(2011/01) Jan 2011

Pinky, me too! My bb's clothes all in an Ikea zip lock bag! hahaha!

Morning mummies. I woke up today to find that my fingers are suddenly swollen!!!!! Can't wear my rings anymore! It really just happen overnight!

Jass, me also craving for ice cream and bak kwa.. that's why I avoid going to Ion, if not, will want to go Royce first, then go Lim Chee Guan...

I had a few bottles of DOM from my first child. I didn't hire a CL back then, so I really refused to eat the food my mum cooked with alcohol.. taste very weird leh!

Re: CL. Can I check with you whether your CLs will call you up and tell you the items that she need? My CL very quiet leh, and I feel that I am ill prepared, haven't got anything at all. Even basic things like soya sauce, sesame oil must buy fresh as the ones I have may have expired already! Then I stress that I do not have the pots that she need to cook or to boil soups etc.. sigh... sounds like a non functional kitchen that I have right? *shy*

Oooh, one last question for this morning, does anyone know where I can go buy the rubber parts for Avent manual pump? I saw the parts for Medela being sold in shops, but they are sooo expensive!


re: direct hiring for a filipino domestic helper

u may find these 2 sites useful, u prob need to spend some time reading through them though.



but from what i understand when i previously called the phillipines embassy, one of the requirements, a "standard employment contract" can only be issued by an agency.

if u already hv somebody in mind that u want to hire, an easier way would be to contact an agency and let them know u hv someone in particular u want to hire and ask them to quote u for just processing the application.

hope that helps

Hi PM, thanks for the advise. I will call her again if I don't hear any reply from her today.

Anyone knows if Parkway East Hospitals provide anything for both the mother and the bb? I saw that TMC provides quite a list. No wonder so many ppl wanna have their delivery there...

Hi Misty,

Me too, didnt get into contact with agency after I've paid my deposit which was like when I was 4mths pregg? They just say call them on the day that I deliver.

My guess is that she will do an orientation of the kitchen first mah.. for sauces she can always buy during their weekly marketing.. so no worries.

For Pots, she probably need those "dun zhong" kind or slow cooker? Actually can just make do with the stove if u have neither must just that more troublesome as need to watch over fire and water level and wasting gas.

Rubber Parts for Avent - Last time, I call them to buy and they will mail the parts to you. Can try this no. 6882 3999

Otherwise u can also make a trip to their ofc at TPY to get it.


Try calling up Philips? I emailed them about the sachet acid power for cleaning steamer and they have not replied. Still waiting.

I removed my rings too.. coz wake up in the middle of one night feeling super tight due to swelling on 1 hand.


I have been drinking for a while liao.l NTUC got offer... 3 for less than 3 bucks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Poor mummy,

i'm not sure, but for my #1 confinement i really did full confinement, all the wine/ginger and tons of herbs.

i think it does help to a certain extent cos i recovered from my c-sect very fast, and i had very good bm supply. i got absolutely no effects like aches here and there since i delivered 3 yrs ago.

this time round i'm only ordering confinement catering so i guess we'll see if it really makes a difference :p

re: ang pow

actually i only gave a small one when cl just arrived cos i dunno her and her work yet mah.

leaving ang pow i give a bit more, the actual amt determined by how happy i was with her work. if i feel she did a good job i give more.

my last cl kinda demanded for ang pow on cny. she explained to me it's not the money but the luck thing, cos they're quite pantang abt these things esp if from msia.

so i just gave one ($6 or $10 type) for yi si.

PM and Jass, thanks!!! Will call them up to ask! I always thought that I had given away my manual pump, until I took out my Medela last night, then I realised that it is still at home! Happiness! But you can imagine how dirty looking the rubber parts are already!


i had a non functional kitchen previously also. when my cl came, the first thing she did was inspect my kitchen to see what i hv and wat she can make do with. those she really need and lacking she told my MIL/mum and my mil/mum either buy or bring from their house.

for the herbs, cos my mum knows wat is required so she helped me prepare already.

but i know some ladies who got their hb and mil/mum to bring the cl out on the first day to pick up all the herbs. just one time stockup at hock hua or fu hua

Misty, hahaha yah..the rubber parts turned yellow easily...

for medela, cheaper to order online.

grumpus, the agency did offer a pack of herbs that cld last for 28days for $270.

Have yet to confirm this with them... coz not sure if i shld get it. Agent said that aunty will still get from medical hall if we dont buy from them, which cost lesser.

for those that bot the herbal shower gel n shampoo from the BP, do u still get "da feng ai"? the herbal for showering?


I got both kinds. Tried the herbal shower gel last weekend. I smell like insect repellent. Very strong lemongrass smell. Hahaha at least I know that mossies won't come near me no matter how yummy I am to them.

Thanks for the contact no for Philips. Sigh... they don't send out. Gotta travel down to buy. Sob~ mafan.

Poor mummy,

can't quite remember but think it was in the region of $20-$30 type. definitely less than $50 but not less than $10.


wahhhh....my mum help me prepare the herbs lei i also blur. but the few i know are the pre packed herbs for bathing. red/black/blue dates and longans for the red date tea. wolfberries, dong cong cao....

y dun u make a trip down to one of those medical halls (hockhua or fuhua) and ask them to recommend. usually they're quite helpful and will even teach u how to use the herbs.

my mum always goes and that's where she learnt abt all the herbs.

u can familiarise yrself a bit from this site too. alot of these herbs i heard my mum mention before.


Grumpus, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jass, they dont send out liao? Ma fan indeed.....

Actually u wanted the citric acid sachet for cleaning the sterlizer?? can get it from departmental store also... but not sure which is cheaper.. the cheapest alternative is to dilute lemon juice thou.

Grumpus: thanks for the website. at least now I know what I will be eating..

Anyone here still have tonic soup at this stage? For 'an tai'? I din start on any in my 5th/6th month, but hubby say since on leave so free might well buy some tonics and cook at home to 'jin bu'... is it too late?


so the ang pao thingy..arrival less than 50 than leaving will be more than 50 if they are good? ...

wah so in teh end their cost will be high hor only keeping fingers cross that they will do a good job. My CL also very quiet i better giv her a call later to confrim the date since i already placed a 200 deposit liao plus my massage lady also placed deposit liao..wish me luck!

tHUMBS up to all Daddies who are so involved and excited about the arrival of the baby.


U r not alone, me too feeling tired & keep thinking that i am not due till 20 JAn but stomach seems to be pretty low now and people keep saying no.2 will come early... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello mummies..

Thanks to those that replied what they packed for baby.. think I may pack another set of going home clothes just in case baby is bigger that expected..

Just helped my mil hang baby's clothes up to dry.. my sil brought over 3 huge bags of my nephew's clothes.. took me 2 hours to sort through according to size.. now I have enough clothes for baby until about 2 years old.. and the amt of newborn sized clothes is sufficient for me to be having twins.. Haha.. crazy eh? And I thought boys wouldn't have so much clothes..

Jass, really the smell so strong ah? I dunno whether to order or not. I was thinking smelling weird better than to have residue from those chinese herbs package leh...


i had to literally beg my DH b4 he agrees tat i can eat ice cream!!! u know la pregnant cannot eat cold stuffs blah blah blah...

and i had double scoops ;p


I will rinse will warm water after the herb water to remove the residue.


Hehe the weather is so hot, I have been drink cold stuff right from the start. Will feel guilty then take warm ginseng tea. Haha zi ji pian zi ji.


I'm gonna have a girl this time round.. you cant believe the clothes I have from my #1 (boy) and all the lovely girls clothes that I simply cannot resist buying. Headache. No storage space liao... I just ordered some nice pretty Xmas clothes for her next yr and the yr after. Terrible.

Hi All Mummies here, I have bought a set of MEDELA ELECTRIC PLUS PUMP - DUAL @$299 (plus free Bag & Nipple Cream) on 12.12.10 - BRAND NEW ..

Willing to let go @ 10% OFF..

As i have received a gift set of the same Pump fm my frd today.. PM me if u r interested.

delivery can be arrange...

Mummies I am providing weekend chauffeur services In a luxury 8 seaters mpv! Promotion Ok when the bill come then I take from u k! The last meal on board how much I gt to pay u?? this month

To know more pls SMS me 90990650 or email me at [email protected]

Hi mummies, I also have been drinking cold stuff on n off from the start. Not sure is it still ok to take coconut juice from 36th week onwards? Will it be too "liang" then?

Jass>> probably I will be buying a lot if I have a girl.. so pink and sweet very difficult to resist.. but boys.. very limited items.. nvm.. this time I take it I can save money or that I got more to spend on myself.. haha..

Just curious, anyone still going for facial? I couldn't stand lying down for so long so I stopped 2 months alr..

Haha pinky.. Sama Sama.. If gal, sure buy a lot.. So take it that i save for first one, then x finger mabbe 2nd one will be gal.. Then can go crazy shopping for all things pretty and cute.. Keke..

Re: coconut..

Remembered this was discussed a while back.. Thot we can start drinking from 36th week... Juz had one yesterday.. Mmmm.. Nice and sweet.. Bot from giant @ tampines..


hahaha! This is my 5th girl and I bought most things new .. inclusive of a new Maxi Cosi infant carseat and a new changing table. clothes also new. I have a bad bad habit of buying lor. I want to get a Bugaboo Bee but I aldy have a Buzz. hmmmm.

ya lack of storage space is a headache. i gave away or threw away a lot of things these last 2 months. bo pian


I want to go for a facial .. forgot about the lying down for a long time part... hmmm maybe have to wait till give birth liao then go. I need a mani and pedi too. that one must go soon. Christmas coming aldy.

Hi Lilyh,

saw that you only placed a deposit of 200 with the CL agency. I thought they normally ask for 500? Did you nego with them for lower?

hiya... these few days weird weather ya... hot & sunny, then rain... went for 33w check today. BB turn head down already and weight about 2 - 2.3kg..

I confess i haben really eat nutritiously for this #3. hee... too relax... love soft drinks eg Coke, ice-cream, chocs and unhealthy stuff... haha guess i better eat properly for the last month...

Hi ladies,

baby clothes for hospital

pinky, i put 1 set of clothes, 1 swaddle n 1 hanky for baby. can ask doc wat is the est weight of the baby. 1 set shld be enuff.


can start coconut from 36th week onwards. safe de.

cold stuff

i've been eating cold stuff almost every day..ice water, dessert, jelly, ice-cream.. muhaha. today hubby ask gyane if i can drink ice water cuz he notice i've been drinking quite alot of it these days. gynae say OK!! but go easy on sweet stuff. muhaha!


send me a PM. so i can mail u on wat to buy/how much to buy for the longan drink for confinement. my mum bought it from the wholesale centre from Rocher. spend near 200. u need recipe for confinement food also? i jus send u everything la.

Chinese herbs,

do those used to bathe leave a residue that will stain clothes? Or they just smell a little?


I've continued with mine until very recently. But it has been a little more uncomfortable to lie down on the hard facial parlour beds. I have to get them to elevate the bed n no more extended time masks.

Baby weight,

had my check up today n I actually lost weight!! Abt a kilo or so. Cldnt believe my eyes n thot the scale was spoiled. Baby weight is 2.7 kg at 35 weeks. Position of baby is good, likely to be natural delivery. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chabby>> i think i shall not bother to put in another set of clothing.. will ask pple to bring from home if the one i brought cannot fit.. hehe..

jus came back from gynae today and did a detail scan. baby is 3kg and almost engaged. hopefully in the last 3 weeks plus (or hopefully lesser), baby will not add more than 1/2 kg. worry push until face green green.

mothers delivering in glen-e

i did the pre-admission today after seeing gynae. do note that level 4 ICU is under renovation and it is said to be completed by year end. but the staff at admission counter can't give me a date whereby it'll end. so if there's a chance to choose level 5 or level 6, i'll opt for level 6.

NLB pre-birth kit

u may wan to pop to the library to sign up for a pre-birth kit. it has a CD w nursery, height chart. will start playing the nursery to my tummy tonight. keke.


u use warm water to rinse or sponge after using the herbs so that won't leave residue. that's wat i intend to do. i believe will smell a little. but better than the smell of not showering. haha.

congrats. i'm still gaining weight. jus added 1 kg from last 2 weeks visit. some mums lost weight in last mth. dun worry. i'm praying to drop a bit.. even half kg will make me happy.

Hi Everyone

I have to following to sell away at cheaper price

- Jurlique Rose Hand cream 125ml

- Jurlique Rose Body Care Lotion

- Jurlique Rosewater Balancing Mist 100ml

Willing to let go all brand new at 75% retail price..

Expiry date sept 2011...

Can pm me for more info... Thanks.

hi chabby,

can also share with me how much confinment herbs eg logan n red dates to buy?? i doing my confinement on my own with the help of maid.

thks !!

my leg n v area is very painful..

after my bath when i wan to wear my pantie is very painful to leave up my leg..

the pain make me feel like crying..


Hi All Mummies here, I have bought a set of MEDELA ELECTRIC PLUS PUMP - DUAL @$299 on 12.12.10 - BRAND NEW ..

Willing to let go @ 20% OFF..

As i have received a gift set of the same Pump fm my frd today..

Contact or SMS me if u r interested @ 84188538

dDlivery can be arrange...

