(2010) TTC kopi-chat...anything n everything under the sun...u name it..we chat it

i show everyone my real name ma~ LOL!!!

now ah.. should b coming 8 weeks only... 2 days ago start vomitting while brushing teeth.. duh.. wanna faint liao..


u shld use tubby's tagling ... on BM... why everyone thinks some people no milk ah? all people got milk de loh.. unless got medical conditions which does not allow them to BF

xinyi - holly is our sec sch friend... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

holly - gong xi gong xi.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] EDD November??

bb dust, i told him also.. but causal talk lah.. i dont really bother.. no invest where got returns right? haha.. high risk high returns!

tubby, ohh.. i tot someone change nick again..


u decided to go for C-sect???? err i dont have the list leh my mum bought it for me. i only know got red dates/black dates..

eh u engage ur CL liao mah? if so, u can ask her they shld be able to advise u.


I had to go C-sect coz my #1 was an emergency when he was 7 mths into gestation. he was in breech position n was standing. so my gynae had a vertical cut on my womb other den the normal horizontal cut to get him out. den my gynae told me, i can never go thru natural already.

alicia, my knowledge same as bb dust.. my mil will settle for me.. but from what i know.. can just popby chinese medical shop, they should know.. else ask your CL.

holly - i can imagine how painful.. i saw bosco's pics.. i see liao i heartpain.. he was so tiny...

xinyi - ya la.. tell ur friend off.. in this world everyone has milk, just see whether kut lat to express religiously or not...

lizzie - ya hor.. haha.. everyday swim in tomyam right... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

alicia - if u go to newbaby.com.sg, they have a list of herbs to use during confinement...

-_-" faint. I thought someone jus changed her nick again..


Hi Holly. Welcome to tok rubbish here with us! haha.


self intro time..

Holly here!

Female (quite obvious).

Mummy of 1 notty lil tiny baby name Bosco aka my Bos n he is 20 months old.

BabyT's sec sch mate.

been with SMH July 08 Thread for quite sometime. (Just never roam ard)

7+ weeks Preggy now.

Currently doing freelance graphic n web designing.

hee~ =) qing duo duo zi jiao!


being a mum, u just have loads of guts to face anything. i wasn't worried a wee bit of myself when bosco came out. i more worried abt him. i ask doc put me on GA i din even go think whether will i wake up anot. The moment i woke up i only remember to ask how is my son. so being a mummy is wei da de!!!!!!!

Bosco was only 1.82kg when he come out ley. LOL!

I'M SOOOO HUNGRY!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ask my colleague chap chai rice.. i hate work today... so many things to do lor.. grr....

tubby, haha. investment mind.. hahaha.. but is logical ah.. sometime must be risk taker in order to achieve more..

i also hungry man..

holly - omg... so light... *heart pain again*... ya.. before baby come out already wei da.. come out liao lagi wei da...

welcome holly!

yes, being a mom indeed is wei da de.

in mind, will only think for the bb, not for self.

congratz on #2! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

guess, good thing abt gg under c-section again is..

wont feel stretch down there ba.

but vertical line instead of the usual bikini lines sound pain n not pretty

first time i heard of vertical line wor.

but nvm la.. as long as not wearing bikini, doesn't matter!

xinyi - actually everyone who buys BP is taking a risk.. then BM is like shares... daily rise and fall in supply.. mwahaha.. ok..i'm too hungry that i'm talking rubbish le...


haha! my gynae was clever. she did it inside my womb. so outside cannot see the vertical line. actually i also dunno got the vertical line anot. she just like tt tell me den i just like tt say lo. LOL!!! my tummy still ok. still can wear bikini. but........ NOW IS COMING OUT!!!! OMG! N I AM ONLY 7 WEEKS PLUS!!!


no pain no pain.. he is a notty big boy now! Haha! He was small, he was tiny.. but now no one knows tt he is a premie unless we say. n he was really a strong boy back den when in NICU.. 14 days n he was out! so no pain.. no pain.. he is a big boy now!

holly - li hai... if i'm u, i think i have mental breakdown le.. wei da.. really wei da.. so how many u plan to have?? be like Jasmine la.. she's super productive... mwahahaha...

tubby, yaya.. read up more.. get yourself more prepared..

btw, where got sell red dates drink? i wanna to try out the taste 1st.. keke..


YESH! #2 LE! So when is ur turn to give gab a sibling ah? haha!!!!


sorry ah.. Jas is too productive. I am stopping after this. whahaha! 2 is enuff. just nice liao. If this is a gal, laggi more happy~~~~ LOL!!!

now i can tell u no pain no pain la.. haha.. but days when bos was in NICU was not easy also.. coz i can only visit him at certain hours.. so i will bring my breast pump n tabao my confinement food n red date tea, go TMC sit. eat finish go pump, pump finish go visit him n acc him. everyday only can see him 3 times.. so very precious.

den i remember on the 12th day of his NICU day hor.. the nurse told us that bos is ready to discharge the nx day, so we happily went back to clean the house, shave my dog(sheltie, alot of fur, bos was premie so we worried abt his lungs n we shove her) n prepare everything. nx day went to NICU with his newborn clothes n all wanna fetch him. reach there the nurse say he cannot discharge(i forget why already).. i broke down immediately lo. den the staff nurse told us that the nurses are not suppose to pre-inform us whether bb can discharge anot. only after morning checkup by the doc den can inform us de. but lucky my darling boy know mummy upset. so he did well during the check up nx day n went home with us on his 14th day mark. =)

recalling all this very *sour*... haha..


snitched inside womb?


impressive indeed!

who is ur gynae ah? can consider for future! haa.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Have u all been following up on someone's blog?


U think u bought alot of bb things? cehck the blog up... haha.

