dec 2010 and Jan 2011.


so your c-sec was requested by yourself? Your gynae is ok with that? I'm kinda toying with the idea of an elective c-sec cos also very kiasi...but so many pros and cons also.

fiona, misty, lina,pleasance


I will post a msg here b4 I leave home to hospital on Tuesday..hahha


Ya, by the time, baby is 37weeks.. Gynae assured that it's ok to deliver, so I just accept lor..hahha


You are not alone. My fren also say i look *round*. Is ok lar..hahha

Groin/thigh pain

Now pain till i cant walk, only right side..i sit on office chair to move around in my room..


I did it 4 times without epidural. or gas .. I think I'm more chicken to have the epidural administered tat I'd rather do without it.. lol

Hoping to go this one last time without epidural again.

Went for my 34th week appt just now at KK TPS. had a growth scan done. The technician doing the scanning said my baby kinda big for 34 weeks .. almost 2.8kg. haiz. Hope won't b too big.

Hi Mummies

Sorry to interupt.

I have a brand new "My BreastFriend" nursing pillow to let go.

Retail price: $80. I'm letting it go at $68.

Self collection at Bukit Batok only.



we understand ur pain. i've been sitting on rollable office chair in the living room also. haha

indulge n enjoy as much as u can ok?


u r my idol man. i think i'll need epidural.

chercat, luckymummy

my gynae dun allow c-sec for non medical reasons. so i jus have to play the waiting game. mine almost engage n low. have to tahan w all the pain of pregnancy until it pop lo. keep telling myself c-sec is more ex n a major op. deal w the pain of natural delivery bah. i dun deny the fear of delivery but wat to do...


my gynae not in also. from eve till new year. hope i can hang in there. since i'm 36week+ le. check who's the covering gynae while he/she is absent. so if really pop, know who to call.

