(2010) TTC kopi-chat...anything n everything under the sun...u name it..we chat it

I'm so happy.. i almost finished 1 packet of chup chai rice... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] *beams with joy*

lizzie - mwahahaha... is it.... okok.. later i see... lolz....


me in... haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] back aching aching [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha u dun move too much at home hor. *I miss my bed*

I got this feeling that I might b having a girl. Haha. Cos normally boi at earlier stage can confirm liao.

Wah lau, the unveiling of the gender is really a torture lo. hai.


bo leh me just sit dwn and talk u girls nia [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not moving.. haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i read liao wow really spent so MUCH [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeah la. Can still sell her cot and get new one!

I not as rich as her le... haha.

I think I under-prepared compared to her... wahaha.

See tonight I got time, I take pic and post on FB my loots for my baby =p


mine is 2nd hand one le... urs brand new...cannot compare wo... hahaha.

If I have a choice, I rather move the cot back later. Cos now my study room like store room. Pack with bb's things. haha.

lizzie - i was just telling Alison that my room is like store room.. got 2 huge plastic bags of baby stuff... inside baby's bath tub is all the barang barang... then another plastic bag is the rocker and barang barang.. i see liao i damn sian...


really entertainment le... haha.

But hor, I really wonder where she got the $$.


She is richer than us le. Not like us, need to budget one le... hahaha.

xinyi - u around?? u bought the urban walker yet?? we decided on which to buy, but haven't buy, cos the combi salesperson say combi got no discount de.. so i might as well buy later, and there's no stock available too... till mid april...

lizzie - ya lor.. i 1 month budget myself to buy $200 worth of baby stuff nia leh.. (not incl of bulky items la)... i where got so much water to splash around... oops.. i mean money to spend... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Go toyogo this weekend and buy the plastic drawer to pack the bb thing lo.

I bought one and met BBdust there over one weekend... haha.

Neat and good. Save on space too. The warehouse is at toa payoh wo.

lizzie - actually i was thinking IF i get the room, i wanna get the drawer from ikea leh.. bigger and on top can put more stuff... then the room itself already have a build in wardrobe, so don't intend to get the plastic drawer too...

Ladies and no gentlemen

I jus asked my DH if he prefer girl or boy.

He jus replied me saying "baby girl".




Oh!... But NB will have to slp in ur room for the first few months right?

U plan to put NB in diff room so fast?


u got more things to buy bah tats why spend more..BP already about 500 bucks liao.. + furniture?

me nothing much to buy esp clothes.. only bought mattress, stroller, the necessities and the storage box nia.


$600 bucks only! u not joking with me right? I now hor ard spent near to $500 liao le... all on bb wear, pillow, mattress cover, diapers, milk bottles, bum wears etc.


yah abt 600+ lah keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cause i nothing much to buy mah..my only BIG ticket item is stroller that is less than 500 bucks. then i never got cot. only mattress so that one only cost me 100+

the bb clothes too much le..can wear until a few mths old... i only bought 1 set nia haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 10 bucks only for 6 pcs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] LOL


bo lah cause i dont need to buy BP mah.. got 2 hand me down + 1 lucky draw new one so enuff liao.. if i get the freestyle then i will hit 1K le

bb dust, ya lor.. the BP most costly liao.. furniture abt $288.. i yet to get a 1 sitter sofa lor.. *pengz* over spend in furniture.. wanted to get 3 chest drawers.. end up getting 4 chest one.. because i find 3 chest drawers too short..


yah BP, stroller are the big tkt items lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] then ur furniture also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] me no place to put anything so in a way its good also save money LOL ekekek

i think i spend about close to $500 and haven't buy breast pumps lor... out of the $500, $299 is for cot.. the rest is misc.. wah... how much more do i need to spend?? another $500 for BP, $200 for steriliser, misc clothes and barang another $500?? *shudders*


now I really heart pain that I didnt collect the hamper on the baby congess day!!! mayb I can save some $$... sian x100

xinyi - wah.. u reminded me to add sofa and chest drawers.. and stroller.. *OMG*.. that's at least another $500... then still must think one month celebration leh???

lizzie - not far not far... i haven't think about 1 year old birthday yet.. mwahahaha... 1 month celebration also must budget de ma... i use my wedding guest list as a guide on how many people to cater for leh...

holly - reuse la... #2 more wu hua can recycle.. unless is princess.. i think if princess u will spend alot lor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] or i'm sure jas will give u de la.. unless she wants to pop some more...


-_-" urs sound like super big affair... wahaha.

I only invite immediate relative. And the other day will only be for friends. settle.

I not gog round spore to give cake. they wan, come and eat buffet and collect the cake themselves.


u indeed too too far liao lah...hehe dun make urself so stress...


kekek dont buy so much bb clothes they outgrow very fast.. i also want to buy but i keep telling myself no need no need got a lot liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so thats why only get him 6 pcs loh just to wear when he is discharge from hosp and his 1st mth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

at 5am today, he already drilling liao.. gives me all the static shocks and contractions [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think I gng to buy the rest of the baby things either in the baby fair in Jun or at the bb hypermart.

Then I think I quite done deal for the arrival of my angel liao.


ho ho.. i no plan to get it from her wor. =)

i think i will spend alot if is a lil gal. n i dun think my hubby can stop me from spending! WHHAHAHHAA....

actually is is boy also need to spend.. coz bosco wore his cousin's old clothes which i all return back to my sil already. n my sil is preggy also.. so.. let's seee....

but at least those cot, breastpump n so on, i can just reuse la..

oh! i remember.. i spend almost 200 on tiggerB already! My ergo baby carrier..


But hor, some friends got tell me got to store up bb clothes cos bb dirty their clothes very easily and have to change them very often.

Wat mre, if during that season is a rainy season, the clothes will not get dry very fast le.

I actually didny buy alot. Cos got some is given by friends.



I bought all 3 to 6mth old clothes for bb. No point buying NB. Cos, like wat u say, they grow very fast ma.

