(2011/01) Jan 2011


My daughter is also seven yrs ..so a big gap. I think it is useful in terms of they are already very independent and we only need to worry abt little one.

My 3 yr old maid got SUDDEN idea to go BACK philipine and dropeed her at MRT last night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sob sob sob.........now i am clueless, aimless......helpless. With job and all household work and school going daughter donno what to do. Luckily her exam finish yesterday. Maids are horrible in singapore....even after salary increase, leave increase and being happy at my home she still die die want to go home.

Sherill and Lily,

Me also thinking about the maid issue... it's like, if you really get a good maid, then life is blessed... but if you get those maids from hell..... then will be it like Halloween - the candy everyday?

Hi Sherill/Misty,

So we are in the same boat...my maid is due to renew nex month praying hard everyday that she wont drop me abomb ..as she was nice enough to say she wont go back and will go back when i am having my maternity leave..but she has zero knowledge of baby care as she is single..so i really hope that she wont be stress out in taking care of newborn plus with my son going to P1..phew..

Hi mummies, anyone bot the shower gel and ginger cream? I bot le and self collect this evening hope its really good tat we can use it during confinement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jass1408 u did not manage to contact the massage lady Siti? or is she fully booked?


where is the yoga class at bishan which part is it near to MRT? i mite consider joing for a few session lay.. and we can also meet up and yak hehheh

OMG! I thot I am the only one with maid saga.....i planed this pregnancy only after renew her contract in Jan but she has been giving me problems since then though she was good at work. then one fine day she told me she wanna transfer and i increased salary and leave and kept her and she promised to stay until next year end with me two months ago.

Now planned to go BACK....dunnu what she really wanted [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Sherill, no you are not the only one..i am also keeping my fingers crossed! And hope she wont change her mind if not i will drop dead man..with my due date near and son going to P1 and plus my mum not keen to help and my MIL totally cant too (even she want i also dont want [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]).....so am counting the days and like u mention even they renew le also can halfway tell u i wan to go home..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@Lily/misty, 7 yrs is quite wide.. but am sure yr #1 will be all ready and be of great help to you and yr maid. Is yr maid new? If not think she shld be able to cope pretty well. Mine is quite new - 2wks old and lately have been trying to settle my #1 and her. Both can get together... can die!

We are all having maid issues! OMG..! really dreadful. Ytd just had a pep talk with her only after 2 wks leh..hope she can pull up her socks.

Misty - Yaya, my bad..the original one no hook...haha...but I that one has a snug fitting so am assuming that 2 sizes should fit me alright..

Domestic Helper - seems very hard to even get one these days, not sure why but a friend of mine has not been able to get a helper since she started her search 3 months ago. I hope to get my helper in by December so I have a month to orientate her before bb arrives

Couple Time - I have this couple friend who have 3 kids, eldest is 6 and youngest is 2. Hubby has a full-time job and wife is looking after their business. They manage their time quite well with weekly Friday nights out for a cozy dinner and can still cheong at St James etc. In fact, they even went on a 2 week long holiday to Europe without the kids last year. They also bring their kids for holiday to nearby destinations quite a lot, like once every quarter. I think they manage to do it cause they have support from in-laws and domestic helper to look after the kids when they are having couple time. I am hoping to do something like them too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lily H - The yoga class is at Bishan Street 12, you need to take a feeder bus (think 410) from Bishan Interchange to get there. Alight about 4 or 5 stops from the interchange. The instructor rents the space from the RC there.

PM, i do hope so that my boy will be able to help since he is so looking forward to it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] am jus afraid abt the maid and he mite also hav big adjustment since p1 and all..

Kikapo thanks for the info, can pm me the email again? i will see how to go abt it as am staying at hougang so need to see abt the transport wise..

Maid issues, taking long time to search now esp Filipino as their govt is controlling the outflow of maids to work overseas unless they already hav contract signed and must be US400!!! so now all those whom in need will rush for Indon and hence all the salary increse and all...making it worst for us..sandwish class [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Couple time, yes with a good helper, you will be able to do it. My current helper is able to cope well with my boy so me and my hubby have couple time i must say. So HOPE SHE WILL STAY ON!...

Maid issues...

I tot I was the only unlucky one who is facing maid problem. haiz. They are so problematic.

my first one is fili. New, widowed but old in her40s, and her english cant make it, always forget things and make mistakes. Find that she has no heart to work here. Imagine she cook mee sua for me 10 times already, still ask me "Maam, what to use? How to cook?" Sighz. Then She's always smiling at other western men when we were out together. She can remember where we went (names of shopping centres), but she cant remember her work. And she lied. I mean.. even if it's juz a small matter, it's still a lie! And my girl dislikes her. She only 8mths old then, and keeps crying so badly whenever this maid carries her. Me and hb din realise it's coz our girl dislike her so much. Tot that she was juz fussing. But later realise that this maid really cant make it. Fedup, I transfered her after 2mths.

2nd maid also Filli, married with 2 kids, transfered, smart. She was good and diligent. Much more educated and speaks good english. She was good with my girl and my girl likes her alot. But the problem came when her hb keeps making noise to ask her go back Filli. And her sil (working here wif a big boss) also start teaching her bad ( she goes on off days with her sil, and she sms every night with her family and sil.) and made a big scene at the agency that we 'ABUSE' her! Luckily the agency knows that we don't do such things and hence don't believe the maid. Then 2 mths later, this maid request to transfer (coaxed by her sil) and spoke to agent. Agent knows that these maid hopes to work for expats, and the agent strongly refused her upfront. So we sent this maid back to Fili.

My current one is Indon, ex-sg, very young n single, english is normal. She's got good attitude But I cant stand her being so s-l-o-w. haiyo. And she's no good with my girl. She has alot alot to learn on how to handle and play with my girl. And she's forgetful. Sighz. My mum n hb said to let her take care of my newborn #2 since she's not so smart in handling my toddler (who is quite a challenge). But I think to myself, NO. I will worry more if she look after my newborn. haiz.


Huh?? now the Filli demands US400 ah? so high! I find them very demanding and wants alot of freedom. They will also argue with you.

my 2nd Fili maid is really good lah. Juz too bad got influenced by her sil and affected by her hb.

Hi Miaiko,

So sory to hear that yes i have changed afew times of maid before i get this maid that stays with me for 2 years..i hav had my super bad episodes of maids .bad ones, vain ones, lying ones, stealings ones..if i will to write them here think it will be flooded..

Sigh we cant live with them but yet also cant live without them! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sad but so so true.

But seriously we just hav to close one eye sometimes..no choice..i always hope by treating them well they wil do the same to our kids but really hard to say..it still boil down to luck......

Hi Miaiko,

This is what i heard from my agent now they know the demand in Spore so those maids also smart wan higher salary, my current one is single and no boy fren or watsoever so jus hope she will stay that way ...as they can change easily and she take off once a month too..never know who she mixes with when off also ..

it is horrible Miako:

what to do.......my experience with this philipino was good for 2 yrs......thid yr problems start....she was really good at work dunno my new indon will do the job or not. Now I am maidless until new one arrives [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Re : Age gap

My #1 just turn 1 yr old this mth and my #2 will be born in Jan. So the age gap will be only 1yr 3mths+. So their age is very near. Wondering if I can handle both.

Re : Maid

I've heard stories of maids and dare not employ one. I dun want to add to my headache of looking after my 2 kids and having another problem with maid.

I'm working now so not sure how is the arrangement of my 2 kids. Think will wait after my confinement then will think about it. As I will take 3 mths maternity leave. But employing a maid will be a NO NO......

JB: My Hb cheong JB almost every week to pump petrol since he works near there and usually buys groceries back. Certain things are really much cheaper there. But i din get the diapers from there. Usually I buy NTUC brand which I personally find is better than drypers leh. But for newborn, I will buy brands like mamy poko cos more delicate bottoms mah.

Nursing bras: I definitely need some soon. If there is any good deals on Bravado, I want!

Maid: Intially I was playing with the idea of employing a maid, but too many horror stories plus recently my colleague nearly 2 years maid suddenly got pregnant. really puts u off plus I think my #1 is better off in CC learning things.There was once the management at my place issue letter to residents saying there are incidences of maids wanting to befriend the security guards to be their boyfriends and also there are maids who offer services to contractor who came to the estate to do some work! so scary.

Just worry if MIL can handle newborn or not since recently she kept falling sick.

@Miaiko, oh no, seems that its v common to change until you find a good wan huh. I v reluctant to change because I really dunno if the next one will be better or worse. Im really scare coz this one cant handle my preschooler and even not sure if she can handle the BB. Coz BB dont know how to talk mah.

Currently really hard to find Pinoy maids. I heard of the news quickly go agency search, most of them rejected the request for fillipinos already. It was aug when I confirm this maid, onlly Oct then she comes. For those looking for fillipinos better hurry, the process not as fast as before le.

@Sherillm yr indo maid is experienced? My fillipino is inexperience in Sg, her pay is same as yr indonesian. $320 + $30 allowance.


venue is at blk 154 Bishan. It's the RC place under the block. Taking bus 410 (green plate) from bishan interchange, it is the second stop. Fast to reach. Trust me I take the bus every week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maid stories,

Since this is my first child don't intend to get a maid, and quite scared of the negative outcomes too. Just seeing my neighbour struggle with theirs is enough.

hi all mummies,

on the LG playmats, its worth the investment, i bought that for my 1st girl. it lasted from her infant days to her toddler days when she still plays on it. now, my 2nd one can used it too, condition is still as good as new..except for a few pen marks ;p

I have a maid coming in tomorrow, maynmar. Dont wish to employ after so many horror stories from my colleagues. But I need help badly for carign of my 2yr old.

Lilyh - Yeah, bus info from Luckymummy more accurate cause I have only taken the bus from the RC back home once :p I stay very nearby, can actually walk there...

Luckymummy - No news from bebelounge yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but I guess her rates are already cheaper than Motherworks...

Maid - tonnes of horror stories out there...my in-laws had one who actually brought the foreign worker bf home. Someone saw the guy climb over the wall and called the police and eventually the police found that man hiding underneath the maid's bed! My sister's SIL's was discovered to be pregnant and when they ask her for details, her explanantion was that she had a dream and after the dream she was pregnant! Some erotic dream that must be...haha...

I am still waiting for the maid agency to arrange for us to go down to pick the maid..hopefully will have some first-timer luck since this is my first time hiring a maid. Don't have much of a choice cause MIL is 60 yrs old and stated up front that she canonly help me to look after bb (with help from maid) and cannot do anymore housechores. And when I return to work, I think I will like to spend my time after work playng with bb instead of doing housechores...so really don't have much options left...and FIL also volunteered my MIL to train the maid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

P.S. Maids these day are really very 'smart', a friend's maid recommended her friend and the maid actually set up a three-way conference call with my friend and her friend (the referree) to negotiate the pay! She claims another expat offered to pay her $450 a month and unless my friend can offer the same rate or more, she cannot work for her!

Chabby: I was married in march this year lo... So literally having honeymoon bb...

Couple time: really v treasure e time we have... Sometimes I get frustrated when hb greets bb when he see me.. Like I m some vessel like tht.. Cannot blame him tho... I fuss over bb almost all e time also...

Small bb: I v scare bb really come out like little kitten like tht... Hope she can at least be 2kg la.. I no hope for 3.something big bb Le.. Still got ppl say I look 6mnths preg lo... -_-"'

Pain tolerance: I super cannot make it.. Last nite I have leg cramps already hysterical with pain already... Gave hb a bashing to wake him up.. Cos I scared n pain... This morning he calmly asked me if I wan to consider c sec.. Cos he dun wan me to injure e nurse or doc or him during delivery...

Stupid question: is child birth pain super duper more painful than leg cramps??? C sec not pain?

Maids - I think for the experienced ones, they will know how to negotiate their way esp when they know that expats are like paymasters of this industry and they practically have lesser chores than working for typical singaporean family. Surely will be "ya-ya" abit.

@Nimkulut, I also have low threshold of pain, can even stand the vaginal examination, thus opt for epidural the very min. With correct dosage and timeliness epidural shld quite effectively take away the pain yet gives u the urge to push.


i tot i'm fast already.. u win hands down!

i heard the pain after c-sec is horrible cuz it's afterall a surgical procedure. you need someone to care for you even more than natural delivery.

dun worry about the small baby. jus ask gynae what's the projected weight in your next appt. they shld be able to estimate if it's ok.. hardly any full term baby below 2 kg de. so dun worry la. my fear is BIG baby.

Me too have very low threshold for pain. VE is super painful to me that I can cry. During my 1st labour.. the nurse keep doing VE on me till so pain..and when my gynea came and wana check me.. I beg her not to.

Im not afraid of giving birth nor does those birth videos scares me. But it's the pain that I cant bear with and im fearful of.Im opting for epi this time coz laughing gas doesn't work for me

Nimkulut: you made me laugh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]if you give birth 9th month it shuld nt be less than 2 kg. I delivered normally without any epidural n all that. Pain was horrible but there was a feeling to hold the baby in arms, so time just passed. Advantage for normal is later you have no problems at all.

But still depends on you if you can take the pain, our body is designed like that that every women can do it. dont be scared.

One more thing for all women, Pls dont see the delivery videos...they dont help and even make the situation worse and can induce early labour with anxiety. The more you know ..more painful it is [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks Luckymummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@ PM ya the fili maids are difficult to come by now..

Ya lo no news from bebe lounge hor..will go motherworks to check first the cutting than can pre order from them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@ Chabby, you are rite natural birth indeed recover faster..C sec recover slower but all still boil down to individual body [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haha tried cooking sesame chicken to prepare for confinement... yummy! Hope my maid can learn to cook this man.


She finally got back to me. Haha heng ya... since you say that she is very good. I shall chope her. V lazy to choose. If confirm then conform ya. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks Lily!

re: maid issue

Mine too. Keep making the same mistakes over and over again even after 2.5 years with us. Sigh... tried to teach my son her bad english. Now... my boy calls yellow - yayo. Fainted. I employ her to do housework and look after my son, not to play teacher. Sigh...


Ya, 1st 2 years ok. After these helpers complete their 1st contract they start to chu pattern. Better not to give them them leave as they are easily influence. This may create problem for us in future.


New maid coming gotta be more stern at the initially period.


Wah, the maids at your estate so hiong ya. Better not to have one then, in case kena influence super headache.


Your friend is so lucky to have supportive helper and family.

re: VE

Ya, VE is pretty painful for me too. Ouch! Hate it when the nurses came poking.

@ Sherill, tink you are one of those lucky ones that can go thru with epid, i hav a fren tat went thru the first with epid and the 2nd one not enough time to hav epid and now hav very loose uterus very poor thing ..she say its super painful so i suppose for natural delivery mus really take care of tat ..as the lower muscles will loosen..

Experienced mummies...pardon my ignorance...but what is VE like? I suppose it is done to see how much we have dilated? Can't they tell visually?

Hi Jass,

So phew still have slots la lucky lo!! Her respond so slow i suppose its due to her tight schedule so you told her that SMH recommend de huh? :p so u book her when? begining of Jan? my is midst of Jan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyway i select her also base on my colic's recommendation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and in Oct thread alot of mummies use her service.

Hi sputnik,

Your massage lady charge lower price leh...is she good? Can pm me her contact?

I got a contact from my colleague who charge 688 for 10 days, 1 hour/session.

Ya sputnik can pm me your massage lady i wan to contact her for pre natal massage [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] as the charges is really good wo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I just check with BebeLounge. They say will let me know by tonight or tomorrow morning about our bulk order. Coz they waiting for reply from US & Canada separately.. and due to different time zone.. they have to wait till tonight for their reply.

Hi Kimmy, think all the rates are around there..est 60 per hour..just to take note abt the things that they use for massage i personally dont think i can take the jamu type so most of the ML uses tat. I prefer oil type.. as i hav sensitve skin and i hav frens that tell me usually jamu wil cause rashes so i am scare of tat..

@ Miaiko,

HOpefully they will have some disc for us, i will be going to motherworks to try on the bras tmr and see how it fits [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will keep you all posted [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kikapo: VE is to check how much CERVIX is dialated not vagina [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so have to do insertion thingy.......scary [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I didnt let them touch more than 2-3 times.

Lily: I did it without epidural ..ouch

VE: same I hate it when they keep coming to check for dilation cos I was induced for my #1 and it kept remaining at 1cm. After epidural, they can check all they want ahah.

Jass: Ya loh so shocked when I read the letter.

Do u know how many weeks we are now? I totally lose track.

My lower back is aching again today. Totally sucks.

apple79, haha. ya! i hate it when they check n check. Painful!! i dun mind when i get my epi. no feeling. haha. I was sharing yday that I lose track hw many wks i am now also. LOL


LOL... I also lost track so I asked my gynae when I went for check up last Sat. That was 27th week, so we have just crossed into our 3rd trimester at 28th week this week.

*gulp*..and here I am thinking that VE is like PAP smear...do they really need to check so often and like apple79 rightly pointed out..can the nurses not check all they want after the epi...

Really salute all the mummies that went without the epi...I asked a friend for her views on epi/non-epi births and she said (which I think made a lot of sense)...the pain is unnecessary...

My threshold for pain is low and hubby says I am a drama queen, cause when I get stitches, I will be yelling like the skies have fallen...so yup, def epi for me bah...cause end of the day, even if we dun opt for epi, the rumoured side effects may still come with age.


Wow Sherill salute you! for me ..i tahan for few hours without epi and my was induce birth that time super painful! but after 13hours my cervix never open..birth canal still narrow so become emergency C sec loh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so tat y this time round i dont wan to go thru the hassle anymore ..mite as well jus opt for c-sec..

